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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 278 - 283, 01.12.2008


Bu araştırmada, hamderilerdeki doğal yağın giderilmesinde enzimlerden yaralanılarak işlem etkinliğinin artırılması ve yağ gidermede kullanılan kimyasal niceliklerinin azaltılarak deri sanayinin çevreyi daha az kirletmesi amaçlanmıştır. Deri üretiminin; ıslatma, kireçlik, sama ve depikle işlem aşamalarında uygun enzimler kullanılmış ve deride kalan yağ nicelikleri saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına gore; enzimlerin kullanıldığı tüm çalışmalarda, yağ niceliklerinin düşük ve yağ giderme etkinliğinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bulgular arasında; kireçlik işleminde % 0,2 oranında alkali proteaz kullanımının en etkin sonucu verdiği ortaya çıkmıştır. % 0,1 alkali proteaz da benzer sonucu vermekte ve uygulama için daha ekonomik kullanım sağlamaktadır. Yanısıra; ıslatmada % 0,5 alkali proteaz, kireçlikte % 0,5 alkali lipaz ve alkali proteaz/lipaz kombinasyonları ile pikle derilerde % 0,025 ve 0,5 asit lipaz kullanımlarının yağ gidermede etkili olduğu saptanmıştır


  • 1. Bienkiewicz, K., 1983, Physical Chemistry of Leather Making, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, New York
  • 2. Afşar, A., 1986, “İşlem Kontrolleri”, Giysilik Deri Üretimi ve Sorunlari Semineri, Sınai Eğitim ve Geliştirme Merkezi, SEGEM, Ankara. s:1-17
  • 3. Christner, J., 1992, “The Use of Lipases in The Beamhouse Process”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc, Vol. 87 Issue 4, pp. 128-139.
  • 4. King, C., 1995 “Commercial Application of an Aqueous Degreasing System”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 55-59.
  • 5. Manzo, G., 2003, “Hot Water Treatment For Degreasing Sheepskins”, Leather International, Vol. 205 Issue 9, pp. 14-18.
  • 6. Galante, Y.M., 1995, “Progress in Enzyme Technology and Applications Within The Tanning Industry”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 63-64.
  • 7. Martignone, G., Monteverdi, R., Roaldi, M. and Galante, Y.M., 1997, “Progress For Leather Makers”, Leather, Vol. 199 Issue 12, pp. 35-40.
  • 8. Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R.,Nair, B.U. and Ramasami, T., 2004, “Progress And Recent Trends in Biotechnological Methods For Leather Processing”, Trends in Biotechnol. Vol. 22 Issue 4, pp. 81-188.
  • 9. Choudhary, R.B., Jana, A.K. and Jha, M.K., 2004, “Enzyme Technology Applications in Leather Processing”, Indian J Chem Technol. Vol. 11 Issue 5, pp. 659-671.
  • 10. Kanth, S.V., Venba, R., Madhan, B., Jawahar, M., Chitra, P., Yasothai, A., Chandrababu, N.K.and Sadulla, S., 2006, “Studies on The İnfluence of Proteolytic Enzymes in Leather Dyeing”, J. Am. Leather Chem Assoc, Vol. 101 Issue 12, pp. 435-443.
  • 11. Madhumathi, M., Cheerla, S., Saravanabhavan, S., Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R., Babu, N.K.C. and Nair, B.U., 2007, “Factors Influencing Activity of Enzymes and Their Kinetics - Bioprocessing Of Skin”, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, Vol. 136 Issue 3,pp. 265- 278 .
  • 12. Christner, J., 1995, “Modern Enzyme Applications in The Beamhouse”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 61-62.
  • 13. Büyükuslu, N., 1998, “Deri Sanayinde Enzim Kullanımı”, Deri Teknologları Teknisyenleri ve Kimyacıları Derneği Yayın Organı, Yıl:1(6), s: 19-21.
  • 14. Palop, R., Marsal, A. and Cot, J., 2000, “Optimization of The Aqueous Degreasingprocess With Enzymes and Its İnfluence on Reducing The Contaminant Load”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem, Vol. 84 Issue 4, pp. 170-176.
  • 15. Addy, V.L., Covington, A.D., Langridge, D.A. and Watts, A., 2001, “Microscopy Methods To Study Fat Cells, Part 1: Characterisation of Ovine Cutaneous Lipids Using Microscopy”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem., Vol. 85 Issue 1, pp. 6-15.
  • 16. Addy, V.L., Covington, A.D., Langridge, D.A. and Watts, A., 2001, “Microscopy Methods To Study Lipase Degreasing, Part 2: A Study of The Interaction of Ovine Cutaneous Adipocytes With Lipase Enzymes Using Microscopy”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem., Vol. 85 Issue 2, pp. 52-65.
  • 17. Thanikaivelan, P., Chandrasekaran, B., Bharath, C. K., Anandhi, C., Saravanabhavan, S., Rao, J. R. and Nair, B.U., 2006, “Single Step Hair Removal and Fiber Opening Process: Simultaneous and Successive Addition of Protease and Alpha-Amylase”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc., Vol. 101 Issue 11, pp. 388-398.
  • 18. Foroughi, F., Keshavarz, T. and Evans, C.S., 2006, “Specificities of Proteases For Use in Leather Manufacture”, J Chem Technol Biotechnol., Vol. 81 Issue 3, pp. 257-261.
  • 19. Langridge, D.A,. Long, A.J. and Addy, V.L., 2006, “The Impact of Sebaceous Grease on The Leather İndustry”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc. Vol. 101 Issue 2, pp. 45-50.
  • 20. Roaldi, M., Peratello, S. and Galante, Y.M., 2001, “Production of Soft Leather For Furniture Upholstery”, Leather International, Vol. 203 Issue 11, pp. 33-38.
  • 21. Saravanabhavan, S., Aravindhan, R., Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R. and Nair, B.U., 2003, “Green Solution For Tannery Pollution: Effect of Enzyme Lime-Free Unhairing and Fibre Opening in Combination With Pickle-Free Chrome Tanning”, Green Chem., Vol. 5 Issue 6, pp. 707-714.
  • 22. He, Q., Yao, K., Sun, D. and Shi, B., 2006, “Biodegradability of Wastewater From Enzymatic Soaking and Unhairing Processes in Leather Manufacture”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc., Vol. 101 Isuue 6, pp. 217-222.
  • 23. Sivasubramanian, S., Manohar, B.M., Rajaram, A. and Puvanakrishnan, R., 2008, “Ecofriendly Lime and Sulfide Free Enzymatic Dehairing of Skins and Hides Using a Bacterial Alkaline Protease”, Chemosphere, Vol. 70 Issue 6, pp. 1015-1024.
  • 24. The IULTCS Official Methods of Analysis., 2005 Society of Leather and Chemists, Northampton, U.K. 25. İvanova, D., 2000, “Bating with Protease and Lipase”, Leather, Vol. 202 Issue 11, pp. 35-38.


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 278 - 283, 01.12.2008


This research has been conducted for the purposes of enhancing the degreasing activity by making use of enzymes in order to remove natural fats in skins and hides, and to decrease the amount of degreasing chemicals used in the degreasing process, thus to minimize the harm of leather industry on the environment. In leather processing, in the processes of soaking, liming, bating and depickling, protease and lipase type enzymes were used that are appropriate for each step of process and then optimum degreasing treatment was realized. At the end of these processes, the amounts of the residual fats in the leathers were determined. After the completion of the studies, a decrease in the amount of fat remained in leathers processed with enzymes and an increase in the effectiveness in degreasing were observed. 0.2 % use of alkaline protease in liming stage was found the most effective. 0.1 % use of the same enzyme gives the similiar result which is more cost friendly. In addition, the remaining fat contents of the leathers after the applications of 0.5 % alkaline protease at soaking; 0.5 % alkaline lipase and combinations of alkaline protease / lipase at liming; 0.025 % and 0.5 % acid lipase in pickle leathers were found effective


  • 1. Bienkiewicz, K., 1983, Physical Chemistry of Leather Making, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, New York
  • 2. Afşar, A., 1986, “İşlem Kontrolleri”, Giysilik Deri Üretimi ve Sorunlari Semineri, Sınai Eğitim ve Geliştirme Merkezi, SEGEM, Ankara. s:1-17
  • 3. Christner, J., 1992, “The Use of Lipases in The Beamhouse Process”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc, Vol. 87 Issue 4, pp. 128-139.
  • 4. King, C., 1995 “Commercial Application of an Aqueous Degreasing System”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 55-59.
  • 5. Manzo, G., 2003, “Hot Water Treatment For Degreasing Sheepskins”, Leather International, Vol. 205 Issue 9, pp. 14-18.
  • 6. Galante, Y.M., 1995, “Progress in Enzyme Technology and Applications Within The Tanning Industry”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 63-64.
  • 7. Martignone, G., Monteverdi, R., Roaldi, M. and Galante, Y.M., 1997, “Progress For Leather Makers”, Leather, Vol. 199 Issue 12, pp. 35-40.
  • 8. Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R.,Nair, B.U. and Ramasami, T., 2004, “Progress And Recent Trends in Biotechnological Methods For Leather Processing”, Trends in Biotechnol. Vol. 22 Issue 4, pp. 81-188.
  • 9. Choudhary, R.B., Jana, A.K. and Jha, M.K., 2004, “Enzyme Technology Applications in Leather Processing”, Indian J Chem Technol. Vol. 11 Issue 5, pp. 659-671.
  • 10. Kanth, S.V., Venba, R., Madhan, B., Jawahar, M., Chitra, P., Yasothai, A., Chandrababu, N.K.and Sadulla, S., 2006, “Studies on The İnfluence of Proteolytic Enzymes in Leather Dyeing”, J. Am. Leather Chem Assoc, Vol. 101 Issue 12, pp. 435-443.
  • 11. Madhumathi, M., Cheerla, S., Saravanabhavan, S., Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R., Babu, N.K.C. and Nair, B.U., 2007, “Factors Influencing Activity of Enzymes and Their Kinetics - Bioprocessing Of Skin”, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, Vol. 136 Issue 3,pp. 265- 278 .
  • 12. Christner, J., 1995, “Modern Enzyme Applications in The Beamhouse”, World Leather, Vol. 8 Issue 10, pp. 61-62.
  • 13. Büyükuslu, N., 1998, “Deri Sanayinde Enzim Kullanımı”, Deri Teknologları Teknisyenleri ve Kimyacıları Derneği Yayın Organı, Yıl:1(6), s: 19-21.
  • 14. Palop, R., Marsal, A. and Cot, J., 2000, “Optimization of The Aqueous Degreasingprocess With Enzymes and Its İnfluence on Reducing The Contaminant Load”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem, Vol. 84 Issue 4, pp. 170-176.
  • 15. Addy, V.L., Covington, A.D., Langridge, D.A. and Watts, A., 2001, “Microscopy Methods To Study Fat Cells, Part 1: Characterisation of Ovine Cutaneous Lipids Using Microscopy”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem., Vol. 85 Issue 1, pp. 6-15.
  • 16. Addy, V.L., Covington, A.D., Langridge, D.A. and Watts, A., 2001, “Microscopy Methods To Study Lipase Degreasing, Part 2: A Study of The Interaction of Ovine Cutaneous Adipocytes With Lipase Enzymes Using Microscopy”, J Soc Leath Tech Chem., Vol. 85 Issue 2, pp. 52-65.
  • 17. Thanikaivelan, P., Chandrasekaran, B., Bharath, C. K., Anandhi, C., Saravanabhavan, S., Rao, J. R. and Nair, B.U., 2006, “Single Step Hair Removal and Fiber Opening Process: Simultaneous and Successive Addition of Protease and Alpha-Amylase”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc., Vol. 101 Issue 11, pp. 388-398.
  • 18. Foroughi, F., Keshavarz, T. and Evans, C.S., 2006, “Specificities of Proteases For Use in Leather Manufacture”, J Chem Technol Biotechnol., Vol. 81 Issue 3, pp. 257-261.
  • 19. Langridge, D.A,. Long, A.J. and Addy, V.L., 2006, “The Impact of Sebaceous Grease on The Leather İndustry”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc. Vol. 101 Issue 2, pp. 45-50.
  • 20. Roaldi, M., Peratello, S. and Galante, Y.M., 2001, “Production of Soft Leather For Furniture Upholstery”, Leather International, Vol. 203 Issue 11, pp. 33-38.
  • 21. Saravanabhavan, S., Aravindhan, R., Thanikaivelan, P., Rao, J.R. and Nair, B.U., 2003, “Green Solution For Tannery Pollution: Effect of Enzyme Lime-Free Unhairing and Fibre Opening in Combination With Pickle-Free Chrome Tanning”, Green Chem., Vol. 5 Issue 6, pp. 707-714.
  • 22. He, Q., Yao, K., Sun, D. and Shi, B., 2006, “Biodegradability of Wastewater From Enzymatic Soaking and Unhairing Processes in Leather Manufacture”, J Am Leather Chem Assoc., Vol. 101 Isuue 6, pp. 217-222.
  • 23. Sivasubramanian, S., Manohar, B.M., Rajaram, A. and Puvanakrishnan, R., 2008, “Ecofriendly Lime and Sulfide Free Enzymatic Dehairing of Skins and Hides Using a Bacterial Alkaline Protease”, Chemosphere, Vol. 70 Issue 6, pp. 1015-1024.
  • 24. The IULTCS Official Methods of Analysis., 2005 Society of Leather and Chemists, Northampton, U.K. 25. İvanova, D., 2000, “Bating with Protease and Lipase”, Leather, Vol. 202 Issue 11, pp. 35-38.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA87SM86CC
Bölüm Makaleler

Altan Afşar Bu kişi benim

Fatma Çetinkaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Afşar, A., & Çetinkaya, F. (2008). A RESEARCH ON INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DEGREASING PROCESS BY USING ENZYMES. Textile and Apparel, 18(4), 278-283.

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