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Jinekolojik Kanser Farkındalığının Sağlık Sorumluluğu ve Sağlık Okuryazarlığı ile İlişkisinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2023, , 209 - 222, 23.08.2023


Amaç: Kadınların jinekolojik kanserler farkındalıkları erken tanı ve tarama için önemlidir. Sağlık sorumluluğu ve sağlık okuryazarlığı jinekolojik kanser farkındalığını etkileyebilir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada kadınların jinekolojik kanser farkındalığının sağlık sorumluluğu ve sağlık okuryazarlığı ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırma kesitsel olarak planlanmıştır. Veriler, Şubat 2021-Mayıs 2021 tarihleri arasında üniversite birimlerinde görevli 20-65 yaş arası 409 kadından toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında, kadınların demografik bilgileri, obstetrik, jinekolojik ve genel sağlık özellikleri, Jinekolojik Kanser Farkındalık Ölçeği (JKFÖ), Türkiye Sağlık Okuryazarlık Ölçeği (TSOY-32) ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışları Ölçeği II/Sağlık Sorumluluğu Alt Boyutu Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı, karşılaştırmalı ve çoklu regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Bulgular: JKFÖ toplam puan ortalaması 158.65±16.01 ve katılımcıların %8.3'ü yetersiz sağlık okuryazarlığına sahiptir. Araştırmada anlamlı bir regresyon modelinde F (df1=14, df2=394) =10.849, p< .001 bağımlı değişkendeki varyansın (R2adjusted = .25) %25'inin bağımsız değişkenler tarafından açıklandığı tespit edilmiştir. Modelde, kadınların jinekolojik kanser farkındalığını yordayan ve en fazla katkı sağlayan değişkenlerin sağlık sorumluluğu (β= .21, t (394) = 4.35, p< .01) ve TSOY-32 (β= .20, t(394)= 4.33, p< .01) olduğu görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Kadınların jinekolojik kanser farkındalığına yönelik müdahale programları geliştirilirken özellikle sağlık sorumluluğu ve sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeylerinin dikkate alınması önemlidir.

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Proje Numarası



Araştırmanın uygulamasını kabul eden tüm üniversite birim ve görevlilerine teşekkür ederim


  • Global Cancer Statistics (GLOBOCAN) 2020: New Global Cancer Data [online]. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2022.
  • Gultekin M, Kucukyildiz I, Zayifoglu Karaca M, et al. Trends of gynecological cancers in Turkey: Toward Europe or Asia? International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2017;27(7):1525-1533.
  • Alp Dal N, Ertem G. Gynecological cancer awareness scale development study. Human and Society Science Research Journal 2017;6(5):2351-2367.
  • Cooper CP, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA. Gynaecologic cancer symptom awareness, concern and care seeking among us women: A multi-site qualitative study. Family Practice 2013;30(1):96–104.
  • Gözüyeşil E, Arıöz Düzgün A, Taş F. Evaluation of gynecological cancer awareness of women’s applying for a family health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2020;14(2):177-185.
  • Shankar A, Rath GK, Roy S, et al. Level of awareness of cervical and breast cancer risk factors and safe practices among college teachers of different states in India: Do awareness programmes have an impact on adoption of safe practices? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015;16(3):927-32.
  • Teskereci G, Arslan ÜÖ, Öncel S. The awareness levels of women for gynecologic cancer in Turkey: A cross-sectional study. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2022; 156:539–545.
  • Bahar Z, Beşer A, Gördes N, et al. Healthy life style behavior scale II:A reliability and validity study. Journal of Cumhuriyet University School of Nursing 2008;12(1): 1-13.
  • Gonenc M. Health literacy in terms of women's health. In: Yıldırım F, Keser,A, editors. Health literacy. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2015. p. 61-75
  • Ersin F, Bahar Z. Effects of nursing interventions planned with the health promotion models on the breast and cervical cancer early detection behaviors of the women. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2017;10 (1): 421-432.
  • World Health Organization. Health promotion—Track 2: Health literacy and health behaviourn [online]. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2022.
  • Maricic M, Curuvija RA, Stepovic M. Health literacy in female-Association with socioeconomic factors and effects on reproductive health. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2020;21(2):127–132.
  • Ozen N, Bal Ozkaptan B, Coskun S, Terzioglu F. Health literacy of nursing students and its effective factors. Nursing Forum 2019;54(3):396-402.
  • Sentell TL, Tsoh JY, Davis T, et al. Low health literacy and cancer screening among Chinese Americans in California: A cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 2015;5(1), e006104.
  • Flores BE, Acton G, Arevalo-Flechas L, et al. Health literacy and cervical cancer screening among Mexican-American women. Health Literacy Research and Practice 2019;3(1): e1-e8.
  • Aghaee A, Nasirian M, Pirzadeh A. Health literacy related to cervical cancer among women referring to health centers of Yazd, Iran. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2020;8(4):2494-2503.
  • Coskun S, Bagcivan G. Associated factors with treatment adherence of patients diagnosed with chronic disease: Relationship with health literacy. Applied Nursing Research 2021; 57:151368(1-6).
  • Goto E, Ishikawa H, Okuhara T, Kiuchi T. Relationship between health literacy and adherence to recommendations to undergo cancer screening and health-related behaviors among insured women in Japan. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018;19 (12): 3409-3413.
  • Tehrani H, Rahmani M, Jafari A. Health literacy and its relationship with general health of women referring to health care centers. Journal of Health Literacy 2018: 3(3): 191–198.
  • Heberer MA, Komenaka IK, Nodora JN, et al. Factors associated with cervical cancer screening in a safety net population. World Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;7(5): 406-413.
  • Durusu Tanrıöver M, Yıldırım HH, Demiray-Ready FN, Çakır B, Akalın H E. Turkey health literacy research. Ankara: Sağlık-Sen press; 2014. p.94.
  • Koçkanat P, Bekar M. The relation between the knowledge and attitudes of female students regarding gynecological cancer prevention and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 2018;5(4):143-149.
  • Sample Size Calculator: Determines the Minimum Number of Subjects for Adequate Study Power. Erişim adresi: 04.02.2021.
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F, Harlak H, et al. A new Health Literacy Scale: Turkish Health Literacy Scale and its psychometric properties. European Journal of Public Health 2015;25: Supplement 3.
  • George D, Mallery M. SPSS for Window Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference. Fifteenth ed., Routledge press; 2019. p.114.
  • Demir Avcı Y. Personal health responsibility. TAF Preventive Medicine Bullet 2016;15(3):259-265.
  • Gungormus Z, Zengin Yildiz E, Cicek Z. Health responsibility levels and knowledge and practices related to early detection of women’ breast cancer. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2018;11(3):1483-1491.
  • Izadirad H, Zareban I. The relationship of health literacy with health status, preventive behaviors and health services utilization in Baluchistan, Iran. Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(3):43-50.
  • Boxell EM, Smith SG, Morris M, et al. Increasing awareness of gynecological cancer symptoms and reducing barriers to medical help seeking: Does health literacy play a role? Journal of Health Communication 2012;17:sup3: 265-279.
  • Yilmazel G. Low health literacy, poor knowledge, and practice among Turkish women patients undergoing cervical cancer screening. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2019;15(6):1276-1281.
  • Tiraki Z, Yılmaz M. Cervical cancer knowledge, self-efficacy, and health literacy levels of married women. Journal of Cancer Education 2017;33(5):1-10.
  • Bazaz M, Shahry P, Latifi SM, Araban M. Cervical cancer literacy in women of reproductive age and its related factors. Journal of Cancer Education 2019;34(1): 82-89.
  • Lehtinen M, Paavonen J, Wheeler CM, et al. Overall efficacy of HPV-16/18 AS04- adjuvanted vaccine against grade 3 or greater cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: 4-year end-of-study analysis of the randomised, doubleblind PATRICIA trial. Lancet Oncology 2012;13(1): 89-99.
  • Lei J, Ploner A, Elfström KM, et al. HPV Vaccination and the Risk of Invasive Cervical Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;383:1340-13488.
  • Blake KD, Ottenbacher AJ, Finney Rutten LJ, et al. Predictors of human papillomavirus awareness and knowledge in 2013: gaps and opportunities for targeted communication strategies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2015;48(4): 402-410.
  • Adıgüzel FI, Adıgüzel C, Seyfettinoğlu S, et al. HPV awareness and HPV vaccine acceptance among women who apply to the gynecology outpatient clinics at a tertiary referral hospital in the south Mediterranean region of Turkey. Medical Journal of Bakırköy 2016;12(3):136-139.

Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women

Yıl 2023, , 209 - 222, 23.08.2023


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to examine the effects of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of women working at university.

Methods: Relational screening model was used in this study. Data were collected from 409 women aged 20-65 working in university units in Turkey between February 2021 and May 2021. In data collection, socio-demographic characteristics, Gynecological Cancer Awareness Scale (GCAS), Turkish Health Literacy Scale (THLS-32) and Health Responsibility Subscale were used. Descriptive, comparative and multiple regression analyzes were conducted.

Results: The total mean score of GCAS was 158.65±16.01 and 8.3% of the participants had insufficient health literacy. A significant regression model, F (df1=14, df2=394) =10.849, p< .001, and 25% of the variance in the dependent variable (R2adjusted = .25) was found to be explained by the independent variables. In the model, the variables that predict and contribute most to women's awareness of gynecological cancer are health responsibility (β= .21, t (394) = 4.35, p< .01), and THLS-32 (β= .20, t(394)= 4.33 , p< .01).

Conclusions: It is suggested that especially health responsibility and health literacy levels should be taken into account while developing intervention programs for women's gynecological cancer awareness.

Proje Numarası



  • Global Cancer Statistics (GLOBOCAN) 2020: New Global Cancer Data [online]. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2022.
  • Gultekin M, Kucukyildiz I, Zayifoglu Karaca M, et al. Trends of gynecological cancers in Turkey: Toward Europe or Asia? International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2017;27(7):1525-1533.
  • Alp Dal N, Ertem G. Gynecological cancer awareness scale development study. Human and Society Science Research Journal 2017;6(5):2351-2367.
  • Cooper CP, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA. Gynaecologic cancer symptom awareness, concern and care seeking among us women: A multi-site qualitative study. Family Practice 2013;30(1):96–104.
  • Gözüyeşil E, Arıöz Düzgün A, Taş F. Evaluation of gynecological cancer awareness of women’s applying for a family health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2020;14(2):177-185.
  • Shankar A, Rath GK, Roy S, et al. Level of awareness of cervical and breast cancer risk factors and safe practices among college teachers of different states in India: Do awareness programmes have an impact on adoption of safe practices? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015;16(3):927-32.
  • Teskereci G, Arslan ÜÖ, Öncel S. The awareness levels of women for gynecologic cancer in Turkey: A cross-sectional study. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2022; 156:539–545.
  • Bahar Z, Beşer A, Gördes N, et al. Healthy life style behavior scale II:A reliability and validity study. Journal of Cumhuriyet University School of Nursing 2008;12(1): 1-13.
  • Gonenc M. Health literacy in terms of women's health. In: Yıldırım F, Keser,A, editors. Health literacy. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2015. p. 61-75
  • Ersin F, Bahar Z. Effects of nursing interventions planned with the health promotion models on the breast and cervical cancer early detection behaviors of the women. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2017;10 (1): 421-432.
  • World Health Organization. Health promotion—Track 2: Health literacy and health behaviourn [online]. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2022.
  • Maricic M, Curuvija RA, Stepovic M. Health literacy in female-Association with socioeconomic factors and effects on reproductive health. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2020;21(2):127–132.
  • Ozen N, Bal Ozkaptan B, Coskun S, Terzioglu F. Health literacy of nursing students and its effective factors. Nursing Forum 2019;54(3):396-402.
  • Sentell TL, Tsoh JY, Davis T, et al. Low health literacy and cancer screening among Chinese Americans in California: A cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 2015;5(1), e006104.
  • Flores BE, Acton G, Arevalo-Flechas L, et al. Health literacy and cervical cancer screening among Mexican-American women. Health Literacy Research and Practice 2019;3(1): e1-e8.
  • Aghaee A, Nasirian M, Pirzadeh A. Health literacy related to cervical cancer among women referring to health centers of Yazd, Iran. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2020;8(4):2494-2503.
  • Coskun S, Bagcivan G. Associated factors with treatment adherence of patients diagnosed with chronic disease: Relationship with health literacy. Applied Nursing Research 2021; 57:151368(1-6).
  • Goto E, Ishikawa H, Okuhara T, Kiuchi T. Relationship between health literacy and adherence to recommendations to undergo cancer screening and health-related behaviors among insured women in Japan. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2018;19 (12): 3409-3413.
  • Tehrani H, Rahmani M, Jafari A. Health literacy and its relationship with general health of women referring to health care centers. Journal of Health Literacy 2018: 3(3): 191–198.
  • Heberer MA, Komenaka IK, Nodora JN, et al. Factors associated with cervical cancer screening in a safety net population. World Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;7(5): 406-413.
  • Durusu Tanrıöver M, Yıldırım HH, Demiray-Ready FN, Çakır B, Akalın H E. Turkey health literacy research. Ankara: Sağlık-Sen press; 2014. p.94.
  • Koçkanat P, Bekar M. The relation between the knowledge and attitudes of female students regarding gynecological cancer prevention and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 2018;5(4):143-149.
  • Sample Size Calculator: Determines the Minimum Number of Subjects for Adequate Study Power. Erişim adresi: 04.02.2021.
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F, Harlak H, et al. A new Health Literacy Scale: Turkish Health Literacy Scale and its psychometric properties. European Journal of Public Health 2015;25: Supplement 3.
  • George D, Mallery M. SPSS for Window Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference. Fifteenth ed., Routledge press; 2019. p.114.
  • Demir Avcı Y. Personal health responsibility. TAF Preventive Medicine Bullet 2016;15(3):259-265.
  • Gungormus Z, Zengin Yildiz E, Cicek Z. Health responsibility levels and knowledge and practices related to early detection of women’ breast cancer. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2018;11(3):1483-1491.
  • Izadirad H, Zareban I. The relationship of health literacy with health status, preventive behaviors and health services utilization in Baluchistan, Iran. Journal of Education and Community Health 2015;2(3):43-50.
  • Boxell EM, Smith SG, Morris M, et al. Increasing awareness of gynecological cancer symptoms and reducing barriers to medical help seeking: Does health literacy play a role? Journal of Health Communication 2012;17:sup3: 265-279.
  • Yilmazel G. Low health literacy, poor knowledge, and practice among Turkish women patients undergoing cervical cancer screening. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2019;15(6):1276-1281.
  • Tiraki Z, Yılmaz M. Cervical cancer knowledge, self-efficacy, and health literacy levels of married women. Journal of Cancer Education 2017;33(5):1-10.
  • Bazaz M, Shahry P, Latifi SM, Araban M. Cervical cancer literacy in women of reproductive age and its related factors. Journal of Cancer Education 2019;34(1): 82-89.
  • Lehtinen M, Paavonen J, Wheeler CM, et al. Overall efficacy of HPV-16/18 AS04- adjuvanted vaccine against grade 3 or greater cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: 4-year end-of-study analysis of the randomised, doubleblind PATRICIA trial. Lancet Oncology 2012;13(1): 89-99.
  • Lei J, Ploner A, Elfström KM, et al. HPV Vaccination and the Risk of Invasive Cervical Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;383:1340-13488.
  • Blake KD, Ottenbacher AJ, Finney Rutten LJ, et al. Predictors of human papillomavirus awareness and knowledge in 2013: gaps and opportunities for targeted communication strategies. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2015;48(4): 402-410.
  • Adıgüzel FI, Adıgüzel C, Seyfettinoğlu S, et al. HPV awareness and HPV vaccine acceptance among women who apply to the gynecology outpatient clinics at a tertiary referral hospital in the south Mediterranean region of Turkey. Medical Journal of Bakırköy 2016;12(3):136-139.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sabahat Coşkun 0000-0002-9063-2778

Proje Numarası YOK
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Nisan 2022
Kabul Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, S. (2023). Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 21(2), 209-222.
AMA Coşkun S. Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women. TJPH. Ağustos 2023;21(2):209-222. doi:10.20518/tjph.1098528
Chicago Coşkun, Sabahat. “Effect of Health Responsibility and Health Literacy on Gynecological Cancer Awareness of University Working Women”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 21, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2023): 209-22.
EndNote Coşkun S (01 Ağustos 2023) Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women. Turkish Journal of Public Health 21 2 209–222.
IEEE S. Coşkun, “Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women”, TJPH, c. 21, sy. 2, ss. 209–222, 2023, doi: 10.20518/tjph.1098528.
ISNAD Coşkun, Sabahat. “Effect of Health Responsibility and Health Literacy on Gynecological Cancer Awareness of University Working Women”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 21/2 (Ağustos 2023), 209-222.
JAMA Coşkun S. Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women. TJPH. 2023;21:209–222.
MLA Coşkun, Sabahat. “Effect of Health Responsibility and Health Literacy on Gynecological Cancer Awareness of University Working Women”. Turkish Journal of Public Health, c. 21, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 209-22, doi:10.20518/tjph.1098528.
Vancouver Coşkun S. Effect of health responsibility and health literacy on gynecological cancer awareness of university working women. TJPH. 2023;21(2):209-22.

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