Research Article
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Year 2022, , 27 - 59, 31.12.2022



  • Assis Rosa, Alexandra, Hanna Pięta, and Rita Bueno Maia. 2017. “Theoretical, Methodological and Terminological Issues Regarding Indirect Translation: An Overview.” Translation Studies 10 (2): 113–132. doi:10.1080/14781700.2017.1285247.
  • Baydere, Muhammed. 2021. “Betimleyici Çeviribilim Araştırmalarında Yeni Açılımlara Doğru: Reşat Nuri Güntekin’in Diliçi ve Dillerarası Çeviri Eylemlerindeki Çeşitliliğin Kavramsallaştırılması.” [Toward new insights into research in descriptive translation studies: Conceptualizing diversity in Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s intralingual and interlingual translational actions.] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Baydere, Muhammed, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. 2019. “Çalıkuşu’nun Öz-Çeviri Serüveni Üzerine Betimleyici Bir Çalışma.” [A descriptive study on the self-translation adventure of Çalıkuşu.] In “2nd International Rumeli Symposium [Language, Literature, Translation],” edited by Yakup Yılmaz and Fatih Başpınar. Special Issue, RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, no. 5, 314–333. doi:10.29000/rumelide.606165.
  • Bengi, Işın. 1990. “A Re-evaluation of the Concept of Equivalence in the Literary Translations of Ahmed Midhat Efendi: A Linguistic Perspective.” PhD diss., Hacettepe University.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2005. “Diliçi Çeviriler ve Mai ve Siyah.” [Intralingual translations and Mai ve Siyah.] Dilbilim, no. 14, 139–149.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2013. “Intralingual Translation as ‘Modernization’ of the Language: The Turkish Case.” Perspectives 21 (2): 257–271. doi:10.1080/0907676X.2012.702395.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2015. “The Turkish Language Reform and Intralingual Translation.” In Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, edited by Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, Saliha Paker, and John Milton, 165–180. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2019. “Challenging the Boundaries of Translation and Filling the Gaps in Translation History: Two Cases of Intralingual Translation from the 19th-Century Ottoman Literary Scene.” In Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies, edited by Helle V. Dam, Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger, and Karen Korning Zethsen, 168–180. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Boy, 2019. “(Re)Positioning of Inter- and Intra-Lingual Translational Adventures.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 (2): 70–101. doi:10.29228/transLogos.14.
  • Boy, 2022. “The Picture of Dorian Gray’in Diliçi ve Dillerarası Çevirileri Üzerine Kavramsal Sorgulamalar.” [Conceptual reflections on the intra-/inter-lingual translations of The Picture of Dorian Gray.”] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Boy, Hülya, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. 2020. “The Picture of Dorian Gray’in Kaynak Edebiyat Dizgesindeki Serüveni Üzerine Betimleyici Bir Çalışma.” [A descriptive study on the adventure of The Picture of Dorian Gray in the Source Literary System.] In “Translation Studies Special Issue,” edited by Ayşe Nihal Akbulut and Oktay Eser. Special Issue, Amasya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17–45.
  • Buts, Jan, James Hadley, and Mohammad Aboomar. 2022. “Keyness, Context, and Cultural Specificity in Indirect Translation.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 5 (1): 1–21. doi:10.29228/transLogos.40.
  • Canlı, Gülsüm. 2018. “Relocating Self-Translation from the Interlingual to Intralingual: Faulkner as a Self-Translauthor.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 1 (1): 41–63. doi:10.29228/transLogos.1/1.8.
  • Canlı, Gülsüm. 2019. “William Faulkner’ın Sanctuary Adlı Romanının Kaynak ve Erek Dizgedeki Çeviri Serüveni: Diliçi Çeviri, Öz-Çeviri, Yeniden Çeviri ve Dolaylı Çeviri Kavramları Işığında Bir İnceleme.” [The translational adventure of William Faulkner’s Sanctuary in source and target systems: An analysis in the light of intralingual translation, self-translation, retranslation and indirect translation.] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Castro, Olga, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page. 2017. “Introduction: Self-Translating, from Minorisation to Empowerment.” In Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, edited by Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page, 1–22. London: Palgrave Macmillan. PDF e-book.
  • Culler, Jonathan. 2000. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dasilva, Xosé Manuel. 2015. “La opacidad de la autotraducción entre lenguas asimétricas.” [The opacity of self-translation between asymmetric languages]. TRANS: Revista De Traductología 2 (19): 171–182. doi:10.24310/TRANS.2015.v2i19.2070.
  • Ehrlich, Shlomit. 2009. “Are Self-Translators Like Other Translators?” Perspectives 17 (4): 243–255. doi:10.1080/09076760903404050.
  • Even-Zohar, Itamar. 2021. “The Position of Translated Literature Within the Literary Polysystem.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, 191–196. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Fitch, Brian T. 1988. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status of the Bilingual Work. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Gambier, Yves. 2003. “Working with Relay: An Old Story and a New Challenge.” In Speaking in Tongues: Language across Contexts and Users, edited by Luis Pérez Gonzalez, 47–66. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. Gentzler, Edwin. 2017. “Foreword.” In Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, edited by Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page, v–viii. London: Palgrave Macmillan. PDF e-book.
  • Grutman, Rainier. 2009. “Self-Translation.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha, 257–259. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Grutman, Rainier. 2013. “Beckett and Beyond: Putting Self-Translation in Perspective.” In “Special Issue on Self-Translation,” edited by Michael Boyden and Lisbeth De Bleeker. Special Issue, Orbis Litterarum 68 (3): 188–206. doi:10.1111/oli.12022.
  • Grutman, Rainier, and María Laura Spoturno. 2022. “Veinte años de estudios sobre la autotraducción: una entrevista con el profesor Julio-César Santoyo.” [Twenty years of studies on self-translation: An interview with professor Julio-César Santoyo.] Mutatis Mutandis, Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 15 (1): 227–239. doi:10.17533/udea.mut.v15n1a13.
  • Grutman, Rainier, and Trish Van Bolderen. 2014. “Self-Translation.” In A Companion to Translation Studies, edited by Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter, 323–332. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Gutt, Ernst-August. 1990. “A Theoretical Account of Translation - Without a Translation Theory.” Target 2 (2): 135–164. doi:10.1075/target.2.2.02gut.
  • Güntekin, Reşat Nuri. 1924. Gizli El [The secret hand]. Istanbul: İkbal Kütüphanesi.
  • Güntekin, Reşat Nuri. 1954. Gizli El [The secret hand]. Istanbul: Çağlayan Yayınevi.
  • Hokenson, Jan Walsh, and Marcella Munson. 2007. The Bilingual Text: History and Theory of Literary Self-Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome.
  • İbar, Gazanfer. 2018. “Ahmet Cevdet’in Yenilikçi Gazetesi İkdam.” [Ahmet Cevdet’s reformist newspaper İkdam.] Atlas Tarih, no. 54, 46–53.
  • Jakobson, Roman. 2021. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, 156–161. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Jung, Verena. 2002. English-German Self-Translation of Academic Texts and its Relevance for Translation Theory and Practice. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Kalem Bakkal, Aslı. 2019. “Intralingual Translation Has No Name in Turkey: Conceptual Crowdedness in Intralingual Translation.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 (2): 48–69. doi:10.29228/transLogos.13.
  • Kampert, Magdalena Anna. 2018. “Self-Translation in 20th-Century Italian and Polish Literature: The Cases of Luigi Pirandello, Maria Kuncewiczowa and Janusz Głowacki.” PhD diss., The University of Glasgow.
  • Kanter, M. Fatih. 2019. Bir Kültür Romancısı: Reşat Nuri Güntekin. Istanbul: Kesit.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2008. Çevirinin Tanıklığında ‘Medeniyet’in Dönüşümü [Transformation of ‘civilization’ in the witness of translation]. Istanbul: Diye.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2014. “‘Batı’nın Çevrilmesini ‘Medeniyet’ Odağıyla Yeniden Okumak: Tanzimat Dönemi/Sonrası Çeviriler ve ‘Çekinceli’ Cesur Çevirmenler.” [Rereading the ‘translation of the West’ with a focus on ‘civilization’: Translations in/after the Tanzimat and ‘hesitating’ brave translators.] Tanzimat ve Edebiyat: Osmanlı İstanbulu’nda Modern Edebi Kültür [Tanzimat and literature: Modern literary culture in Ottoman Istanbul], edited by Mehmet Fatih Uslu and Fatih Altuğ, 481–504. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2018. “Türkçeye Çevı̇rmek ‘Türkçe Söylememek’ mı̇ Demek?” [Does translating into Turkish mean not ‘telling in Turkish’?]. Paper presented at the 5th Asoscongress International Symposium on Philology, Istanbul, October 25–27.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2019. “Türk Edebiyat ve Kültür Dizgesinin Konukseverliğinde Çeviri Roman Deneyimi.” [Experience of translated novels with the hospitality of the Turkish literary and cultural system.] Doğu Batı 22 (88): 9–25.
  • Lefevere, André. 1985. “Why Waste Our Time on Rewrites? The Trouble with Interpretation and the Role of Rewriting in an Alternative Paradigm.” The Manipulation of Literature, edited by Theo Hermans, 215–243, London: Croom Helm.
  • Lefevere, André. 1992. Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. London: Routledge. Maia, Rita Bueno, Hanna Pięta, and Alexandra Assis Rosa 2018. “Translation and Adjacent Concepts.” In A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, Concepts, Effects, edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier, 75–83. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Montini, Chiara. 2010. “Self-Translation.” In Handbook of Translation Studies, edited by Yves Gambier and Luc Van Doorslaer, 1:306–308. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Naci, Fethi. 2003. Reşat Nuri’nin Romancılığı [Reşat Nuri’s novelism]. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Nemutlu, Özlem. 2020. “Reşat Nuri Güntekin’in Gizli El Romanının Tefrikası ile Kitap Baskıları Arasındaki Farklılıklar.” [The differences between feuilleton version and the book edition of Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s novel Gizli El.] In “Prof. Dr. M. Orhan Okay Special Issue,” edited by Kemal Timur. Special Issue, Hikmet – Journal of Academic Literature, 418–439. doi:10.28981/hikmet.830396.
  • Öztürk Baydere, Hilal. 2019a. “Türk Edebiyatını Diliçi Çevirilerden Okumak: Osmanlıcada ve Günümüz Türkçesinde Refik Halid’in Guguklu Saat’i.” [Reading Turkish literature through intralingual translations: Refik Halid’s Guguklu Saat in Ottoman and modern Turkish.] In Çeviri Üzerine Gözlemler [Observations on translation], edited by Seda Taş, 223–241. Istanbul: Hiperyayın.
  • Öztürk Baydere, Hilal. 2019b. “What Could the Translation of a ‘Retelling’ Imply for Translation Studies?” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 (2): 102–133. doi:10.29228/transLogos.15.
  • Pięta, Hanna. 2014. “What Do (We Think) We Know about Indirectness in Literary Translation? A Tentative Review of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Research Avenues.” In Traduccio Indirecta en la Literature Catalana [Indirect translation in Catalan literature], edited by Ivan Garcia Sala, Diana Sanz Roig, and Bozena Zaboklicka, 15–34, Barcelona: Punctum.
  • Pięta, Hanna, Rita Bueno Maia, and Ester Torres-Simón. 2022. Indirect Translation Explained. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Ramis, Josep Miquel. 2017. “The Failure of Self-Translation in Catalan Literature.” In Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, edited by Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page, 95–117. London: Palgrave Macmillan. PDF e-book.
  • Ringmar. Martin. 2012. “Relay Translation.” In Handbook of Translation Studies, edited by Yves Gambier and Luc Van Doorslaer, 3:141–144. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Santoyo, Julio-César. 2013. “Autotraducción: ensayo de tipología.” [Self-translations: A typology essay.] In Al humanista, traductor y maestro Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda [To the humanist, translator and teacher Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda], edited by Pilar Martino Alba, Juan A. Albaladejo Martínez, and Martha Pulido, 205–222. Madrid: Dykinson.
  • Shread, Carolyn. 2009. “Redefining Translation through Self-Translation: The Case of Nancy Houston.” In Translation in French and Francophone Literature and Film, edited by James Day, French Literature Series 36:51–66. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Shuttleworth, Mark, and Moira Cowie. 2014. Dictionary of Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
  • St. André, James. 2020. “Relay.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha, 470–473. London: Routledge.
  • Tanqueiro, Helena. 2000. “Self-Translation as an Extreme Case of the Author-Translator-Dialectic.” Investigating Translation: Selected Papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona, 1998, edited by Allison Beeby, Doris Ensinger, and Marisa Presas, 55–63. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Toury, Gideon. 1985. “A Rationale for Descriptive Translation Studies.” The Manipulation of Literature, edited by Theo Hermans, 16–41. London: Croom Helm.
  • Toury, Gideon. 2003. “Assumed Translation: A Methodological Concept and Its Implications.” Translation Studies in the New Millennium: Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on Translation and Interpreting, edited by Barbara Blackwell Gülen, İsmail Boztaş, and Christoph Veldhues, 43–59. Ankara: Bizim Büro Basımevi.
  • Toury, Gideon. 2012. Descriptive Translation Studies — and Beyond. 2nd expanded ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Wakabayashi, Judy. 2020. “History of Translation.” In The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, edited by Carol A. Chapelle, 547–555. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Yelaldı, İsmail. 2010. “Reşat Nuri Güntekin’in İki Kez Yazdığı İlk Romanı: ‘Gizli El.’” [Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s first novel written by him twice: ‘Gizli El.’] Hürriyet Gösteri Sanat Edebiyat Dergisi, no. 302, 28–35.

Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context

Year 2022, , 27 - 59, 31.12.2022


This study aims to provide a descriptive account of the translational aspects of Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s (1889–1956) Gizli El (The secret hand) (1924/1954). Given its publication history from the Ottoman Turkish alphabet into the Latin alphabet and the claims on it in the Turkish cultural and literary system, the study is set to explore what Gizli El could offer new regarding the concepts of self-translation and indirect translation in intralingual context, which it encompasses altogether. Employing a descriptive target-oriented, historical approach to the translational phenomena in question, the study uses “textual” and “extratextual sources” (Toury 2012, 87–88). While the textual analysis involves intralingual comparison of the Ottoman Turkish and the Latin-alphabet versions of Gizli El published in book form in 1924 and 1954, respectively, the extratextual analysis mainly covers Reşat Nuri’s prefaces. Through such analyses, Reşat Nuri’s “assumed” (Toury 2012) intralingual translations of Gizli El yield a new conceptualization of self-translation in terms of the source and (in)directness of self-translation: ‘direct self-translation’ and ‘indirect self-translation.’ Reframing many aspects of self-translation and indirect translation in terms of their natures, scopes, categorizations, motives, and functions, as well as the longtime debates on ‘authority’ and closeness to ‘original,’ the study concludes by highlighting the historicity and relativity of any work, phenomenon, and concept in nature and scope, reiterating the call “to possess the problematic facts but to disown the problematic definitions” (Bengi 1990, 230).


  • Assis Rosa, Alexandra, Hanna Pięta, and Rita Bueno Maia. 2017. “Theoretical, Methodological and Terminological Issues Regarding Indirect Translation: An Overview.” Translation Studies 10 (2): 113–132. doi:10.1080/14781700.2017.1285247.
  • Baydere, Muhammed. 2021. “Betimleyici Çeviribilim Araştırmalarında Yeni Açılımlara Doğru: Reşat Nuri Güntekin’in Diliçi ve Dillerarası Çeviri Eylemlerindeki Çeşitliliğin Kavramsallaştırılması.” [Toward new insights into research in descriptive translation studies: Conceptualizing diversity in Reşat Nuri Güntekin’s intralingual and interlingual translational actions.] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Baydere, Muhammed, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. 2019. “Çalıkuşu’nun Öz-Çeviri Serüveni Üzerine Betimleyici Bir Çalışma.” [A descriptive study on the self-translation adventure of Çalıkuşu.] In “2nd International Rumeli Symposium [Language, Literature, Translation],” edited by Yakup Yılmaz and Fatih Başpınar. Special Issue, RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, no. 5, 314–333. doi:10.29000/rumelide.606165.
  • Bengi, Işın. 1990. “A Re-evaluation of the Concept of Equivalence in the Literary Translations of Ahmed Midhat Efendi: A Linguistic Perspective.” PhD diss., Hacettepe University.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2005. “Diliçi Çeviriler ve Mai ve Siyah.” [Intralingual translations and Mai ve Siyah.] Dilbilim, no. 14, 139–149.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2013. “Intralingual Translation as ‘Modernization’ of the Language: The Turkish Case.” Perspectives 21 (2): 257–271. doi:10.1080/0907676X.2012.702395.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2015. “The Turkish Language Reform and Intralingual Translation.” In Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, edited by Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, Saliha Paker, and John Milton, 165–180. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Berk Albachten, Özlem. 2019. “Challenging the Boundaries of Translation and Filling the Gaps in Translation History: Two Cases of Intralingual Translation from the 19th-Century Ottoman Literary Scene.” In Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies, edited by Helle V. Dam, Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger, and Karen Korning Zethsen, 168–180. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Boy, 2019. “(Re)Positioning of Inter- and Intra-Lingual Translational Adventures.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 (2): 70–101. doi:10.29228/transLogos.14.
  • Boy, 2022. “The Picture of Dorian Gray’in Diliçi ve Dillerarası Çevirileri Üzerine Kavramsal Sorgulamalar.” [Conceptual reflections on the intra-/inter-lingual translations of The Picture of Dorian Gray.”] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Boy, Hülya, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. 2020. “The Picture of Dorian Gray’in Kaynak Edebiyat Dizgesindeki Serüveni Üzerine Betimleyici Bir Çalışma.” [A descriptive study on the adventure of The Picture of Dorian Gray in the Source Literary System.] In “Translation Studies Special Issue,” edited by Ayşe Nihal Akbulut and Oktay Eser. Special Issue, Amasya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17–45.
  • Buts, Jan, James Hadley, and Mohammad Aboomar. 2022. “Keyness, Context, and Cultural Specificity in Indirect Translation.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 5 (1): 1–21. doi:10.29228/transLogos.40.
  • Canlı, Gülsüm. 2018. “Relocating Self-Translation from the Interlingual to Intralingual: Faulkner as a Self-Translauthor.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 1 (1): 41–63. doi:10.29228/transLogos.1/1.8.
  • Canlı, Gülsüm. 2019. “William Faulkner’ın Sanctuary Adlı Romanının Kaynak ve Erek Dizgedeki Çeviri Serüveni: Diliçi Çeviri, Öz-Çeviri, Yeniden Çeviri ve Dolaylı Çeviri Kavramları Işığında Bir İnceleme.” [The translational adventure of William Faulkner’s Sanctuary in source and target systems: An analysis in the light of intralingual translation, self-translation, retranslation and indirect translation.] PhD diss., Yıldız Technical University.
  • Castro, Olga, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page. 2017. “Introduction: Self-Translating, from Minorisation to Empowerment.” In Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, edited by Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page, 1–22. London: Palgrave Macmillan. PDF e-book.
  • Culler, Jonathan. 2000. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dasilva, Xosé Manuel. 2015. “La opacidad de la autotraducción entre lenguas asimétricas.” [The opacity of self-translation between asymmetric languages]. TRANS: Revista De Traductología 2 (19): 171–182. doi:10.24310/TRANS.2015.v2i19.2070.
  • Ehrlich, Shlomit. 2009. “Are Self-Translators Like Other Translators?” Perspectives 17 (4): 243–255. doi:10.1080/09076760903404050.
  • Even-Zohar, Itamar. 2021. “The Position of Translated Literature Within the Literary Polysystem.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, 191–196. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Fitch, Brian T. 1988. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status of the Bilingual Work. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Gambier, Yves. 2003. “Working with Relay: An Old Story and a New Challenge.” In Speaking in Tongues: Language across Contexts and Users, edited by Luis Pérez Gonzalez, 47–66. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. Gentzler, Edwin. 2017. “Foreword.” In Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, edited by Olga Castro, Sergi Mainer, and Svetlana Page, v–viii. London: Palgrave Macmillan. PDF e-book.
  • Grutman, Rainier. 2009. “Self-Translation.” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha, 257–259. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Grutman, Rainier. 2013. “Beckett and Beyond: Putting Self-Translation in Perspective.” In “Special Issue on Self-Translation,” edited by Michael Boyden and Lisbeth De Bleeker. Special Issue, Orbis Litterarum 68 (3): 188–206. doi:10.1111/oli.12022.
  • Grutman, Rainier, and María Laura Spoturno. 2022. “Veinte años de estudios sobre la autotraducción: una entrevista con el profesor Julio-César Santoyo.” [Twenty years of studies on self-translation: An interview with professor Julio-César Santoyo.] Mutatis Mutandis, Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción 15 (1): 227–239. doi:10.17533/udea.mut.v15n1a13.
  • Grutman, Rainier, and Trish Van Bolderen. 2014. “Self-Translation.” In A Companion to Translation Studies, edited by Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter, 323–332. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Gutt, Ernst-August. 1990. “A Theoretical Account of Translation - Without a Translation Theory.” Target 2 (2): 135–164. doi:10.1075/target.2.2.02gut.
  • Güntekin, Reşat Nuri. 1924. Gizli El [The secret hand]. Istanbul: İkbal Kütüphanesi.
  • Güntekin, Reşat Nuri. 1954. Gizli El [The secret hand]. Istanbul: Çağlayan Yayınevi.
  • Hokenson, Jan Walsh, and Marcella Munson. 2007. The Bilingual Text: History and Theory of Literary Self-Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome.
  • İbar, Gazanfer. 2018. “Ahmet Cevdet’in Yenilikçi Gazetesi İkdam.” [Ahmet Cevdet’s reformist newspaper İkdam.] Atlas Tarih, no. 54, 46–53.
  • Jakobson, Roman. 2021. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by Lawrence Venuti, 156–161. London: Routledge. PDF e-book.
  • Jung, Verena. 2002. English-German Self-Translation of Academic Texts and its Relevance for Translation Theory and Practice. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • Kalem Bakkal, Aslı. 2019. “Intralingual Translation Has No Name in Turkey: Conceptual Crowdedness in Intralingual Translation.” transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 (2): 48–69. doi:10.29228/transLogos.13.
  • Kampert, Magdalena Anna. 2018. “Self-Translation in 20th-Century Italian and Polish Literature: The Cases of Luigi Pirandello, Maria Kuncewiczowa and Janusz Głowacki.” PhD diss., The University of Glasgow.
  • Kanter, M. Fatih. 2019. Bir Kültür Romancısı: Reşat Nuri Güntekin. Istanbul: Kesit.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2008. Çevirinin Tanıklığında ‘Medeniyet’in Dönüşümü [Transformation of ‘civilization’ in the witness of translation]. Istanbul: Diye.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2014. “‘Batı’nın Çevrilmesini ‘Medeniyet’ Odağıyla Yeniden Okumak: Tanzimat Dönemi/Sonrası Çeviriler ve ‘Çekinceli’ Cesur Çevirmenler.” [Rereading the ‘translation of the West’ with a focus on ‘civilization’: Translations in/after the Tanzimat and ‘hesitating’ brave translators.] Tanzimat ve Edebiyat: Osmanlı İstanbulu’nda Modern Edebi Kültür [Tanzimat and literature: Modern literary culture in Ottoman Istanbul], edited by Mehmet Fatih Uslu and Fatih Altuğ, 481–504. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2018. “Türkçeye Çevı̇rmek ‘Türkçe Söylememek’ mı̇ Demek?” [Does translating into Turkish mean not ‘telling in Turkish’?]. Paper presented at the 5th Asoscongress International Symposium on Philology, Istanbul, October 25–27.
  • Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. 2019. “Türk Edebiyat ve Kültür Dizgesinin Konukseverliğinde Çeviri Roman Deneyimi.” [Experience of translated novels with the hospitality of the Turkish literary and cultural system.] Doğu Batı 22 (88): 9–25.
  • Lefevere, André. 1985. “Why Waste Our Time on Rewrites? The Trouble with Interpretation and the Role of Rewriting in an Alternative Paradigm.” The Manipulation of Literature, edited by Theo Hermans, 215–243, London: Croom Helm.
  • Lefevere, André. 1992. Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. London: Routledge. Maia, Rita Bueno, Hanna Pięta, and Alexandra Assis Rosa 2018. “Translation and Adjacent Concepts.” In A History of Modern Translation Knowledge: Sources, Concepts, Effects, edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier, 75–83. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Language Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Muhammed Baydere This is me 0000-0001-6827-2027

Ayşe Banu Karadağ This is me 0000-0002-0974-8053

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Baydere, M., & Karadağ, A. B. (2022). Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal, 5(2), 27-59.
AMA Baydere M, Karadağ AB. Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. December 2022;5(2):27-59. doi:10.29228/transLogos.46
Chicago Baydere, Muhammed, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. “Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context”. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal 5, no. 2 (December 2022): 27-59.
EndNote Baydere M, Karadağ AB (December 1, 2022) Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context. transLogos Translation Studies Journal 5 2 27–59.
IEEE M. Baydere and A. B. Karadağ, “Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context”, transLogos Translation Studies Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 27–59, 2022, doi: 10.29228/transLogos.46.
ISNAD Baydere, Muhammed - Karadağ, Ayşe Banu. “Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context”. transLogos Translation Studies Journal 5/2 (December 2022), 27-59.
JAMA Baydere M, Karadağ AB. Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. 2022;5:27–59.
MLA Baydere, Muhammed and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. “Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context”. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022, pp. 27-59, doi:10.29228/transLogos.46.
Vancouver Baydere M, Karadağ AB. Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. 2022;5(2):27-59.