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Pediatri Asistanlarının Çocukluk Çağı Kalp Üfürümlerine Yaklaşım Becerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 163 - 167, 01.12.2013


Giriş ve Amaç: Çocuk yaş grubunda duyulan üfürümlerin yaklaşık yarısının masum üfürüm olduğu gerçeğine rağmen, tüm dünyada çocuk kardiyoloji ünitelerine sevkin en sık nedenini kardiyak üfürümler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmamızda çocuk hastalıkları araştırma görevlilerinin sadece klinik değerlendirme ile üfürümlü çocuğa doğru tanı koyma becerilerini ve tanılarına yönelik telekardiyografi, elektrokardiyogram ve ekokardiyografi (EKO) talep etme eğilimlerini saptamayı planladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kardiyak üfürüm nedeniyle başvuran hastalar pediatri asistanları tarafından değerlendirildi. Öykü ve fizik muayenelerine göre ön tanıları ve tanıya yardımcı tetkik istekleri soruldu. Pediatrik kardiyologlar tarafından yapılan değerlendirme ve ekokardiyografi sonucundaki kesin tanıları ile karşılaştırma yapıldı. Bulgular: Araştırma görevlilerimizin patolojik üfürümü masum üfürümden ayırt edebilme becerileri beklenen düzeyin altında (%75.9) bulundu ve bu becerinin toplam eğitim süresinden ve çocuk kardiyolojisi rotasyonu süresinden etkilenmediği saptandı. Patolojik üfürümü tanımada doğru pozitiflik oranları kıdemsiz ve kıdemli hekimler için oldukça yüksek bulunurken (sırasıyla %93.6 ve %93.0), masum üfürümü tanımlamadaki yetersizlik genel başarının düşük saptanmasına neden oldu. En yüksek doğru tanı koyma oranı ventriküler septal defekt için (% 83.3) iken masum üfürümlerin % 58.6’sının doğru tanındığı, % 25.9’una yanlış olarak atrial septal defekt tanısı konduğu anlaşıldı. Gerek masum gerekse patolojik olarak tanılandırılan üfürümler için en sık istenen yardımcı yanı yöntemi EKO idi. EKO talep etme oranı masum ön tanılı üfürümler için bile %41.9 olarak bulundu.Sonuç: Masum ve patolojik üfürümlerin ayırıcı tanısında klinik değerlendirme oldukça etkili olmakla birlikte günümüzde tanı yöntemlerindeki gelişmeler sonucunda bir miktar önemini yitirmiştir. Bu nedenle çocuk sağlığı ve hastalıkları pratiğinde sık karşılaşılan bu konu ile ilgili asistanlarımızın tecrübe ve becerilerini artırmaları gerektiğini, ayrıca çocuk kardiyolojisi eğitim programlarının bu doğrultuda gözden geçirilmesini gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.


  • Ekici F, Ünal S, Dablan S, Alpan n, Çevik Bş, Vidinlisan S. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesindeki 119 bebeğin klinik ve ekokardiyografik değerlendirmesi. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 2010;4:22-9.
  • Eroğlu AG. Üfürümlü çocuğa yaklaşım. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2009; 44:8-52.
  • Karademir S. Ceylan Ö. Çocuklarda üfürümler. Dr Sami ulus Sağlık Dergisi 2012;3:10-4.
  • Amaral F, Granzotti JA. Cardiologic evaluation of children with suspected heart disease: Experience of a public outpatient clinic in Brazil. Sao Paulo Med J 1999;117:101–7.
  • Advani n, Menahem S, Wilkinson Jl. The diagnosis of innocent murmurs in childhood. Cardiol Young 2000;10:340-2.
  • Pelech A. Evaluation of the pediatric patient with a cardiac murmur. Pediatr Clin north Am 1999;46:167-87.
  • Cassidy SC, Allen HD, Phillips JR. History and physical examination. In: Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, Shaddy RE, Feltes TF (eds). Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Williams&Wilkins, 2013:82-93.
  • Duff DF, Mcnamara DG. History and physical examination of the cardiovascular system. In: Garson A, Bricker JT, Fisher DJ, neish SR (eds). The Science and Practice of Pediatric Cardiology. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins, 1998:693-713.
  • Koo S, Yung TC, lun KS, Chau AK, Cheung YF. Cardiovascular symptoms and signs in evaluating cardiac murmurs in children. Pediatr Int 2008;50:145-9.
  • Mahnke CB, nowalk A, Hofkosh D, zuberbuhler JR, law YM. Comparison of two educational interventions on pediatric resident auscultation skills. Pediatrics 2004;113: 1331–5.
  • Gaskin PR, Owens SE, Talner nS, Sanders SP, li JS. Clinical auscultation skills in pediatric residents. Pediatrics 2000;105: 1184–7.
  • Alveres S, Ferreira M, Ferreira H, Mota CR. Initial assessment of heart murmurs in Children: Role of complementary diagnostic tests. Rev Port Cardiol 1997;16:621–4.
  • Bewick D. Office approach to heart murmurs. Can Fam Physician 1991;37: 665-9.
  • Mcnamara DG. Value and limitations of auscultation in the management of congenital heart disease. Pediatr Clin north Am 1990; 37:93-113.
  • Danford DA, nasir A, Gumbiner C. Cost assessment of the evaluation of heart murmurs in children. Pediatrics 1993; 91: 365–8.
  • Yi MS, Kimball TR, Tsevat J, Mrus JM, Kotagal uR. Evaluation of heart murmurs in children: Cost effectiveness and practical implications. J Pediatr 2002;141:504–11.
  • Mc Connel ME, Adkins SB, Hannon DW. Heart murmurs in pediatric patients: When do you refer? Am Fam Physician 1999;60:558–65.
  • Haney I, Ipp M, Feldman W, Mc Crindle BW: Accuracy of clinical assessment of heart murmurs by Office based (general practise) paediatricians. Arch Dis Child 1999;81:409- 12.
  • AHA 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with valvular heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52):e1-142.
  • newburger JW, Rosenthal A, Williams RG, Fellows K, Miettinen OS. noninvasive tests in the initial evaluation of heart murmurs in children. n Engl J Med 1983;308:61–4.

Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs

Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 163 - 167, 01.12.2013


Objective: Cardiac murmurs are the most common reason of referral to a pediatric cardiologist worldwide, despite the fact that almost a half the cardiac murmurs in childhood is innocent. In our study we aimed to establish the performance of our pediatric residents are evaluating a child with cardiac murmur, and the tendency of claiming telecardiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography in order to confirm their clinical diagnosis.Material and Methods: The patients presented with cardiac murmur were evaluated by pediatric residents. Preliminary diagnoses and claimed tests were asked according to their medical history and physical examinations. These parameters were compared with the final diagnoses after evaluation by pediatric cardiologists and echocardiography.results: The performance of our pediatric residents in terms of distinguishing pathological and innocent murmurs was suboptimal (75.9%) and did not show any improvement with the duration of education or pediatric cardiology rotation. Although the ‘true positive’ results for pathologic murmurs were high in both high and low seniority groups (93.6% and 93.0%, respectively), incapability of diagnosing innocent murmurs caused the total performance to be lower. The highest true positive ratios were for ventricular septal defects (83.3%), while innocent murmurs were correctly diognesed by 58.6% and misdiagnosed as atrial septal defects by 25.9%. For both pathological and innocent murmurs, echocardiography was the most frequently claimed test, with the ratio of %41.9 even for the innocent murmurs. conclusion: History taking and clinical evaluation are still of critical importance even in the light of current advance in new diagnostic tools in distinguishing the pathological and innocent murmurs. Thus, our pediatric residents should improve their skills in evaluating cardiac murmurs and the strategies of pediatric cardiology education must be scrutinized through that issue


  • Ekici F, Ünal S, Dablan S, Alpan n, Çevik Bş, Vidinlisan S. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesindeki 119 bebeğin klinik ve ekokardiyografik değerlendirmesi. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 2010;4:22-9.
  • Eroğlu AG. Üfürümlü çocuğa yaklaşım. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2009; 44:8-52.
  • Karademir S. Ceylan Ö. Çocuklarda üfürümler. Dr Sami ulus Sağlık Dergisi 2012;3:10-4.
  • Amaral F, Granzotti JA. Cardiologic evaluation of children with suspected heart disease: Experience of a public outpatient clinic in Brazil. Sao Paulo Med J 1999;117:101–7.
  • Advani n, Menahem S, Wilkinson Jl. The diagnosis of innocent murmurs in childhood. Cardiol Young 2000;10:340-2.
  • Pelech A. Evaluation of the pediatric patient with a cardiac murmur. Pediatr Clin north Am 1999;46:167-87.
  • Cassidy SC, Allen HD, Phillips JR. History and physical examination. In: Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, Shaddy RE, Feltes TF (eds). Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Williams&Wilkins, 2013:82-93.
  • Duff DF, Mcnamara DG. History and physical examination of the cardiovascular system. In: Garson A, Bricker JT, Fisher DJ, neish SR (eds). The Science and Practice of Pediatric Cardiology. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins, 1998:693-713.
  • Koo S, Yung TC, lun KS, Chau AK, Cheung YF. Cardiovascular symptoms and signs in evaluating cardiac murmurs in children. Pediatr Int 2008;50:145-9.
  • Mahnke CB, nowalk A, Hofkosh D, zuberbuhler JR, law YM. Comparison of two educational interventions on pediatric resident auscultation skills. Pediatrics 2004;113: 1331–5.
  • Gaskin PR, Owens SE, Talner nS, Sanders SP, li JS. Clinical auscultation skills in pediatric residents. Pediatrics 2000;105: 1184–7.
  • Alveres S, Ferreira M, Ferreira H, Mota CR. Initial assessment of heart murmurs in Children: Role of complementary diagnostic tests. Rev Port Cardiol 1997;16:621–4.
  • Bewick D. Office approach to heart murmurs. Can Fam Physician 1991;37: 665-9.
  • Mcnamara DG. Value and limitations of auscultation in the management of congenital heart disease. Pediatr Clin north Am 1990; 37:93-113.
  • Danford DA, nasir A, Gumbiner C. Cost assessment of the evaluation of heart murmurs in children. Pediatrics 1993; 91: 365–8.
  • Yi MS, Kimball TR, Tsevat J, Mrus JM, Kotagal uR. Evaluation of heart murmurs in children: Cost effectiveness and practical implications. J Pediatr 2002;141:504–11.
  • Mc Connel ME, Adkins SB, Hannon DW. Heart murmurs in pediatric patients: When do you refer? Am Fam Physician 1999;60:558–65.
  • Haney I, Ipp M, Feldman W, Mc Crindle BW: Accuracy of clinical assessment of heart murmurs by Office based (general practise) paediatricians. Arch Dis Child 1999;81:409- 12.
  • AHA 2006 guidelines for the management of patients with valvular heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52):e1-142.
  • newburger JW, Rosenthal A, Williams RG, Fellows K, Miettinen OS. noninvasive tests in the initial evaluation of heart murmurs in children. n Engl J Med 1983;308:61–4.
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA77HA36YS
Journal Section Research Article

Abdullah Kocabaş This is me

Seda Çetinkaya Özer This is me

Fırat Kardelen This is me

Halil Ertuğ This is me

Gayaz Akçurin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Submission Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA Kocabaş, A., Özer, S. Ç., Kardelen, F., Ertuğ, H., et al. (2013). Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 7(4), 163-167.
AMA Kocabaş A, Özer SÇ, Kardelen F, Ertuğ H, Akçurin G. Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. December 2013;7(4):163-167.
Chicago Kocabaş, Abdullah, Seda Çetinkaya Özer, Fırat Kardelen, Halil Ertuğ, and Gayaz Akçurin. “Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 7, no. 4 (December 2013): 163-67.
EndNote Kocabaş A, Özer SÇ, Kardelen F, Ertuğ H, Akçurin G (December 1, 2013) Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 7 4 163–167.
IEEE A. Kocabaş, S. Ç. Özer, F. Kardelen, H. Ertuğ, and G. Akçurin, “Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 163–167, 2013.
ISNAD Kocabaş, Abdullah et al. “Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 7/4 (December 2013), 163-167.
JAMA Kocabaş A, Özer SÇ, Kardelen F, Ertuğ H, Akçurin G. Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2013;7:163–167.
MLA Kocabaş, Abdullah et al. “Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 7, no. 4, 2013, pp. 163-7.
Vancouver Kocabaş A, Özer SÇ, Kardelen F, Ertuğ H, Akçurin G. Evaluation of the Skills of Pediatric Residents in Childhood Cardiac Murmurs. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2013;7(4):163-7.

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