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The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on infant and child nutrition

Yıl 2022, , 439 - 457, 01.12.2022


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome infection (SARS-CoV-2), declared a pandemic by WHO in March 2020, has become an unprecedented public health problem leading to economic and social crises. The first confirmed pediatric case was reported in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China on January 20 and many pediatric case reports and case series have been reported since then. In these reports, it is stated that in addition to the asymptomatic course of the disease in children, there may be more serious complications such as respiratory distress syndrome and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. However, it is emphasized that other problems hidden in addition to the direct effects of the disease, especially in children, and the indirect effects of the pandemic, cause and will continue to cause more serious problems. The effects of the pandemic on children’s mental and physical health, along with reasons such as the closure of schools and the decrease in peer interaction, cause concern. During the pandemic process, the problem of food insecurity has deepened and infant and child nutrition has been affected. In this direction, this review aims to reveal infant and child feeding problems, the factors that cause these problems and the strategies to prevent these problems, and our roles in informing and counseling children and families during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


  • Chan JF, YuanS, Kok KH, To KK, Chu H,Yang J,et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. Lancet. 2020; 395:514-2.
  • Ntambara J, Chu M. The risk to child nutrition during and after COVID-19 pandemic: what to expect and how to respond. Public Health Nutr. 2021;1–7.
  • Paslakis G, Dimitropoulos G, Katzman DK. A call to action to address COVID- 19-induced global food insecurity to prevent hunger, malnutrition, and eating pathology. Nutr Rev. 2021;79(1):114-116
  • Bauer L. The COVID-19 crisis has already left too many children hungry in America. 2020. Erişim adresi: up-front/2020/05/06/the-covid-19- crisishas-already-left-too-many-children-hungry-in-america/. Erişim tarihi 10.12.2021
  • Thomas MMC, Miller DP, Morrissey TW. Food Insecurity and Child Health. Pediatrics. 2019;144(4).
  • Brown PS, Durham D, Tivis RD, Stamper S, Waldren C, Toevs SE, Gordon B and Robb TA .Evaluation of Food Insecurity in Adults and Children With Cystic Fibrosis: Community Case Study. Front. Public Health. 2018;6348.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund, ‘COVID-19: Number of children living in household poverty to soar by up to 86 million by end of year’, Press release, UNICEF, Erişim adresi https://www. number-children-living-household-poverty-soar-86-million-end-year Erişim tarihi 10.12.2021
  • Global Nutrition Report. Global Nutrition Report 2020. [Internet]. Erişim adresi reports/2020-global-nutrition-report/ Erişim tarihi 09.12.2021
  • Zarocostas J. Community care could prevent deaths of thousands of severely malnourished children. BMJ. 2007;334:1239
  • Calder PC, Carr AC, Gombart AF, Eggersdorfer M. Optimal nutritional status for a well-functioning immune system is an important factor to protect against viral infections. Nutrients 2020; 12:E1181
  • Bahwere p, De Mol p, Donnen p, Dramaix- Wilmet M, Butzler Jp, Hennart p et al. Improvements in nutritional management as a determinant of reduced mortality from community-acquired lower respiratory tract infection n hospitalized children from rural central Africa. pediatr Infect Dis J. 2004;23(8):739-47.
  • Nalwanga D, Musiime V, Kizito S, Kiggundu JB, Batte A, Musoke p, et al. Mortality among children under five years admitted for routine care of severe acute malnutrition: a prospective cohort study from Kampala, uganda. BMC pediatr. 2020;24;20(1):182.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Junior JA, Imdad A, Dean S, Chan XH, Chan ES et al. zinc supplementation for preventing mortality, morbidity, and growth failure in children aged 6 months to 12 years of age. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2014;15(5):CD009384.
  • Svedberg P. Declining child malnutrition: a reassessment. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2006;35(5):1336-46.
  • World Health Organization, Guiding principles for feding infants and young children during emergencies. 2004, Geneva WHO/nHD/99.10. https:// emergencies/9241546069/en/ Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2021. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021. Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. Rome, FAO. cb4474en
  • Maitland C, Stratton G, Foster S, BrahamR, Rosenberg M. A place for play? The influence of the home physical environment on children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral nutrition and physical Activity 2013;10:99.
  • Brambilla I, Tosca MA, De Filippo M, Licari A, piccotti E, Marseglia GL et al. Special Issues for COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring). Erişim adresi: https://onlinelibrary. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Muscogiuri G, Pugliese G, Barrea L, Savastano S, Colao A. Obesity: the “Achilles heel” for COVID-19? Metabolism. 2020;108:154251.
  • Gerszon Mahler D, Lakner C, Aguilar RAC, Wu H. The impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on global poverty: why sub-Saharan Africa might be the region hardest hit [Internet]. World Bank Blogs 2020. Available from: https://blogs. 19-coronavirus-global-poverty-why-sub-saharan-africa-might-be-region-hardest. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Reardon T, Bellemare MF, Zilberman D. How COVID-19 may disrupt food supply chains in developing countries [Internet]. International Food Policy Research Institute; 2020. Erişim adresi: https:// Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • The World Bank. Food security and COVID-19 [Internet]. The World Bank; 2020 Erişim adresi: https://www. brief/food-security-and-covid-19.
  • Gillam C. What does junk food have to do with COVID-19 deaths? Environmental Health News [Internet] 2020 Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Food Security Information Network (2020) Global Report on Food Crises. Erişim adresi: news/covid-19-willdouble-number-people-facing-food-crises-unless-swiftaction-take Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Pollard CM & Booth S. Food Insecurity and hunger in rich countries-it is time for action against inequality. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16:1804.
  • Kapur A, Hod M. Maternal health and non-communicable disease prevention: An investment case for the post COVID-19 world and need for better health economic data. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020;150(2):151-158.
  • UNFPA; Avenir Health; Johns Hopkins University; Victoria University. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family planning and ending gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriage [Internet]. United Nations Population Fund; 2020. Erişim adresi:https://www. pandemic-familyplanning-and-ending-gender-based-violence-female-genital. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • UNICEF. UNICEF WASH programme contribution to COVID-19 prevention and response [Internet]. 2020. Erişim adresi: f i l e / U N I C E F - WA S H - C O V I D - 1 9 - prevention-response-overarching.pdf. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Abbas AM, Fathy SK, Fawzy A T, Salem AS, Shawky MS. The mutual effects of COVID-19 and obesity. Obes Med. 2020;19:100250.
  • Kass DA, Duggal P, Cingolani O. Obesity could shift severe COVID-19 disease to younger ages. Lancet. 2020; S0140- 6736(20):31024-2.
  • Pietrobelli A, Pecoraro L, Ferruzzi A, Heo M, Faith M, Zoller T, Antoniazzi F, Piacentini G, Fearnbach SN, Heymsfield SB. Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on lifestyle behaviors in children with obesity living in Verona, Italy: A Longitudinal Study. Obesity. 2020;28(8):1382–85.
  • Ruiz-Roso MB, de Carvalho PP, Mantilla- Escalante DC, Ulloa N, Brun P, Acevedo- Correa D, Arantes Ferreira Peres W, Martorell M, Aires MT, de Oliveira CL, et al. Covid-19 Confinement and Changes of Adolescent’s Dietary Trends in Italy, Spain, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. Nutrients. 2020;12:1807.
  • Głąbska D, Skolmowska D, Guzek D. Population-based study of the changes in the food choice determinants of secondary school students: polish adolescents’ COVID-19 experience (PLACE-19) study. Nutrients. 2020;12:2640.
  • Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Druesne-Pecollo N, Esseddik Y, Szabo de Edelenyi F, Alles B, Andreeva VA, Baudry J, Charreire H, Deschamps V, Egnell M, et al. Diet and physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown period (March– May 2020): results from the French NutriNet-Sante cohort study. medRxiv. 2020. Erişim adresi: 6.04.20121855 Erişim tarihi 22.05.2021.
  • Haleemunnissa S, Didel S, Swami MK, Singh K, Vyas V. Children and COVID19: understanding impact on the growth trajectory of an evolving generation. Child. Youth Serv. Rev. 2021;120:105754
  • Wang C, pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS et al. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and public Health. 2020;17(5):1729.
  • Ginny Sprang, Miriam Silman. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in parents and Youth After Health-Related Disasters Disaster. Med public Health prep. 2013;7(1):105-10.
  • Wu C, Chen X, Cai Y, Xia J, Zhou X, Xu S, et al. Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA Intern Med. 2020. https :// jamai ntern med.2020.0994.
  • Akseer N, Kandru G, Keats EC, Bhutta ZA. COVID-19 pandemic and mitigation strategies: implications for maternal and child health and nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;112(2):251-256.
  • Ribeiro KDDS, Garcia LRS, Dametto JFDS, Assunção DGF, Maciel BLL. COVID-19 and Nutrition: The Need for Initiatives to Promote Healthy Eating and Prevent Obesity in Childhood. Child Obes. 2020 Jun;16(4):235-237
  • Bülbül S. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. Bostancı İ, editör. Çocuk Sağlığında SARSCoV- 2 (COVID-19). 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.108-14.
  • Zemrani B, Gehri M, Masserey E. et al. A hidden side of the COVID-19 pandemic in children: the double burden of undernutrition and overnutrition. Int J Equity Health. 2021. https://doi. org/10.1186/s12939-021-01390-w
  • Picolo M, Barros I, Joyeux M et al. Rethinking integrated nutrition-health strategies to address micronutrient deficiencies in children under five in Mozambique. Matern Child Nutr. 2019;15(1):e12721.
  • Brar S, Akseer N, Sall M, Conway K, Diouf I, Everett K, Islam M, Sène PIS, Tasic H, Wigle J, Bhutta Z. Drivers of stunting reduction in Senegal: a country case study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 Sep 14;112(Suppl 2):860S-874S.
  • UNICEF, Kırılgan Durumdaki Çocukları Koronavirüsün Etkilerinden Korumak İçin Eylem Planı. https:// k%C4%B1r%C4%B1lgan-durumdaki- % C 3 % A 7 o c u k l a r % C 4 % B 1 - k o r o n a v i r % C 3 % B C s % C 3 % B C n - etkilerinden-korumak-i%C3%A7in-eylem-plan%C4%B1 adresinden elde edildi. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • Chanani S, Waingankar A, Shah More N et al. Participation of pregnant women in a community-based nutrition program in Mumbai’s informal settlements: effect on exclusive breastfeeding practices. PLoS One. 2018;13:e0195619.
  • Huerta Munoz U & Kallestal C. Geographical accessibility and spatial coverage modeling of the primary health care network in the Western Province of Rwanda. Int J Health Geogr. 2012;11:40.
  • Sánchez-Luna M, Fernández Colomer B, de Alba Romero C, et al. Neonates Born to Mothers With COVID-19: Data From the Spanish Society of Neonatology Registry. Pediatrics. 2021;147(2):e2020015065
  • Gökçay G, Keskindemirci G. Anne sütüve COVID-19 İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 23.03.2020 http://www.sosyalpediatri. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • De Rose Du, piersigilli F, Ronchetti Mp, Santisi A, Bersani I, Dotta A et al. novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in newborns and infants: what we know so far. Ital J pediatr. 2020;46(1):56.
  • Chen H, Guo J, Wang C, Luo F, Yu X, zhang W, et al. Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records.Lancet. 2020;395:809– 15.
  • Medimagazin 26.0.2020, https://www. tr-bilim-kurulundan-bebek-emziren-anneler-icin-karar-11-681-87473.html (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • news/breastfeeding-advice-during-the-covid-19-outbreak.html (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • breastfeeding-special-circumstances/ maternal-or-infant-illnesses/covid-19- and-breastfeeding.html (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • breastfeeding-special-circumstances/ maternal-or-infant-illnesses/covid-19- and-breastfeeding.html (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • Wigle JM, Akseer N, Mogilevskii R, Brar S, Conway K, Enikeeva Z, Iamshchikova M, Islam M, Kirbasheva D, Rappaport A et al.. Drivers of stunting reduction in Kyrgyz Republic: a country case study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020
  • Tasic H, Akseer N, Gebreyesus SH, Ataullahjan A, Brar S, Confreda E, Conway K, Endris BS, Islam M, Keats E et al.. Drivers of stunting reduction in Ethiopia: a country case study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020.
  • Huicho L, Vidal-Cárdenas E, Akseer N, Brar S, Conway K, Islam M, Juarez E, Rappaport A, Tasic H, Vaivada T et al.. Drivers of stunting reduction in Peru: a country case study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020
  • Bhutta ZA, Akseer N, Keats EC, Vaivada T, Baker S, Horton SE, Katz J, Menon P, Piwoz E, Shekar M, Victora C, Black R. How countries can reduce child stunting at scale: lessons from exemplar countries. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 Sep 14;112(Suppl 2):894S-904S.

COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 439 - 457, 01.12.2022


DSÖ tarafından Mart 2020’de pandemi olarak ilan edilen Şiddetli Akut Solunum Yolu Sendromu enfeksiyonu (SARS- CoV-2) ekonomik ve sosyal krizlere yol açan eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir halk sağlığı sorunu haline gelmiştir. Teyit edilen ilk pediatrik vaka 20 Ocak’ta Çin Halk Cumhuriyetinin Shenzhen şehrinde bildirilmiş, o tarihten sonra çok fazla çocuk olgu sunumu ve olgu serisi rapor edilmiştir. Bu raporlarda çocuklarda hastalığın seyrinin asemptomatik olmasının yanında respiratuvar distres sendromu, multiorgan disfonksiyon sendromu gibi daha ciddi komplikasyonlar olabileceği belirtilmektedir. Ancak, hastalığın direk etkilerinin yanında gizlenen diğer sorunların, pandeminin indirek etkilerinin, daha ciddi sorunlara yol açtığı ve açmaya devam edeceği vurgulanmaktadır. Okulların kapanması, akran etkileşiminin azalması gibi nedenler ile birlikte pandeminin çocukların mental ve fiziksel sağlığına olan etkileri endişe yaratmaktadır. Pandemi sürecinde gıda güvensizliği sorunu daha da derinleşmiş, bebek ve çocuk beslenmesi etkilenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda bu derleme, SARS-CoV-2 pandemisi süresince bebek ve çocuk besleme sorunlarını, bu sorunlara neden olan faktörleri ve bu sorunları önlemeye yönelik stratejileri, çocuk ve ailesine yapılacak olan bilgilendirme ve danışmanlıktaki rollerimizi ortaya koymaktır.


  • Chan JF, YuanS, Kok KH, To KK, Chu H,Yang J,et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. Lancet. 2020; 395:514-2.
  • Ntambara J, Chu M. The risk to child nutrition during and after COVID-19 pandemic: what to expect and how to respond. Public Health Nutr. 2021;1–7.
  • Paslakis G, Dimitropoulos G, Katzman DK. A call to action to address COVID- 19-induced global food insecurity to prevent hunger, malnutrition, and eating pathology. Nutr Rev. 2021;79(1):114-116
  • Bauer L. The COVID-19 crisis has already left too many children hungry in America. 2020. Erişim adresi: up-front/2020/05/06/the-covid-19- crisishas-already-left-too-many-children-hungry-in-america/. Erişim tarihi 10.12.2021
  • Thomas MMC, Miller DP, Morrissey TW. Food Insecurity and Child Health. Pediatrics. 2019;144(4).
  • Brown PS, Durham D, Tivis RD, Stamper S, Waldren C, Toevs SE, Gordon B and Robb TA .Evaluation of Food Insecurity in Adults and Children With Cystic Fibrosis: Community Case Study. Front. Public Health. 2018;6348.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund, ‘COVID-19: Number of children living in household poverty to soar by up to 86 million by end of year’, Press release, UNICEF, Erişim adresi https://www. number-children-living-household-poverty-soar-86-million-end-year Erişim tarihi 10.12.2021
  • Global Nutrition Report. Global Nutrition Report 2020. [Internet]. Erişim adresi reports/2020-global-nutrition-report/ Erişim tarihi 09.12.2021
  • Zarocostas J. Community care could prevent deaths of thousands of severely malnourished children. BMJ. 2007;334:1239
  • Calder PC, Carr AC, Gombart AF, Eggersdorfer M. Optimal nutritional status for a well-functioning immune system is an important factor to protect against viral infections. Nutrients 2020; 12:E1181
  • Bahwere p, De Mol p, Donnen p, Dramaix- Wilmet M, Butzler Jp, Hennart p et al. Improvements in nutritional management as a determinant of reduced mortality from community-acquired lower respiratory tract infection n hospitalized children from rural central Africa. pediatr Infect Dis J. 2004;23(8):739-47.
  • Nalwanga D, Musiime V, Kizito S, Kiggundu JB, Batte A, Musoke p, et al. Mortality among children under five years admitted for routine care of severe acute malnutrition: a prospective cohort study from Kampala, uganda. BMC pediatr. 2020;24;20(1):182.
  • Mayo-Wilson E, Junior JA, Imdad A, Dean S, Chan XH, Chan ES et al. zinc supplementation for preventing mortality, morbidity, and growth failure in children aged 6 months to 12 years of age. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2014;15(5):CD009384.
  • Svedberg P. Declining child malnutrition: a reassessment. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2006;35(5):1336-46.
  • World Health Organization, Guiding principles for feding infants and young children during emergencies. 2004, Geneva WHO/nHD/99.10. https:// emergencies/9241546069/en/ Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2021. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021. Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. Rome, FAO. cb4474en
  • Maitland C, Stratton G, Foster S, BrahamR, Rosenberg M. A place for play? The influence of the home physical environment on children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral nutrition and physical Activity 2013;10:99.
  • Brambilla I, Tosca MA, De Filippo M, Licari A, piccotti E, Marseglia GL et al. Special Issues for COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring). Erişim adresi: https://onlinelibrary. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Muscogiuri G, Pugliese G, Barrea L, Savastano S, Colao A. Obesity: the “Achilles heel” for COVID-19? Metabolism. 2020;108:154251.
  • Gerszon Mahler D, Lakner C, Aguilar RAC, Wu H. The impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on global poverty: why sub-Saharan Africa might be the region hardest hit [Internet]. World Bank Blogs 2020. Available from: https://blogs. 19-coronavirus-global-poverty-why-sub-saharan-africa-might-be-region-hardest. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Reardon T, Bellemare MF, Zilberman D. How COVID-19 may disrupt food supply chains in developing countries [Internet]. International Food Policy Research Institute; 2020. Erişim adresi: https:// Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • The World Bank. Food security and COVID-19 [Internet]. The World Bank; 2020 Erişim adresi: https://www. brief/food-security-and-covid-19.
  • Gillam C. What does junk food have to do with COVID-19 deaths? Environmental Health News [Internet] 2020 Erişim adresi: Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Food Security Information Network (2020) Global Report on Food Crises. Erişim adresi: news/covid-19-willdouble-number-people-facing-food-crises-unless-swiftaction-take Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Pollard CM & Booth S. Food Insecurity and hunger in rich countries-it is time for action against inequality. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16:1804.
  • Kapur A, Hod M. Maternal health and non-communicable disease prevention: An investment case for the post COVID-19 world and need for better health economic data. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020;150(2):151-158.
  • UNFPA; Avenir Health; Johns Hopkins University; Victoria University. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family planning and ending gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriage [Internet]. United Nations Population Fund; 2020. Erişim adresi:https://www. pandemic-familyplanning-and-ending-gender-based-violence-female-genital. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • UNICEF. UNICEF WASH programme contribution to COVID-19 prevention and response [Internet]. 2020. Erişim adresi: f i l e / U N I C E F - WA S H - C O V I D - 1 9 - prevention-response-overarching.pdf. Erişim tarihi 15.12.2021
  • Abbas AM, Fathy SK, Fawzy A T, Salem AS, Shawky MS. The mutual effects of COVID-19 and obesity. Obes Med. 2020;19:100250.
  • Kass DA, Duggal P, Cingolani O. Obesity could shift severe COVID-19 disease to younger ages. Lancet. 2020; S0140- 6736(20):31024-2.
  • Pietrobelli A, Pecoraro L, Ferruzzi A, Heo M, Faith M, Zoller T, Antoniazzi F, Piacentini G, Fearnbach SN, Heymsfield SB. Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on lifestyle behaviors in children with obesity living in Verona, Italy: A Longitudinal Study. Obesity. 2020;28(8):1382–85.
  • Ruiz-Roso MB, de Carvalho PP, Mantilla- Escalante DC, Ulloa N, Brun P, Acevedo- Correa D, Arantes Ferreira Peres W, Martorell M, Aires MT, de Oliveira CL, et al. Covid-19 Confinement and Changes of Adolescent’s Dietary Trends in Italy, Spain, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. Nutrients. 2020;12:1807.
  • Głąbska D, Skolmowska D, Guzek D. Population-based study of the changes in the food choice determinants of secondary school students: polish adolescents’ COVID-19 experience (PLACE-19) study. Nutrients. 2020;12:2640.
  • Deschasaux-Tanguy M, Druesne-Pecollo N, Esseddik Y, Szabo de Edelenyi F, Alles B, Andreeva VA, Baudry J, Charreire H, Deschamps V, Egnell M, et al. Diet and physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown period (March– May 2020): results from the French NutriNet-Sante cohort study. medRxiv. 2020. Erişim adresi: 6.04.20121855 Erişim tarihi 22.05.2021.
  • Haleemunnissa S, Didel S, Swami MK, Singh K, Vyas V. Children and COVID19: understanding impact on the growth trajectory of an evolving generation. Child. Youth Serv. Rev. 2021;120:105754
  • Wang C, pan R, Wan X, Tan Y, Xu L, Ho CS et al. Immediate psychological responses and associated factors during the initial stage of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic among the general population in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and public Health. 2020;17(5):1729.
  • Ginny Sprang, Miriam Silman. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in parents and Youth After Health-Related Disasters Disaster. Med public Health prep. 2013;7(1):105-10.
  • Wu C, Chen X, Cai Y, Xia J, Zhou X, Xu S, et al. Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA Intern Med. 2020. https :// jamai ntern med.2020.0994.
  • Akseer N, Kandru G, Keats EC, Bhutta ZA. COVID-19 pandemic and mitigation strategies: implications for maternal and child health and nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;112(2):251-256.
  • Ribeiro KDDS, Garcia LRS, Dametto JFDS, Assunção DGF, Maciel BLL. COVID-19 and Nutrition: The Need for Initiatives to Promote Healthy Eating and Prevent Obesity in Childhood. Child Obes. 2020 Jun;16(4):235-237
  • Bülbül S. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. Bostancı İ, editör. Çocuk Sağlığında SARSCoV- 2 (COVID-19). 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.108-14.
  • Zemrani B, Gehri M, Masserey E. et al. A hidden side of the COVID-19 pandemic in children: the double burden of undernutrition and overnutrition. Int J Equity Health. 2021. https://doi. org/10.1186/s12939-021-01390-w
  • Picolo M, Barros I, Joyeux M et al. Rethinking integrated nutrition-health strategies to address micronutrient deficiencies in children under five in Mozambique. Matern Child Nutr. 2019;15(1):e12721.
  • Brar S, Akseer N, Sall M, Conway K, Diouf I, Everett K, Islam M, Sène PIS, Tasic H, Wigle J, Bhutta Z. Drivers of stunting reduction in Senegal: a country case study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 Sep 14;112(Suppl 2):860S-874S.
  • UNICEF, Kırılgan Durumdaki Çocukları Koronavirüsün Etkilerinden Korumak İçin Eylem Planı. https:// k%C4%B1r%C4%B1lgan-durumdaki- % C 3 % A 7 o c u k l a r % C 4 % B 1 - k o r o n a v i r % C 3 % B C s % C 3 % B C n - etkilerinden-korumak-i%C3%A7in-eylem-plan%C4%B1 adresinden elde edildi. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2022)
  • Chanani S, Waingankar A, Shah More N et al. Participation of pregnant women in a community-based nutrition program in Mumbai’s informal settlements: effect on exclusive breastfeeding practices. PLoS One. 2018;13:e0195619.
  • Huerta Munoz U & Kallestal C. Geographical accessibility and spatial coverage modeling of the primary health care network in the Western Province of Rwanda. Int J Health Geogr. 2012;11:40.
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Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Hatice Pars 0000-0003-4795-244X

Hilal Özcebe 0000-0002-0918-8519

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Şubat 2022
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Pars, H., & Özcebe, H. (2022). COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 20(3), 439-457.
AMA Pars H, Özcebe H. COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. TJPH. Aralık 2022;20(3):439-457. doi:10.20518/tjph.1074875
Chicago Pars, Hatice, ve Hilal Özcebe. “COVID-19 Pandemisinin Bebek Ve çocuk Beslenmesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 20, sy. 3 (Aralık 2022): 439-57.
EndNote Pars H, Özcebe H (01 Aralık 2022) COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Public Health 20 3 439–457.
IEEE H. Pars ve H. Özcebe, “COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi”, TJPH, c. 20, sy. 3, ss. 439–457, 2022, doi: 10.20518/tjph.1074875.
ISNAD Pars, Hatice - Özcebe, Hilal. “COVID-19 Pandemisinin Bebek Ve çocuk Beslenmesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 20/3 (Aralık 2022), 439-457.
JAMA Pars H, Özcebe H. COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. TJPH. 2022;20:439–457.
MLA Pars, Hatice ve Hilal Özcebe. “COVID-19 Pandemisinin Bebek Ve çocuk Beslenmesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Public Health, c. 20, sy. 3, 2022, ss. 439-57, doi:10.20518/tjph.1074875.
Vancouver Pars H, Özcebe H. COVID-19 pandemisinin bebek ve çocuk beslenmesine etkisi. TJPH. 2022;20(3):439-57.

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