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Developing Writing Abilities Of Efl Students Through Blogging

Yıl 2014, , 34 - 47, 01.12.2014


Due to a rapid development and expansion of technology and, as a result, Web 2.0 technologies are providing both teachers and learners with new solutions to the limitations of traditional method in the field of language teaching and learning. The research compared students’ writing ability before and after they were taught through blog, a new medium or tool for written communication and interaction in many different languages around the world. The research design is a kind of one group pretest posttest. Participants were 35 first-year students. They were divided into eight groups. Four or five students in each group created a blog,, and they worked together for twelve weeks to produce six pieces of writing assignments. Each member in the group worked through providing comments, editing and revising on the blog until the group got a final writing and submitted that to the teacher for grading. The instruments used in this study were: Ø two writing tests Ø a questionnaire surveying students’ attitude toward learning through blogs, and Ø postings on blogs to reflect their learning experiences. The results revealed that after the students worked together on weblogs, their English writing mean score of the posttest was higher than that of the pretest, and they had positive attitudes towards using weblogs in learning. Regarding cooperative learning experiences through using weblogs, most students thought that it was interesting, a new experience to work with their friends on the weblogs.


  • Ajjan, H. & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. Internet & Higher Education, 11(2), (71-80.)
  • Aljamah, H, F. (2012) Saudi Learner Perceptions and Attitudes toward the Use of Blogs in
  • Teaching English Writing Course for EFL majors at Qassim University. English language teaching. 5(1) January 2012.
  • Bloch, J. (2008). Technologies in the second language composition classroom. Ann
  • Arbor, MI: University of Michican Press. Campbell, P. A. (2003).Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes.
  • Churchill, D. (2009). Educational applications for web 2.0: using blogs to support teaching and learning. British Journal of educational technology, 40(1), 179-183.
  • Cimcoz, Y., (1999).Teaching ESL/EFL Students to Write Better.
  • Davis, A. P. & McGrail, E. (2009). The joy of blogging.Educational Leadership, 66(6): 74
  • Downes, S. (2004) Educational Blogging. Educause review, 39(5), 14-26.
  • Doris de Almeida Soares, D. (2008). Understanding class blogs as a tool for language development. Language Teaching Research, 12(4), 517-533.
  • Du, H.S., and Wagner, C. (2007). Learning with weblogs: Enhancing cognitive social knowledge construction. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications, 50(1).
  • Duke, N. K. & Pearson, D. (2002). Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension.
  • Dyrus, M. A. & Worley, R.B. (2005). Blogs. Business Communication Quartery, 68(10, 66-67).
  • Eastment, D. (2005). Blogging. ELT Journal, 59(4): 358-361
  • Ferdig, R.E., & Trammell, K.D. (2004). Content Delivery in the ‘Blogosphere’. T.H.E journal online.
  • Galien, P. & Bowcher, W.L. (2010). Using blogs in ESL/EFL Teaching and teacher training. Asian EFL Journal. Professional teaching Articles. Vol. 4 February.
  • Hanson-Smith, E. (2001). Computer-assisted language learning.In R. Carter & D.
  • Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 107-113). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hashem, M., & Najafi, V.( 2011).Using blogs in English language writing classes.
  • International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 3, No.4, July, 2011, II Part.
  • Hauffaker, D. (2005). The educated blogger: using weblogs to promote literacy in the classroom. AACE Journal, 13 (2), 91-98.
  • Istifci, I. (2011). Opinions of elementary Level EFL learners on the Use of Weblogs.
  • Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE January 2011.12(4)13,
  • Johnson, A. (2004).Creating a writing course utilizing class and student blogs. The InternetTESL Journal, 10(8). Blogs/
  • Jones, G. (2006). The Skinny on Web 2.0. InformationWeek.
  • Khampusaen, D. (2012). Collaborative blogging: A Tool for teaching writing in EFL classroom. 2012 International Conference on Education and management
  • Innovation, IPEDR, vol. 30 (2012) Singapore.
  • Karashen, F. (2007). Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and its use in Turkish context. Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7, 73-87.
  • McGrail, E. & Davis, A. P. (2011). The influence of classroom blogging on elementary student writing. Journal of research in Childhood Education, 25: 415-437, 2011.
  • Mynard, J. (2007) A Blog as a Tool for Reflection of English Language Learners. Asian
  • EFLJournal. Professional teaching Articles. November: 1-10. Nadzrah Abu Bakar & Kemboja I. (2009) Using Blogs to Encourage ESL Students to Write
  • Constructively in English. AJTLHE, 1/5, 45-57. Noytim, U. (2010). Weblogs enhancing EFL students’ English language learning.
  • Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(2010) 1127-1132.
  • Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Silva, T. (1993). Towards an Understanding of the distinct nature of L2 writing: the ESL research and its implications. TESOL Quarterly, 27(4), 657-677.
  • Sollars, V. (2007). Writing experiences in a second / foreign language classroom: From theory to practice. Blogs: Web journal in language education. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 15-24.
  • Song. H. & Chan,M., 2008).Educational blogging: A malaysian university students perception and experience. Proceeding Ascilite Melbourne 2008.
  • Smith, K. (2004). CCCC Waves and Ripples. Weblogs in Higher Education. P2636_0_13_0
  • Sritunyarat, S. (2003).The problem and effectiveness of writing activities. Master’s degree Thesis, Maha Sarakham University, Thailand.
  • Thorne, S. I. & Payne, J. S. (2005) Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated
  • Expression, and Language Education. CALICO Journal, 22 (30, p. 371-397. from Wan, J. & Tan, H. B.( 2011). Weblogs for English language learning: Students’perception.
  • Turkish Online Journal of distance Education- TOJDE October 2011. 12(1)6,
  • Ward, J. (2004). Blog assisted language learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils. TEFL Web Journal, 3(1).
  • Warschauer, M. (2011).Invited commentary: new tools for teaching writing. Language learning & technology, February, Volume 14, Number 1.
  • Xie, Y. & Ke, F. & Sharma, P. (2008). The effect of peer feedback for blogging on college students’ reflective learning process. The Internet and Higher Education, 11, 18-25.

Orachorn KITCHAKARN Bangkok University Language Institute

Yıl 2014, , 34 - 47, 01.12.2014



  • Ajjan, H. & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. Internet & Higher Education, 11(2), (71-80.)
  • Aljamah, H, F. (2012) Saudi Learner Perceptions and Attitudes toward the Use of Blogs in
  • Teaching English Writing Course for EFL majors at Qassim University. English language teaching. 5(1) January 2012.
  • Bloch, J. (2008). Technologies in the second language composition classroom. Ann
  • Arbor, MI: University of Michican Press. Campbell, P. A. (2003).Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes.
  • Churchill, D. (2009). Educational applications for web 2.0: using blogs to support teaching and learning. British Journal of educational technology, 40(1), 179-183.
  • Cimcoz, Y., (1999).Teaching ESL/EFL Students to Write Better.
  • Davis, A. P. & McGrail, E. (2009). The joy of blogging.Educational Leadership, 66(6): 74
  • Downes, S. (2004) Educational Blogging. Educause review, 39(5), 14-26.
  • Doris de Almeida Soares, D. (2008). Understanding class blogs as a tool for language development. Language Teaching Research, 12(4), 517-533.
  • Du, H.S., and Wagner, C. (2007). Learning with weblogs: Enhancing cognitive social knowledge construction. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications, 50(1).
  • Duke, N. K. & Pearson, D. (2002). Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension.
  • Dyrus, M. A. & Worley, R.B. (2005). Blogs. Business Communication Quartery, 68(10, 66-67).
  • Eastment, D. (2005). Blogging. ELT Journal, 59(4): 358-361
  • Ferdig, R.E., & Trammell, K.D. (2004). Content Delivery in the ‘Blogosphere’. T.H.E journal online.
  • Galien, P. & Bowcher, W.L. (2010). Using blogs in ESL/EFL Teaching and teacher training. Asian EFL Journal. Professional teaching Articles. Vol. 4 February.
  • Hanson-Smith, E. (2001). Computer-assisted language learning.In R. Carter & D.
  • Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 107-113). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hashem, M., & Najafi, V.( 2011).Using blogs in English language writing classes.
  • International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 3, No.4, July, 2011, II Part.
  • Hauffaker, D. (2005). The educated blogger: using weblogs to promote literacy in the classroom. AACE Journal, 13 (2), 91-98.
  • Istifci, I. (2011). Opinions of elementary Level EFL learners on the Use of Weblogs.
  • Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE January 2011.12(4)13,
  • Johnson, A. (2004).Creating a writing course utilizing class and student blogs. The InternetTESL Journal, 10(8). Blogs/
  • Jones, G. (2006). The Skinny on Web 2.0. InformationWeek.
  • Khampusaen, D. (2012). Collaborative blogging: A Tool for teaching writing in EFL classroom. 2012 International Conference on Education and management
  • Innovation, IPEDR, vol. 30 (2012) Singapore.
  • Karashen, F. (2007). Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and its use in Turkish context. Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7, 73-87.
  • McGrail, E. & Davis, A. P. (2011). The influence of classroom blogging on elementary student writing. Journal of research in Childhood Education, 25: 415-437, 2011.
  • Mynard, J. (2007) A Blog as a Tool for Reflection of English Language Learners. Asian
  • EFLJournal. Professional teaching Articles. November: 1-10. Nadzrah Abu Bakar & Kemboja I. (2009) Using Blogs to Encourage ESL Students to Write
  • Constructively in English. AJTLHE, 1/5, 45-57. Noytim, U. (2010). Weblogs enhancing EFL students’ English language learning.
  • Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(2010) 1127-1132.
  • Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Silva, T. (1993). Towards an Understanding of the distinct nature of L2 writing: the ESL research and its implications. TESOL Quarterly, 27(4), 657-677.
  • Sollars, V. (2007). Writing experiences in a second / foreign language classroom: From theory to practice. Blogs: Web journal in language education. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 15-24.
  • Song. H. & Chan,M., 2008).Educational blogging: A malaysian university students perception and experience. Proceeding Ascilite Melbourne 2008.
  • Smith, K. (2004). CCCC Waves and Ripples. Weblogs in Higher Education. P2636_0_13_0
  • Sritunyarat, S. (2003).The problem and effectiveness of writing activities. Master’s degree Thesis, Maha Sarakham University, Thailand.
  • Thorne, S. I. & Payne, J. S. (2005) Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated
  • Expression, and Language Education. CALICO Journal, 22 (30, p. 371-397. from Wan, J. & Tan, H. B.( 2011). Weblogs for English language learning: Students’perception.
  • Turkish Online Journal of distance Education- TOJDE October 2011. 12(1)6,
  • Ward, J. (2004). Blog assisted language learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils. TEFL Web Journal, 3(1).
  • Warschauer, M. (2011).Invited commentary: new tools for teaching writing. Language learning & technology, February, Volume 14, Number 1.
  • Xie, Y. & Ke, F. & Sharma, P. (2008). The effect of peer feedback for blogging on college students’ reflective learning process. The Internet and Higher Education, 11, 18-25.
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Kaynak Göster

APA Kıtchakarn, O. (2014). Developing Writing Abilities Of Efl Students Through Blogging. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(4), 34-47.