Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 515 - 519, 27.12.2022


Üriner sistem taş hastalıkları ülkemizde ve dünyada
sık görülmektedir. Flexıble üreterorenoskop (flex
URS) ilk defa 1964 yılında Marshall tarafından tanımlanmıştır
ve ilerleyen teknoloji ile birlikte 1987 yılında
cerrahi teknik olarak kılavuzlarda yerini almıştır. Endikasyonları
hızla genişlemektedir. Bu çalışmamızda
kliniğimizde retrograde intrarenal cerrahi (RIRS) uygulanan
hastaların verileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Mart 2017 ile Ocak 2019 tarihleri arasında Süleyman
Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (SDÜ) üroloji kliniğinde
RIRS yapılmış 106 hastanın demografik verileri,
taş boyutları, lokalizasyonları, skopi süresi, taşsızlık
oranları ve postoperatif komplikasyonlar retrospektif
olarak değerlendirildi. İşlem sonrası tüm hastalar 4
hafta sonra direkt üriner sistem grafisi ve bilgisayarlı
tomografi görüntüleme yöntemleriyle değerlendirildi.
RIRS uygulanan 106 hastanın (66 erkek, 40 kadın)
ortanca yaşı 52 (23-73) yıl olup, ortalama taş boyutu
13,9 (7-19) mm olarak hesaplandı. Ortalama operasyon
ve floroskopi süresi sırayla;74 (30-135) dakika,
62 (20-136) saniyedir. İşlem öncesinde hiçbir hastada
DJ kateteri yoktu ancak tüm hastalara işlem sonunda
DJ kateteri yerleştirildi ve kateter 4 hafta sonra lokal
anestezi altında çekildi. On bir (%10,3) olguda üreter
darlığı nedeniyle, 8(%7,5) olguda da rezidü taş
nedeniyle 2. seans yapıldı.RIRS yapılan taşların 19
(%17,9) üst kalikste, 9(%8,4) orta kalikste, 40 (%37,7)
alt kalikste, 38(%35,8) olguda renalpelviste olduğu
değerlendirildi. Hastalarımızın % 82,1’ inde ilk seansta
taşsızlık sağlandığı bulundu. İkinci seans sonrası
taşsızlık oranı % 92,5 olarak tespit edildi. Hastaların
ortalama yatış süreleri 1,5 gün (1-9) gündü. Beş hastada
postoperatif dönemde üriner sistem enfeksiyonu
gelişti. RIRS uygulanan hastalarda cerrahi ya da cerrahi
dışı nedenle mortaliteye rastlanmadı.
RIRS, taş cerrahisinde etkinlik ve komplikasyonlar
açısından güvenilir bir yöntemdir. Özellikle ESWL dirençli
taşlarda, obez, kas iskelet deformiteli hastalarda,
soliter taşlı böbrekte, gebelikte, kanama diyatezinde
önemli cerrahi alternatifitir. Teknolojik ilerlemeler
ile birlikte tekniğin avantajları da düşünüldüğünde
ilerleyen zamanlarda daha aktif kullanılacağı ve yaygınlaşacağı


  • 1. Stamatelou KK, Francis ME, Jones CA, Nyberg LM, Curhan GC. Time trends in reported prevalence of kidney stones in the United States:1976-1994. KidneyInt 2003; 63: 1817-23
  • 2. Akinci M, Esen T, Tellaloğlu S. Urinary stone disease in Turkey: an update depidemiological study. EurUrol 1991; 20: 200-3
  • 3. Türk C, Knoll T, Petrik A, Sarica K, Straub M, Seitz C. Guidelines on urolithiasis, European association of urology, (2011).
  • 4. Öbek C, Önal B, Kantay K, Kalkan M, Yalcin V, Öner AG, et al. The efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for isolated lower pole calculi compared with isolated middle and upper caliceal calculi. The Journal of urology. 2001;166(6):2081-5.
  • 5. Pearle MS, Lingeman JE, Leveillee R, Kuo R, Preminger GM, Nadler RB, et al. Prospective, randomized trial comparing shock wave lithotripsy and ureteroscopy for lower pole caliceal calculi 1 cm or less. The Journal of urology. 2005;173(6):2005-9.
  • 6. Marshall VF. Fiber optics in urology. The Journal of urology. 1964;91(1):110-4.
  • 7. Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, Alken P, Buck AC, Gallucci M, et al. American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc; European Association of Urology. 2007 Guideline for the management of ureteralcalculi. EurUrol 2007; 52: 1610-31
  • 8. Wong MY. Flexibleureteroscopy is the ideal choicetomanage a 1.5 cm diameterlower-polestone. J Endourol 2008;22:1845- 1846
  • 9. Akpinar H, Tüfek İ, Gürtuğ A, Kural AR. Üst üriner sistem hastalıklarının tanı ve tedavisinde fleksibil üreteroskopi. Türk Üroloji Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology. 2003;29(4):454-9.
  • 10. Preminger GM. Management of lower polerenalcalculi: shock wave lithotripsy versus percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus flexible ureteroscopy. UrolRes 2006;34:108- 111.
  • 11. Grasso M, Ficazzola M. Retrograde ureteropyeloscopy for lower polecalicealcalculi. J Urology 1999;162:1904-1908
  • 12. De S, Autorino R, Kim FJ, Zargar H, Laydner H, Balsamo R, et al. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus retrograde ıntrarenal surgery: asystematic review and meta-analysis. EurUrol 2015; 67:125-37.
  • 13. Nguyen TA, Belis JA. Endoscopicmanagement of urolithiasis in themorbidlyobesepatient. J Endourol.1998;12:33-35.
  • 14. Chung B, Aron M, Hegarty N, y Desay M. Ureteroscopic versus percutaneous treatment for medium size (1-2 cm) renalcalculi. J Endourol, 2008; 22: 343-6.
  • 15. Resorlu B, Unsal A, Ziypak T, Diri A, Atis G, Guven S, et al. Comparison of retrograde intrarenal surgery, shockwave lithotripsy, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy for treatment of medium-size dradiolucentrenal stones. World J Urol 2013; 31: 1581-6.
  • 16. Sorensen CM, Chandhoke PS. Is lower polecalicealanatomy predictive of extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy success for primary lower polekidney stones? J Urol 2002;168:2377–2382
  • 17. Singh BP, Prakash J, Sankhwar SN, Dhakad U, Sankhwar PL, GoelA, et al. Retrograde intrarenal surgery extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy for intermediate size inferior polecalculi: a prospective assessment of objective and subjective outcomes. Urology 2014; 83:1016-22.
  • 18. Martin F, Hoarau N, LebdaiS, ve ark. Impact of lower polecalculi in patients under going retrogradeintrarenal surgery. J Endourol 2014;28:141–145.
  • 19. Jessen JP, Honeck P, Knoll T, Wendt-Nordahl G. Flexible ureterorenoscopy for lower polestones: influence of the collecting system’s anatomy. J Endourol 2014;28:146–151.
  • 20. Baş O, Tuygun C, Dede O ve ark. Factor saffecting complication rates of Retro grade flexible ureterorenoscopy: analysis of 1571 procedures-a single-centerexperience. World J Urol. 2017 May;35(5):819-826.
  • 21. Geavlete P, Georgescu D, Nita G, Mirciulescu V, Cauni V. Complications of 2735 retro grade semirigidureteroscopy procedures: a single cente rexperience. J Endourol 2006; 20: 179- 85.
  • 22. Watterson JD, Girvan AR, Cook AJ, et al. Safety and efficacy of holmium: YAG laser lithotripsy in patients with bleeding diatheses. J Urology 2002;168:442-445.
  • 23. Delvecchio FC, Auge BK, Brizuela RM, et al. Assessment of stricture formation with the ureteralaccesss heath. Urology 2003;61:518-522


Year 2022, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 515 - 519, 27.12.2022


Urinary system stone diseases are common in our
country and in the world. The flexible ureterorenoscope
(flex URS) was first described by Marshall in 1964 and
took its place in the guidelines as a surgical technique
in 1987 with the advancing technology. Its indications
are expanding rapidly. In this study, the data of
patients who underwent retrograde intrarenal surgery
(RIRS) in our clinic were evaluated retrospectively.
Material and Method
Demographic data, stone sizes, localizations,
fluoroscopy duration, stone-free rates and
postoperative complications of 106 patients who
underwent RIRS in the urology clinic of Süleyman
Demirel University Faculty of Medicine (SDU)
between March 2017 and January 2019 were
evaluated retrospectively. After the procedure, all
patients were evaluated with direct urınary system
graphy and computer tomography imaging methods
4 weeks later.
The median age of 106 patients (66 males, 40
females) who underwent RIRS was 52 (23-73 years)
and the mean stone size was calculated as 13.9
(7-19) mm. The mean duration of operation and
fluoroscopy were respectively;74 (30- 135 minutes
is 62 (20-136) seconds. None of the patients had a
DJ catheter before the procedure, but a DJ catheter
was placed in all patients at the end of the procedure
and the catheter was removed under local anesthesia
4 weeks later. A second session was performed in
11 (10.3%) cases due to ureteral stenosis and in 8
(7.5%) cases because of residual stones. calyx, 40
(37.7%) lower calyx, 38 (35.8%) cases were found
in the renal pelvis. It was found that 82.1% of our
patients were stone-free in the first session. After the
second session, the stone-free rate was 92.5%.
RIRS is a reliable method in terms of efficacy and
complications in stone surgery. It is an important
surgical alternative especially in ESWL resistant
stones, obese patients with musculoskeletal
deformities, solitary kidney stones, pregnancy and
bleeding diathesis. Considering the advantages of the
technique together with the technological advances,
we think that it will be used more actively and become
widespread in the future.


  • 1. Stamatelou KK, Francis ME, Jones CA, Nyberg LM, Curhan GC. Time trends in reported prevalence of kidney stones in the United States:1976-1994. KidneyInt 2003; 63: 1817-23
  • 2. Akinci M, Esen T, Tellaloğlu S. Urinary stone disease in Turkey: an update depidemiological study. EurUrol 1991; 20: 200-3
  • 3. Türk C, Knoll T, Petrik A, Sarica K, Straub M, Seitz C. Guidelines on urolithiasis, European association of urology, (2011).
  • 4. Öbek C, Önal B, Kantay K, Kalkan M, Yalcin V, Öner AG, et al. The efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for isolated lower pole calculi compared with isolated middle and upper caliceal calculi. The Journal of urology. 2001;166(6):2081-5.
  • 5. Pearle MS, Lingeman JE, Leveillee R, Kuo R, Preminger GM, Nadler RB, et al. Prospective, randomized trial comparing shock wave lithotripsy and ureteroscopy for lower pole caliceal calculi 1 cm or less. The Journal of urology. 2005;173(6):2005-9.
  • 6. Marshall VF. Fiber optics in urology. The Journal of urology. 1964;91(1):110-4.
  • 7. Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, Alken P, Buck AC, Gallucci M, et al. American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc; European Association of Urology. 2007 Guideline for the management of ureteralcalculi. EurUrol 2007; 52: 1610-31
  • 8. Wong MY. Flexibleureteroscopy is the ideal choicetomanage a 1.5 cm diameterlower-polestone. J Endourol 2008;22:1845- 1846
  • 9. Akpinar H, Tüfek İ, Gürtuğ A, Kural AR. Üst üriner sistem hastalıklarının tanı ve tedavisinde fleksibil üreteroskopi. Türk Üroloji Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology. 2003;29(4):454-9.
  • 10. Preminger GM. Management of lower polerenalcalculi: shock wave lithotripsy versus percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus flexible ureteroscopy. UrolRes 2006;34:108- 111.
  • 11. Grasso M, Ficazzola M. Retrograde ureteropyeloscopy for lower polecalicealcalculi. J Urology 1999;162:1904-1908
  • 12. De S, Autorino R, Kim FJ, Zargar H, Laydner H, Balsamo R, et al. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus retrograde ıntrarenal surgery: asystematic review and meta-analysis. EurUrol 2015; 67:125-37.
  • 13. Nguyen TA, Belis JA. Endoscopicmanagement of urolithiasis in themorbidlyobesepatient. J Endourol.1998;12:33-35.
  • 14. Chung B, Aron M, Hegarty N, y Desay M. Ureteroscopic versus percutaneous treatment for medium size (1-2 cm) renalcalculi. J Endourol, 2008; 22: 343-6.
  • 15. Resorlu B, Unsal A, Ziypak T, Diri A, Atis G, Guven S, et al. Comparison of retrograde intrarenal surgery, shockwave lithotripsy, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy for treatment of medium-size dradiolucentrenal stones. World J Urol 2013; 31: 1581-6.
  • 16. Sorensen CM, Chandhoke PS. Is lower polecalicealanatomy predictive of extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy success for primary lower polekidney stones? J Urol 2002;168:2377–2382
  • 17. Singh BP, Prakash J, Sankhwar SN, Dhakad U, Sankhwar PL, GoelA, et al. Retrograde intrarenal surgery extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy for intermediate size inferior polecalculi: a prospective assessment of objective and subjective outcomes. Urology 2014; 83:1016-22.
  • 18. Martin F, Hoarau N, LebdaiS, ve ark. Impact of lower polecalculi in patients under going retrogradeintrarenal surgery. J Endourol 2014;28:141–145.
  • 19. Jessen JP, Honeck P, Knoll T, Wendt-Nordahl G. Flexible ureterorenoscopy for lower polestones: influence of the collecting system’s anatomy. J Endourol 2014;28:146–151.
  • 20. Baş O, Tuygun C, Dede O ve ark. Factor saffecting complication rates of Retro grade flexible ureterorenoscopy: analysis of 1571 procedures-a single-centerexperience. World J Urol. 2017 May;35(5):819-826.
  • 21. Geavlete P, Georgescu D, Nita G, Mirciulescu V, Cauni V. Complications of 2735 retro grade semirigidureteroscopy procedures: a single cente rexperience. J Endourol 2006; 20: 179- 85.
  • 22. Watterson JD, Girvan AR, Cook AJ, et al. Safety and efficacy of holmium: YAG laser lithotripsy in patients with bleeding diatheses. J Urology 2002;168:442-445.
  • 23. Delvecchio FC, Auge BK, Brizuela RM, et al. Assessment of stricture formation with the ureteralaccesss heath. Urology 2003;61:518-522
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Research Articles

Tayfun Çifteci 0000-0002-7719-5753

Sefa Alperen Öztürk 0000-0003-4586-9298

Osman Ergün 0000-0001-7611-0933

Alper Özorak 0000-0003-0926-4216

Taylan Oksay 0000-0001-9860-5910

Sedat Soyupek 0000-0002-7345-3452

Alim Koşar 0000-0003-1996-4654

Publication Date December 27, 2022
Submission Date February 28, 2022
Acceptance Date November 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 29 Issue: 4


Vancouver Çifteci T, Öztürk SA, Ergün O, Özorak A, Oksay T, Soyupek S, Koşar A. RETROGRADE İNTRARENAL CERRAHİ (RIRS): CERRAHİ DENEYİMİMİZ VE KLİNİK SONUÇLARIMIZ. Med J SDU. 2022;29(4):515-9.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.