Year 2024,
, 302 - 333, 01.01.2024
Pinar Sık
Ece Zehır Topkaya
This mixed-method study explored the effect of the flipped classroom model (FCM) on vocabulary learning of young English language learners and their perceptions and experiences about FCM practices. Two intact groups of 4th-grade students in a state primary school in Turkiye were randomly assigned as experimental (N = 32) and control (N = 33) groups. The quantitative data related to vocabulary learning were collected through three measurement tests. The qualitative data were obtained via semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 19 volunteer students from the experimental group. The results revealed that the levels of vocabulary learning and retention for the experimental group students were statistically significantly higher than those of the control group students (p< 0.05). The qualitative data analysis also confirmed the effectiveness of the model for vocabulary learning and revealed its efficiency for language classes of young English language learners. Accordingly, suggestions were made for the FCM implementation.
- Al-Harbi, S., & Alshumaimeri, Y. (2016). The flipped classroom impact in Grammar class on EFL Saudi Secondary school students' performances and attitudes. English Language Teaching, 9(10), 60-80.
- Alnuhayt, S. S. (2018). Investigating the use of the flipped classroom method in an EFL vocabulary course. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(2), 236-242.
- Alsowat, H. (2016). An EFL flipped classroom teaching model: effects on English language higher-order thinking skills. Student Engagement and Satisfaction, 7, 108-121.
- Altas, E.A., & Mede, E. (2021). The impact of flipped classroom approach on the writing achievement and self-regulated learning of pre-service English teachers. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22(1), 66-88.
- Al-Zahrani, A. M. (2015). From passive to active: The impact of the flipped classroom through social learning platforms on higher education students’ creative thinking. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(6), 1133- 1148
Year 2024,
, 302 - 333, 01.01.2024
Pinar Sık
Ece Zehır Topkaya
- Al-Harbi, S., & Alshumaimeri, Y. (2016). The flipped classroom impact in Grammar class on EFL Saudi Secondary school students' performances and attitudes. English Language Teaching, 9(10), 60-80.
- Alnuhayt, S. S. (2018). Investigating the use of the flipped classroom method in an EFL vocabulary course. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(2), 236-242.
- Alsowat, H. (2016). An EFL flipped classroom teaching model: effects on English language higher-order thinking skills. Student Engagement and Satisfaction, 7, 108-121.
- Altas, E.A., & Mede, E. (2021). The impact of flipped classroom approach on the writing achievement and self-regulated learning of pre-service English teachers. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22(1), 66-88.
- Al-Zahrani, A. M. (2015). From passive to active: The impact of the flipped classroom through social learning platforms on higher education students’ creative thinking. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(6), 1133- 1148