Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 27.12.2021

Yıl: 2021


Araştırma Makalesi


Araştırma Makalesi


Turkish Journal of Field Crops is indexed and abstracted in: Science Citiation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, CABI Abstracts: Crops Physiology Abstr., Field Crops Abstr., Grasslands and Forage Abstr., Plant Breeding Abstr., Seed Abstr. ISSN 1301-1111.
Impact factor (overall): 5.19 Impact factor (2019): 0.897 Impact factor (5 years): 0.884 h-index (overall): 17 Quartile : Q3 Rate of acceptance : 15%
Impact factor rating of the Turk J Field Crops in 2019
Ranking: 16 among 53 Turkish Journals indexed by the ISI
Total Cites            IF                  5-year IF             Immediacy Index     Articles                 Cited Hal                      Eigenfactor Score                     Article Influence Score
350                       0.897              0.884                    0.029                           34                        6.6                              0.00025                                              0.116
Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Emre İLKER
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Metin Birkan YILDIRIM
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
Email :
Tel : +90 232 3112679
Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474

The Journal includes only the original research papers on the following topics:
  • Breeding and Genetics
  • Agronomy
  • Physiology
  • Forage Crops
  • Medicinal and Aromatical Plants
  • Biotechnology
  • Utilization
All papers are reviewed by the scientists qualified to judge the quality of the research and presentation. Acceptance or rejection, however, is the decision of the Editorial Board. Acceptance of a paper is based solely on its scientific merit. Accepted manuscripts are published in the chronological order they have received.


Manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word 2003, DIN-A4 pages, letter «Times New Roman» size 12, with double line spacing, 2.5 cm margins on each side, page and line numbers.
Tables, graphs, and other material should be arranged separately in the text. Word editor should be used to create tables, for tables each item should be placed into a separate cell. Dimensions of tables must be maximum 16 × 20 cm and minimum 8 cm wide. Tables are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text and have a brief, but self-explanatory title. Abbreviations or symbols used in the tables must be explained either in the table title or as a footnote.
Figures should be submitted in TIFF or JPG format and dimensions of figures must be maximum 16 × 20 cm and minimum 8 cm wide. All photos, graphs, illustrations and diagrams should be referred to as a figure and numbered, continually according to the order in which they are included in the text, using Arabic numerals.
If any abbreviations are used in a paper, they shall be explained appropriately when they are used in the text for the first time. It is not advisable to use any abbreviations in the paper title or in the abstract. Then use the abbreviation throughout the entire article. The SI international system of measurement units should be used. Genus and species are always italicized. Do not italicize "spp." or "sensu stricto" or "sensu lato" that may follow genus and species.


The title should be short and clear, and usually cover less than two printed lines. It should not include chemical formulas or arbitrary abbreviations. Authors name and address should follow the title.


The Abstract (preferably less than 200 words) should state concisely the scope of the work and give the principal findings. The abstract is an important part of the paper because it is published and cited in world databases. Keywords (a maximum of 6 in alphabetical order) should differ from words mentioned in the title. No references are to be cited in the abstract.


Keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order.
The main text of scientific paper must be developed under the following headings: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion. Results and Discussion can be presented under one heading.


Introduction should outline the main reasons why the research was conducted; describe a brief review of literature consisting of refereed periodicals, journals and books, and the goal of the authors. It is recommended to include references to papers from peer reviewed periodicals only.


All material, experiments conducted, their extent, conditions and course should be described in detail in this section. All original procedures that were used for the processing of experimental material and all analytical methods used for evaluation should also be detailed. Data verifying the quality of acquired data should be indicated for the used methods. Methods of statistical processing including the software used should also be listed in this section.


It should be a single section as "Results and Discussion" or if necessary, can be split into separate "Results" and "Discussion" sections. Discussion should be logical and results must be discussed in the light of previous literature justifying your findings. Acknowledgments, if any, should follow the text and precede the references.


We strongly recommend that authors cite papers written by other authors published in previous issues of Turkish Journal of Field Crops. Citations of relevant published work in the text, from Introduction to Discussion, including tables and figures, should read Demir and Yuce (1987) or (Demir and Yuce, 1987). When a paper cited has three or more authors, use the style Chung et al. (1989) or (Chung et al., 1989). Use (Park 1983a) and (Park 1983b) when citing more than one paper by the same author(s) published in the same year. For example, "This is observed both in vivo and in vitro (Gordon et al. 1980; Lee, 1989a, 1989b; Smith and Jones, 1984)."


Please do not use Turkish letter in Literature Cited. Only published papers or papers in press can be mentioned in the manuscript. Papers in preparation or in review can be mentioned within the text as unpublished data, but should not be included in the References section. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text without numbering. The manuscript should be checked carefully to ensure that the spellings of the authors' names and year of publication are exactly the same in the text as in the litrature cited list. The Chicago manual of style 16th Edition Author-Date System or Turabian style Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertiation reference list style are used in citation. References to journal articles, books, proceedings, chapters in books, etc. should be listed as given below (please note the punctuation and capitalisation):
Journal articles: Riday, H. and E.C. Brummer. 2002a. Forage yield heterosis in alfalfa. Crop Sci. 42:716-723. Riday, H. and E.C. Brummer, 2002b. Heterosis of agronomic traits in alfalfa. Crop Sci. 42:1081-1087.
Berdahl, J.D., A.C. Wilton and A.B. Frank. 1989. Survival and agronomic performance of 25 alfalfa cultivars and strains interseeded into rangeland. J. Range Manage. 42:312-316.
Books: Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publ. Company.
Chapter in Books: Ouyang, J. 1986. Induction of pollen plants in Triticum aestivum. In: Haploids of Higher Plant in Vitro, ed. Hu, M. and Yang, M., 26-41, Academic Press, Beijing.
Online References: Holsinger, K. 2008. The genetics of natural selections, lecture-notes/selection/selection.html, (Accessed January 20, 2010)
If a manuscript does not fit to the style, form and regulations of this journal it will not be accepted to the evaluation stage.
Please do not send research results older than six years.
Please do not send manuscript authorized by Ph.D. students before thesis defence.

This publication policy statement outlines policy and procedures relative to Turkish Journal of Field Crops.
1. General Policy
All material intended for publication by the Society should be written in English. Manuscripts for the Journal should be sent to the Editor in Chief.
2. Editor in Chief
Editor in Chief is nominated by the Governing Board and serves a 3-year term. The Editor in Chief makes recommendations to the Governing Board to appointment of the editors and serves as a Chairman of the Editorial Board.
3. Editorial Board
Editorial Board consisting of the Editor in Chief and Editors prepares the Journal. Editorial Board develops procedures for manuscript submission, review and referee criteria, acceptance, release and publication. The Editor in Chief delegates editorial functions to other members of the Editorial Board. The Editor in Chief also processes review and interpretive papers and handles the appeal procedure for rejected manuscripts. The Editor in Chief may write editorials or solicit manuscripts on special topics.
4. Editor
Editors are appointed for specific subject matter areas and are responsible for the technical and intellectual content of the journal in these areas. They supervise the registering of manuscripts and other record keeping activities and direct the work of the assigned referees Editors in reviewing and evaluating manuscripts submitted to Turkish Journal of Field Crops.Editors are responsible for obtaining a minimum of two reviews for each manuscript assigned to them. Each review is an evaluation of the intellectual content of the manuscript for publication. The fallowing steps will be followed for prompt reviews.
a.Editors are expected to act as primary reviewer for papers close to their area of expertise.
b.Editors are encouraged to contact prospective reviewers and request return of the reviewed paper within two weeks.
c.Editors are advised to read papers carefully before sending them out for review. Editor is encouraged to be one of the primary reviewers. Two quality reviews of manuscript is the goal.
5. Manuscript Handling
Three copies of manuscripts should be submitted to the receipt of the Editor in Chief. The Editor notifies the corresponding author of the receipt of the manuscript, sends a permission to print and reprint form to the author, assigns registration number to the manuscripts. The registration number must be used in all correspondence regarding the manuscript. The Editor in Chief assigns manuscripts to the Editors on the basis of subject matter. The Editors in turn assign manuscripts to the referees and reviewers.
If they recommend publication without change and the Editor agrees, the manuscript and reviewers report are
sent to Editor in Chief for concurrence.
6. Referee Assignment by the Editor in Chief
The editor in Chief could also assign manuscripts to the editors and two referees. If two referees accept, the manuscript is accepted for publication after the approval of the editor.
If the reviewers and the Editor find the manuscript could be published after some revision, the manuscript is returned to the author to obtain a satisfactory revision. If a revised manuscript is not returned by the author the first released manuscript must be submitted to the editor to receive additional consideration for the Journal.
If the reviewers and Editor recommend that a manuscript to be rejected, the manuscript and reviewers comments are sent to the Editor in Chief. If the Editor in Chief concurs that the manuscript should be rejected, the manuscript is released to the author. The author of a manuscript rejected has the option of appealing the release to the Editor in Chief. In appealing the release, the author must provide the Editor in Chief with a clean copy of the released version of the manuscript. All editorial correspondence and a letter are stating
7. Notes
Short papers covering experimental techniques, apparatus and observations of unique phenomena are published as notes. Review procedures for notes are the same as those for regular articles. The format for notes less than two printed pages is less formal than that for full length articles.
8. Letters to the Editor
Our journal accepts criticism. These criticisms will be carefully reviewed by the editorial board. According to the criticism or new ideas reported to us, we may make adjustments in journal's publication policies. However, in accordance with the decision we have taken and the law on the protection of personal data, these notes will remain between you and the Editorial Board and will not be published in our journal.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
Email :
Tel : +90 232 3112679
Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474