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Technology And Teaching In Post-Modern Environments Or Rhetoric Negotiations of Education

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 89 - 104, 01.09.2009


The article focuses on the situation as we engage with emerging post-modern environments marked by a continued strong belief in technology as the key governing force in society, and by teaching being sacrificed on the altar of “progress”. “Teaching” has been turned into “learning”. Furthermore, new learning strategies are quite often, in some way or other, interweaved with the use of new technology. However, the instrumental perspectives of the industrial society have been to a large extent prolonged. Accordingly, the underlying assumption of this article is that developments concerning technology and education during recent decades can most adequately be understood as a rhetorically based negotiation between two basic, antagonistic positions. The first position is grounded in perspectives of “the industrial society”, the other one in notions of “the learning society”. When new technological devices, based on traditional perspectives, are combined with learning strategies of the future, we might regard this as an adoption of ideas of the learning society or as a construction of rhetoric structural couplings. Viewing recent changes in this manner provides new perspectives on important questions concerning the relationship between technology and education. It also constitutes a framework for the quite necessary process of reconsidering and clarifying the concepts of technology, teaching and learning. The tendencies described in the article are presented as overall trends within education, but the use of new technology to a large extent seems to be connected to new and more flexible educational methods and elements of distance education.


  • Biesta, Gert (2004): Against learning. Reclaiming a language for education in an age of learning. Nordisk Pedagogikk, Vol.24. no.1, pp 70-82.
  • Bork, A. (1987): Interaction: Lessons from computer-based learning. In Laurillard, D.
  • (ed.): Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Clark, David R. (1987): Twenty-first Century Books: An assessment of the role of
  • Videodisc in the next 25 years. In Laurillard, D. (ed.): Interactive media: working methods and practical applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Fuller, Robert G. (1987): Setting up an interactive videodisc project. In Laurillard. D
  • (ed.): Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Glaser, Robert (1960): Christmas Past, Present, and Future: A Review and Preview.
  • In: Lumsdaine, A. A. and Glaser Robert (eds.): Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. A Source Book. Washington: Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, National Education Association of The United States, p. 23-31. Grepperud, Gunnar and Haugsbakk, Geir (2004): Ikke helt som planlagt? Nettbaserte aktiviteter i teori og praksis. [Not as planned? Net based activities in theory and praxis.] Forskningsrapport nr. 118/2004, Hİgskolen i Lillehammer.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir (2000): Interaktivitet, teknologi og læring – en forstudie.
  • Interactivity, technology and learning – some preliminary studies.] Skriftserie for Forsknings- og kompetansenettverk for IT i utdanningen, Unipub forlag, Oslo. Haugsbakk, Geir (2004): The ideas of Learning Management Systems. Paper at The Nordic Educational Research Associations 32nd Congress, Reykjavik 11-13.3, 2004.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir (2008): Retorikk, teknologi og læring. [Rhetoric, technology and learning.] Unpublished manuscript.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir and Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye (2004): The rhetoric of ICT and the new language of learning - a critical analysis of the use of ICT in the curricular field.
  • Paper at The European Conference on Educational Research, University of Crete, 22. - September 2004.
  • Hillman, Daniel C.A.; Willis, Deborah J. and Gunawardena, Charlotte N. (1994):
  • ‖Learner-Interface Interaction in Distance Education: An Extension of Contemporary Models and Strategies for Practitioners‖. In The American journal of distance education, vol. 8, no. 2. Holmberg, Börje (1989): Theory and Practice of Distance Education, London: Routledge.
  • Holmberg, Börje (1993): ‖Key issues in distance education: An academic viewpoint‖. In K.
  • Harry, M. John & D. Keegan (red.):Distance Education: New Perspectives, London: Routledge. Jensen, Jens F. (1998): ‖Interaktivitet og Interaktive Medier‖. In Jensen, Jens F.
  • (ed.): Multimedier Hypermedier Interaktive Medier. [Multimedia, Hypermedia and Interactive Media.]Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Jih, H.J. & Reeves, T.C. (1992): Mental models: A research focus for interactive learning systems. In Educational Technology Research and Development, 40 (3), p. –53.
  • Keegan, Desmond (1996) Foundations of distance education, London: Routledge.
  • Kesim, Eren and Agaoglu, Esmahan (2007): A Paradigm Shift in Distance Education:
  • Web 2.0 and Social Software. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE, Vol.8. no. 3. Koselleck, Reinhart (2004) Futures past. On the semantics of historical time, New
  • York: Columbia University Press. Laurillard, D. (1987): Pedagogical design for interactive video. In Laurillard, D. (ed.):
  • Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Looms, Peter Olaf (1993): Interactive multimedia in education. In Latchem, Colin;
  • Williamson, John and Henderson-Lancett, Lexie (eds.): Interactive Multimedia: Practice and Promise. London: Kogan Page. Marx, Leo (1970): Notes for a humanist critique of technological innovation in teaching. In Tickton, Sidney G. (ed.): To improve learning. An Evaluation of instructional technology. Volume II. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, p. 203-212.
  • Mason, Robin (1994): Using Communications Media for Open and Flexible Learning, London: Kogan Page.
  • Moore, Michael G. (1989): ‖Three types of interaction‖. In American Journal of
  • Distance Education, vol. 3, no. 2. Nordkvelle, Yngve (2007): Digitale mapper i hİyere utdanning: Omfang, bruk og trender for framtida. [Portifolio in higher education: the extension of use and trends for the future.] Tromsİ: Norgesuniversitetet.
  • Peters, Otto (1988) Distance teaching and industrial production. A comparative interpretation in outline. In: Sewart, David; Keegan, Desmond and Holmberg, Börje
  • (eds.) Distance education. International perspectives, 95-113. London: Routledge. Pressey, S. L. (1960): A Third and Fourth Contribution Toward the Coming ―Industrial
  • Revolution‖ in Education. In Lumsdaine, A. A. and Glaser Robert (eds.): Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. A Source Book. Washington: Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, National Education Association of the United States, p. 47- Qvortrup, Lars (2001): Det lærende samfund. Hyperkompleksitet og viden. [The
  • Learning Society. Hypercomplexity and Knowledge.] Kİbenhavn: Gyldendal. Qvortrup, Lars (2003): The Hypercomplex Society. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Qvortrup, Lars (2004): Det vidende samfund. Mysteriet om viden, læring og dannelse.
  • The Knowledge Society. The Mystery of Knowledge, Learning and Bildung.] Kİbenhavn. Unge Pædagoger. Russel, Glenn (2007): Globalization, distance education and hegemonic futures.
  • Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE, Vol.8. no.4. Saettler, Paul (1990): The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Libris Unlimited, Colorado.
  • Selwyn, Neil (2000a): The Discursive Construction of the National Grid for Learning.
  • Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 63-69. Selwyn, Neil (2000b): The National Grid for Learning: panacea or Panopticon? British
  • Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 243-255. Skinner, B. F. (1958) Teaching Machines. Science, (128) 969-977.
  • Smith, Merrit Roe (1994) Technological Determinism in American Culture. In Marx,
  • Leo and Smith Merrit Roe (eds.) Does Technology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, 1-35. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Svennevig, Jan; Sandvik, Margareth and Vagle, Wenche (1995): Tilnærminger til tekst. Modeller for språklig tekstanalyse. [Approaches to text. Models for text analysis.] LNU, Cappelen Forlag.
  • Wagner, Ellen D. (1994): ‖In support of a functional definition of interaction‖. In
  • American Journal of Distance Education, vol. 8, no. 2. Østerud, Svein (1999): Norsk skole baklengs inn i det neste årtusen? [Norwegian schools backwards into the next millennium?] Bedre skole, No. 2.
Yıl 2009, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 89 - 104, 01.09.2009



  • Biesta, Gert (2004): Against learning. Reclaiming a language for education in an age of learning. Nordisk Pedagogikk, Vol.24. no.1, pp 70-82.
  • Bork, A. (1987): Interaction: Lessons from computer-based learning. In Laurillard, D.
  • (ed.): Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Clark, David R. (1987): Twenty-first Century Books: An assessment of the role of
  • Videodisc in the next 25 years. In Laurillard, D. (ed.): Interactive media: working methods and practical applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Fuller, Robert G. (1987): Setting up an interactive videodisc project. In Laurillard. D
  • (ed.): Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Glaser, Robert (1960): Christmas Past, Present, and Future: A Review and Preview.
  • In: Lumsdaine, A. A. and Glaser Robert (eds.): Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. A Source Book. Washington: Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, National Education Association of The United States, p. 23-31. Grepperud, Gunnar and Haugsbakk, Geir (2004): Ikke helt som planlagt? Nettbaserte aktiviteter i teori og praksis. [Not as planned? Net based activities in theory and praxis.] Forskningsrapport nr. 118/2004, Hİgskolen i Lillehammer.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir (2000): Interaktivitet, teknologi og læring – en forstudie.
  • Interactivity, technology and learning – some preliminary studies.] Skriftserie for Forsknings- og kompetansenettverk for IT i utdanningen, Unipub forlag, Oslo. Haugsbakk, Geir (2004): The ideas of Learning Management Systems. Paper at The Nordic Educational Research Associations 32nd Congress, Reykjavik 11-13.3, 2004.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir (2008): Retorikk, teknologi og læring. [Rhetoric, technology and learning.] Unpublished manuscript.
  • Haugsbakk, Geir and Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye (2004): The rhetoric of ICT and the new language of learning - a critical analysis of the use of ICT in the curricular field.
  • Paper at The European Conference on Educational Research, University of Crete, 22. - September 2004.
  • Hillman, Daniel C.A.; Willis, Deborah J. and Gunawardena, Charlotte N. (1994):
  • ‖Learner-Interface Interaction in Distance Education: An Extension of Contemporary Models and Strategies for Practitioners‖. In The American journal of distance education, vol. 8, no. 2. Holmberg, Börje (1989): Theory and Practice of Distance Education, London: Routledge.
  • Holmberg, Börje (1993): ‖Key issues in distance education: An academic viewpoint‖. In K.
  • Harry, M. John & D. Keegan (red.):Distance Education: New Perspectives, London: Routledge. Jensen, Jens F. (1998): ‖Interaktivitet og Interaktive Medier‖. In Jensen, Jens F.
  • (ed.): Multimedier Hypermedier Interaktive Medier. [Multimedia, Hypermedia and Interactive Media.]Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Jih, H.J. & Reeves, T.C. (1992): Mental models: A research focus for interactive learning systems. In Educational Technology Research and Development, 40 (3), p. –53.
  • Keegan, Desmond (1996) Foundations of distance education, London: Routledge.
  • Kesim, Eren and Agaoglu, Esmahan (2007): A Paradigm Shift in Distance Education:
  • Web 2.0 and Social Software. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE, Vol.8. no. 3. Koselleck, Reinhart (2004) Futures past. On the semantics of historical time, New
  • York: Columbia University Press. Laurillard, D. (1987): Pedagogical design for interactive video. In Laurillard, D. (ed.):
  • Interactive Media: Working Methods and Practical Applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester. Looms, Peter Olaf (1993): Interactive multimedia in education. In Latchem, Colin;
  • Williamson, John and Henderson-Lancett, Lexie (eds.): Interactive Multimedia: Practice and Promise. London: Kogan Page. Marx, Leo (1970): Notes for a humanist critique of technological innovation in teaching. In Tickton, Sidney G. (ed.): To improve learning. An Evaluation of instructional technology. Volume II. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, p. 203-212.
  • Mason, Robin (1994): Using Communications Media for Open and Flexible Learning, London: Kogan Page.
  • Moore, Michael G. (1989): ‖Three types of interaction‖. In American Journal of
  • Distance Education, vol. 3, no. 2. Nordkvelle, Yngve (2007): Digitale mapper i hİyere utdanning: Omfang, bruk og trender for framtida. [Portifolio in higher education: the extension of use and trends for the future.] Tromsİ: Norgesuniversitetet.
  • Peters, Otto (1988) Distance teaching and industrial production. A comparative interpretation in outline. In: Sewart, David; Keegan, Desmond and Holmberg, Börje
  • (eds.) Distance education. International perspectives, 95-113. London: Routledge. Pressey, S. L. (1960): A Third and Fourth Contribution Toward the Coming ―Industrial
  • Revolution‖ in Education. In Lumsdaine, A. A. and Glaser Robert (eds.): Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. A Source Book. Washington: Department of Audio-Visual Instruction, National Education Association of the United States, p. 47- Qvortrup, Lars (2001): Det lærende samfund. Hyperkompleksitet og viden. [The
  • Learning Society. Hypercomplexity and Knowledge.] Kİbenhavn: Gyldendal. Qvortrup, Lars (2003): The Hypercomplex Society. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Qvortrup, Lars (2004): Det vidende samfund. Mysteriet om viden, læring og dannelse.
  • The Knowledge Society. The Mystery of Knowledge, Learning and Bildung.] Kİbenhavn. Unge Pædagoger. Russel, Glenn (2007): Globalization, distance education and hegemonic futures.
  • Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE, Vol.8. no.4. Saettler, Paul (1990): The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Libris Unlimited, Colorado.
  • Selwyn, Neil (2000a): The Discursive Construction of the National Grid for Learning.
  • Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 63-69. Selwyn, Neil (2000b): The National Grid for Learning: panacea or Panopticon? British
  • Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 243-255. Skinner, B. F. (1958) Teaching Machines. Science, (128) 969-977.
  • Smith, Merrit Roe (1994) Technological Determinism in American Culture. In Marx,
  • Leo and Smith Merrit Roe (eds.) Does Technology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, 1-35. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Svennevig, Jan; Sandvik, Margareth and Vagle, Wenche (1995): Tilnærminger til tekst. Modeller for språklig tekstanalyse. [Approaches to text. Models for text analysis.] LNU, Cappelen Forlag.
  • Wagner, Ellen D. (1994): ‖In support of a functional definition of interaction‖. In
  • American Journal of Distance Education, vol. 8, no. 2. Østerud, Svein (1999): Norsk skole baklengs inn i det neste årtusen? [Norwegian schools backwards into the next millennium?] Bedre skole, No. 2.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Geir Haugsbakk Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Şubat 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Haugsbakk, G. (2009). Technology And Teaching In Post-Modern Environments Or Rhetoric Negotiations of Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 10(3), 89-104.