Research Article
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Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India

Year 2016, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 178 - 186, 28.12.2016


Objective: To study leprosy patients
in tribally concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India in terms of
their knowledge, attitudes and the stigma they have experienced.
Method: This cross-sectional study included
101 registered Leprosy patients, in a single leprosy treatment centre between
April, 2012 - June, 2013. The data collection tool (a pre tested close-ended questionnaire)
was based on leprosy related socio-demographic variables, knowled geregarding different
kinds of problems and issues experienced by the patients/participants. The investigators
collected the data in face to face interviews and house hold visit.
Results: Overall the majority of the respondents
(85.1%) were between 16 and 60 years of age. 74.3% were males, 80.2% were married,
and 54.5% were literate. The majority (67.3%) articulated positive knowledge about
transmission of the disease, 75.3% knew that numbness of hands is an early
symptom, 88.12% that it is curable, 91.1% had untreated deformities. Experiences
reported included disturbed marital relationships (90.1%) orsocial life (94.1%),
loss of employment (54.5%), isolation with the sitation to talk to people
(29.7%), family members not sharing food (94.1%); being forced to leave the family (54.45%). Health education interventions improved the knowledge
of 91.1% of participants. Multi-Bacillary leprosy was higher in newly registered
cases with higher disabilities in the hands and feet (60.4%), eyes (29.7%).
9.90 WHO grade-2 disabilities were due to a delayed diagnosis. 67.5% of thepatients/participants
with some form of disability had experienced a delay in diagnosis of upto 12
Conclusion: The study noted that
the tribal people were affected by leprosy not only in terms of the physical problems,
but also by the stigmatization that affects their social participation. These need
to be addressed by the progress of the national leprosyp rogram.


  • 1. Chavan LB, Patel P. Epidemiology of disability in incidentleprosypatients at supervisory urban leprosyunit of Nagpurcity. Natl J CommunityMed 2011;2(1):119-122.
  • 2. Handog EB, Gabriel MTG, Co CC. Leprosy in thePhilippines: a review. Int J Dermat 2011;50:573-581.
  • 3. Briden A, Maguire E. An assessment of knowledgeandattitudestowardsamongstleprosy/Hansen'sdiseaseworkers in Guyana. LeprRev 2003; 74:154-62.
  • 4. Leyden N. Leprosycurrentconceptsandtreatment. CRC Press, India, 1994.
  • 5. WHO LeprosyFactsheetno. 101. UpdatedJanuary 2014. [online] [citedFebruary 19, 2015] Retrievedfrom:
  • 6. Bisai S, Saha KB, Sharma RK, Muniyandi M, Singh N. An overview of tribalpopulation in India. TribalHealthBull 2014; 20: 1-126.
  • 7. World HealthOrganization. Global StrategyforFurtherReducingtheLeprosyBurdenandSustainingLeprosyControl Activities 2006–2010. Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Delhi. OperationalGuidelines. 2006. [online] [citedFebruary 19, 2015] Retrievedfrom:
  • 8. Central LeprosyDivision, Directorate General of Health Services, NirmanBhawan, New Delhi – 110011, NLEP – Progress Report fortheyear 2011-12.
  • 9. WHO. EnhancedglobalstrategyforfurtherreducingthediseaseburdenduetoLeprosy (2011-2015) - Operationalguidelines. WHO, SEARO, New Delhi. 2009.
  • 10. WHO ExpertCommittee on leprosy. WHO 1998. Technical Report series, 874.
  • 11. Kar S, Pal R, Bharati DR. Understandingnon-compliancewith WHO-multidrugtherapyamongleprosypatients in Assam, India. J NeurosciRuralPract 2010;1: 9-13.
  • 12. Rafferty J (2005). Curingthestigma of leprosy. LeprRev 2005;76:119-126.
  • 13. Sathian B, Kumar A, Sreedharan J, Banerjee I, Roy B, Rajesh E. Time trendandprediction of Grade-2 disabilityamongnewcases of leprosy in Nepal: A statisticalmodeling. Nepal J Epidemiol 2014;4(3):378 -3 83.
  • 14. Meima A, vanVeen NH, Richardus JH. Futureprevalence of WHO grade-2 impairment in relationtoincidencetrends in leprosy: an exploration. Trop MedIntHealth 2008;13:241- 246.
  • 15. Kumar RB, Singhasivanon P, Sherchand JB, Mahaisavariya P, Kaewkungwal J, Peerapakorn S, et al. Genderdifferences in epidemiologicalfactorsassociatedwithtreatmentcompletionstatus of leprosypatients in themosthyperendemicdistrict of Nepal. SoutheastAsian J Trop MedPublicHealth 2004;35:334-339.
  • 16. Cross H, Choudhary R. STEP: an interventiontoaddresstheissue of stigmarelatedtoleprosy inSouthern Nepal. LeprRev 2005;76:316-324.

Hindistan’da ChhattisgarhBastar Bölgesinde bir köyde lepra hastalarının bilgi, tutum ve damgalama durumu

Year 2016, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 178 - 186, 28.12.2016


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Hindistan’da Chhattisgarh Bastar Bölgesinde bir köyde lepra
hastalarının bilgi, tutum ve damgalama ile ilgili durumlarını incelemekti. Yöntem:
Kesitsel tipteki bu çalışma bir köyde bulunan lepra tedavi merkezine kayıtlı lepra
hastalarında, yaş ve cinsiyetlerine bakılmaksızın Nisan 2012-Haziran 2013 tarihleri
arasında yürütüldü. Veri toplama aracı (kapalı uçlu sorulardan oluşan) lepra ile ilgili
sosyo-demografik değişkenlere ve hastaların/katılımcıların karşılaştıkları farklı tür
problemler ve konular halkındaki bilgilerine dayanmaktaydı. Araştırmacılar veriyi yüz
yüze görüşmelerle ve ev ziyaretleri ileelde etti. Bulgular: Katılımcıların %85.1’ü 16-60
yaş aralığındaydı, %74.3’ü erkekti, %80.2’si evliydi ve %54.5’i okuryazardı.
Katılımcıların %67.3’ü hastalığın bulaşma yolu hakkında doğru bilgiye sahipti, %75.5’i
ellerde uyuşmanın erken belirti olduğunu, %88.1’si tedavi edilebildiğini biliyordu ve
%91.1’unun tedavi edilmemiş deformasyonları mevcuttu. Bildirilen problemler evlilik
ilişkilerinde (%90.1) veya sosyal yaşamda (%94.1) bozulma, işini kaybetme (%54.5),
insanlarla konuşmaktan kaçınarak izole olma (%29.7), aile bireylerinin gıdalarını
paylaşmaması (%94.1), aileden ayrılmaya zorlanmaydı (%54.5). Sağlık eğitimi
müdahale çalışmaları katılımcıların %91.1’inin bilgi durumunu iyileştirdi. Multibasiller
lepra ellerde ve ayaklarda (%60.4), gözlerinde (%29.7)daha fazla deformasyonları olan,
yeni kayıtlı olgularda daha yüksekti. Ayrıca, bu hastalarda DSÖ’ye göre evre-2
bozukluklar geç tanıya bağlı olarak daha fazlaydı (%9.9). Bir tür deformasyonu olan
hastaların %67.5’inde tanıda 12 aya kadar gecikme mevcuttu. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, köy
halkının sadece fiziksel problemler açısından değil, aynı zamanda topluma katılımlarını
etkileyen damgalamayla da cüzzamdan etkilendiğini ortaya koydu. Bu bulguların ulusal
Lepra programı yürütülürken ele alınması gereklidir.


  • 1. Chavan LB, Patel P. Epidemiology of disability in incidentleprosypatients at supervisory urban leprosyunit of Nagpurcity. Natl J CommunityMed 2011;2(1):119-122.
  • 2. Handog EB, Gabriel MTG, Co CC. Leprosy in thePhilippines: a review. Int J Dermat 2011;50:573-581.
  • 3. Briden A, Maguire E. An assessment of knowledgeandattitudestowardsamongstleprosy/Hansen'sdiseaseworkers in Guyana. LeprRev 2003; 74:154-62.
  • 4. Leyden N. Leprosycurrentconceptsandtreatment. CRC Press, India, 1994.
  • 5. WHO LeprosyFactsheetno. 101. UpdatedJanuary 2014. [online] [citedFebruary 19, 2015] Retrievedfrom:
  • 6. Bisai S, Saha KB, Sharma RK, Muniyandi M, Singh N. An overview of tribalpopulation in India. TribalHealthBull 2014; 20: 1-126.
  • 7. World HealthOrganization. Global StrategyforFurtherReducingtheLeprosyBurdenandSustainingLeprosyControl Activities 2006–2010. Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Delhi. OperationalGuidelines. 2006. [online] [citedFebruary 19, 2015] Retrievedfrom:
  • 8. Central LeprosyDivision, Directorate General of Health Services, NirmanBhawan, New Delhi – 110011, NLEP – Progress Report fortheyear 2011-12.
  • 9. WHO. EnhancedglobalstrategyforfurtherreducingthediseaseburdenduetoLeprosy (2011-2015) - Operationalguidelines. WHO, SEARO, New Delhi. 2009.
  • 10. WHO ExpertCommittee on leprosy. WHO 1998. Technical Report series, 874.
  • 11. Kar S, Pal R, Bharati DR. Understandingnon-compliancewith WHO-multidrugtherapyamongleprosypatients in Assam, India. J NeurosciRuralPract 2010;1: 9-13.
  • 12. Rafferty J (2005). Curingthestigma of leprosy. LeprRev 2005;76:119-126.
  • 13. Sathian B, Kumar A, Sreedharan J, Banerjee I, Roy B, Rajesh E. Time trendandprediction of Grade-2 disabilityamongnewcases of leprosy in Nepal: A statisticalmodeling. Nepal J Epidemiol 2014;4(3):378 -3 83.
  • 14. Meima A, vanVeen NH, Richardus JH. Futureprevalence of WHO grade-2 impairment in relationtoincidencetrends in leprosy: an exploration. Trop MedIntHealth 2008;13:241- 246.
  • 15. Kumar RB, Singhasivanon P, Sherchand JB, Mahaisavariya P, Kaewkungwal J, Peerapakorn S, et al. Genderdifferences in epidemiologicalfactorsassociatedwithtreatmentcompletionstatus of leprosypatients in themosthyperendemicdistrict of Nepal. SoutheastAsian J Trop MedPublicHealth 2004;35:334-339.
  • 16. Cross H, Choudhary R. STEP: an interventiontoaddresstheissue of stigmarelatedtoleprosy inSouthern Nepal. LeprRev 2005;76:316-324.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Notes from the field

Swapan Kumar Kolay This is me

Publication Date December 28, 2016
Submission Date January 28, 2017
Acceptance Date November 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Kumar Kolay, S. (2016). Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India. Turkish Journal of Public Health, 14(3), 178-186.
AMA Kumar Kolay S. Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India. TJPH. December 2016;14(3):178-186. doi:10.20518/tjph.288398
Chicago Kumar Kolay, Swapan. “Knowledge, Attitude and Stigma Experienced by Leprosy Patients in Tribal Concentrated Bastar District of Chhattisgarh, India”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 14, no. 3 (December 2016): 178-86.
EndNote Kumar Kolay S (December 1, 2016) Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India. Turkish Journal of Public Health 14 3 178–186.
IEEE S. Kumar Kolay, “Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India”, TJPH, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 178–186, 2016, doi: 10.20518/tjph.288398.
ISNAD Kumar Kolay, Swapan. “Knowledge, Attitude and Stigma Experienced by Leprosy Patients in Tribal Concentrated Bastar District of Chhattisgarh, India”. Turkish Journal of Public Health 14/3 (December 2016), 178-186.
JAMA Kumar Kolay S. Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India. TJPH. 2016;14:178–186.
MLA Kumar Kolay, Swapan. “Knowledge, Attitude and Stigma Experienced by Leprosy Patients in Tribal Concentrated Bastar District of Chhattisgarh, India”. Turkish Journal of Public Health, vol. 14, no. 3, 2016, pp. 178-86, doi:10.20518/tjph.288398.
Vancouver Kumar Kolay S. Knowledge, attitude and stigma experienced by leprosy patients in tribal concentrated Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, India. TJPH. 2016;14(3):178-86.

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