Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, , 29 - 45, 31.08.2022


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious affective illness. Eventhough association of some fatty acids and depression is reported, there is no information on composition of total fatty acids in erythrocyte mebranes. The present study was aimed to investigate for a possible relationship between depression and fatty acid composition of erythrocyte membranes. For this purpose, 30 patients diagnosed with major unipolar depression and 30 healthy control groups without any depression symptoms were formed. In these groups, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition was detected by Gas Chromatopgraphy. According to our results, unsaturated fatty acid levels in depressive patients were lower than in control group. The level of some fatty acids, especially with 18 to 22 carbon fatty acids, was reduced. The reduction of some fatty acids in erythrocyte mebranes during depression may indicate an alteration or a defect in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) methabolism in depressive patients.

Majör depresif bozukluk (MDB) ciddi bir duygudurum hastalığıdır. Bazı yağ asitlerinin depresyonla ilişkisi bildirilse de eritrosit zarlarındaki toplam yağ asitlerinin bileşimi hakkında literatürde yeterli bilgi mevcut değildir. Bu çalışma ile depresyon ile eritrosit membranlarının yağ asidi bileşimi arasındaki olası bir ilişkiyi araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla majör unipolar depresyon tanısı alan 30 hasta ve herhangi bir depresyon belirtisi olmayan 30 sağlıklı kontrol grubu oluşturuldu. Bu gruplarda eritrosit membran yağ asidi kompozisyonu Gaz Kromatografisi ile tespit edildi. Sonuçlarımıza göre depresif hastalarda doymamış yağ asidi düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre daha düşüktü. Özellikle 18 ila 22 karbonlu yağ asitleri ile bazı yağ asitlerinin seviyesinin düşük olduğu tespit edildi. Depresyon sırasında eritrosit zarlarındaki bazı yağ asitlerinin azalması, depresif hastalarda çoklu doymamış yağ asidi (PUFA) metabolizmasında bir değişikliği veya bir bozukluğu gösterebilir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Ünivrsitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Başkanlığı

Proje Numarası

: 2007/23


The authors thank to Feryal Çam Çelikel and Meryem Dumanlı for the critical review of the article and the kind assistance in obtaining the patient’s samples.


  • Adams, P. B., Lawson, S., Sanigorski, A., Sinclair, A. J. (1996). Arachidonic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid ratio in blood correlates positively with clinical symptoms of depression. Lipids, 31(1): 157–161.
  • Deacon, G., Kettle, C., Hayes, D., Dennis, C., Tucci, J. (2017). Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the treatment of depression. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2;57(1):212-223.
  • Edwards, R., Peet, M., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in the diet and in red blood cell membranes of depressed patients. J Affect Disorders 48:149–155.
  • Edwars, R., Peet, M., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty AcidLevels in the Diet and in Red Blood Cell Membranes of Depressed Patients. Journal Of Affective Disorders 48: 149–155.
  • Ellis, F. R., Sanders, T. A. (1977). Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in endogenous depression. J. Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 40:168–169.
  • Emsley, R., Myburgh, C., Oosthuizen, P., Rensburg, S. J. (2002). Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid as Supplemental Treatment in Schizophrenia. American Journal Psychiatry 159:1596–1598.
  • Escudero, A., Montilla, J. C., Garcia, J. M., Sanchez-Quevedo, M. C., Periago, J. L., Hortelano, P., Suarez, M. D. (1998). Effect of Dietary (n-9), (n-6) and (n-3) Fatty acids on Membrane Lipid Composition and Morphology of Rat Erythrocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) 1394 (1-2): 65-73.
  • Fehily, A. M. A., Bowey, O. A. M., Ellis, F. R., Meade, B. W. (1981). Dickerson J T. Plasma and erythrocyte membrane long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in endogenous depression. Neurochem In. 3: 37–42.
  • Fenton, W. S., Dickerson, F., Boronow. J., Hibbeln, J., Knable, M. A. (2001). Placebo-Controlled Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acid (Ethyl Eicosapentaenoic Acid)Supplementation For Residual Symptoms And Cognitive impairment in Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry 158: 2071–2074.
  • Freitas, R.A. Jr. (1999). Cell Membrane. Nanomedicine, Volume:1 Basic Capabilities, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX.
  • Grosso, G., Galvano, F., Marventano,S., Malaguarnera, M., Bucolo,C., Drago,F., Caraci, F. (2014). Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression: Scientific Evidence and Biological Mechanisms. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, DOI: 10.1155/2014/313570.
  • Green, P., Hermesh, H., Monselise, A., Marom, S., Presburger, G., Weizman, A. (2006). Red Cell Membrane Omega-3 fatty Acids are Decreased in Nondepressed Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16 (2): 107–113.
  • Hakkarainen, R., Partonen, T., Haukka, J., Virtamo, J., Albanes, D., Lönnqvist, J. (2004). Is Low Dietary Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Associated With Depression? The American Journal of Psychiatry 161: 567-569.
  • Hibbeln, J. R. (1998). Fish consumption and major depression. Lancet 351:1213.
  • Hibbeln, J. R. (2002). Seafood consumption, the DHA content of mothers’ milk and prevalence rates of postpartum depression: a cross-national, ecological analysis. J. Affect Disord 69(1-3): 15-29.
  • Keshavan, M. S., Mallinger, A. G., Pettegrew, J. W., Dippoid, C. (1992). Erytrocyte membrane Phospoholipids in Psychotic Patients. Psychiatry Research, 49:89-95.
  • Kim, W. Y., Song, T. W., Song, M. O., Nam, J. Y., Park, C. M., Kim, K. J., Chang, S. I., Choi, C. S. (2001). Analysis of Cellular Fatty Acid Methyl Esters for The Identification of Bacillus Antracts. Journal Ko. So. Microbial. 35: 31-40.
  • Keha, E. E., Küfrevioğlu, Ö. İ. (2000). Biyokimya. Aktif Yayınevi. Erzurum. p:173-198.
  • Logan, A. C. (2004). Omega-3 fatty acids and major depression: A primer for the mental health Professional. Lipids in Health and Disease 3(25).
  • Maes, M., Christophe, A. B., Delanghe, J., Altamura, C., Neels, H., Meltzer, H. Y. (1999). Lowered omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids and cholesteryl esters of depressed patients. Psychiatry Research 85: 275–291.
  • Maes, M., Christophe, A., Delanghe, J., Altamura, C., Neels, H., Meltzer, H. Y. (1999). Lowered w-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Serum Phospholipids and Cholesteryl Esters of Depressed Patients. Psychiatry Research 85:275–291.
  • Maes, M., Smith, R., Christophe, A. B., Cosyns, P., Desnyder, R., Meltzer, H. (1996). Fatty acid composition in major depression: decreased omega 3 fractions in cholesteryl esters and increased C20: 4 omega 6/C20:5 omega 3 ratio in cholesteryl esters and phospholipids. Journal of Affective Disorders 38(1): 35–46.
  • McIntyre, R. S., O’Donovan, C. (2004). The human cost of not achieving full remission in depression. Can J Psychiatry 49:10–16.
  • McNamara, R. K., Carlson, S. E. (2006). Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Brain Development and Function: Potential _mplications For The Pathogenesis And Prevention of Psychopathology. Prostaglandins, Leukotriens and Essential Fatty Acids 75(4-5): 329-349.
  • Nemets, B., Stahl, Z., Belmaker, H. (2002). Addition of Omega-3 Fatty Acid to Maintenance Medication Treatment for Recurrent Unipolar Depressive Disorder. The AmericanJournal of Psychiatry 159: 477-479.
  • Pangerl, A. M., Steudle, A., Jaroni, H.W., Rüfer, R., Gattaz, W.F. (1991). Increased platelet membrane lysophosphatidylcholine in schizophrenia. 15;30(8):837-40. Peet, M., Horrobin, D. (2002). A Dose-Ranging Exploratory Study of The Effects of Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoate in Patients With Persistent Schizophrenic Symptoms. Journal Psyhiatry Research 36:7–18..
  • Peet, M., Murphy, B., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Depletion of omega-3 fatty acid levels in red blood cell membranes of depressive patients. Biol Psychiatry 43(5): 315–319.
  • Peet, M., Stokes, C. (2005). ω − 3 Fatty acids in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Drugs 65:1051–1059.
  • Peet, M. (2003). Eicosapentaenoic Acid in The Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression: Rationale and Preliminary Double-Blind Clinical Trial Results. Prostaglandins,Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 69 (6): 477-485.
  • Rose, G., Oklander, M. (1965). Improved Procedure for Extraction of Lipid From Human Erythrocytes. J Lipid Res. 6:428-431.
  • Tiemeier, H., Tıjil, H. R., Hofman, A., Kiliaan, A. J., Breteler, M. (2003). Plazma Fatty Acid Composition and Depression are Associated in The Elderly: The Rotterdam Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78 (1): 40-46.
  • Vriese, S. R., Christophe, A. B., Maes, M. (2003). Lowered Serum n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Levels Predict The Occurrence of Postpartum Depression: Further Evidence That Lowered n-PUFAs Are Related to Major Depression. Life Sciences 73(25): 3181-3187.
  • Yao, J. K., Leonard, S., Reddy, R. D. (2000). Membrane Phospholipid Abnormalities in Postmortem Brains From Schizophrenic Patients. Schizophr Res. 42:7-17. Yılmaz, T. (2007). Canlıda Orgnik yapı. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Ankara, p 187-260.
  • Yoshikawa, E., Nishi, D., and Matsuoka, Y. J. (2016). Association between frequency of fried food consumption and resilience to depression in Japanese company workers: a cross-sectional study. Lipids in Health and Disease. 15:156.
Yıl 2022, , 29 - 45, 31.08.2022


Proje Numarası

: 2007/23


  • Adams, P. B., Lawson, S., Sanigorski, A., Sinclair, A. J. (1996). Arachidonic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid ratio in blood correlates positively with clinical symptoms of depression. Lipids, 31(1): 157–161.
  • Deacon, G., Kettle, C., Hayes, D., Dennis, C., Tucci, J. (2017). Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the treatment of depression. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2;57(1):212-223.
  • Edwards, R., Peet, M., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in the diet and in red blood cell membranes of depressed patients. J Affect Disorders 48:149–155.
  • Edwars, R., Peet, M., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty AcidLevels in the Diet and in Red Blood Cell Membranes of Depressed Patients. Journal Of Affective Disorders 48: 149–155.
  • Ellis, F. R., Sanders, T. A. (1977). Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in endogenous depression. J. Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 40:168–169.
  • Emsley, R., Myburgh, C., Oosthuizen, P., Rensburg, S. J. (2002). Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid as Supplemental Treatment in Schizophrenia. American Journal Psychiatry 159:1596–1598.
  • Escudero, A., Montilla, J. C., Garcia, J. M., Sanchez-Quevedo, M. C., Periago, J. L., Hortelano, P., Suarez, M. D. (1998). Effect of Dietary (n-9), (n-6) and (n-3) Fatty acids on Membrane Lipid Composition and Morphology of Rat Erythrocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) 1394 (1-2): 65-73.
  • Fehily, A. M. A., Bowey, O. A. M., Ellis, F. R., Meade, B. W. (1981). Dickerson J T. Plasma and erythrocyte membrane long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in endogenous depression. Neurochem In. 3: 37–42.
  • Fenton, W. S., Dickerson, F., Boronow. J., Hibbeln, J., Knable, M. A. (2001). Placebo-Controlled Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acid (Ethyl Eicosapentaenoic Acid)Supplementation For Residual Symptoms And Cognitive impairment in Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry 158: 2071–2074.
  • Freitas, R.A. Jr. (1999). Cell Membrane. Nanomedicine, Volume:1 Basic Capabilities, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX.
  • Grosso, G., Galvano, F., Marventano,S., Malaguarnera, M., Bucolo,C., Drago,F., Caraci, F. (2014). Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression: Scientific Evidence and Biological Mechanisms. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, DOI: 10.1155/2014/313570.
  • Green, P., Hermesh, H., Monselise, A., Marom, S., Presburger, G., Weizman, A. (2006). Red Cell Membrane Omega-3 fatty Acids are Decreased in Nondepressed Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16 (2): 107–113.
  • Hakkarainen, R., Partonen, T., Haukka, J., Virtamo, J., Albanes, D., Lönnqvist, J. (2004). Is Low Dietary Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Associated With Depression? The American Journal of Psychiatry 161: 567-569.
  • Hibbeln, J. R. (1998). Fish consumption and major depression. Lancet 351:1213.
  • Hibbeln, J. R. (2002). Seafood consumption, the DHA content of mothers’ milk and prevalence rates of postpartum depression: a cross-national, ecological analysis. J. Affect Disord 69(1-3): 15-29.
  • Keshavan, M. S., Mallinger, A. G., Pettegrew, J. W., Dippoid, C. (1992). Erytrocyte membrane Phospoholipids in Psychotic Patients. Psychiatry Research, 49:89-95.
  • Kim, W. Y., Song, T. W., Song, M. O., Nam, J. Y., Park, C. M., Kim, K. J., Chang, S. I., Choi, C. S. (2001). Analysis of Cellular Fatty Acid Methyl Esters for The Identification of Bacillus Antracts. Journal Ko. So. Microbial. 35: 31-40.
  • Keha, E. E., Küfrevioğlu, Ö. İ. (2000). Biyokimya. Aktif Yayınevi. Erzurum. p:173-198.
  • Logan, A. C. (2004). Omega-3 fatty acids and major depression: A primer for the mental health Professional. Lipids in Health and Disease 3(25).
  • Maes, M., Christophe, A. B., Delanghe, J., Altamura, C., Neels, H., Meltzer, H. Y. (1999). Lowered omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids and cholesteryl esters of depressed patients. Psychiatry Research 85: 275–291.
  • Maes, M., Christophe, A., Delanghe, J., Altamura, C., Neels, H., Meltzer, H. Y. (1999). Lowered w-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Serum Phospholipids and Cholesteryl Esters of Depressed Patients. Psychiatry Research 85:275–291.
  • Maes, M., Smith, R., Christophe, A. B., Cosyns, P., Desnyder, R., Meltzer, H. (1996). Fatty acid composition in major depression: decreased omega 3 fractions in cholesteryl esters and increased C20: 4 omega 6/C20:5 omega 3 ratio in cholesteryl esters and phospholipids. Journal of Affective Disorders 38(1): 35–46.
  • McIntyre, R. S., O’Donovan, C. (2004). The human cost of not achieving full remission in depression. Can J Psychiatry 49:10–16.
  • McNamara, R. K., Carlson, S. E. (2006). Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Brain Development and Function: Potential _mplications For The Pathogenesis And Prevention of Psychopathology. Prostaglandins, Leukotriens and Essential Fatty Acids 75(4-5): 329-349.
  • Nemets, B., Stahl, Z., Belmaker, H. (2002). Addition of Omega-3 Fatty Acid to Maintenance Medication Treatment for Recurrent Unipolar Depressive Disorder. The AmericanJournal of Psychiatry 159: 477-479.
  • Pangerl, A. M., Steudle, A., Jaroni, H.W., Rüfer, R., Gattaz, W.F. (1991). Increased platelet membrane lysophosphatidylcholine in schizophrenia. 15;30(8):837-40. Peet, M., Horrobin, D. (2002). A Dose-Ranging Exploratory Study of The Effects of Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoate in Patients With Persistent Schizophrenic Symptoms. Journal Psyhiatry Research 36:7–18..
  • Peet, M., Murphy, B., Shay, J., Horrobin, D. (1998). Depletion of omega-3 fatty acid levels in red blood cell membranes of depressive patients. Biol Psychiatry 43(5): 315–319.
  • Peet, M., Stokes, C. (2005). ω − 3 Fatty acids in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Drugs 65:1051–1059.
  • Peet, M. (2003). Eicosapentaenoic Acid in The Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression: Rationale and Preliminary Double-Blind Clinical Trial Results. Prostaglandins,Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 69 (6): 477-485.
  • Rose, G., Oklander, M. (1965). Improved Procedure for Extraction of Lipid From Human Erythrocytes. J Lipid Res. 6:428-431.
  • Tiemeier, H., Tıjil, H. R., Hofman, A., Kiliaan, A. J., Breteler, M. (2003). Plazma Fatty Acid Composition and Depression are Associated in The Elderly: The Rotterdam Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78 (1): 40-46.
  • Vriese, S. R., Christophe, A. B., Maes, M. (2003). Lowered Serum n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Levels Predict The Occurrence of Postpartum Depression: Further Evidence That Lowered n-PUFAs Are Related to Major Depression. Life Sciences 73(25): 3181-3187.
  • Yao, J. K., Leonard, S., Reddy, R. D. (2000). Membrane Phospholipid Abnormalities in Postmortem Brains From Schizophrenic Patients. Schizophr Res. 42:7-17. Yılmaz, T. (2007). Canlıda Orgnik yapı. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi. Ankara, p 187-260.
  • Yoshikawa, E., Nishi, D., and Matsuoka, Y. J. (2016). Association between frequency of fried food consumption and resilience to depression in Japanese company workers: a cross-sectional study. Lipids in Health and Disease. 15:156.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nihan Bozkurt 0000-0002-2283-0828

Necmettin Yılmaz 0000-0002-7936-4661

Proje Numarası : 2007/23
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozkurt, N., & Yılmaz, N. (2022). ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANE FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF DEPRESSIVE PATIENTS. Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences, 4(2), 29-45.


