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Examination of the Contents of Popular Science Magazines within the Framework of Design Thinking Method

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 16 - 31, 31.01.2025


In the century we live in, it is important to raise individuals who can recognize the problems they encounter in daily life and offer solutions. In this context, various approaches are used in educational processes. One of these approaches, Design Thinking, emerges as a new way of thinking and a new approach to problem-solving. In this study, processes that encourage creativity and aim to impart problem-solving skills, which differ from traditional design approaches, were examined by trying to understand the nature of design thinking. In this context, the activities used to develop design thinking in TÜBİTAK Popular Science Magazines were examined. The use of concepts such as innovation, empathy, design, production, problem-solving, and problem identification in the examined activities was evaluated. Adopting a qualitative research design, the data were analyzed through document analysis. Descriptive content analysis was used in the analysis.


  • Ambrose, G., & Harris, P. (2009). Basics Design. Design Thinking. Bloomsbury.
  • Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), 84.
  • Brown, T. (2019). Change By Design, Revised and Updated: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation Hardcover – Illustrated, Harper Business; Revised, Updated Ed. Edition
  • Carlgren, L. (2013). Design Thinking as An Enabler Of İnnovation: Exploring the Concept And İts Relation To Building İnnovation Capabilities. (Phd Thesis). Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
  • Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics Of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage
  • Dilli, R. Gözcelioğlı, B. (2019). Bilim Üzerine Eğlenceli Konuşmalar: Bilim Kafeler, A. İ. Şen (Ed.), Okul Dışı Öğrenme Ortamları, 1. Baskı, Pegem Yayıncılık, 118-134.
  • Dorst, K., & Cross, N. (2001). Creativity İn The Design Process: Co-Evolution Of Problem–Solution. Design Studies, 22(5), 425-437.
  • Gallagher, A. ve Thordarson, K. (2020). Design Thinking in Play-An Action Guide for Educators. ASCD. Alexandria, VA.
  • Girgin, D. (2020). 21. Yüzyılın öğrenme deneyimi: Öğretmenlerin Tasarım Odaklı Düşünme eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 49 (226), 53-91.
  • Hasso Plattner School of Design. (2003). An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide. Design Thinking at Hasso Plattner Institute,
  • Johnson, L. ve Adams, S. (2011). Challenge based learning: The report from the implementation project [Research report]. New Media Consortium. Retrieved from
  • Karakaya, A.F. (2024). Fizik Eğitiminde Tasarım Odaklı Yaklaşım, A.İ. Şen, A. Kireşçi (Ed.), Disiplinlerarası Fizik Öğretimi, EİT Eğitim Enstitüsü, Ankara, 118-129.
  • Kelly, K., & Mooney, T. (2013). Design Thinking As An Outreach Activity For Female Students. In Proc. 30th Int. Manuf. Conf. . 58-72.
  • Kozan, E. (2022). Design Thinking Tasarım Odaklı Düşünme, 3. Baskı, Abaküs yay. İstanbul.
  • Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Miller, P. N. (2017). Is “design thinking” the new liberal arts? The Evolution of Liberal Arts in the Global Age, 167.
  • Owen, Charles (2007). Tasarım Düşüncesi: Doğası Ve Kullanımına İlişkin Notlar. Üç Aylık Tasarım Araştırması 2.1, 16-27.
  • Painter, D. L. (2018). Using design thinking in mathematics for middle school students: a multiple case study of teacher perspectives (Doctoral dissertation, Concordia University (Oregon)).
  • Rauth, I., Köppen, E., Jobst, B. & Meinel, C. (2010). Design Thinking: An Educational Model Towards Creative Confidence. In First International Conference On Design Creativity (Pp. 1–8). Kobe, Japan.
  • Razzouk, R., & Shute, V. (2012). What İs Design Thinking And Why İs İt İmportant?. Review Of Educational Research, 82(3), 330-348.
  • Shanta, S., & Wells, J. G. (2022). T/E Design Based Learning: Assessing student critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. International Journal Of Technology and Design Education, 32(1), 267-285.
  • Şeker, Z. C. (2020). Dinleme ve konuşma becerilerine yönelik lisansüstü tezlerin anahtar kelimeleri üzerine bir inceleme: Betimsel analiz. Rumelide Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 128-140.
  • Vanada, D. I. (2014). Balance, Depth, And Beyond: Tapping İnto Design Thinking in Art Education. The International Journal of Arts Education, 10(1), 1.
  • Zhou, W. (2018). Application Of" Design Thinking Method" İn Training Practice Of Creative Talents İn Colleges And Universities İn China. In 8th International Conference On Education, Management, Information And Management Society (EMIM 2018) (Pp. 386-390). Atlantis Press.
  • Zou, P. X., Marsh, D., Evans, M., Sherrard, A., & Howard, J. (2014, June). Changing Construction Safety Culture and Improvıng Safety Outcomes By Design Thınkıng And Co-Productıon: Research Proposal And Prelımınary Results. In Cıb W099 International Conference on Achieving Sustainable Construction Health And Safety 2-3 June 2014 Lund University, Lund, Sweden Ingvar Kamprad Design Centre (Ikdc) (P. 118).
  • White, C., Wood, K. ve Jensen, D. (2012, October- December). From brainstorming to C-sketch toprincipals of historical innovators: Ideation techniques to enhance student creativity. Journal of STEM Education, 13(5), 12-24.
Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 16 - 31, 31.01.2025



  • Ambrose, G., & Harris, P. (2009). Basics Design. Design Thinking. Bloomsbury.
  • Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), 84.
  • Brown, T. (2019). Change By Design, Revised and Updated: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation Hardcover – Illustrated, Harper Business; Revised, Updated Ed. Edition
  • Carlgren, L. (2013). Design Thinking as An Enabler Of İnnovation: Exploring the Concept And İts Relation To Building İnnovation Capabilities. (Phd Thesis). Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
  • Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics Of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures For Developing Grounded Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage
  • Dilli, R. Gözcelioğlı, B. (2019). Bilim Üzerine Eğlenceli Konuşmalar: Bilim Kafeler, A. İ. Şen (Ed.), Okul Dışı Öğrenme Ortamları, 1. Baskı, Pegem Yayıncılık, 118-134.
  • Dorst, K., & Cross, N. (2001). Creativity İn The Design Process: Co-Evolution Of Problem–Solution. Design Studies, 22(5), 425-437.
  • Gallagher, A. ve Thordarson, K. (2020). Design Thinking in Play-An Action Guide for Educators. ASCD. Alexandria, VA.
  • Girgin, D. (2020). 21. Yüzyılın öğrenme deneyimi: Öğretmenlerin Tasarım Odaklı Düşünme eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 49 (226), 53-91.
  • Hasso Plattner School of Design. (2003). An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide. Design Thinking at Hasso Plattner Institute,
  • Johnson, L. ve Adams, S. (2011). Challenge based learning: The report from the implementation project [Research report]. New Media Consortium. Retrieved from
  • Karakaya, A.F. (2024). Fizik Eğitiminde Tasarım Odaklı Yaklaşım, A.İ. Şen, A. Kireşçi (Ed.), Disiplinlerarası Fizik Öğretimi, EİT Eğitim Enstitüsü, Ankara, 118-129.
  • Kelly, K., & Mooney, T. (2013). Design Thinking As An Outreach Activity For Female Students. In Proc. 30th Int. Manuf. Conf. . 58-72.
  • Kozan, E. (2022). Design Thinking Tasarım Odaklı Düşünme, 3. Baskı, Abaküs yay. İstanbul.
  • Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Miller, P. N. (2017). Is “design thinking” the new liberal arts? The Evolution of Liberal Arts in the Global Age, 167.
  • Owen, Charles (2007). Tasarım Düşüncesi: Doğası Ve Kullanımına İlişkin Notlar. Üç Aylık Tasarım Araştırması 2.1, 16-27.
  • Painter, D. L. (2018). Using design thinking in mathematics for middle school students: a multiple case study of teacher perspectives (Doctoral dissertation, Concordia University (Oregon)).
  • Rauth, I., Köppen, E., Jobst, B. & Meinel, C. (2010). Design Thinking: An Educational Model Towards Creative Confidence. In First International Conference On Design Creativity (Pp. 1–8). Kobe, Japan.
  • Razzouk, R., & Shute, V. (2012). What İs Design Thinking And Why İs İt İmportant?. Review Of Educational Research, 82(3), 330-348.
  • Shanta, S., & Wells, J. G. (2022). T/E Design Based Learning: Assessing student critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. International Journal Of Technology and Design Education, 32(1), 267-285.
  • Şeker, Z. C. (2020). Dinleme ve konuşma becerilerine yönelik lisansüstü tezlerin anahtar kelimeleri üzerine bir inceleme: Betimsel analiz. Rumelide Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 128-140.
  • Vanada, D. I. (2014). Balance, Depth, And Beyond: Tapping İnto Design Thinking in Art Education. The International Journal of Arts Education, 10(1), 1.
  • Zhou, W. (2018). Application Of" Design Thinking Method" İn Training Practice Of Creative Talents İn Colleges And Universities İn China. In 8th International Conference On Education, Management, Information And Management Society (EMIM 2018) (Pp. 386-390). Atlantis Press.
  • Zou, P. X., Marsh, D., Evans, M., Sherrard, A., & Howard, J. (2014, June). Changing Construction Safety Culture and Improvıng Safety Outcomes By Design Thınkıng And Co-Productıon: Research Proposal And Prelımınary Results. In Cıb W099 International Conference on Achieving Sustainable Construction Health And Safety 2-3 June 2014 Lund University, Lund, Sweden Ingvar Kamprad Design Centre (Ikdc) (P. 118).
  • White, C., Wood, K. ve Jensen, D. (2012, October- December). From brainstorming to C-sketch toprincipals of historical innovators: Ideation techniques to enhance student creativity. Journal of STEM Education, 13(5), 12-24.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Rukiye Dilli 0000-0003-0924-9593

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date July 8, 2024
Acceptance Date July 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Dilli, R. (2025). Examination of the Contents of Popular Science Magazines within the Framework of Design Thinking Method. Journal of STEAM Education, 8(1), 16-31.

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