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Çocukluk Çağı Apandisit Olguları Ve Apendikolitin Şüpheli Karın Ağrılarındaki Yeri

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 32 - 36, 01.04.2007


Çocuklarda akut karýn etiyolojisinde birden çok etken rol oynamaktadýr. Çalýþmamýzda apendikolitin çocukluk çaðý karýn aðrýsý etiyolojilerindeki yeri deðerlendirildi. 2002-2006 yýllarýnda karýn aðrýsý tanýsý ile kliniðimizde tedavi edilen 319 hastanýn dosya bilgileri geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Opere edilen 155 hastada; 101 akut apandisit, 27 perfore apandisit, 7 meckel divertikülit bulundu. Negatif laparatomi yapýlan 20 olgudan 9' unda hiçbir patoloji bulunmazken, 7' sinde mezenter adenit, 4' ünde ise lümenini týkayan fakat apendikste morfolojik deðiþiklik oluþturmayan fekal içerik saptandý. Karýn aðrýsý ile yatýrýlan ve müphem fizik muayene bulgularýna baðlý olarak gözlenen 164 hastanýn izlem sonuçlarýnda; 85 olguda mezenter adenit, 19 olguda gastroenterit, 8 olguda tonsillit veya otit, 3 olguda ailesel akdeniz ateþi, 1 olguda hidrosalpinks saptanýrken 21 olguda karýn aðrýsýna yol açan cerrahi nedeni bulunamadý. 27 olguda ise sonografik olarak deðiþik oranlarda apendiks duvarýný çapýný artýran ve apendiks lümenini týkayan fekal içerik (apendikolit) saptandý. Bu hastalar müphem yakýnmalarý ve fizik muayene bulgularýna baðlý olarak gözlemlendi. Gözlemde klinik yakýnmalarý gerileyen ve sonografik bulgularý kaybolan hastalar yakýn takiple taburcu edildi. Klinik serimizde apandikolitin apandisite neden olduðu gibi gerçek cerrahi bir patoloji olmaksýzýn akut karýn benzeri aðrýya da neden olabileceði görülmüþtür. Sonuç olarak; apandikolit çoðu kez hekimleri cerrahi patoloji açýsýndan tedirgin etse de sonografik olarak apandikolit tanýsý tek baþýna taný için yeterli deðildir. Bu olgularýn yakýn takibini önermekteyiz.


  • Poortman P, Lohle PN, Schoemaker CM, Oostvogel HJ, Tepen HJ, Huwart L, El Khoury M, Lesavre A, Phan C, Rangheard AS, Bessoud ZwintermanVA, Hamming JF. Comparison of CT and sonography in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: a blinded prospective study. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2003; 181:1355-1359.
  • B, Menu Y. Is oppendicalith a reliable sign for acute appendicitis at Moct? J Radio 2006;87 :383-387
  • Lowe LH, Penney MW, Scheker LE, Perez R Jr, Stein SM, Heler RM, Fraser N, Gannon C, Stringer MD. Appendicular colic and non- Shyr Y, Hernanz Schulman M, et al: Appendicolith revealed on CT in children with suspected appendicitis: how specific is it in the diagnosis of appendicitis? AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000; 175: 981-984.
  • Simonovsky V: Sonographic detection of normal and abnormal Brender JD, Marcuse EK, Koepsell TD, Hatch EI. Childhood appendicitis: factors associated with perforation. Pediatrics ;76:301-306. appendix: Clinical Radiology 1999; 54: 533-539.
  • Migraine S, Atri M, Bret PM,lough JD, Hinchey JE.: Spontaneously Siegel MJ. Acute appendicitis in childhood: the role of ultrasound. resolving acute appendicitis: clinical and sonographic documentation. Radiology 1997; 205:55-58. Radiology 1992; 185: 341-342.
  • Funaki B, Grosskreutz SR, Funaki CN. Using unenhanced helical CT Bouchard S, Russo P, Radu AP, Adzick NS. Expression of with enteric contrast material for suspected appendicitis in patients treated at a community hospital. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1998; :997-1001. neuropeptides in normal and abnormal appendices. J Pediatr Surg ; 36(8):1222-1226.


Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 32 - 36, 01.04.2007


Various factors play a role in childhood acute abdomen etiology. In our study we evaluated the role of appendicoliths in childhood abdominal pains and appendicitis. Official records of 319 patients who referred with abdominal pain between the years 2002 to 2006 years were evaluated. ( Among the 155 patients being operated )101 appendicitis, 27 perforated appendicitis, 7 meckel diverticulitis were found. 20 false laparatomies were distributed as; 9 with no obvious pathology, 7 with mesenteric adenitis, 4 with appendicoliths obstructing the lumen but no macroscopic change in appendix. The results of 164 patients hospitalized due to abdominal pain and observed according to suspicious examination findings were; 85 mesenteric adenitis, 19 gastroenteritis, 8 tonsillitis or otitis, 3 familial mediterranean fever, 1 hydrosalphinx and 21 with no obvious etiology. In 27 cases fecal particles (appendicoliths) obstructing appendix lumen and leading to inerease in outer diameter of appendix wall were detected by sonographically. Those patients were observed medically according to their mild and suspicious clinic of abdominal pain. These Patients were discharged with close follow up according to improving clinic complaints and sonographic findings. In our serial, we detected that appendicoliths can mimic acute abdominal pain without any real underlying surgical pathology. As a consequence; despite appendicoliths mostly disturbs physicians for a surgical intervention, sonographical appendicoliths diagnosis is not a sufficient criteria for differential diagnosis. So we suggest close follow up in such patients


  • Poortman P, Lohle PN, Schoemaker CM, Oostvogel HJ, Tepen HJ, Huwart L, El Khoury M, Lesavre A, Phan C, Rangheard AS, Bessoud ZwintermanVA, Hamming JF. Comparison of CT and sonography in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis: a blinded prospective study. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2003; 181:1355-1359.
  • B, Menu Y. Is oppendicalith a reliable sign for acute appendicitis at Moct? J Radio 2006;87 :383-387
  • Lowe LH, Penney MW, Scheker LE, Perez R Jr, Stein SM, Heler RM, Fraser N, Gannon C, Stringer MD. Appendicular colic and non- Shyr Y, Hernanz Schulman M, et al: Appendicolith revealed on CT in children with suspected appendicitis: how specific is it in the diagnosis of appendicitis? AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000; 175: 981-984.
  • Simonovsky V: Sonographic detection of normal and abnormal Brender JD, Marcuse EK, Koepsell TD, Hatch EI. Childhood appendicitis: factors associated with perforation. Pediatrics ;76:301-306. appendix: Clinical Radiology 1999; 54: 533-539.
  • Migraine S, Atri M, Bret PM,lough JD, Hinchey JE.: Spontaneously Siegel MJ. Acute appendicitis in childhood: the role of ultrasound. resolving acute appendicitis: clinical and sonographic documentation. Radiology 1997; 205:55-58. Radiology 1992; 185: 341-342.
  • Funaki B, Grosskreutz SR, Funaki CN. Using unenhanced helical CT Bouchard S, Russo P, Radu AP, Adzick NS. Expression of with enteric contrast material for suspected appendicitis in patients treated at a community hospital. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1998; :997-1001. neuropeptides in normal and abnormal appendices. J Pediatr Surg ; 36(8):1222-1226.
There are 6 citations in total.


Other ID JA36KA82DS
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Güven This is me

Cüneyt Atabek This is me

Gökhan Gündoğdu This is me

Çağatay Evrim Afşarlar This is me

Bahadır Çalışkan This is me

Suzi Demirbağ This is me

İlhami Sürer This is me

Haluk Öztürk This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2007
Submission Date April 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Güven, A., Atabek, C., Gündoğdu, G., Afşarlar, Ç. E., et al. (2007). CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 1(2), 32-36.
AMA Güven A, Atabek C, Gündoğdu G, Afşarlar ÇE, Çalışkan B, Demirbağ S, Sürer İ, Öztürk H. CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. April 2007;1(2):32-36.
Chicago Güven, Ahmet, Cüneyt Atabek, Gökhan Gündoğdu, Çağatay Evrim Afşarlar, Bahadır Çalışkan, Suzi Demirbağ, İlhami Sürer, and Haluk Öztürk. “CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1, no. 2 (April 2007): 32-36.
EndNote Güven A, Atabek C, Gündoğdu G, Afşarlar ÇE, Çalışkan B, Demirbağ S, Sürer İ, Öztürk H (April 1, 2007) CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1 2 32–36.
IEEE A. Güven, C. Atabek, G. Gündoğdu, Ç. E. Afşarlar, B. Çalışkan, S. Demirbağ, İ. Sürer, and H. Öztürk, “CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 32–36, 2007.
ISNAD Güven, Ahmet et al. “CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 1/2 (April 2007), 32-36.
JAMA Güven A, Atabek C, Gündoğdu G, Afşarlar ÇE, Çalışkan B, Demirbağ S, Sürer İ, Öztürk H. CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2007;1:32–36.
MLA Güven, Ahmet et al. “CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, vol. 1, no. 2, 2007, pp. 32-36.
Vancouver Güven A, Atabek C, Gündoğdu G, Afşarlar ÇE, Çalışkan B, Demirbağ S, Sürer İ, Öztürk H. CHILDHOOD APPENDICITIS CASES AND ROLE OF APPENDICOLITHS IN SUSPICIOUS ABDOMINAL PAIN. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2007;1(2):32-6.

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