Research Article
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The Effect of the Enriched Book (E-Book) Supported Instructions on the Students' Academic Success and Attitude to Physics

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 275 - 288, 31.12.2022


This research was carried out to determine the effect of enriched book (z-book) supported instruction on students' academic success towards the pressure unit and their attitudes towards physics. In the research, a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test post-test control group was used. The research was applied to 42 students in two branches of the 10th grade students studying at Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in the Suluova district of Amasya province in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the research, a physics achievement test consisting of 20 questions, the validity and reliability of which was tested with a pilot application, was used. In the process, the pressure unit was explained to the experimental group students by using Z-book supported teaching. Subject gains were given to the control group by using the current curriculum. At the end of the process, it was analyzed whether there was a significant difference in the academic achievements and attitudes of the students in the experimental group towards the physics course. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the academic achievement of the students was significantly different from the students in the experimental group who received e-book supported education from the students in the control group who received traditional lectures. It was concluded that there was no significant change in the attitudes of the students towards the Physics course in both groups


  • Akdeniz, A. R., Öztürk, M. & Bakırcı, H. (2017). The Effect of Computer- Supported Teaching Applications on 8th Grade Students’ Academic Success and Knowledge Retention in Science. HAYEF Journal of Education 14 (2), 59-77,2017.
  • Anderson, L. W. (1988). Attitudes and Their Measurement Educational Research, Metodologyand Measurement, An International Hanbook, Ed. John, P. Keves, New York: PergamonPress, 421-426p.
  • Atayev, S. (2019). The Impact of Computer- Assisted Activites on Student Achievement in Physics Teaching. Necmettın Erbakan Unıversty. Secondary Science and Mathematics Education. Master’s thesis. Konya
  • Aycan, Ş. & Yumuşak, A. (2003). A Research on the Level of Understanding of the Subjects in the high School Physics Curriculum. Journal of National Education, 159, 1-6.
  • Aydede, M.N., & Matyar, F. (2009). The Effect of Active Learnıng Approach in Sciense Course on The Achievement and Retentıon of Learning. Kastamonu Education Journal. 17(1), 137-152.
  • Banoğlu, K., Madenoğlu, C., Uysal, Ş. & Dede, A., (2014). Investigation of teachers perceptions of FATIH Project (Eskişehir Province Case), Journal of Educational Scıences Research, 4(1): 39-58.
  • Bozan, M., Küçüközer, H. & Işıldak, RS. (2008). 7Th Grades Students Attıtudes Towards The Pressure Unıt And Metacognıtıve Problem Solvıng. E- Journal of New World SCiences Academy Social Sciences 3(2), 161-174, 2008.
  • Budıyar, S. (2018). The Effect of Enriched book Applıcatıon Within the Scope of Fatih Project on 7th Grade Students Attıtude Towards Mathematics, Motivation And Achievement. M.Sc. Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe Unıversty.
  • Buzkan, H., Ersoy, A. F., Çiço, B., & Ceni, A. (2016) The Belief of teachers and students on interactive board usage in secondary schools: A casestudy of a pritive educational institution operating in Albanta. Eurapean Journal of SocialScience Education and Research, 3(3), 146-154.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2013). Data analysis manual for social sciences (18th press). Ankara: PegemA Publishing. Çağan, S., Kızılcık, H.Ş, & Yavaş, P. (2020). Investigating the Change of Attitudes Towards Physics Courses of Students That Participate in a TUBITAK Science Fair. Gazi Journal of Education Sciences, 6(2), 168-184
  • Doğan, S. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Z- Book Applications in Foreign Language Teaching: The Exmaple of New English Fileltools and Yedi Climate Turkish Z-Book. Master’s Thesis. Kırıkkale Universty.
  • Dulda, İ. (2009). Interactive Use of Electronic Content In Vocational Technical Education. Master Thesis. Bahçeşehir Universty Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Eke, C., Moğol S. (2017). The Effect of Project Supported Activities Based on Cooperative Learning Method on Students Physics Lesson. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 6, 187- 194, 2017.
  • Ekici, S. & Yılmaz, B. (2013). An Evaluation on FATIH Project. Turkish Librarianship, 27(2): 317-339.
  • Erdem, A. & Uzal, G. (2018). Principals’ Views About The of Technology on The Improvement of Physics Educatıon ın Hıgh Schools. Journal Of Internatıonal Social Recearch 11(55), 2018, 583-592.
  • Ertekin, S. (2019). Utilization of Smart Boards in Physics Classes and Teacher’s Views at Public and Private High Schools. Master Thesis. Necmettin Erbakan Universty, Konya.
  • Gökmen, Ö. & Akgün, Ö. (2016). Opinions of Teacher Candidates about FATİH Project: Awareness, Foresight and Expectations. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Journal of Education Faculty, 37, 28-46.
  • Hakkari, F. (2016). Developing material related to the unit of “chemical interactions between species” in the Ninth Grade Chemistry Lesson fort he use of enriched book (e-book) and examining the effect of the developed material. PhD Thesis. Mustrafa Kemal Universty, Hatay.
  • Hakkari, F., Yeloğlu, T., C., & İlhan, N. (2017). Developing material related to the unit of “chemical interactions between species” in the Ninth Grade Chemistry Lesson fort he use of enriched book (z-book) and examining the effect of the developed material. Education and Science, 42(192). 327-348
  • Henawy, Z. G. & Mansur, M. (2013). The ffect of using an interactive multimedia electronic book on developingachievent, performance of geometryskills, andtheattiudetowardsitsuse at primaryschool. In E- learning. Best Practices in Management, Design and Development of E- Courses: Standarts of Exxellence and Creavity, Fourth Internatıonal Conference on (pp. 122-155). IEEE.
  • Hırça, N. (2012). The Effects of Hands on Activities Depend on Context- Based Learning Approach on Understanding of Physics and Attitudes. Mustafa Kemal Üniversity Journal Institute of Social Sciences, 9 (17) s. 313- 325.
  • Hırça, N., Çalık, M. & Seven, S. (2011). The Effect of Materials Developed According to the 5E Model on Students Conceptual Change and Attitudes to Physics Lesson: Example of “work, power and energy” unit. Journal of Turkısh Science Educatıon. 8 (1), 139-152.
  • İşcan, M., F. (2018). The Effect of the Use of Smart boards on the Attitudes of High School Students to Physical Education and Sports Lesson. Mater Thesis. Kırıkkale Universty, Kırıkkale.
  • Karamustafaoğlu, O., Aydın, M., Özmen, H. (2005). The Effect of Computer Aided Physics Activities on Student Outcomes: Simple Harmonic Event Example. TOJET 4(4)
  • Kelley, A, C. (2011). Designing on E-bookfor a Fifth-Grade Clasroom. Unpublished Master Thesis. California StateUnıversty.
  • Kennewel, S. (2006). Reflection on The Interactive Whiteboard Phenomenon: A Synthesis of research from The U.K. Paper Presented at the Aare Conferance, Adelaide, Australia
  • Krutetskii, V. A. (1976). The Psychology of mathematical abilities in school children. Chicago: Universty of Chicago Press.
  • Kuş Serin, G. (2015). At Etude Time the Effect of Web Enhanced Learning Environment Students’ Attıtudes, Anxiety and Motivation of Mathematics. Master’s thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Universty. Social Siciences Institute, Afyon.
  • Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors welive by. Chicago: Chicago UniverstyPress.
  • Mambaeva, V. (2018). Comparativestudy of English language teaching settings of MONE and IB schools (Turkey). Doctoral thesis, Bilkent Üniversty, Ankara.
  • Marshall, C. And Ruotole, C., (2002). Reading- in-the-smal: a study of reading on small form factor devices. JCDL ’02 Proceedingd of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joınt Conference on Dijital Libraries, p:56-64 MONE (2011). Collaborative work on e-book.
  • Minor, B., Bracken, M., Geisel, P. & Unger, S. (2006). SMART Boards in theClassroom: The Influence of Interactive Boards in Educatıon, http://tiger.
  • Moğol, S. & Eke, C. (2017). The Effect of Project Supported Activies Based on Cooperative Learning Method on Students’ Physics Lesson. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching. 6(1), 187-194.
  • Mun, S. H., & Abdullah, A. H. (2016). A review of the use smartboards in education. IEEE 8th Internatıonal Conferense on Engineering Education (ICEED), 120-125, IEEEE
  • Ormancı, Ü. (2018). Investigating the effectivenessof web- asisted science material on guided inquiry approach: A case of e-book. PhD Thesis. Uludağ University Science Educatıon Institute, Bursa.
  • Öçal, M. F. & Şimşek M. (2017). Opinions of Prospective Mathematics Teachers on the Fatih Project and the use of Tecnology in Mathematics Educatıon. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 8(1), 91-121.
  • Önder, F. & Sılay, İ. (2016). The Effect of Enrıched E- Book Suported Laboratuary Actıvıtıes on Pre- Servıce Teachers’ Attıtudes Towards Computer Supported Education. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversty Journal of the faculty education, 16 (3), 945-960,2016.
  • Pehlivan, H. (2019). Examination of Science High School Students Attitudes and Academic Self- Concepts towards the Physics Lesson. Kastamonu Journal Educations, 27 (1), 55-64.
  • Rugayah, H., Hasbim, H. & Wan, N. M. (2004). Attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of students at unit. The Turkish Online Journal of Educatıonal Technology, 3(2), 24-35.
  • Saraç, E. (2020). The Effect of Using Smart Board in Science Lesson on Academic Achievement and Persistence of Knowledge of 6th Grade Primary School Students. Master Thesis. Mersin Universty, Mersin. Şahin, A. (2017). Intelligent Production Era: Endüstri 4.0. -üretim-cagi-endustri-40-42841
  • Şalgam, E. (2009). The Effect of Problem Based Learning Method On Students’ Academic Achiement And Their Attitude On Physics Education. Masters Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Şanal, A. (2016). The Effects of Using E-Book as a Texbook on Reading Comprehension. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu
  • Tekbıyık, A., Akdeniz, A.R. (2010). A Contemporary Physics Attitude Scale for Secondary School Students: development, validity and reliability. Journal of Turkish Science Education 7(4), 134-144.
  • Tekdal, M., İlhan, T. (2021). The Effect Dynamıc and Interactıve Computer Aided Scıence and Tecnology Teachıng on Academıc Achievement. Çukurova Universty Journal of Social Sciences Institute. 30(2), 101-112.
  • Tekin, Y. (2013). Investigation of the Effect of Using Smart Boards in Physics Education on Students’ Physics Achievement and Attitudes toward Physics. Master’s Thesis. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van
  • Travers, David, A. (2005). Using CBL 2 technology to promote inquiry and to improve interpretation of graphs in highschoolsciense. Master Thesis. Universty of Victoria.
  • Uzun, S. & Sunal, I. (2017). Secondary School Students’ Perceptıons on the Use of Interactıve Whıteboard in Physics Courses. Uşak Universty Journal of Educational Research. 3(2), 15-34
  • Ünsal, S., Korkmaz, F. (2016). Investiigation of Teachers’ Opinion About Functions of the Support and Training Courses. Kahramanmaraş Sütcü İmam Üniversiyt Journal of Social Sciences. 13 (2), 87-118.
  • Vardar, A. (2022). The Effect of the e-book used in the distance educatıon process on the academic achievement, attitudes and motivations of the 8th grade student. Master’s Thesis. Bursa Uludağ Universty, Bursa.
  • Varol, F., Özer S. & Türel, Y. (2014). Views About the İnteractive Books Designed Based on ARCS motivation model Journal Intructional Techhnologies and Teacher Education 3 (3) ,1-8. 2014
  • Wall, K., Higgins, S., Smith, H. (2005). The visual helps me understand the complicated things’ : pupil vieews of teaching and learning with interactive whiteboards’ British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(5), 851- 867, 2005
  • Wambugu, P.W & Changeiywo, J.M. (2008). Effects of mastery learning approach on secondary school student physics achievement. Eurosia Journal of Mathematics, Sciense &Technology Education. 4(3), 293-302
  • Whitelegg, E., & Paryy, M. (1999). Real- life contextsforlearningphysics: meanings, issues, andpractice. Physics Education, 34, 68-72
  • Yıldırım, G. (2016). Opinions of prospectivepreschoolteachersaboutsmart board us efor education. Journal on School Educational Technology, 12(2), 34-43.
  • Yıldırım, A., Şimşek, H. (2008). Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences. (6th Press). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 275 - 288, 31.12.2022



  • Akdeniz, A. R., Öztürk, M. & Bakırcı, H. (2017). The Effect of Computer- Supported Teaching Applications on 8th Grade Students’ Academic Success and Knowledge Retention in Science. HAYEF Journal of Education 14 (2), 59-77,2017.
  • Anderson, L. W. (1988). Attitudes and Their Measurement Educational Research, Metodologyand Measurement, An International Hanbook, Ed. John, P. Keves, New York: PergamonPress, 421-426p.
  • Atayev, S. (2019). The Impact of Computer- Assisted Activites on Student Achievement in Physics Teaching. Necmettın Erbakan Unıversty. Secondary Science and Mathematics Education. Master’s thesis. Konya
  • Aycan, Ş. & Yumuşak, A. (2003). A Research on the Level of Understanding of the Subjects in the high School Physics Curriculum. Journal of National Education, 159, 1-6.
  • Aydede, M.N., & Matyar, F. (2009). The Effect of Active Learnıng Approach in Sciense Course on The Achievement and Retentıon of Learning. Kastamonu Education Journal. 17(1), 137-152.
  • Banoğlu, K., Madenoğlu, C., Uysal, Ş. & Dede, A., (2014). Investigation of teachers perceptions of FATIH Project (Eskişehir Province Case), Journal of Educational Scıences Research, 4(1): 39-58.
  • Bozan, M., Küçüközer, H. & Işıldak, RS. (2008). 7Th Grades Students Attıtudes Towards The Pressure Unıt And Metacognıtıve Problem Solvıng. E- Journal of New World SCiences Academy Social Sciences 3(2), 161-174, 2008.
  • Budıyar, S. (2018). The Effect of Enriched book Applıcatıon Within the Scope of Fatih Project on 7th Grade Students Attıtude Towards Mathematics, Motivation And Achievement. M.Sc. Thesis. Afyon Kocatepe Unıversty.
  • Buzkan, H., Ersoy, A. F., Çiço, B., & Ceni, A. (2016) The Belief of teachers and students on interactive board usage in secondary schools: A casestudy of a pritive educational institution operating in Albanta. Eurapean Journal of SocialScience Education and Research, 3(3), 146-154.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2013). Data analysis manual for social sciences (18th press). Ankara: PegemA Publishing. Çağan, S., Kızılcık, H.Ş, & Yavaş, P. (2020). Investigating the Change of Attitudes Towards Physics Courses of Students That Participate in a TUBITAK Science Fair. Gazi Journal of Education Sciences, 6(2), 168-184
  • Doğan, S. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Z- Book Applications in Foreign Language Teaching: The Exmaple of New English Fileltools and Yedi Climate Turkish Z-Book. Master’s Thesis. Kırıkkale Universty.
  • Dulda, İ. (2009). Interactive Use of Electronic Content In Vocational Technical Education. Master Thesis. Bahçeşehir Universty Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Eke, C., Moğol S. (2017). The Effect of Project Supported Activities Based on Cooperative Learning Method on Students Physics Lesson. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 6, 187- 194, 2017.
  • Ekici, S. & Yılmaz, B. (2013). An Evaluation on FATIH Project. Turkish Librarianship, 27(2): 317-339.
  • Erdem, A. & Uzal, G. (2018). Principals’ Views About The of Technology on The Improvement of Physics Educatıon ın Hıgh Schools. Journal Of Internatıonal Social Recearch 11(55), 2018, 583-592.
  • Ertekin, S. (2019). Utilization of Smart Boards in Physics Classes and Teacher’s Views at Public and Private High Schools. Master Thesis. Necmettin Erbakan Universty, Konya.
  • Gökmen, Ö. & Akgün, Ö. (2016). Opinions of Teacher Candidates about FATİH Project: Awareness, Foresight and Expectations. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Journal of Education Faculty, 37, 28-46.
  • Hakkari, F. (2016). Developing material related to the unit of “chemical interactions between species” in the Ninth Grade Chemistry Lesson fort he use of enriched book (e-book) and examining the effect of the developed material. PhD Thesis. Mustrafa Kemal Universty, Hatay.
  • Hakkari, F., Yeloğlu, T., C., & İlhan, N. (2017). Developing material related to the unit of “chemical interactions between species” in the Ninth Grade Chemistry Lesson fort he use of enriched book (z-book) and examining the effect of the developed material. Education and Science, 42(192). 327-348
  • Henawy, Z. G. & Mansur, M. (2013). The ffect of using an interactive multimedia electronic book on developingachievent, performance of geometryskills, andtheattiudetowardsitsuse at primaryschool. In E- learning. Best Practices in Management, Design and Development of E- Courses: Standarts of Exxellence and Creavity, Fourth Internatıonal Conference on (pp. 122-155). IEEE.
  • Hırça, N. (2012). The Effects of Hands on Activities Depend on Context- Based Learning Approach on Understanding of Physics and Attitudes. Mustafa Kemal Üniversity Journal Institute of Social Sciences, 9 (17) s. 313- 325.
  • Hırça, N., Çalık, M. & Seven, S. (2011). The Effect of Materials Developed According to the 5E Model on Students Conceptual Change and Attitudes to Physics Lesson: Example of “work, power and energy” unit. Journal of Turkısh Science Educatıon. 8 (1), 139-152.
  • İşcan, M., F. (2018). The Effect of the Use of Smart boards on the Attitudes of High School Students to Physical Education and Sports Lesson. Mater Thesis. Kırıkkale Universty, Kırıkkale.
  • Karamustafaoğlu, O., Aydın, M., Özmen, H. (2005). The Effect of Computer Aided Physics Activities on Student Outcomes: Simple Harmonic Event Example. TOJET 4(4)
  • Kelley, A, C. (2011). Designing on E-bookfor a Fifth-Grade Clasroom. Unpublished Master Thesis. California StateUnıversty.
  • Kennewel, S. (2006). Reflection on The Interactive Whiteboard Phenomenon: A Synthesis of research from The U.K. Paper Presented at the Aare Conferance, Adelaide, Australia
  • Krutetskii, V. A. (1976). The Psychology of mathematical abilities in school children. Chicago: Universty of Chicago Press.
  • Kuş Serin, G. (2015). At Etude Time the Effect of Web Enhanced Learning Environment Students’ Attıtudes, Anxiety and Motivation of Mathematics. Master’s thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Universty. Social Siciences Institute, Afyon.
  • Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors welive by. Chicago: Chicago UniverstyPress.
  • Mambaeva, V. (2018). Comparativestudy of English language teaching settings of MONE and IB schools (Turkey). Doctoral thesis, Bilkent Üniversty, Ankara.
  • Marshall, C. And Ruotole, C., (2002). Reading- in-the-smal: a study of reading on small form factor devices. JCDL ’02 Proceedingd of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joınt Conference on Dijital Libraries, p:56-64 MONE (2011). Collaborative work on e-book.
  • Minor, B., Bracken, M., Geisel, P. & Unger, S. (2006). SMART Boards in theClassroom: The Influence of Interactive Boards in Educatıon, http://tiger.
  • Moğol, S. & Eke, C. (2017). The Effect of Project Supported Activies Based on Cooperative Learning Method on Students’ Physics Lesson. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching. 6(1), 187-194.
  • Mun, S. H., & Abdullah, A. H. (2016). A review of the use smartboards in education. IEEE 8th Internatıonal Conferense on Engineering Education (ICEED), 120-125, IEEEE
  • Ormancı, Ü. (2018). Investigating the effectivenessof web- asisted science material on guided inquiry approach: A case of e-book. PhD Thesis. Uludağ University Science Educatıon Institute, Bursa.
  • Öçal, M. F. & Şimşek M. (2017). Opinions of Prospective Mathematics Teachers on the Fatih Project and the use of Tecnology in Mathematics Educatıon. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 8(1), 91-121.
  • Önder, F. & Sılay, İ. (2016). The Effect of Enrıched E- Book Suported Laboratuary Actıvıtıes on Pre- Servıce Teachers’ Attıtudes Towards Computer Supported Education. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversty Journal of the faculty education, 16 (3), 945-960,2016.
  • Pehlivan, H. (2019). Examination of Science High School Students Attitudes and Academic Self- Concepts towards the Physics Lesson. Kastamonu Journal Educations, 27 (1), 55-64.
  • Rugayah, H., Hasbim, H. & Wan, N. M. (2004). Attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of students at unit. The Turkish Online Journal of Educatıonal Technology, 3(2), 24-35.
  • Saraç, E. (2020). The Effect of Using Smart Board in Science Lesson on Academic Achievement and Persistence of Knowledge of 6th Grade Primary School Students. Master Thesis. Mersin Universty, Mersin. Şahin, A. (2017). Intelligent Production Era: Endüstri 4.0. -üretim-cagi-endustri-40-42841
  • Şalgam, E. (2009). The Effect of Problem Based Learning Method On Students’ Academic Achiement And Their Attitude On Physics Education. Masters Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Şanal, A. (2016). The Effects of Using E-Book as a Texbook on Reading Comprehension. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu
  • Tekbıyık, A., Akdeniz, A.R. (2010). A Contemporary Physics Attitude Scale for Secondary School Students: development, validity and reliability. Journal of Turkish Science Education 7(4), 134-144.
  • Tekdal, M., İlhan, T. (2021). The Effect Dynamıc and Interactıve Computer Aided Scıence and Tecnology Teachıng on Academıc Achievement. Çukurova Universty Journal of Social Sciences Institute. 30(2), 101-112.
  • Tekin, Y. (2013). Investigation of the Effect of Using Smart Boards in Physics Education on Students’ Physics Achievement and Attitudes toward Physics. Master’s Thesis. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van
  • Travers, David, A. (2005). Using CBL 2 technology to promote inquiry and to improve interpretation of graphs in highschoolsciense. Master Thesis. Universty of Victoria.
  • Uzun, S. & Sunal, I. (2017). Secondary School Students’ Perceptıons on the Use of Interactıve Whıteboard in Physics Courses. Uşak Universty Journal of Educational Research. 3(2), 15-34
  • Ünsal, S., Korkmaz, F. (2016). Investiigation of Teachers’ Opinion About Functions of the Support and Training Courses. Kahramanmaraş Sütcü İmam Üniversiyt Journal of Social Sciences. 13 (2), 87-118.
  • Vardar, A. (2022). The Effect of the e-book used in the distance educatıon process on the academic achievement, attitudes and motivations of the 8th grade student. Master’s Thesis. Bursa Uludağ Universty, Bursa.
  • Varol, F., Özer S. & Türel, Y. (2014). Views About the İnteractive Books Designed Based on ARCS motivation model Journal Intructional Techhnologies and Teacher Education 3 (3) ,1-8. 2014
  • Wall, K., Higgins, S., Smith, H. (2005). The visual helps me understand the complicated things’ : pupil vieews of teaching and learning with interactive whiteboards’ British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(5), 851- 867, 2005
  • Wambugu, P.W & Changeiywo, J.M. (2008). Effects of mastery learning approach on secondary school student physics achievement. Eurosia Journal of Mathematics, Sciense &Technology Education. 4(3), 293-302
  • Whitelegg, E., & Paryy, M. (1999). Real- life contextsforlearningphysics: meanings, issues, andpractice. Physics Education, 34, 68-72
  • Yıldırım, G. (2016). Opinions of prospectivepreschoolteachersaboutsmart board us efor education. Journal on School Educational Technology, 12(2), 34-43.
  • Yıldırım, A., Şimşek, H. (2008). Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences. (6th Press). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Zeliha Bağçeci 0000-0002-8724-9305

Özgen Korkmaz 0000-0003-4359-5692

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Acceptance Date November 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Bağçeci, Z., & Korkmaz, Ö. (2022). The Effect of the Enriched Book (E-Book) Supported Instructions on the Students’ Academic Success and Attitude to Physics. Journal of Teacher Education and Lifelong Learning, 4(2), 275-288.