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Relationship Between Nursing Students’ Views About 
Web-Based Patient Education Course And Anxiety In Turkey

Yıl 2014, , 197 - 214, 01.09.2014


The study was designed as descriptive and cross-sectional to determine the relation between students’ views about web-based Patient Education course and anxiety. The study group consisted of all students registered the web-based Patient Education course (N: 148) at 2010–2011 semester at a nursing school. Data were collected using "Information Form", "Patient Education Course Assessment Form" and "State-Continuous Anxiety Scale." Most of students are female and average age were 20.30 ± 1.24. Most of students had not participated in any course/program given by distance education. Before the course the students state anxiety is light level, however after education the students state anxiety is moderate level. It was found that the students had positive views about the "Course Design" and the "Gains of Course", but they were hesitative about the method of the course. Findings were thought to be due to the fact that the students’ experiences distance education course for first time. As a result students had positive views about web-based patient education course, there is relation between state anxiety before course and views about course. The findings suggested that the students had positive views about the web-based education, but they were anxious as they had a new experience, and the distance education could be used particularly in theoretical courses in nursing education, but the necessary changes needed to be made on the basis of the results of the longitudinal assessments.


  • Adams, A. & Timmis, F. (2006). Students views of integrating web-based learning tecnology into the nursing cirriculum – A descriptive survey. Nurse Education in Practice 6, 2
  • Akkoyunlu, B. (1999). İnternetin öğretim sürecinde kullanımı (Using internet in teaching process). Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Konferansı Bildiri Kitabı (In the Light of Informatic
  • Technologies Conference-NoticeBook). Ankara, 77-82. Aksakoğlu, G. (2002). Sağlıkta Araştırma Teknikleri ve Analiz Yöntemleri (Research
  • Technics and Analysis Method). Dokuz Eylül Üniversity Rectorship Press, Izmir. Aksu, H. & Irgil, E. (2003). İnternetin Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 5. ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin hayatındaki yeri (Where internet in the life of 5th and 6th degree students at Uludağ University Medical Faculty). Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty 29, 19
  • Al, U. & Madran, O. (2004). Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim sistemleri: sahip olması gereken özellikler ve standartlar (Web based distance education systems: Having characteristics and standarts). Information World 5 (2), 259-271.
  • Aslantürk, O. (2002). Bir web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim yönetim sisteminin tasarlanması ve gerçekleştirilmesi (Design in gandrealizing a web based distance education management system). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Hacettepe University Institute of Science,
  • Computer Engineering Department, Ankara. Aslım, V. (2004). Fransızca yabancı dil öğrencilerinin internet’in eğitimlerinde kullanılmasına yönelik tutum ve düşünceleri (Attitudes and views of French language students toward using internet in education systems). Journal of Anadolu University Education Faculty 14, 1-16.
  • Atack, L. & Rankin, J. (2002). A descriptive study of registered nurses’ experiences with web-based learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing 40, 457-465.
  • Avery, D.M., Ringdahl, D., Juve, C. & Plumbo, P. (2003). The transition to web based education: enhancing acess to graduate education for women’s health providers 48, 418- 4
  • Aydemir, Ö. & Köroğlu, F. (2000). Psikiyatride Kullanılan Ölçekler (Scales Used
  • Psychiatry). Hekimler Yayın Birliği (Doctors Press Union), Ankara. Aydın, H. C. (2002). Future trends for distance education (Uzaktan eğitimin geleceğine ilişkin eğilimler), Open and Distance Education Symposium, Eskişehir, 23-25 May 2002.
  • Available from and retrieved on 08.10.2006,
  • Billings. D.M. (1999). The “next generation” distance education. Beyond access and convenience. Journal of Nursing Education 38, 246-247.
  • Blakeley, J. A. & Smith, C. J. (1998). Teaching community health nursing by distance methods: development, process and evaluation. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 29, 148-153.
  • Bonnel, W., Wambach, K. & Connors, H. (2005). A nurse educator teaching with technologies course: more than teaching on the web. Journal of Professional Nursing 21, 59
  • Carr, K.C., Farley, C.L. (2003). Redesigning courses for the world wide web. Journal of
  • Midwifery & Women’s Health 48, 407-417. Christianson, L., Tiene, D. & Luft, P. (2002). Web-based teaching in undergraduate nursing programs. Nurse Educators 27, 276-282.
  • Demirli, C. (2002). Web tabanlı öğretim uygulamalarına ilişkin öğrenci Görüşleri (Fırat
  • Üniversitesi örneği) (Student views toward web based teaching practices - example of Fırat University). Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu (Open and Distance Education Symposioum). Eskişehir. Available from and retrieved on 18.10.2011,
  • Diekelman, N., Schulte, H.D. (2000). Technology-based distance education and the absence of physical presence. Journal of Nursing Education 39, 51-52.
  • Emre, Y. (2002). Kitle iletişim araçları ve www teknolojilerinin uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarında kullanılması (Usage of mass communication and www technologies in distance education practices). Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu (Open and Distance
  • Education Symposioum). Eskişehir. Available from and retrieved on 18.08.2011,
  • Ergün, M. (1998). İnternet destekli eğitim (Internet assisted education). Journal of Afyon
  • Kocatepe University Social Sciences 1,1-10. Ertugrul, E. (1999). "What is distance education? What are the theoretical principles, methods, application areas, objectives, benefits and techniques of distance education?
  • (Uzaktan eğitim nedir? Uzaktan eğitimin kuramsal ilkeleri, yöntemleri, kullanım alanları, amaçları, faydaları, teknikleri nelerdir?), I. Distance Education Symposium Statement Book Ankara, 15-16 November 1999, 7-14.
  • Glen, S. (2005). E-learning in nursing education: Lessons learnt? Nurse Education Today 25, 415-417.
  • Hadjerrouit, S. (2010). Developing web-based learning resources in school education: A user-centered approach. interdisciplinary. Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 6, 115
  • Halter, J. M., Kleiner, C. & Hess, R. F. (2006). The experience of nursing students in an online doctoral program in nursing: A phenomenogical study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 99-105.
  • Harrison, L. (2006). Web-based distance education: Principles and best practices.
  • Available from and retrieved on 18.08.2011,
  • Hawatson, J. L. (2004). Designing web-based education courses for nurses. Nursing Standart 19, 41-44.
  • Heidari , F. & Galvin, K. (2002). The role of open learning in nurse education. Does it have a place? Nurse Education Today 22, 617-623.
  • Ipekçi, G. (2003). Hizmetiçi eğitim faaliyetlerinin uzaktan eğitim ile bütünleştirilmesi ve kavramsalbir model önerisi (Integration of inservice training activities with distance education and suggestion of conceptual model).Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Dumlupınar
  • Üniversity Institute of Social Sciences, Operation Management Organization Department, Kütahya, Turkey. Isleyen, F., Bozkurt, S. & Zayim, N. (2008). Tıp fakültesi 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin eğitimde internet kullanımı ve e-öğrenme hakkında düşünceleri (Views of Medical faculty freshmen students’ toward using internet in education and e-learning). Academic
  • Informatic 2008, Çanakkale, 443-446.
  • Isman, A.,Dabaj, F. & Gümüş, A. (2006). İletişim eğitiminde internet bağımlılığı (Internet addiction in education of communication). Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
  • Eğitim Araştırmaları 23, 117-126. Kay, R., Knaack, L. & Petrarca, D. (2009). Exploring teachers perceptions of web-based learning tools. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 5, 27-50.
  • Kaya, H., Akcin, E. (2005). Distance Education and Nursing Education. Modern Hastane
  • Yönetimi January-Februry-March, 43-47. Khalifa, M. & Lam, R. (2002). Web-based learning: Effects on learning process and outcome. IEEE Transactions on Education 45 (4), 350-356.
  • Koç, Z. (2006). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik eğitimi ve uygulamalarında bilgisayar kullanımı konusundaki görüşlerinin belirlenmesi (Determining views of nursing students about using computer in nursing education and practices). Journal of Cumhuriyet
  • Universiy Nursing School 10, 29-40. Kuzu, A. (2002). Web tabanlı öğrenme için öğretim ilkeleri ve değerlendirme (Teaching principles for web based learning and evaluation). Journal of Anadolu University Education Faculty 12, 67-77.
  • Nam C. S. & Jackson, T. L. (2007). Web-based learning environment: A theory-based design process for development and evaluation. Journal of Information Technology Education 6, 23-43
  • Oner, N. & Compte, A.L. (1998). Durumluk/Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı (State Trait
  • Anxiety Inventory Handbook). (2nd Edition). Boğaziçi University Press, İstanbul, Turkey. Ozaygen, A. (2000). İnternete dayalı uzaktan eğitim (Distance education based upon internet). Journal of Science and Technic 388, 100-103.
  • Ozdamar, K. (2001). SPSS ile Biyoistatistik (Biostatisticwith SPSS). (4th Edition). Kaan
  • Press, Eskişehir, Turkey. Ozdemir, S. & Yalın, H. İ. (2007). Web tabanlı asenkron öğrenme ortamında bireysel ve işbirlikli problem temelli öğrenmenin eleştirel düşünme becerilerine etkileri (Effect of problem based learning as individual and cooperative at web based asynchronous learning environment to critical thinking skills). Journal of Ahi Evran University Kırşehir
  • Education Faculty 8 (1), 79-94
  • Özen, Ü. & Karaman, S. (2001). Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimde sistem tasarımı (System desing in web based distance education). Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of
  • Economic and Administrative Sciences 2, 81-102. Ozgüven, E. I. (2000). Psikolojik Testler (PsychologicalTests). PDERM Press, Ankara, Turkey, 338-341.
  • Pahl, C. (2003). Managing evolution and change in web based teaching and learning environments. Computer & Education 40, 9-114.
  • Passerini, K. & Granger, M. J. (2000). A developmental model for distance learning using the internet. Computers & Education 34, 1-15.
  • Picciano, A. G. (2001). Distance Learning: Making Connections Across Virtual Space and Time. Merrill Prentice Hall, New York.
  • Schrum, L. (1999). Trends in Distance Learning: Lessons to Inform Practice. Educational
  • Media and Technology Yearbook, London. Şenyuva, E. & Taşocak, G. (2010). Hemşirelik eğitiminde web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim uygulaması: “Hasta Eğitimi dersi örneği” (Implication of web based distance education in nursing education: Example of Patient Education course). 10th Educational Technology
  • Conference, Notice Book II. Boğaziçi Universiy, İstanbul, Turkey, 664-670. Somuncu, A. (2000). İnternette sınıf ana sayfası (homepage) geliştirme ve öğretimindeki etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi (Developing course homepage on internet and evaluation of efficiency on teaching). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Ankara University Institute of
  • Social Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Taylor, J. H. (2003). Facilitating distance learning in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice 3, 23-29.
  • Türkoglu, R. (2003). Internet-based distance education program development processes.
  • (İnternet tabanlı uzaktan eğitim programı geliştirme süreçleri). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 2, Available from and retrieved on 15.10.2011,
  • Ulker, S., Buldukoglu, K., Aksayan, S., Atalay, M., Kocaman, G., Oktay, S. & Pektekin, C. (2001). Nursing in Turkey: Problems and Solution Offers About Basic Professional
  • Education and Manpower (Türkiye’de Hemşirelik: Temel Mesleki Eğitim ile İnsangücüne İlişkin Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri). Available from and retrieved on 14.05.2007,
  • Üniversitelerarası İletişim ve Bilgi Teknolojilerine Dayalı Uzaktan Yükseköğretim Yönetmeliği (Distance Higher Education Regulations Based on Interuniversity Communication and Information). Available from and retrieved on 05.09.2011,
  • Wilkinson, A., Forbes, A., Bloomfield, J. & Gee, C.F. (2004). An exploration of four web- based open and flexible learning modules in post-registration nurse education.
  • International Journal of Nursing Studies 41, 411-424. Willis B. (2002). Strategies for teaching at a distance. Distance education –strategies and tools. Available from and retrieved on 18.09.2011,
  • Willis, B. (1994). Distance education–strategies and tools. Available from and retrieved on 09.2011,
  • Yazon, J. M. O., Mayer-Smith J. A. & Redfield, R. J. (2002). Does the medium change the message? The impact of a web-based genetics course on university students' perspectives on learning and teaching. Computers & Education 38, 267-285.
  • Yigit, Y. & Özden, Y. (1999). Web tabanlı eğitim materyali içerisinde internet üzerinden görüntü aktarımı (Trasport image over internet in web based education material).
  • Türkiye’de V. İnternet Konferansı (5th Internet Conference in Turkey). Ankara. Available from and retrieved on 20.11.2011, tam.doc
  • Yu, S. & Yang K. F. (2006). Attitudes toward web-based distance learning among public health nurses in Taiwan: a questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 767-774.
Yıl 2014, , 197 - 214, 01.09.2014



  • Adams, A. & Timmis, F. (2006). Students views of integrating web-based learning tecnology into the nursing cirriculum – A descriptive survey. Nurse Education in Practice 6, 2
  • Akkoyunlu, B. (1999). İnternetin öğretim sürecinde kullanımı (Using internet in teaching process). Bilişim Teknolojileri Işığında Konferansı Bildiri Kitabı (In the Light of Informatic
  • Technologies Conference-NoticeBook). Ankara, 77-82. Aksakoğlu, G. (2002). Sağlıkta Araştırma Teknikleri ve Analiz Yöntemleri (Research
  • Technics and Analysis Method). Dokuz Eylül Üniversity Rectorship Press, Izmir. Aksu, H. & Irgil, E. (2003). İnternetin Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 5. ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin hayatındaki yeri (Where internet in the life of 5th and 6th degree students at Uludağ University Medical Faculty). Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty 29, 19
  • Al, U. & Madran, O. (2004). Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim sistemleri: sahip olması gereken özellikler ve standartlar (Web based distance education systems: Having characteristics and standarts). Information World 5 (2), 259-271.
  • Aslantürk, O. (2002). Bir web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim yönetim sisteminin tasarlanması ve gerçekleştirilmesi (Design in gandrealizing a web based distance education management system). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Hacettepe University Institute of Science,
  • Computer Engineering Department, Ankara. Aslım, V. (2004). Fransızca yabancı dil öğrencilerinin internet’in eğitimlerinde kullanılmasına yönelik tutum ve düşünceleri (Attitudes and views of French language students toward using internet in education systems). Journal of Anadolu University Education Faculty 14, 1-16.
  • Atack, L. & Rankin, J. (2002). A descriptive study of registered nurses’ experiences with web-based learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing 40, 457-465.
  • Avery, D.M., Ringdahl, D., Juve, C. & Plumbo, P. (2003). The transition to web based education: enhancing acess to graduate education for women’s health providers 48, 418- 4
  • Aydemir, Ö. & Köroğlu, F. (2000). Psikiyatride Kullanılan Ölçekler (Scales Used
  • Psychiatry). Hekimler Yayın Birliği (Doctors Press Union), Ankara. Aydın, H. C. (2002). Future trends for distance education (Uzaktan eğitimin geleceğine ilişkin eğilimler), Open and Distance Education Symposium, Eskişehir, 23-25 May 2002.
  • Available from and retrieved on 08.10.2006,
  • Billings. D.M. (1999). The “next generation” distance education. Beyond access and convenience. Journal of Nursing Education 38, 246-247.
  • Blakeley, J. A. & Smith, C. J. (1998). Teaching community health nursing by distance methods: development, process and evaluation. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 29, 148-153.
  • Bonnel, W., Wambach, K. & Connors, H. (2005). A nurse educator teaching with technologies course: more than teaching on the web. Journal of Professional Nursing 21, 59
  • Carr, K.C., Farley, C.L. (2003). Redesigning courses for the world wide web. Journal of
  • Midwifery & Women’s Health 48, 407-417. Christianson, L., Tiene, D. & Luft, P. (2002). Web-based teaching in undergraduate nursing programs. Nurse Educators 27, 276-282.
  • Demirli, C. (2002). Web tabanlı öğretim uygulamalarına ilişkin öğrenci Görüşleri (Fırat
  • Üniversitesi örneği) (Student views toward web based teaching practices - example of Fırat University). Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu (Open and Distance Education Symposioum). Eskişehir. Available from and retrieved on 18.10.2011,
  • Diekelman, N., Schulte, H.D. (2000). Technology-based distance education and the absence of physical presence. Journal of Nursing Education 39, 51-52.
  • Emre, Y. (2002). Kitle iletişim araçları ve www teknolojilerinin uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarında kullanılması (Usage of mass communication and www technologies in distance education practices). Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu (Open and Distance
  • Education Symposioum). Eskişehir. Available from and retrieved on 18.08.2011,
  • Ergün, M. (1998). İnternet destekli eğitim (Internet assisted education). Journal of Afyon
  • Kocatepe University Social Sciences 1,1-10. Ertugrul, E. (1999). "What is distance education? What are the theoretical principles, methods, application areas, objectives, benefits and techniques of distance education?
  • (Uzaktan eğitim nedir? Uzaktan eğitimin kuramsal ilkeleri, yöntemleri, kullanım alanları, amaçları, faydaları, teknikleri nelerdir?), I. Distance Education Symposium Statement Book Ankara, 15-16 November 1999, 7-14.
  • Glen, S. (2005). E-learning in nursing education: Lessons learnt? Nurse Education Today 25, 415-417.
  • Hadjerrouit, S. (2010). Developing web-based learning resources in school education: A user-centered approach. interdisciplinary. Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 6, 115
  • Halter, J. M., Kleiner, C. & Hess, R. F. (2006). The experience of nursing students in an online doctoral program in nursing: A phenomenogical study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 99-105.
  • Harrison, L. (2006). Web-based distance education: Principles and best practices.
  • Available from and retrieved on 18.08.2011,
  • Hawatson, J. L. (2004). Designing web-based education courses for nurses. Nursing Standart 19, 41-44.
  • Heidari , F. & Galvin, K. (2002). The role of open learning in nurse education. Does it have a place? Nurse Education Today 22, 617-623.
  • Ipekçi, G. (2003). Hizmetiçi eğitim faaliyetlerinin uzaktan eğitim ile bütünleştirilmesi ve kavramsalbir model önerisi (Integration of inservice training activities with distance education and suggestion of conceptual model).Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Dumlupınar
  • Üniversity Institute of Social Sciences, Operation Management Organization Department, Kütahya, Turkey. Isleyen, F., Bozkurt, S. & Zayim, N. (2008). Tıp fakültesi 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin eğitimde internet kullanımı ve e-öğrenme hakkında düşünceleri (Views of Medical faculty freshmen students’ toward using internet in education and e-learning). Academic
  • Informatic 2008, Çanakkale, 443-446.
  • Isman, A.,Dabaj, F. & Gümüş, A. (2006). İletişim eğitiminde internet bağımlılığı (Internet addiction in education of communication). Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
  • Eğitim Araştırmaları 23, 117-126. Kay, R., Knaack, L. & Petrarca, D. (2009). Exploring teachers perceptions of web-based learning tools. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 5, 27-50.
  • Kaya, H., Akcin, E. (2005). Distance Education and Nursing Education. Modern Hastane
  • Yönetimi January-Februry-March, 43-47. Khalifa, M. & Lam, R. (2002). Web-based learning: Effects on learning process and outcome. IEEE Transactions on Education 45 (4), 350-356.
  • Koç, Z. (2006). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin hemşirelik eğitimi ve uygulamalarında bilgisayar kullanımı konusundaki görüşlerinin belirlenmesi (Determining views of nursing students about using computer in nursing education and practices). Journal of Cumhuriyet
  • Universiy Nursing School 10, 29-40. Kuzu, A. (2002). Web tabanlı öğrenme için öğretim ilkeleri ve değerlendirme (Teaching principles for web based learning and evaluation). Journal of Anadolu University Education Faculty 12, 67-77.
  • Nam C. S. & Jackson, T. L. (2007). Web-based learning environment: A theory-based design process for development and evaluation. Journal of Information Technology Education 6, 23-43
  • Oner, N. & Compte, A.L. (1998). Durumluk/Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı (State Trait
  • Anxiety Inventory Handbook). (2nd Edition). Boğaziçi University Press, İstanbul, Turkey. Ozaygen, A. (2000). İnternete dayalı uzaktan eğitim (Distance education based upon internet). Journal of Science and Technic 388, 100-103.
  • Ozdamar, K. (2001). SPSS ile Biyoistatistik (Biostatisticwith SPSS). (4th Edition). Kaan
  • Press, Eskişehir, Turkey. Ozdemir, S. & Yalın, H. İ. (2007). Web tabanlı asenkron öğrenme ortamında bireysel ve işbirlikli problem temelli öğrenmenin eleştirel düşünme becerilerine etkileri (Effect of problem based learning as individual and cooperative at web based asynchronous learning environment to critical thinking skills). Journal of Ahi Evran University Kırşehir
  • Education Faculty 8 (1), 79-94
  • Özen, Ü. & Karaman, S. (2001). Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimde sistem tasarımı (System desing in web based distance education). Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of
  • Economic and Administrative Sciences 2, 81-102. Ozgüven, E. I. (2000). Psikolojik Testler (PsychologicalTests). PDERM Press, Ankara, Turkey, 338-341.
  • Pahl, C. (2003). Managing evolution and change in web based teaching and learning environments. Computer & Education 40, 9-114.
  • Passerini, K. & Granger, M. J. (2000). A developmental model for distance learning using the internet. Computers & Education 34, 1-15.
  • Picciano, A. G. (2001). Distance Learning: Making Connections Across Virtual Space and Time. Merrill Prentice Hall, New York.
  • Schrum, L. (1999). Trends in Distance Learning: Lessons to Inform Practice. Educational
  • Media and Technology Yearbook, London. Şenyuva, E. & Taşocak, G. (2010). Hemşirelik eğitiminde web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim uygulaması: “Hasta Eğitimi dersi örneği” (Implication of web based distance education in nursing education: Example of Patient Education course). 10th Educational Technology
  • Conference, Notice Book II. Boğaziçi Universiy, İstanbul, Turkey, 664-670. Somuncu, A. (2000). İnternette sınıf ana sayfası (homepage) geliştirme ve öğretimindeki etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi (Developing course homepage on internet and evaluation of efficiency on teaching). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Ankara University Institute of
  • Social Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Taylor, J. H. (2003). Facilitating distance learning in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice 3, 23-29.
  • Türkoglu, R. (2003). Internet-based distance education program development processes.
  • (İnternet tabanlı uzaktan eğitim programı geliştirme süreçleri). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 2, Available from and retrieved on 15.10.2011,
  • Ulker, S., Buldukoglu, K., Aksayan, S., Atalay, M., Kocaman, G., Oktay, S. & Pektekin, C. (2001). Nursing in Turkey: Problems and Solution Offers About Basic Professional
  • Education and Manpower (Türkiye’de Hemşirelik: Temel Mesleki Eğitim ile İnsangücüne İlişkin Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri). Available from and retrieved on 14.05.2007,
  • Üniversitelerarası İletişim ve Bilgi Teknolojilerine Dayalı Uzaktan Yükseköğretim Yönetmeliği (Distance Higher Education Regulations Based on Interuniversity Communication and Information). Available from and retrieved on 05.09.2011,
  • Wilkinson, A., Forbes, A., Bloomfield, J. & Gee, C.F. (2004). An exploration of four web- based open and flexible learning modules in post-registration nurse education.
  • International Journal of Nursing Studies 41, 411-424. Willis B. (2002). Strategies for teaching at a distance. Distance education –strategies and tools. Available from and retrieved on 18.09.2011,
  • Willis, B. (1994). Distance education–strategies and tools. Available from and retrieved on 09.2011,
  • Yazon, J. M. O., Mayer-Smith J. A. & Redfield, R. J. (2002). Does the medium change the message? The impact of a web-based genetics course on university students' perspectives on learning and teaching. Computers & Education 38, 267-285.
  • Yigit, Y. & Özden, Y. (1999). Web tabanlı eğitim materyali içerisinde internet üzerinden görüntü aktarımı (Trasport image over internet in web based education material).
  • Türkiye’de V. İnternet Konferansı (5th Internet Conference in Turkey). Ankara. Available from and retrieved on 20.11.2011, tam.doc
  • Yu, S. & Yang K. F. (2006). Attitudes toward web-based distance learning among public health nurses in Taiwan: a questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies 43, 767-774.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Articles

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Tasocak, G., Kaya, H., Senyuva, E., Isık, B., vd. (2014). Relationship Between Nursing Students’ Views About 
Web-Based Patient Education Course And Anxiety In Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(3), 197-214.