The Effect of 7th Grade “Cell and Divisions” Unit Teaching with Augmented Reality Technology on Students' Academic Achievement
Year 2023,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 538 - 554, 28.12.2023
Hatice Coşkun
Abdulkadir Özkaya
This study was carried out to determine the effect of the 7th grade 'Cell and Divisions' unit of the science course with augmented reality technology on the academic achievement of the students. The study group of this research, which was prepared in the "pretest-posttest control group" quasi-experimental model, consists of 79 students in the 7th grade attending a public school in the Antakya district of Hatay province in the 2017-2018 academic year. There are 40 students in the experimental group and 39 students in the control group. While the "Cell and Divisions" unit was taught to the experimental group students by using active learning, technology-centered and internet interactive learning methods with augmented reality applications, the control group students received regular education in line with the program. The application was completed by the researcher within 16 lesson hours. The "Cell and Divisions Achievement Test" (CDAT), which was used as a data collection tool and for which validity and reliability studies were conducted, was administered to both groups before and after the application. In the analysis of the collected data, dependent and independent t-tests from statistical procedures were tried to be analyzed using SPSS 21 package program. At the end of the evaluation of the data; it was concluded that the academic achievement of the students in the experimental group was significantly higher than the students in the control group and the effect size was calculated intermediate level effect. It is thought that the use of augmented reality applications in science courses may have positive effects on students' achievement.
- Abdüsselam, M. S., & Karal, H. (2012). The effect of mixed reality environments on the students’ academic achievement in physics education: 11th grade magnetism topic example. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 1(4), 170-181.
- Altun, S., & Büyükduman, F. I. (2007). Teacher and student beliefs on constructivist instructional design: A case study. Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (EKU), 7(1), 30.
- Arslan, R., Kofoğlu, M., & Dargut, C. (2020). Development of augmented reality application for biology education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(1), 62-72.
- Azuma, R. (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Presence-teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355-385.
- Clarke, J. (2013). Augmented Reality, Multimodal Literacy and Mobile Technology: An Experiment in Teacher Engagement. QScience Proceedings: 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 28.
- Coşkun, M., & Koç, Y. (2021). The effect of augmented reality and mobile application supported instruction related to different variables in 7th grade science lesson. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(2), 298-313.
- Dere, İ. (2019). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının öğretim materyali geliştirme ve kullanımı hakkındaki görüşleri [Viewpoints of social studies teacher candidates about ınstructional material development and usage]. Balikesir University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 22(41).
- Dere, İ. ve Demirci, İ. (2021). Bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin sosyal bilgiler derslerinde kullanımı [The use of computer assisted instruction method in social studies courses]. Y. Değirmenci ve Z. Taşyürek (Ed.), Uygulama örnekleriyle sosyal bilgiler öğretimi (Strateji-yöntem-teknik) içinde [Social studies teaching with application examples (Strategy-method-technique) in] (pp. 335-356). Nobel.
- Dias, A. (2009). Technology enhanced learning and augmented reality: an application on multimedia interactive books. International Business & Economics Review, 1 (1), 69-79.
- Dunleavy, M. & Dede, C. (2014). Augmented reality teaching and learning. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp. 735-745). Springer.
- Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 7-22.
- Feiner, S. (2002). Augmented reality: A new way of seeing. Scientific American, 286 (4), 48–55.
- Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw.
- Güven, G., & Sülün Y., (2012). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin 8. sınıf fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik başarıya ve öğrencilerin derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [The Effects of Computer-Enhanced Teaching on Academic Achievement in 8thGrade Science and Technology Course and Students’ Attitudes towards the Course], Journal Of Turkish Science Education, 9(1), 68-79.
- Hsiao, K. F., Chen, N. S., & Huang, S. Y. (2012). Learning while exercising for science education in augmented reality among adolescents. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(4), 331-349.
- İbili, E. ve Şahin, S. (2015). Geometri öğretiminde artırılmış gerçeklik kullanımın öğrencilerin bilgisayara yönelik tutumlarına ve bilgisayar öz-yeterlilik algılarına etkisinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the effects on computer attitudes and computer self-efficacy to use of augmented reality in geometry teaching], Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 332-350.
- Jones, A., & de Vries, M. (2009). The international handbook of research and development in technology education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Karacaoglu, Ö. C. (2018). Curriculum evaluation in online education: The case of teacher candidates preparing online for public personnel selection examination. International Journal of Higher Education, 7(2), 107-120.
- Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2020). Eğitimde program geliştirme [Curriculum development in education]. Nobel.
- Laçin Şimşek, C. (Ed) 2011. Fen öğretiminde okul dışı öğrenme ortamları [Out-of-school learning environments in science teaching]. Pegem academy.
- Lewis, T. (1999). Research in technology education – some areas of need. Journal of Technology Education, 10(2), 41-56.
- McMillan, J.H. & Schumacher, S. (2010). Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry, (7th ed.) Pearson Publishing.
- Milgram, P., & Kishino, F. (1994). A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, 77 (12), 1321-1329.
- Özarslan, Y. (2013). Genişletilmiş gerçeklik ile zenginleştirilmiş öğrenme materyallerinin öğrenen başarısı ve memnuniyeti üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of augmented reality enhanced learning materials on learners' achievement and learners' satisfaction]. [Doctoral Thesis, Eskişehir Anadolu University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Özcan, H., & Yılmaz, Ş. (2019). Investıgatıon of preservıce scıence teachers’vıews about scıence and technology. The Journal of Turkish Social Studies, 23(1), 253-270.
- Özeren, S., & Top, E. (2023). The effects of Augmented Reality applications on the academic achievement and motivation of secondary school students. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1), 25-40.
- Özkaya, A. (2013). Üstbilişsel ve internet tabanlı üstbilişsel öğretim yöntemlerinin öğrencilerin hücre bölünmesi ve kalıtım konusundaki başarılarına, tutumlarına ve üstbilişsel düşünme düzeylerine etkisi [The effects of metacognitive and web based metacognitive methods students' understanding, attitudes and metacognitive thinking levels in heredity and cell division issue]. [Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Pamuk, S., Çakır, R., Ergun, M., Yılmaz, H. B. & Ayas, C. (2013). Öğretmen ve öğrenci bakış açısıyla tablet PC ve etkileşimli tahta kullanımı: FATİH Projesi değerlendirmesi [The use of tablet pc and ınteractive board from the perspectives of teachers and students: evaluation of the FATIH project]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(3), 1799-1822.
- Sarıkaya, M. (2015). Artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrencilerin akademik başarıları, kavram yanılgıları ve derse katılımlarına etkisi [Effects of augmented reality applications on students' achievement, misconceptions and course engagement]. [Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Sin, A. K. & Zaman, H. B. (2010). Live solar system (lss): evaluation of an augmented reality book-based educational tool. ın ınformation technology (ıtsim), 2010 International Symposium in (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Somyürek, S. (2014). Öğretim sürecinde Z kuşağının dikkatini çekme: Artırılmış gerçeklik [Gaining the attention of generation Z in learning process: Augmented reality], Educational Technology Theory And Practice, 4(1), 63-80.
- Specht, M., Ternier, S., & Greller, W. (2011). Mobile augmented reality for learning: A case study. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7 (1), 117-127.
- Tezel Ö., Aydost Y., (2016). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin altıncı sınıf öğrencilerinin yaşamımızdaki elektrik kavram bilgilerine ve tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of computer supported educatıon to the concept knowledge and attıtude], Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(3), 101-113.
- Topkaya, Y., Tangülü, Z., Yilar, B., & Şimşek, U. (2015). Social studies pre-service teachers'computer self efficacy beliefs and attitudes on computer-assisted instruction. Journal of International Social Research, 8(36).
- TÜİK. (2014). Hanehalkı bilişim teknolojileri kullanım araştırması [Household information technology usage survey]. Retrieved on April 4, 2019 from
- Korucu, A., T., Usta, E. & Yavuzarslan, İ. F. (2016). Eğitimde artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojilerinin kullanımı: 2007-2016 döneminde türkiye’de yapılan araştırmaların içerik analizi [Using augmented reality in education: A content analysis of the studies in 2007-2016 period], Journal of Subject Teaching Research, 2(2) , 84-95.
- Usta, E., & Mahiroğlu, A. (2008). Harmanlanmış öğrenme ve çevrimiçi öğrenme ortamlarının akademik başarı ve doyuma etkisi [The effect of blended learning and online learning on academic achievement and learner satisfaction]. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty (KEFAD/JKEF), 9(2), 1–15.
- Vilkoniene, M. (2009). Influence of Augmented Reality Technology upon Pupils' Knowledge about Human Digestive System: The Results of the Experiment. Online Submission, 6(1), 36-43.
- Volk, K. S., & Dugger, W. E. (2005). East meets west: What Americans and Hong Kong people think about technology. Journal of Technology Education, 17(1), 53–68.
- Williams, J. P. (2000). Design: The only methodology of technology? Journal of Technology Education, 11(2), 48–60.
- Yair, Y. (2001). 3D-virtual reality in science education: an implication for astronomy teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 20, 293-305.
- Yenice N, (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi öğretiminin öğrencilerin fen ve bilgisayar tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of computer-assisted science teaching on students' science and computer attitudes], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 79-85.
- Yeşilyurt, S. & Kara, Y. 2007. The effects of tutorial and edutainment software programs on students’ achievments, misconceptions and attitudes towards biology. Journal of Science Education and technology, 17, 32-41.
- Yuen, S., Yaoyuneyong, G. & Johnson, E. (2011). Augmented reality: An overview and five directions for AR in education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 4(1), 119-140.
Year 2023,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 538 - 554, 28.12.2023
Hatice Coşkun
Abdulkadir Özkaya
- Abdüsselam, M. S., & Karal, H. (2012). The effect of mixed reality environments on the students’ academic achievement in physics education: 11th grade magnetism topic example. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 1(4), 170-181.
- Altun, S., & Büyükduman, F. I. (2007). Teacher and student beliefs on constructivist instructional design: A case study. Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (EKU), 7(1), 30.
- Arslan, R., Kofoğlu, M., & Dargut, C. (2020). Development of augmented reality application for biology education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(1), 62-72.
- Azuma, R. (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Presence-teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355-385.
- Clarke, J. (2013). Augmented Reality, Multimodal Literacy and Mobile Technology: An Experiment in Teacher Engagement. QScience Proceedings: 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 28.
- Coşkun, M., & Koç, Y. (2021). The effect of augmented reality and mobile application supported instruction related to different variables in 7th grade science lesson. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(2), 298-313.
- Dere, İ. (2019). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının öğretim materyali geliştirme ve kullanımı hakkındaki görüşleri [Viewpoints of social studies teacher candidates about ınstructional material development and usage]. Balikesir University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 22(41).
- Dere, İ. ve Demirci, İ. (2021). Bilgisayar destekli öğretim yönteminin sosyal bilgiler derslerinde kullanımı [The use of computer assisted instruction method in social studies courses]. Y. Değirmenci ve Z. Taşyürek (Ed.), Uygulama örnekleriyle sosyal bilgiler öğretimi (Strateji-yöntem-teknik) içinde [Social studies teaching with application examples (Strategy-method-technique) in] (pp. 335-356). Nobel.
- Dias, A. (2009). Technology enhanced learning and augmented reality: an application on multimedia interactive books. International Business & Economics Review, 1 (1), 69-79.
- Dunleavy, M. & Dede, C. (2014). Augmented reality teaching and learning. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp. 735-745). Springer.
- Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 7-22.
- Feiner, S. (2002). Augmented reality: A new way of seeing. Scientific American, 286 (4), 48–55.
- Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw.
- Güven, G., & Sülün Y., (2012). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin 8. sınıf fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik başarıya ve öğrencilerin derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [The Effects of Computer-Enhanced Teaching on Academic Achievement in 8thGrade Science and Technology Course and Students’ Attitudes towards the Course], Journal Of Turkish Science Education, 9(1), 68-79.
- Hsiao, K. F., Chen, N. S., & Huang, S. Y. (2012). Learning while exercising for science education in augmented reality among adolescents. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(4), 331-349.
- İbili, E. ve Şahin, S. (2015). Geometri öğretiminde artırılmış gerçeklik kullanımın öğrencilerin bilgisayara yönelik tutumlarına ve bilgisayar öz-yeterlilik algılarına etkisinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the effects on computer attitudes and computer self-efficacy to use of augmented reality in geometry teaching], Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 332-350.
- Jones, A., & de Vries, M. (2009). The international handbook of research and development in technology education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Karacaoglu, Ö. C. (2018). Curriculum evaluation in online education: The case of teacher candidates preparing online for public personnel selection examination. International Journal of Higher Education, 7(2), 107-120.
- Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2020). Eğitimde program geliştirme [Curriculum development in education]. Nobel.
- Laçin Şimşek, C. (Ed) 2011. Fen öğretiminde okul dışı öğrenme ortamları [Out-of-school learning environments in science teaching]. Pegem academy.
- Lewis, T. (1999). Research in technology education – some areas of need. Journal of Technology Education, 10(2), 41-56.
- McMillan, J.H. & Schumacher, S. (2010). Research in education: Evidence-based inquiry, (7th ed.) Pearson Publishing.
- Milgram, P., & Kishino, F. (1994). A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, 77 (12), 1321-1329.
- Özarslan, Y. (2013). Genişletilmiş gerçeklik ile zenginleştirilmiş öğrenme materyallerinin öğrenen başarısı ve memnuniyeti üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of augmented reality enhanced learning materials on learners' achievement and learners' satisfaction]. [Doctoral Thesis, Eskişehir Anadolu University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Özcan, H., & Yılmaz, Ş. (2019). Investıgatıon of preservıce scıence teachers’vıews about scıence and technology. The Journal of Turkish Social Studies, 23(1), 253-270.
- Özeren, S., & Top, E. (2023). The effects of Augmented Reality applications on the academic achievement and motivation of secondary school students. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1), 25-40.
- Özkaya, A. (2013). Üstbilişsel ve internet tabanlı üstbilişsel öğretim yöntemlerinin öğrencilerin hücre bölünmesi ve kalıtım konusundaki başarılarına, tutumlarına ve üstbilişsel düşünme düzeylerine etkisi [The effects of metacognitive and web based metacognitive methods students' understanding, attitudes and metacognitive thinking levels in heredity and cell division issue]. [Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Pamuk, S., Çakır, R., Ergun, M., Yılmaz, H. B. & Ayas, C. (2013). Öğretmen ve öğrenci bakış açısıyla tablet PC ve etkileşimli tahta kullanımı: FATİH Projesi değerlendirmesi [The use of tablet pc and ınteractive board from the perspectives of teachers and students: evaluation of the FATIH project]. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(3), 1799-1822.
- Sarıkaya, M. (2015). Artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrencilerin akademik başarıları, kavram yanılgıları ve derse katılımlarına etkisi [Effects of augmented reality applications on students' achievement, misconceptions and course engagement]. [Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University]. YÖK Thesis Center.
- Sin, A. K. & Zaman, H. B. (2010). Live solar system (lss): evaluation of an augmented reality book-based educational tool. ın ınformation technology (ıtsim), 2010 International Symposium in (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Somyürek, S. (2014). Öğretim sürecinde Z kuşağının dikkatini çekme: Artırılmış gerçeklik [Gaining the attention of generation Z in learning process: Augmented reality], Educational Technology Theory And Practice, 4(1), 63-80.
- Specht, M., Ternier, S., & Greller, W. (2011). Mobile augmented reality for learning: A case study. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7 (1), 117-127.
- Tezel Ö., Aydost Y., (2016). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin altıncı sınıf öğrencilerinin yaşamımızdaki elektrik kavram bilgilerine ve tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of computer supported educatıon to the concept knowledge and attıtude], Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(3), 101-113.
- Topkaya, Y., Tangülü, Z., Yilar, B., & Şimşek, U. (2015). Social studies pre-service teachers'computer self efficacy beliefs and attitudes on computer-assisted instruction. Journal of International Social Research, 8(36).
- TÜİK. (2014). Hanehalkı bilişim teknolojileri kullanım araştırması [Household information technology usage survey]. Retrieved on April 4, 2019 from
- Korucu, A., T., Usta, E. & Yavuzarslan, İ. F. (2016). Eğitimde artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojilerinin kullanımı: 2007-2016 döneminde türkiye’de yapılan araştırmaların içerik analizi [Using augmented reality in education: A content analysis of the studies in 2007-2016 period], Journal of Subject Teaching Research, 2(2) , 84-95.
- Usta, E., & Mahiroğlu, A. (2008). Harmanlanmış öğrenme ve çevrimiçi öğrenme ortamlarının akademik başarı ve doyuma etkisi [The effect of blended learning and online learning on academic achievement and learner satisfaction]. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty (KEFAD/JKEF), 9(2), 1–15.
- Vilkoniene, M. (2009). Influence of Augmented Reality Technology upon Pupils' Knowledge about Human Digestive System: The Results of the Experiment. Online Submission, 6(1), 36-43.
- Volk, K. S., & Dugger, W. E. (2005). East meets west: What Americans and Hong Kong people think about technology. Journal of Technology Education, 17(1), 53–68.
- Williams, J. P. (2000). Design: The only methodology of technology? Journal of Technology Education, 11(2), 48–60.
- Yair, Y. (2001). 3D-virtual reality in science education: an implication for astronomy teaching. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 20, 293-305.
- Yenice N, (2003). Bilgisayar destekli fen bilgisi öğretiminin öğrencilerin fen ve bilgisayar tutumlarına etkisi [The effect of computer-assisted science teaching on students' science and computer attitudes], The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(4), 79-85.
- Yeşilyurt, S. & Kara, Y. 2007. The effects of tutorial and edutainment software programs on students’ achievments, misconceptions and attitudes towards biology. Journal of Science Education and technology, 17, 32-41.
- Yuen, S., Yaoyuneyong, G. & Johnson, E. (2011). Augmented reality: An overview and five directions for AR in education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 4(1), 119-140.