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Turkish Adaptation of Career Decision Scale: Validity and Reliability Study

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 38, 159 - 168, 29.09.2012


The aim of the current study is to adapt the Career Decision Scale developed by Osipow, Carney, Winer, Yanico and Koschier (1976) and then revised by Osipow (1987). In accordance with that, items of the scale were translated into Turkish and then were back translated into English. Student and expert opinions were gathered regarding the items. The data were collected from two different groups of undergraduate students (ages 17-28) with the final version of the scale. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with the first group of participants (N = 336; 112 male, 224 female) suggested covariances between error terms of some items were drawn. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was repeated with the second data set (N = 365: 208 male, 157 female) and goodness of fit indices were deemed satisfactory hence two-factor model was verified. In order to test the convergent validity of the scale, the relationship between career indecision subscale, certainty subscale (Osipow et al., 1976) and Personal Indecisiveness Scale (Bacanlı, 2005) were examined and as expected a significant and positive correlation (r = .61, p < .01) and a significant negative correlation (r = -.34, p <.05) were found, respectively. The internal consistency coefficients were sufficient for each subscale (ranging from .84 to .86). In addition, the test-retest reliability coefficients (.84 for career indecision subscale, .77 for certainty subscale) were consistent with the original study. According to the findings of the study, it is possible to say that the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the CDS were satisfactory.


  • Ægisdóttir, S., Gerstein, L. H. & Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2008). Methodological issues in cross cultural counseling research: Equivalence, bias, and translations. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 188-219.
  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2009). AMOS 18 User’s Guide. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
  • Bacanlı, F. (2000). Kararsızlık Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2(14), 7-16.
  • Bacanlı, F. (2005). Kişisel Kararsızlık Ölçeği. (Ed: Y. Kuzgun ve F. Bacanlı) Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlıkta Kullanılan Ölçme Araçları ve Programlar Dizisi: PDR’de Kullanılan Ölçekler. (ss. 109-140) Ankara: Nobel.
  • Betz, N. E. (1992). Counseling uses of career self-efficacy theory. Career Development Quarterly, 41, 22-26.
  • Betz, N. E. & Klein-Voyten, K. (1997). Efficacy and outcome expectations influence career exploration and decidedness. Career Development Quarterly, 46, 179- 189.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). Madison, NY: Routledge.
  • Cenkseven, F., Kırdök, O. & Işık, E. (2008, April). Investigating career decisions of high school students regarding to their parenting and parent attachment styles. Paper presented at the International Congress of Counseling, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Chartrand, J. M., Martin, W., Robbins, S. & McAuliffe, G. (1994). Testing a level versus an interactional view of career indecision. Journal of Career Assessment, 2, 55-69.
  • Constantine, M. G., Wallace, B. C. & Kindaichi, M. M. (2005). Examining contextual factors in the career decision status of African American adolescents. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 307-319.
  • Creed, P. A., Patton, W. & Bartrum, D. (2004). Internal and external barriers, cognitive style, and the career development variables of focus and indecision. Journal of Career Development, 30, 277- 294.
  • Çakır, M. A. (2003). Bir mesleki grup rehberliği programının lise öğrencilerinin mesleki kararsızlık düzeylerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Universitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik. SPSS ve LİSREL uygulamaları. Ankara: Pegem Akadademi.
  • Fuqua, D. R., Blum, C. R. & Hartman, B. W. (1988). Empirical support for the differential diagnosis of career indecision. Career Developmental Quarterly, 36, 364-373.
  • Fuqua, D. R. & Hartman, B. W. (1983). Differential diagnosis and treatment of career indecision. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 62, 27-29.
  • Fuqua, D. R., Newman, J. L. & Seaworth, T. B. (1988). Relation of state and trait anxiety to different components of career indecision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 154-158.
  • Gati, I., Krausz, M. & Osipow, S. H. (1996). A taxonomy of difficulties in career decision making. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 510-526.
  • Gordon, V. N. (1995). The undecided college students: An academic and career advising challenge (2nd ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
  • Gordon, L. & Meyer, J. C. (2002). Career indecision amongst prospective university students. South African Journal of Psychology, 32, 41-47.
  • Hamamcı, Z. & Esen Çoban, A. (2007). Mesleki olgunluk ve mesleki kararsızlığın akılcı olmayan inançlarla ilişkisi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 3 (27), 31-42.
  • Hamamcı, Z. & Hamurlu, M. K. (2005). Anne babaların meslek gelişimine yardımcı olmaya yönelik tutumları ve bilgi düzeylerinin çocuklarının mesleki kararsızlıkları ile ilişkisi İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, 55-69.
  • Hartman, B. W. & Fuqua, D. R. (1982). The construct validity of the Career Decision Scale adapted for graduate students. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 31, 69-77.
  • Hartman, B. W., Fuqua, D. R. & Hartman, P. T. (1983). The predictive potential of the Career Decision Scale in identifying chronic career indecision. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 32, 103-108.
  • Hartman, B. W. & Hartman, P. T. (1982). The concurrent and predictive validity of the Career Decision Scale adapted for high school students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 20, 244-253.
  • Hawkins-Breaux, A. (2004). The impact of cooperative education participation on career indecision, career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision making style among college students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Temple University, Philadelphia.
  • Kelly, K. R. & Pulver, C. A. (2003). Refining measurement of career indecision types: A validity study. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 445- 454.
  • Kırdök, O. (2010). Bilişsel bilgiyi işleme yaklaşımına göre geliştirilen mesleki karar verme programının sınanması. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Leong, F. T. L. & Chervinko, S. (1996). Construct validity of career indecision: Negative personality traits as predictors of career indecision. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 315-329.
  • Lopez, F. G. & Ann-Yi, S. (2006). Predictors of career indecision in three racial/ ethnic groups of college women. Journal of Career Development, 33, 29-46.
  • Lucas, M. S. (1993). A validation of types of career indecision at a counseling center. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 40, 440-446.
  • Ma, P. W. & Yeh, C. (2005). Factors influencing the career decision status of Chinese American youths. Career Development Quarterly, 53, 337-347.
  • Mann, L., Harmoni, R. & Power, C. (1989). Adolescent decision-making: The development of competence. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 265-278.
  • Martin, F., Sabourin, S., Laplante, B. & Coallier, J. C. (1991). Diffusion, support, approach, and external barriers as distinct theoretical dimensions of the Career Decision Scale: Disconfirming evidence. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 38, 187-197.
  • Newman, J. L., Fuqua, D. R. & Minger, C. (1990). A discriminate study of gender differences on career subscales. Paper presented at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
  • Osipow, S. H. (1987). The Career Decision Scale manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Osipow, S. H. (1999). Assessing career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 55, 147- 154.
  • Osipow, S. H. & Winer, J. L. (1996). The use of the Career Decision Scale in career assessment. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 117-130.
  • Osipow, S. H., Carney, C. G., Winer, J. L., Yanico, B. & Koschier, M. J. (1976). The Career Decision Scale (3rd ed.). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Patton, W. & Creed, P. A. (2001). Developmental issues in career maturity and carer decision status. Career Development Quarterly, 49, 336-351.
  • Rogers, W. B. & Westbrook, B. W. (1983). Measuring career indecision among college students: Toward a valid approach for counseling practitioners and researchers. Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 16, 78-85.
  • Sabourin, S. & Coallier, J. C. (1991). The relationship between response style and reports of career indecision. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 24, 69-79.
  • Saka, N. & Gati, I. (2007). Emotional and personality- related aspects of persistent career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 71, 340- 358.
  • Saunders, D. E., Peterson, G. W., Sampson, J. P., Jr. & Reardon, R. C. (2000). Relation of depression and dysfunctional career thinking to career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 288-298.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1995). Constructivist counseling for career indecision. Career Development Quarterly, 43,363-373.
  • Savickas, M. L. & Carden, A. D. (1992). Dimensions of career decidedness. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 25(3), 102-113.
  • Slaney, R. B. (1988). The assessment of career decision making. In W. B. Walsh ve S. H. Osipow Career decision making (pp. 33-77). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Eds.),
  • Shimizu, K., Vondracek, F. W., Schulenberg, J. E. & Hostetler, M. (1988). The factor structure of the Career Decision Scale: Similarities across selected studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 32, 213-225.
  • Taylor, K. M. (1982). An investigation of vocational indecision in college students: Correlates and moderators. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 21, 318- 329.
  • Taylor, K. M. & Betz, N. E. (1983). Applications of self- efficacy theory to the understanding and treatment of career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 22, 63-81.
  • Tokar, D. M., Withrow, J. R., Hall, R. J. & Moradi, B. (2003). Psychological separation, attachment security, vocational self-concept crystallization, and career indecision: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 3-19. .................
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal / 2012, 4 (38)

Kariyer Karar Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 38, 159 - 168, 29.09.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Osipow, Carney, Winer, Yanico ve Koschier (1976) tarafından geliştirilen ve sonrasında Osipow (1987) tarafından revize edilen Kariyer Karar Ölçeği’ni (KKÖ) Türkçe’ye uyarlamaktır. Bu doğrultuda, ölçek maddelerinin önce Türkçe çevirisi sonra İngilizce geri çevirisi yapılmıştır. Maddelere ilişkin öğrenciler ve uzmanlardan görüş alınmıştır. Elde edilen ölçek formu ile 17-28 yaş arası lisans öğrencilerinden oluşan iki farklı çalışma grubundan veri toplanmıştır. İlk çalışma grubundan (N = 336; 112 erkek, 224 kız) elde edilen veriler ile yapılan doğrulayıcı faktör analizi (DFA) sonucunda değişim indeksleri doğrultusunda bazı maddelere ait hatalar ilişkilendirilmiştir. İkinci çalışma grubu (N = 365; 208 erkek, 157 kız) verileriyle DFA tekrarlanmış ve uyum iyiliği indeksleri yeterli bulunarak ölçeğe ilişkin iki faktörlü yapı doğrulanmıştır. Ölçeğin uyum geçerliğini incelemek amacıyla Kişisel Kararsızlık Ölçeği (Bacanlı, 2005) ile kararsızlık ve kesinlik alt ölçekleri arasındaki ilişkiye bakılmış ve beklenildiği gibi kararsızlık alt ölçeği ile arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde bir ilişki (r = .61, p < .01), kesinlik alt ölçeği ile negatif yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde bir ilişki (r = -.34, p < .05) bulunmuştur. Alt ölçekler için hesaplanan iç tutarlık katsayılarının (Cronbach α = .84 - .86 aralığında) yeterli düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca, test-tekrar test güvenirlik katsayılarının (kararsızlık alt ölçeği için .84; kesinlik alt ölçeği için .77) orijinal çalışmada elde edilen katsayılara benzer olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak elde edilen bulgular ışığında KKÖ’nün Türkçe formunun yeterli psikometrik özelliklere sahip olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Ægisdóttir, S., Gerstein, L. H. & Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2008). Methodological issues in cross cultural counseling research: Equivalence, bias, and translations. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 188-219.
  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2009). AMOS 18 User’s Guide. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
  • Bacanlı, F. (2000). Kararsızlık Ölçeği’nin geliştirilmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2(14), 7-16.
  • Bacanlı, F. (2005). Kişisel Kararsızlık Ölçeği. (Ed: Y. Kuzgun ve F. Bacanlı) Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlıkta Kullanılan Ölçme Araçları ve Programlar Dizisi: PDR’de Kullanılan Ölçekler. (ss. 109-140) Ankara: Nobel.
  • Betz, N. E. (1992). Counseling uses of career self-efficacy theory. Career Development Quarterly, 41, 22-26.
  • Betz, N. E. & Klein-Voyten, K. (1997). Efficacy and outcome expectations influence career exploration and decidedness. Career Development Quarterly, 46, 179- 189.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). Madison, NY: Routledge.
  • Cenkseven, F., Kırdök, O. & Işık, E. (2008, April). Investigating career decisions of high school students regarding to their parenting and parent attachment styles. Paper presented at the International Congress of Counseling, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Chartrand, J. M., Martin, W., Robbins, S. & McAuliffe, G. (1994). Testing a level versus an interactional view of career indecision. Journal of Career Assessment, 2, 55-69.
  • Constantine, M. G., Wallace, B. C. & Kindaichi, M. M. (2005). Examining contextual factors in the career decision status of African American adolescents. Journal of Career Assessment, 13, 307-319.
  • Creed, P. A., Patton, W. & Bartrum, D. (2004). Internal and external barriers, cognitive style, and the career development variables of focus and indecision. Journal of Career Development, 30, 277- 294.
  • Çakır, M. A. (2003). Bir mesleki grup rehberliği programının lise öğrencilerinin mesleki kararsızlık düzeylerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Universitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik. SPSS ve LİSREL uygulamaları. Ankara: Pegem Akadademi.
  • Fuqua, D. R., Blum, C. R. & Hartman, B. W. (1988). Empirical support for the differential diagnosis of career indecision. Career Developmental Quarterly, 36, 364-373.
  • Fuqua, D. R. & Hartman, B. W. (1983). Differential diagnosis and treatment of career indecision. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 62, 27-29.
  • Fuqua, D. R., Newman, J. L. & Seaworth, T. B. (1988). Relation of state and trait anxiety to different components of career indecision. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 154-158.
  • Gati, I., Krausz, M. & Osipow, S. H. (1996). A taxonomy of difficulties in career decision making. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 510-526.
  • Gordon, V. N. (1995). The undecided college students: An academic and career advising challenge (2nd ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
  • Gordon, L. & Meyer, J. C. (2002). Career indecision amongst prospective university students. South African Journal of Psychology, 32, 41-47.
  • Hamamcı, Z. & Esen Çoban, A. (2007). Mesleki olgunluk ve mesleki kararsızlığın akılcı olmayan inançlarla ilişkisi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 3 (27), 31-42.
  • Hamamcı, Z. & Hamurlu, M. K. (2005). Anne babaların meslek gelişimine yardımcı olmaya yönelik tutumları ve bilgi düzeylerinin çocuklarının mesleki kararsızlıkları ile ilişkisi İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6, 55-69.
  • Hartman, B. W. & Fuqua, D. R. (1982). The construct validity of the Career Decision Scale adapted for graduate students. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 31, 69-77.
  • Hartman, B. W., Fuqua, D. R. & Hartman, P. T. (1983). The predictive potential of the Career Decision Scale in identifying chronic career indecision. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 32, 103-108.
  • Hartman, B. W. & Hartman, P. T. (1982). The concurrent and predictive validity of the Career Decision Scale adapted for high school students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 20, 244-253.
  • Hawkins-Breaux, A. (2004). The impact of cooperative education participation on career indecision, career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision making style among college students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Temple University, Philadelphia.
  • Kelly, K. R. & Pulver, C. A. (2003). Refining measurement of career indecision types: A validity study. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 445- 454.
  • Kırdök, O. (2010). Bilişsel bilgiyi işleme yaklaşımına göre geliştirilen mesleki karar verme programının sınanması. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Leong, F. T. L. & Chervinko, S. (1996). Construct validity of career indecision: Negative personality traits as predictors of career indecision. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 315-329.
  • Lopez, F. G. & Ann-Yi, S. (2006). Predictors of career indecision in three racial/ ethnic groups of college women. Journal of Career Development, 33, 29-46.
  • Lucas, M. S. (1993). A validation of types of career indecision at a counseling center. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 40, 440-446.
  • Ma, P. W. & Yeh, C. (2005). Factors influencing the career decision status of Chinese American youths. Career Development Quarterly, 53, 337-347.
  • Mann, L., Harmoni, R. & Power, C. (1989). Adolescent decision-making: The development of competence. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 265-278.
  • Martin, F., Sabourin, S., Laplante, B. & Coallier, J. C. (1991). Diffusion, support, approach, and external barriers as distinct theoretical dimensions of the Career Decision Scale: Disconfirming evidence. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 38, 187-197.
  • Newman, J. L., Fuqua, D. R. & Minger, C. (1990). A discriminate study of gender differences on career subscales. Paper presented at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
  • Osipow, S. H. (1987). The Career Decision Scale manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Osipow, S. H. (1999). Assessing career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 55, 147- 154.
  • Osipow, S. H. & Winer, J. L. (1996). The use of the Career Decision Scale in career assessment. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 117-130.
  • Osipow, S. H., Carney, C. G., Winer, J. L., Yanico, B. & Koschier, M. J. (1976). The Career Decision Scale (3rd ed.). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Patton, W. & Creed, P. A. (2001). Developmental issues in career maturity and carer decision status. Career Development Quarterly, 49, 336-351.
  • Rogers, W. B. & Westbrook, B. W. (1983). Measuring career indecision among college students: Toward a valid approach for counseling practitioners and researchers. Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 16, 78-85.
  • Sabourin, S. & Coallier, J. C. (1991). The relationship between response style and reports of career indecision. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 24, 69-79.
  • Saka, N. & Gati, I. (2007). Emotional and personality- related aspects of persistent career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 71, 340- 358.
  • Saunders, D. E., Peterson, G. W., Sampson, J. P., Jr. & Reardon, R. C. (2000). Relation of depression and dysfunctional career thinking to career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 288-298.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1995). Constructivist counseling for career indecision. Career Development Quarterly, 43,363-373.
  • Savickas, M. L. & Carden, A. D. (1992). Dimensions of career decidedness. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 25(3), 102-113.
  • Slaney, R. B. (1988). The assessment of career decision making. In W. B. Walsh ve S. H. Osipow Career decision making (pp. 33-77). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Eds.),
  • Shimizu, K., Vondracek, F. W., Schulenberg, J. E. & Hostetler, M. (1988). The factor structure of the Career Decision Scale: Similarities across selected studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 32, 213-225.
  • Taylor, K. M. (1982). An investigation of vocational indecision in college students: Correlates and moderators. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 21, 318- 329.
  • Taylor, K. M. & Betz, N. E. (1983). Applications of self- efficacy theory to the understanding and treatment of career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 22, 63-81.
  • Tokar, D. M., Withrow, J. R., Hall, R. J. & Moradi, B. (2003). Psychological separation, attachment security, vocational self-concept crystallization, and career indecision: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 3-19. .................
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal / 2012, 4 (38)
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ayşenur Büyükgöze-kavas This is me

Publication Date September 29, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 4 Issue: 38


APA Büyükgöze-kavas, A. (2012). Turkish Adaptation of Career Decision Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4(38), 159-168.

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