Relationship Between Green Logistics Tendency and Logistics Performance: A Comparative Case Study on Logistics Service Providers
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 27 - 36, 01.11.2016
Ayşenur Doğru
Cemile SOLAK Fışkın
Increasing concerns related to environmental side effects of the logisticsservices and competition between the logistics service providers are twopressuring factors on logistics service providers. This study seeks to explore the relation between green logistics tendency and logistic performance from the perspective of logistics service providers. In order to reach this aim, two logistics service providers are investigated by comparative case study method. Findings showed the effects of green logistics services on logistics performance components.Keywords: Green Logistics, Logistics Performance, Logistics Service providers, Comparative case study
- Kirkpatrick, D., “Environmentalism: the new crusade”, Fortune, 12 February 1990, pp. 44-‐‑52.
- Wu, H., Dunn, S., (2006). Evironmentally responsible logistics systems, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 25(2): 20 – 38.
- Banerjee, S., (2001). Managerial perceptions of corporate environmentalism: interpretations from industry
- organizations. Journal of Management Studies 38(4): 489-513. implications
- for Murphy, P. R., Poist, R. F., (2003). Green perspectives and practices: a “comparative logistics” study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 8(2): 122 – 131.
- Celik, E., Erdogan, M., Gumus, A., (2016). An extended fuzzy TOPSIS–GRA method based on different separation measures for green logistics service provider selection. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 13(5): 1377-1392.
- Lai, K., (2004). Service capability and performance of logistics service providers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 40(5): 385-399.
- Liu, X., McKinnon, A., Grant, D., Feng, Y., (2010). Sources of competitiveness for logistics service providers: a UK industry perspective. Logistics Research. 2(1): 23-32.
- Gunasekaran, A., Kobu, B., (2007). Performance measures and metrics in logistics and supply chain management: a review of recent literature (1995– 2004) for research and applications. International Journal of Production Research 45(12): 2819- 2840. Isaksson,
- Understanding efficiencies behind logistics service providers' green offerings. Management Research Review 36(3): 216-238. M.,
- (2013). Lin, C., Ho, Y., (2008). An Empirical Study on Logistics Service Providers’ Intention to Adopt Green Innovations. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation 3(1): 17-26.
- Choong, K. K., (2014). Has this large number of performance
- contributed to its better understanding? A systematic review for research and applications, International Journal of Production Research 52(14): 4174-4197.
- publications Fawcett, S., Cooper, M., (1998). Logistics Performance Measurement and Customer Success. Industrial Marketing Management 27(4): 341-357. Cagliano, A.C., Carlin, A., Rafele, C. 2009. Understanding Supply Chain Complexity with Performance Measurement. In: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM 2009, pp. 1126-1131, Moscow (Russia), 3-5 June 2009.
- Forslund, H., (2011). The size of a logistics performance measurement systems. Facilities 29(3/4): 133 – 148.
- Wang, M., Jie, F., Abareshi, A., (2015). Business logistics performance measurement in third-party logistics: An empirical analysis of Australian courier firms. International Journal of Business and Information 10(3): 323-336.
- Najmi, A., Gholamian, M., Makui, A., (2013). Supply chain performance models: A literature review on approaches, techniques, and criteria. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 6(2).
- Beamon, B. M., (1999). Measuring supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 19(3): 275 – 292.
- Beamon, B. M., Balcik, B., (2008). Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains. International
- Management 21(1): 4-25. of Public
- Sector Caplice, C., Sheffi, Y., (1994). A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics. The International Journal of Logistics Management 5(2): 11-28.
- Töyli, J., Häkkinen, L., Ojala, L., Naula, T., (2008). Logistics and financial performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 38(1): 57-80.
- Müslimin, H., Hai, S., Arniarnsyah, A., (2015). The relationship between logistics and financial performance of smes in Indonesia. Source of the Document. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 13(7): 4805- 4814.
- Aramyan, L., Oude Lansink, A., van der Vorst, J., van Kooten, O., (2007). Performance measurement in agri-‐‑food supply chains: a case study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12(4): 304-315.
- Bourlakis, M., Maglaras, G., Aktas, E., Gallear, D., Fotopoulos, C., (2014). Firm size and sustainable performance in food supply chains: Insights from Greek SMEs. International Journal of Production Economics 152: 112-130.
- Fugate, B., Mentzer, J., Stank, T., (2010). Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Differentiation. Journal of Business Logistics 31(1): 43-62.
- Rafele, C., (2004). Logistic service measurement: a reference framework. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 15(3): 280-290.
- Leeuw, S., Beekman, L., (2008). Supply chain- oriented performance measurement for automotive spare parts. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 8(1): 56.
- Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D., (1992). The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review 70 (1):71–79.
- Bhagwat, R., Sharma, M. K., (2007). Performance measurement of supply chain management using the analytical hierarchy process. Production Planning & Control 18(8): 666-680.
- Brewer, P. C., Speh, T. W., (2000). Using the balanced scorecard to measure supply chain performance. Journal of Business Logistics 21(1): 75-93.
- Chia. A, Goh, M., Hum, S., (2009). Performance measurement in supply chain entities: balanced scorecard
- International Journal 16(5): 605 – 620. Benchmarking: An Supply
- council/benchmarking/scormark-process/scor
- metrics. Access Date: 08.09.2016.
- Council., Lockamy, A., McCormack, K., (2004). Linking SCOR planning practices to supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 24(12): 1192-1218.
- Huan, S., Sheoran, S., Wang, G., (2004). A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1): 23-29.
- Neely, A., Adams, C., Kennerley, M. (2002). The performance
- Times/Prentice Hall. London: Financial Shaik,
- Transportation in reverse logistics enterprise: a comprehensive
- methodology. Production Planning & Control 24(6): 495-510. W., (2013). performance
- measurement Cagliano, A. C., Mustafa, M. S., Rafele, C. & Zenezini, G. (2014). Logistics Performance Measurement for Sustainability in the Fast Fashion Industry. Next Generation Supply Chains: Trends and Opportunities. Eds. Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. epubli GmbH, Berlin.
- Garcia, F., Marchetta, M., Camargo, M., Morel, L., Forradellas, R., (2012). A framework for measuring logistics performance in the wine industry. International Journal of Production Economics 135(1): 284-298.
- Zimmermann, K., Seuring, S., (2009). Two case studies on developing, implementing and evaluating a balanced scorecard in distribution channel dyads. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 12(1): 63-81.
- Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S., Tonelli, F., Pasqualino, R., (2014). A review of decision- support tools and performance measurement and sustainable
- International Journal of Production Research 53(21): 6473-6494. chain
- management. Shepherd, C., Günter, H., (2006). Measuring supply chain performance: current research and future directions. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55(3/4): 242-258.
- Estampe, D., Lamouri, S., Paris, J., Brahim- Djelloul, S., (2013). A framework for analysing supply chain performance evaluation models. International Journal of Production Economics 142(2): 247-258.
- Zhang, Y., Thompson, R., Bao, X., Jiang, Y., (2014). Analyzing the Promoting Factors for Adopting Green Logistics Practices: A Case Study of Road Freight Industry in Nanjing, China. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 125: 432-444.
- Lin, C., Ho, Y., (2008). An Empirical Study on the Adoption of RFID Technology for Logistics Service Providers in China. IBR, 2(1).
- Eltayeb, T., Zailani, S., Ramayah, T., (2011). Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability:
- Resources. Conservation and Recycling 55(5): 495-506. the
- outcomes. Hung Lau, K., (2011). Benchmarking green logistics performance with a composite index. Benchmarking: An International Journal 18(6): 873-896.
- Björklund, M., Forslund, H., (2013). The purpose and focus of environmental performance measurement systems in logistics. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 62(3): 230-249.
- Wooi, G. C., Zailani, S., (2010). Green Supply Chain Initiatives: Investigation on the Barriers in the Context of SMEs in Malasia. International Business Management 4(1): 20-27.
- Zailani, S., Amran, A., Jumadi, H., (2011). Greeen Innovation Adaption among Logistics Service Providers in Malasia: An Exploratory Study on Managers’ Perceptions. International Business Management 5(3): 104-103.
- Ho, Y., Lin, C., Chiang, S., (2009). Organizational determinants of green innovation implementation in the logistics industry. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online) 2(1): 3-12.
- Eisenhardt, K., (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of Management Review 14(4): 532-550.
- Ghauri, P. (2005). Designing and conducting case studies in international business research. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business. Eds. Marschan-Piekkari and Welch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 109-124.
- Miles, M., Huberman, A. (2014). Qualitative data analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
- Gofton, L., Ness, M. (1997). Business market research. Kogan Page, London.
Yeşil Lojistik Eğilimi ve Lojistik Performans İlişkisi: Lojistik Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Vaka Çalışması
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 27 - 36, 01.11.2016
Ayşenur Doğru
Cemile SOLAK Fışkın
Lojistik hizmetlerin çevresel yan etkileri ile ilgili artan endişeler ve lojistik hizmet sağlayıcılar arasındaki rekabet lojistik hizmet sağlayan işletmeler üzerinde baskı yaratan iki faktördür. Bu çalışmada, yeşil lojistik eğilimi ile lojistik performans arasındaki ilişkinin lojistik hizmet sağlayıcılar açısından ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak, iki lojistik hizmet sağlayıcı işletme karşılaştırmalı vaka analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar yeşil lojistik hizmetlerinin lojistik performans bileşenleri üzerindeki etkilerini göstermektedir
- Kirkpatrick, D., “Environmentalism: the new crusade”, Fortune, 12 February 1990, pp. 44-‐‑52.
- Wu, H., Dunn, S., (2006). Evironmentally responsible logistics systems, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 25(2): 20 – 38.
- Banerjee, S., (2001). Managerial perceptions of corporate environmentalism: interpretations from industry
- organizations. Journal of Management Studies 38(4): 489-513. implications
- for Murphy, P. R., Poist, R. F., (2003). Green perspectives and practices: a “comparative logistics” study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 8(2): 122 – 131.
- Celik, E., Erdogan, M., Gumus, A., (2016). An extended fuzzy TOPSIS–GRA method based on different separation measures for green logistics service provider selection. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 13(5): 1377-1392.
- Lai, K., (2004). Service capability and performance of logistics service providers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 40(5): 385-399.
- Liu, X., McKinnon, A., Grant, D., Feng, Y., (2010). Sources of competitiveness for logistics service providers: a UK industry perspective. Logistics Research. 2(1): 23-32.
- Gunasekaran, A., Kobu, B., (2007). Performance measures and metrics in logistics and supply chain management: a review of recent literature (1995– 2004) for research and applications. International Journal of Production Research 45(12): 2819- 2840. Isaksson,
- Understanding efficiencies behind logistics service providers' green offerings. Management Research Review 36(3): 216-238. M.,
- (2013). Lin, C., Ho, Y., (2008). An Empirical Study on Logistics Service Providers’ Intention to Adopt Green Innovations. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation 3(1): 17-26.
- Choong, K. K., (2014). Has this large number of performance
- contributed to its better understanding? A systematic review for research and applications, International Journal of Production Research 52(14): 4174-4197.
- publications Fawcett, S., Cooper, M., (1998). Logistics Performance Measurement and Customer Success. Industrial Marketing Management 27(4): 341-357. Cagliano, A.C., Carlin, A., Rafele, C. 2009. Understanding Supply Chain Complexity with Performance Measurement. In: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM 2009, pp. 1126-1131, Moscow (Russia), 3-5 June 2009.
- Forslund, H., (2011). The size of a logistics performance measurement systems. Facilities 29(3/4): 133 – 148.
- Wang, M., Jie, F., Abareshi, A., (2015). Business logistics performance measurement in third-party logistics: An empirical analysis of Australian courier firms. International Journal of Business and Information 10(3): 323-336.
- Najmi, A., Gholamian, M., Makui, A., (2013). Supply chain performance models: A literature review on approaches, techniques, and criteria. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 6(2).
- Beamon, B. M., (1999). Measuring supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 19(3): 275 – 292.
- Beamon, B. M., Balcik, B., (2008). Performance measurement in humanitarian relief chains. International
- Management 21(1): 4-25. of Public
- Sector Caplice, C., Sheffi, Y., (1994). A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics. The International Journal of Logistics Management 5(2): 11-28.
- Töyli, J., Häkkinen, L., Ojala, L., Naula, T., (2008). Logistics and financial performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 38(1): 57-80.
- Müslimin, H., Hai, S., Arniarnsyah, A., (2015). The relationship between logistics and financial performance of smes in Indonesia. Source of the Document. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 13(7): 4805- 4814.
- Aramyan, L., Oude Lansink, A., van der Vorst, J., van Kooten, O., (2007). Performance measurement in agri-‐‑food supply chains: a case study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12(4): 304-315.
- Bourlakis, M., Maglaras, G., Aktas, E., Gallear, D., Fotopoulos, C., (2014). Firm size and sustainable performance in food supply chains: Insights from Greek SMEs. International Journal of Production Economics 152: 112-130.
- Fugate, B., Mentzer, J., Stank, T., (2010). Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Differentiation. Journal of Business Logistics 31(1): 43-62.
- Rafele, C., (2004). Logistic service measurement: a reference framework. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 15(3): 280-290.
- Leeuw, S., Beekman, L., (2008). Supply chain- oriented performance measurement for automotive spare parts. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 8(1): 56.
- Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D., (1992). The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review 70 (1):71–79.
- Bhagwat, R., Sharma, M. K., (2007). Performance measurement of supply chain management using the analytical hierarchy process. Production Planning & Control 18(8): 666-680.
- Brewer, P. C., Speh, T. W., (2000). Using the balanced scorecard to measure supply chain performance. Journal of Business Logistics 21(1): 75-93.
- Chia. A, Goh, M., Hum, S., (2009). Performance measurement in supply chain entities: balanced scorecard
- International Journal 16(5): 605 – 620. Benchmarking: An Supply
- council/benchmarking/scormark-process/scor
- metrics. Access Date: 08.09.2016.
- Council., Lockamy, A., McCormack, K., (2004). Linking SCOR planning practices to supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 24(12): 1192-1218.
- Huan, S., Sheoran, S., Wang, G., (2004). A review and analysis of supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1): 23-29.
- Neely, A., Adams, C., Kennerley, M. (2002). The performance
- Times/Prentice Hall. London: Financial Shaik,
- Transportation in reverse logistics enterprise: a comprehensive
- methodology. Production Planning & Control 24(6): 495-510. W., (2013). performance
- measurement Cagliano, A. C., Mustafa, M. S., Rafele, C. & Zenezini, G. (2014). Logistics Performance Measurement for Sustainability in the Fast Fashion Industry. Next Generation Supply Chains: Trends and Opportunities. Eds. Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. epubli GmbH, Berlin.
- Garcia, F., Marchetta, M., Camargo, M., Morel, L., Forradellas, R., (2012). A framework for measuring logistics performance in the wine industry. International Journal of Production Economics 135(1): 284-298.
- Zimmermann, K., Seuring, S., (2009). Two case studies on developing, implementing and evaluating a balanced scorecard in distribution channel dyads. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 12(1): 63-81.
- Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S., Tonelli, F., Pasqualino, R., (2014). A review of decision- support tools and performance measurement and sustainable
- International Journal of Production Research 53(21): 6473-6494. chain
- management. Shepherd, C., Günter, H., (2006). Measuring supply chain performance: current research and future directions. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55(3/4): 242-258.
- Estampe, D., Lamouri, S., Paris, J., Brahim- Djelloul, S., (2013). A framework for analysing supply chain performance evaluation models. International Journal of Production Economics 142(2): 247-258.
- Zhang, Y., Thompson, R., Bao, X., Jiang, Y., (2014). Analyzing the Promoting Factors for Adopting Green Logistics Practices: A Case Study of Road Freight Industry in Nanjing, China. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 125: 432-444.
- Lin, C., Ho, Y., (2008). An Empirical Study on the Adoption of RFID Technology for Logistics Service Providers in China. IBR, 2(1).
- Eltayeb, T., Zailani, S., Ramayah, T., (2011). Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability:
- Resources. Conservation and Recycling 55(5): 495-506. the
- outcomes. Hung Lau, K., (2011). Benchmarking green logistics performance with a composite index. Benchmarking: An International Journal 18(6): 873-896.
- Björklund, M., Forslund, H., (2013). The purpose and focus of environmental performance measurement systems in logistics. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 62(3): 230-249.
- Wooi, G. C., Zailani, S., (2010). Green Supply Chain Initiatives: Investigation on the Barriers in the Context of SMEs in Malasia. International Business Management 4(1): 20-27.
- Zailani, S., Amran, A., Jumadi, H., (2011). Greeen Innovation Adaption among Logistics Service Providers in Malasia: An Exploratory Study on Managers’ Perceptions. International Business Management 5(3): 104-103.
- Ho, Y., Lin, C., Chiang, S., (2009). Organizational determinants of green innovation implementation in the logistics industry. International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online) 2(1): 3-12.
- Eisenhardt, K., (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of Management Review 14(4): 532-550.
- Ghauri, P. (2005). Designing and conducting case studies in international business research. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business. Eds. Marschan-Piekkari and Welch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 109-124.
- Miles, M., Huberman, A. (2014). Qualitative data analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
- Gofton, L., Ness, M. (1997). Business market research. Kogan Page, London.