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İnsani Yardımın Yerelleştirilmesi ve Suçlamadan Kaçınma Arasında: Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Yönetiminde İkilemler

Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 75 - 94, 08.04.2023


2019 ve 2020 yıllarında Türkiye'de gerçekleştirilen gözlemlere ve kilit aktörlerle yapılandırılmamış görüşmelere dayanan bu çalışma, zorunlu göçün yönetiminde egemenlik ve ulus ötesi̇ işbirliği̇ dinamiklerini̇ ele almakta ve “insani yardım yönetimi ve ulusal sosyal koruma programları ne ölçüde birbirine yakınlaşabilir?” sorusuna odaklanmaktadır. 2016 insani yardım zirvesinde, insani yardım yönetiminde sosyal politika araçlarına ve aktörlerine daha fazla ağırlık verilmesi gereken bir uluslararası insani yardım yönetişimi modeli önerilmiştir. Makalede, bu politika değişikliğinin sınırlarını test etmek için Türkiye'deki geçici koruma altındaki Suriyelilere verilen nakit desteği örneği kullanılmaktadır. Zorunlu göçmenleri kamu kaynaklarından destekleme, seçmenler tarafından istenmeyen bir eylem olarak görüldüğü sürece, “suçlamadan kaçınmak” için ev sahibi ülke hükümetlerinin uluslararası oluşturulan bu normu tam olarak uygulayamayacağını savunuyoruz. Bir başka değişle, bu makalenin ana iddiası "Suçlamadan kaçınmanın”, insani yardım araçlarının ulusal sosyal koruma araçlarıyla tam olarak yakınlaşmasını engelleyen temel neden olduğudur.


  • Aras, B., & Y. Duman (2019). I/NGOs’ Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21(4), 478-491. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Ark-Yıldırım, C., A. Komsuoğlu, & Özekmekçi, İ. (2019). The Transformation of the Primary Health Care System for Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(1), 75-96. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Badell, D. (2020). The EU, Migration and Contestation: the UN Global Compact for Migration, from Consensus to Dissensus. Global Affairs, 6(4-5),347-362. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Batalla, L., & J. Tolay (2018). Toward Long-Term Solidarity with Syrian Refugees? Turkey’s Policy Response and Challenges. Atlantic Council in Turkey, ISBN-13: 978-1-61977-558-9, (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Bilecen, B., & K. Barglowski (2015). On the Assemblages of Informal and Formal Transnational Social Protection. Population, Space and Place, 21(3), 203–214. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Beyaz F., Z., Gümüşoğlu, Y. N & Işık E. (2019). Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan : Mülteci Meselesi birkaç ülkenin çabasıyla önlenemez. (last acced on 4 February 2023)
  • Cohen, R., & S. Rai (2000). Global Social Movements. London, Bloomsbury Academic. DG-ECHO (2019) Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis in Turkey. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • DG-ECHO (2021a). Turkey. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • DG-ECHO (2021b). The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN): Offering a Lifeline to Vulnerable Refugees in Turkey. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • DG-NEAR (2021). EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey List of Projects Committed/Decided, Contracted, Disbursed. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Erdoğan, M. M. (2020) Suriyeliler Barometresi 2019 Suriyelilerle Uyum İçinde Yaşamanın Çerçevesi, UNHCR. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • European Commission (2015). Managing the Refugee Crisis EU – Turkey Joint Action Plan: Implementation Report. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • European Commission (2019). ‘Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis in Turkey Final Report’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • European Council (2016). ‘EU-Turkey Statement, 18 March 2016’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • European Court of Auditors (2018). ‘The Facility for Refugees in Turkey: Helpful Support, but Improvements Needed to Deliver More Value for Money’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Euronews (2020). ‘AB'den 6 Milyar Euroluk Sığınmacı Yardım Anlaşmasının 780 Milyon Euroluk Son Kısmına İmza’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • European Resettlement Network (no date) ‘Regional Protection Programmes’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Ford, E. (2017). ‘The Potential of Digital Cash Transfers to Strengthen the Link Between Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection’, Bath Papers in International Development and Wellbeing, No. 54. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Frangieh, G. (2016). Relations Between UNHCR and Arab Governments: Memoranda of Understanding in Lebanon and Jordan. In R. S. Haidar (eds) The Long-term Challenges of Forced Migration Perspectives from Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, LSE Middle East Centre Collected Papers 6, (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Frelick, B., I. M. Kysel, & Podkul, J. (2016). The Impact of Externalization of Migration Controls on the Rights of Asylum Seekers and Other Migrants. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 4(4), 190-220. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Gingerich, T. R., & Cohen M. J. (2015). Turning the Humanitarian System on its Head Saving Lives and Livehoods by Strengthening Local Capacity and Shifting Leadership to Local Actors, Oxfam. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Gkliati, M. (2017). The EU-Turkey Deal and the Safe Third Country Concept before the Greek Asylum Appeals Committees. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), 213-224. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Gökalp-Aras, N. E., & Z. Şahin-Mencütek (2016). From Assertive to Opportunist Usage of Mass Migration for Foreign and Asylum Policy: Turkey’s Response to the Refugees from Syria. In İ. Sirkeci and B. Pusch (eds) Turkish Migration Policy (pp. 91-126). London , Transnational London.
  • Grand Bargain Document (2016). The Grand Bargain - A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need, (last accessed on 10 November 2021)
  • Guiraudon,V. & Halav, G. (eds.) (2006). Immigration Policy in Europe: The Politics of Control. London , Routledge. İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı (2023). Statistics of temporary protection. (last accessed on 5 February 2023)
  • Hagen-Zanker, J., M. Ulrichs, & Holmes, R. (2018). What are the Effects of Cash Transfers for Refugees in the Context of Protracted Displacement? Findings from Jordan. International Social Security Review, 71(2), 57– 77. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Hayata Destek (2016). 2016 Faaliyet Raporu. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Health World News (2017). Dünya Gıda Programının (WFP) Türkiye ile Çalışmaları. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Hoffman, P. J., & Weiss, T. G. (2017). Humanitarianism, War, and Politics: Solferino to Syria and Beyond, Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hürriyet (2020). ‘İstanbul Valisi Açıkladı: 97 bin 255 Suriyeli İstanbul’dan Ayrıldı’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Inglis K., & Vargas, J. (2014). Experiences of the e-Food Card Programme in the Turkish Refugee Camps. Field Exchange, 48, 145. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kagan, M. (2011). We Live in a Country of UNHCR’ The UN Surrogate State and Refugee Policy in the Middle East. New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 201. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Kale, B. (2017). The Limits of an International Burden-Sharing Approach: The Syrian Refugee Protection Crisis and Its Consequences on Turkey’s Refugee Policy. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 22(3), 55-84. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kale, B., A. Dimitriadi, E. Sanchez-Montijano, & Süm, E. (2018). Asylum Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations: Between Cooperation and Conflict, FEUTURE Online Paper No. 18. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kızılkoyun, F. (2018).Turkish Government Stops Relocating Syrians to Istanbul, Hurriyet Daily News. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Koser, K. (2007). Refugees, Transnationalism and the State. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 33(2), 233-254. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Krill, F. (2001). The ICRC’s Policy on Refugees and Internally Displaced Civilians. IRRC, 83(843), 607-627. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Levitt, P., Viterna, J., Mueller, A., & Lloyd, C. (2017). Transnational Social Protection: Setting the Agenda. Oxford Development Studies, 45(1), 2-19. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Maunder, N., S. Karin, M. Aran, G. Baykal, Marzi, M., & Smith, G. (2018). ‘Evaluation of the DG ECHO Funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) in Turkey: November 2016 – February 2018 Volume 1: Final Evaluation Report’, WFP. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Memisoglu, F., & Ilgit, A. (2017). Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Multifaceted Challenges, Diverse Players and Ambiguous Policies. Mediterranean Politics, 22(3), 317-338. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Morgül, K., O. Savaşkan, & Mutlu, B. (2021). İstanbul’da Suriyeli Mültecilere Yönelik Tutumlar: Partizanlık, Yabancı Karşıtlığı, Tehdit Algıları ve Sosyal Temas, TÜSES. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Turkey (2018). Syrians in Turkey. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Parker, B. (2019) .EU Transfers €500m Turkey Aid Project to IFRC – But Mulls Exit Strategy, The New Humanitarian. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Rajala, T. (2019). Blame Avoidance Strategies in Governmental Performance Measurement. Financial Accountability & Management, 36(3), 278-299. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • Statewatch (2020). Final Contracts Arranged for €6 billion EU-Turkey Deal. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Stubbs, P. (2002). Globalisation, Memory and Welfare Regimes in Transition: Towards an Anthropology of Transnational Policy Transfers. International Journal of Social Welfare, 11(4), 321-330. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Öktem, K. G. (2018).Turkey’s Social Assistance Regime in Comparative Perspective: History, Administrative Structure, Programmes and Institutional Characteristics. How Social is Turkey?, University of Bielefeld, Working Paper No. 1. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Özer, Y. (2015). Türkiye ve Fransa Örnekleriyle Uluslararası Göç ve Yabancı Düşmanlığı. Derin Yayınları, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk, F. (2021). Altındağ Olayları: “Battalgazi’de Suriyeliler Ekonomik Olarak Çok Güç Kazandılar, Mahalledeki Rahatsızlık Ondan. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Sassen, S. (1999). Beyond Sovereignty: De-Facto Transnationalism in Immigration Policy. European Journal of Migration and Law, 1(2), 177-198. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Slaughter, A., & Crisp, J. (2009). A Surrogate State? The Role of UNHCR in Protracted Refugee Situations. New Issues in Refugee Research. Research Paper No. 168. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Şar, E., & Kuru, N. O. (2020). İstanbul’da Suriyeli Sığınmacılara Yönelik Tutumlar. IstanPol, (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • UNHCR (2023). Refugee Statistics. (last accessed on 05 February 2023).
  • Tekten, E. (2019). İstanbul Valiliği’nden Suriyeliler ile ilgili Önemli Açıklama! 20 Ağustos’a kadar Süre. Hürriyet. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Turkish Red Crescent Migration Services Directorate (2020). Syria Crisis Humanitarian Relief Operation. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Üstübici, A. (2019). The Impact of Externalized Migration Governance on ̧ Turkey: Technocratic Migration Governance and the Production of Differentiated Legal Status. Comparative Migration Studies, 7(46), 1-18. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Weaver, R. K. (1986). ‘The Politics of Blame Avoidance’, Journal of Public Policy, 6(4), pp. 371-398. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • WFP (2012). ‘Regional Emergency Operation 200433 Food Assistance to Syrian Populations in Turkey’. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2016a) ‘Country Brief’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2016b) ‘Brief’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2021). ‘Country Brief’ (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Yayan, İ. (2019). ‘Metropoll Araştırdı: Her Dört Kişiden Üçü İktidarın Suriyeli Politikasını Onaylamıyor, Üç Kişiden Biri “Savaş Sürse Bile Geri Gönderilsinler” Diyor’, Medyascope. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Yılmaz, V. (2019).The Emerging Welfare Mix for Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Interplay Between Humanitarian Assistance and the Turkish Welfare System. Journal of Social Policy. 48(4), 721–739. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Yılmaz, V., and B. Yakut-Çakar (2008). Türkiye’de Merkezi Devlet Üzerinden Yürütülen Sosyal Yardımlar Üzerine Bilgi Notu. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Politika Forumu. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).

Between Locally Led Response and Domestic Blame Avoidance: Dilemmas in the Management of Syrians in Turkey

Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 75 - 94, 08.04.2023


Based on observations and unstructured interviews with key actors conducted in Turkey in 2019 and 2020, this study considers the dynamics of sovereignty and transnational cooperation in the management of forced migration. We focus in particular on the question: to what extent can humanitarian governance and host-country social protection schemes converge? The 2016 humanitarian summit recommended a model of international humanitarian governance in which social policy instruments and actors should be given greater weight in humanitarian management. In this paper, we use the case of humanitarian assistance to Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey to test the limits of this policy shift. We argue that as long as supporting forced migrants from public resources is seen as an undesirable action by voters, host country governments must balance implementation of this internationally established norm with attention to “blame avoidance.” "Avoiding blame is the main obstacle preventing the full convergence of humanitarian aid instruments with national social protection instruments.


  • Aras, B., & Y. Duman (2019). I/NGOs’ Assistance to Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21(4), 478-491. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Ark-Yıldırım, C., A. Komsuoğlu, & Özekmekçi, İ. (2019). The Transformation of the Primary Health Care System for Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(1), 75-96. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Badell, D. (2020). The EU, Migration and Contestation: the UN Global Compact for Migration, from Consensus to Dissensus. Global Affairs, 6(4-5),347-362. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Batalla, L., & J. Tolay (2018). Toward Long-Term Solidarity with Syrian Refugees? Turkey’s Policy Response and Challenges. Atlantic Council in Turkey, ISBN-13: 978-1-61977-558-9, (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Bilecen, B., & K. Barglowski (2015). On the Assemblages of Informal and Formal Transnational Social Protection. Population, Space and Place, 21(3), 203–214. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Beyaz F., Z., Gümüşoğlu, Y. N & Işık E. (2019). Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan : Mülteci Meselesi birkaç ülkenin çabasıyla önlenemez. (last acced on 4 February 2023)
  • Cohen, R., & S. Rai (2000). Global Social Movements. London, Bloomsbury Academic. DG-ECHO (2019) Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis in Turkey. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • DG-ECHO (2021a). Turkey. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • DG-ECHO (2021b). The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN): Offering a Lifeline to Vulnerable Refugees in Turkey. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • DG-NEAR (2021). EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey List of Projects Committed/Decided, Contracted, Disbursed. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Erdoğan, M. M. (2020) Suriyeliler Barometresi 2019 Suriyelilerle Uyum İçinde Yaşamanın Çerçevesi, UNHCR. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • European Commission (2015). Managing the Refugee Crisis EU – Turkey Joint Action Plan: Implementation Report. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • European Commission (2019). ‘Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis in Turkey Final Report’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • European Council (2016). ‘EU-Turkey Statement, 18 March 2016’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • European Court of Auditors (2018). ‘The Facility for Refugees in Turkey: Helpful Support, but Improvements Needed to Deliver More Value for Money’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Euronews (2020). ‘AB'den 6 Milyar Euroluk Sığınmacı Yardım Anlaşmasının 780 Milyon Euroluk Son Kısmına İmza’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • European Resettlement Network (no date) ‘Regional Protection Programmes’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Ford, E. (2017). ‘The Potential of Digital Cash Transfers to Strengthen the Link Between Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection’, Bath Papers in International Development and Wellbeing, No. 54. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Frangieh, G. (2016). Relations Between UNHCR and Arab Governments: Memoranda of Understanding in Lebanon and Jordan. In R. S. Haidar (eds) The Long-term Challenges of Forced Migration Perspectives from Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, LSE Middle East Centre Collected Papers 6, (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Frelick, B., I. M. Kysel, & Podkul, J. (2016). The Impact of Externalization of Migration Controls on the Rights of Asylum Seekers and Other Migrants. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 4(4), 190-220. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Gingerich, T. R., & Cohen M. J. (2015). Turning the Humanitarian System on its Head Saving Lives and Livehoods by Strengthening Local Capacity and Shifting Leadership to Local Actors, Oxfam. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Gkliati, M. (2017). The EU-Turkey Deal and the Safe Third Country Concept before the Greek Asylum Appeals Committees. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), 213-224. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Gökalp-Aras, N. E., & Z. Şahin-Mencütek (2016). From Assertive to Opportunist Usage of Mass Migration for Foreign and Asylum Policy: Turkey’s Response to the Refugees from Syria. In İ. Sirkeci and B. Pusch (eds) Turkish Migration Policy (pp. 91-126). London , Transnational London.
  • Grand Bargain Document (2016). The Grand Bargain - A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need, (last accessed on 10 November 2021)
  • Guiraudon,V. & Halav, G. (eds.) (2006). Immigration Policy in Europe: The Politics of Control. London , Routledge. İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı (2023). Statistics of temporary protection. (last accessed on 5 February 2023)
  • Hagen-Zanker, J., M. Ulrichs, & Holmes, R. (2018). What are the Effects of Cash Transfers for Refugees in the Context of Protracted Displacement? Findings from Jordan. International Social Security Review, 71(2), 57– 77. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Hayata Destek (2016). 2016 Faaliyet Raporu. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Health World News (2017). Dünya Gıda Programının (WFP) Türkiye ile Çalışmaları. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Hoffman, P. J., & Weiss, T. G. (2017). Humanitarianism, War, and Politics: Solferino to Syria and Beyond, Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hürriyet (2020). ‘İstanbul Valisi Açıkladı: 97 bin 255 Suriyeli İstanbul’dan Ayrıldı’. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Inglis K., & Vargas, J. (2014). Experiences of the e-Food Card Programme in the Turkish Refugee Camps. Field Exchange, 48, 145. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kagan, M. (2011). We Live in a Country of UNHCR’ The UN Surrogate State and Refugee Policy in the Middle East. New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 201. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Kale, B. (2017). The Limits of an International Burden-Sharing Approach: The Syrian Refugee Protection Crisis and Its Consequences on Turkey’s Refugee Policy. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 22(3), 55-84. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kale, B., A. Dimitriadi, E. Sanchez-Montijano, & Süm, E. (2018). Asylum Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations: Between Cooperation and Conflict, FEUTURE Online Paper No. 18. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Kızılkoyun, F. (2018).Turkish Government Stops Relocating Syrians to Istanbul, Hurriyet Daily News. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Koser, K. (2007). Refugees, Transnationalism and the State. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 33(2), 233-254. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Krill, F. (2001). The ICRC’s Policy on Refugees and Internally Displaced Civilians. IRRC, 83(843), 607-627. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Levitt, P., Viterna, J., Mueller, A., & Lloyd, C. (2017). Transnational Social Protection: Setting the Agenda. Oxford Development Studies, 45(1), 2-19. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Maunder, N., S. Karin, M. Aran, G. Baykal, Marzi, M., & Smith, G. (2018). ‘Evaluation of the DG ECHO Funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) in Turkey: November 2016 – February 2018 Volume 1: Final Evaluation Report’, WFP. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Memisoglu, F., & Ilgit, A. (2017). Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Multifaceted Challenges, Diverse Players and Ambiguous Policies. Mediterranean Politics, 22(3), 317-338. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Morgül, K., O. Savaşkan, & Mutlu, B. (2021). İstanbul’da Suriyeli Mültecilere Yönelik Tutumlar: Partizanlık, Yabancı Karşıtlığı, Tehdit Algıları ve Sosyal Temas, TÜSES. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Turkey (2018). Syrians in Turkey. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Parker, B. (2019) .EU Transfers €500m Turkey Aid Project to IFRC – But Mulls Exit Strategy, The New Humanitarian. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Rajala, T. (2019). Blame Avoidance Strategies in Governmental Performance Measurement. Financial Accountability & Management, 36(3), 278-299. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • Statewatch (2020). Final Contracts Arranged for €6 billion EU-Turkey Deal. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Stubbs, P. (2002). Globalisation, Memory and Welfare Regimes in Transition: Towards an Anthropology of Transnational Policy Transfers. International Journal of Social Welfare, 11(4), 321-330. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Öktem, K. G. (2018).Turkey’s Social Assistance Regime in Comparative Perspective: History, Administrative Structure, Programmes and Institutional Characteristics. How Social is Turkey?, University of Bielefeld, Working Paper No. 1. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Özer, Y. (2015). Türkiye ve Fransa Örnekleriyle Uluslararası Göç ve Yabancı Düşmanlığı. Derin Yayınları, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk, F. (2021). Altındağ Olayları: “Battalgazi’de Suriyeliler Ekonomik Olarak Çok Güç Kazandılar, Mahalledeki Rahatsızlık Ondan. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Sassen, S. (1999). Beyond Sovereignty: De-Facto Transnationalism in Immigration Policy. European Journal of Migration and Law, 1(2), 177-198. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Slaughter, A., & Crisp, J. (2009). A Surrogate State? The Role of UNHCR in Protracted Refugee Situations. New Issues in Refugee Research. Research Paper No. 168. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Şar, E., & Kuru, N. O. (2020). İstanbul’da Suriyeli Sığınmacılara Yönelik Tutumlar. IstanPol, (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • UNHCR (2023). Refugee Statistics. (last accessed on 05 February 2023).
  • Tekten, E. (2019). İstanbul Valiliği’nden Suriyeliler ile ilgili Önemli Açıklama! 20 Ağustos’a kadar Süre. Hürriyet. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Turkish Red Crescent Migration Services Directorate (2020). Syria Crisis Humanitarian Relief Operation. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Üstübici, A. (2019). The Impact of Externalized Migration Governance on ̧ Turkey: Technocratic Migration Governance and the Production of Differentiated Legal Status. Comparative Migration Studies, 7(46), 1-18. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • Weaver, R. K. (1986). ‘The Politics of Blame Avoidance’, Journal of Public Policy, 6(4), pp. 371-398. (last accessed on 17 November 2021).
  • WFP (2012). ‘Regional Emergency Operation 200433 Food Assistance to Syrian Populations in Turkey’. (last accessed on 10 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2016a) ‘Country Brief’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2016b) ‘Brief’. (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • WFP Turkey (2021). ‘Country Brief’ (last accessed on 12 November 2021).
  • Yayan, İ. (2019). ‘Metropoll Araştırdı: Her Dört Kişiden Üçü İktidarın Suriyeli Politikasını Onaylamıyor, Üç Kişiden Biri “Savaş Sürse Bile Geri Gönderilsinler” Diyor’, Medyascope. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Yılmaz, V. (2019).The Emerging Welfare Mix for Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Interplay Between Humanitarian Assistance and the Turkish Welfare System. Journal of Social Policy. 48(4), 721–739. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
  • Yılmaz, V., and B. Yakut-Çakar (2008). Türkiye’de Merkezi Devlet Üzerinden Yürütülen Sosyal Yardımlar Üzerine Bilgi Notu. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Politika Forumu. (last accessed on 15 November 2021).
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Marc Smyrl This is me 0000-0003-4399-9101

Ceren Ark Yıldırım 0000-0003-0227-3822

Publication Date April 8, 2023
Submission Date February 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Smyrl, M., & Ark Yıldırım, C. (2023). Between Locally Led Response and Domestic Blame Avoidance: Dilemmas in the Management of Syrians in Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 32(1), 75-94.