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Emulsified Water Products

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 94 - 103, 01.12.2016


Seafood is very important depending on having high protein rate and easily digestibility by human, for supply to an important part of animal protein needed. Determining the quality of emulsion-type products, emulsion stability, viscosity and gel strength properties are very important. In the production of products specified in this property emulsion; the main protein ratio and properties of raw material usedwhile you; emulsion pH, temperature, ionic violence, mixing speed, type of fat and additives that are used as well. Previous studies show that particularly of products resulting from water emulsified chicken and goat meat emulsified product obtained from a high capacity of emulsified and compared to cattle and sheep meat is close to specifications,preparation of emulsified type products may be appropriate for the use of fish meat. Another quality parameter in the emulsified meat products, viscosity depends on the amount of meat used in direct proportion with the texture. Fish meat animals in connective tissue connective tissue in meat other butchers to rate ratio is quite low. In this respect, the fish meat produced using emulsified products viscosity according to productsprepared using other meat products is quite low. Fish meat produced using emulsified fish sausage products based on surimi, sausage and fish pate fish varieties classed emulsion type products. In this review the different types of seafood using emulsified meat product.Keywords: Aquaculture, Emulsified Product, Quality, fish pate, fish sausage.


  • Cevger, Y., Aral, Y., Demir, P., Sarıözkan, S., (2008). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Intern
  • Tüketim Durumu Ve Tüketici Tercihleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 55(3): 189-194. Hayvansal
  • Ürünlerin Gökalp, H.Y., Kaya, M., Zorba, Ö. (1999). Et Ürünleri İşleme Mühendisliği. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayın No: 786, Erzurum, 3. Baskı.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2000). Turkiye Fisheries Report. Country Report, Handling and Primary Processing of Marine Products Jica Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Center May 29th.
  • Arslan. A. (2002). Salam ve sucuk üretimi. Et Muayenesi ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya, Türkiye, 344-353 s.
  • Gökalp, H.Y., Yetim. H., Selçuk. N., Zorba, Ö., (1990). Et emülsiyonları ve bu emülsiyonların model sistemlerde çalışması. Gıda 15(1): 21-27
  • Gökalp, H.Y., Kaya., M., Zorba., O. (2004). Engineering of meat products processing (5th ed.). (in Turkish). Atatürk Univ. Publ. No: 786, Erzurum, Turkey, Faculty of Agriculture, No: 320. Haque, Z., Kinsella, J.E., (1988). Emulsifying Properties of Food Proteins: Bovine Serum Albumin. J. Food Sci. 53 (2): 416 – 420.
  • Nieuwenhuyzen, W.V., Szuhaj, B.F., (1998). Effects of Lecithins and Proteins on the Stability of Emulsions. Fett / Lipid (7): 282 - 291.
  • Knipe, C.L. (2004). Meat Emulsions. http// meatemulsions.htm. adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Haq, A., Webb, N.B., Whitfield, J.K., Howell, A.J., Barbour, B.C., (1973). Measurement of Sausage Emulsion Stability by Electrical Resistance. J. Food Sci. 38: 1124- 1127.
  • Webb, N.B., Ivey, J., Craig, H.B., Jones, V.A., Monroe, R.J., (1970). The Measurement of Emulsifying Capacity by Electrical Resistance. J. Food Sci. 35: 501 – 1366.
  • Haque, Z., Kinsella, J.E., (1989). Emulsifying Properties of Food Proteins: Development of a Standardized Emulsification Method. J. Food Sci. 54: 39 – 44.
  • Karakaya M. (1990). Assessment of the attributes of meat emulsion of various species with oil and fat in a model system. (in Turkish), PhD. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 60 p., Erzurum.
  • Zorba Ö. (1990). Assessing the effect of oil temperature, phosphate, and salt levels on various emulsion properties of fresh and frozen beef in a model system (in Turkish), MSc. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 74 p., Erzurum.
  • Stone, N.J., (1996) Fish consumption, fish oil, lipids, and coronary heart disease. Circulation 94:2337–2340
  • Turhan, S., Evren, M., Yazıcı, F., (2001). Shelf life of encrasicholus) Patties. E.Ü. J.of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 18 (3–4): 391–398. (Engraulis
  • Al-Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., Al-Oufı, H., Al- Mamarı, S., (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of fish burgers during frozen storage. Fisheries Science 71: 648–654
  • Aquerrata, Y., Astiasaran, I., Mohino, A., Bello, J., (2002). Composition of pâtés elaborated with mackerel flesh (Scomber scombrus) and tuna liver (Thunnus thynuss): comparison with commercial fish pâtés. Food Chemistry 77: 147–153.
  • Kayaardı, S., Gürbüz, Ü., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Doğruer Y., (1998). Konsantre ve tekstüre soya proteini katımının tavuk sosisi üretiminde kullanılabilme olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 14: 47-55.
  • Rahman, M.S., Al Waılı, H., Guizani, N., Kasapis, S., (2007). Instrumental sensory evaluation of texture for fish sausage and its storage stability. Fisheries Science 73: 1166-1176.
  • Raju, C.V., Shamasundar, B.A., K. Udupa, S., (2003) The use of nisin as a preservative in fish sausage stored at ambient (28 ± 2 °C) and refrigerated (6 ± 2 °C) temperatures. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 38(2): 171–185.
  • Tanikawa, E., (1985). Marine Products in Japan, revised edition. Koseisha Koseikaku, Tokyo.
  • Ertaş, A.H., Karabaş, G., (1998) Ayçiçek Yagı ile Frankfurter Arastırma. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 235-240. Üretimi Üzerinde
  • Dincer, T., Caklı, S., (2010). Textural and sensory properties of fish sausage from rainbow trout. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 19: 238-248
  • Dallabona, B.R., Karam, L.B., Wagner, R., Bartolomeu, D.A.F.S., Mikos, J.D., Francisco, J.G.P., Kirschnik, P.G., (2013). Effect of heat treatment and packaging systems on the stability of fish sausage. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 42(12): 835-843
  • Rahmanifarah, K., Shabanpour, B., Shabani, A., (2015). Effect of Thermal Microbial Inactivation and Washing on Quality Properties of Fish Sausage During Cold Storage (4° C). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 24(4): 386-396. Yetim, H., Müller, W.D., Eber, M., (2001).Using fluid whey in communited meat products: effects on technological, chemical and sensory properties of frankfurtertype sausages. Food Research International 25(2): 97-101.
  • Garcia, M.L., Caceres, E., Selgas, M.D., (2006). Effect of inulin on the textural and sensory properties of mortadella a spanish cooked meat product. Internationnal J.of Food Sci. 41: 1207- 1215.
  • Hammer, G.F., (1992). Processing vegetable-oils into frankfurter typa sausage. Fleischwirtschaft 72(9): 1258-1265.
  • Pappa, I.C., Bloukas, J.G., Arvanitoyannis, I.S., (2000). Optimization of salt, olive oil and pectin level for low-fat frankfurters produced by replacing pork backfat with olive oil. Meat Science 56: 81-88.
  • Bloukas, J.G., Paneras, E.D., Fournitzis, G.C., (1996).Sodium lactat and protective culture effects on quality characteristics and shelf life of low-fat frankfurters produced with olive oil. Meat Science 45(2): 223-238.
  • Vural, H., Javidipour, I., Ozbas, O.O., (2004). Effects of interesterified vegetable oils and sugarbeet fiber on the quality of frankfurters. Meat Science 67: 65-72.
  • Nowak, B., Von Mueffling, T., Grotheer, J., Klein, G., Watkinson, B.M., (2007). Energy content, sensory properties and microbiological shelf life of german Bologna type sausages produced with citrate or phosphate and inulin as fat replacer. Journal of Food Science 72(9): 629-638.
  • Özvural, E.B., Vural, H., (2008). Utilization of interesterified oil blends in the production of frankfurters. Meat Science 78: 211-216.
  • Keeton, J.T., (1994). Low-fat meat products. Technologicel problems with processing. Meat Science 36: 261-276.
  • Cengiz, E., Gokoglu, N., (2005). Changes in energy and cholesterol contents of frankfurtertype sausages with fat reduction and fat replacer addition. Food chemistry 91: 443-447.
  • Aksu, M.İ., (2003). Türk sucuğu üretiminde Urtica dioica L. (Isırgan Otu) kullanımının sucuğun kalitesi üzerine etkisi, Turk J Vet Animal Science 27 (2003): 685-693.
  • Hugas, M., Monfort, J.M., (1997). Bacterial starter cultures for meat fermentation, Food Chemistry 59 (4): 547-554.
  • Varnam, A.H., Sutherland, J.P. (1995). Fermented sausages, in Meat and Meat Products: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology, pp. 314-344, Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Öztan, A. (2003). Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, pp. 229- 230, Gıda Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Anonim, (2011). İnal, T. (1992). Besin Hijyeni. Final Ofset, İstanbul, s.72
  • Uğur, M.B., Bostan, K., Aksu H. (1998). Et ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Yıldırım, Y., (1996). Et Endüstrisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Kazan ofset Mat. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.. Ankara.
  • Berik, N., Kahraman, D., (2010). Kefal balığı sucuklarında duyusal ve besin kompozisyonun belirlenmesi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 16 (Suppl-A): 59-63.
  • Arslan, A., Dinçoğlu, H.A., Gönülalan, Z., (2001). Gümüş balığından fermente sucuk üretimi üzerine deneysel çallşmalar. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 7(1): 47-54.

Emülsifiye Su Ürünleri

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 94 - 103, 01.12.2016


Su ürünleri gerek içerdikleri yüksek protein oranı gerekse sindirim kolaylığı nedeniyle günümüzde artan nüfusa bağlı olarak hayvansal protein ihtiyacının önemli bir kısmını karşılamaktadır. Emülsiyon tipi ürünlerin kalitesinin belirlenmesinde, emülsiyon kapasitesi, emülsiyon stabilitesi, emülsiyon viskozitesi, emülsiyon jel kuvveti gibi özellikler belirleyici olmaktadır. Belirtilen bu özelliklerde emülsiyon ürünlerinin oluşmasında; kullanılan hammaddenin protein oranı ve özellikleri başlıca etmen olmakla birlikte; emülsiyon pH’sı, sıcaklık, iyonik şiddet, karıştırma hızı, kullanılan yağ çeşidi ve katkı maddeleri de etkili olmaktadır. Önceki çalışmalar, su ürünlerinden elde edilen emülsifiye ürünlerin özellikle tavuk ve keçi etinden elde edilen emülsifiye ürünlere kıyasla emülsifiye kapasitesinin yüksek olması ve sığır ve koyun etlerine ise yakın özellikler göstermesi, emülsifiye tipi ürünlerin hazırlanmasında balık etlerinin kullanımının uygun olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Emülsifiye ürünlerde bir diğer kalite parametresi olan viskozitenin kullanılan et materyalindeki bağ doku miktarıyla doğru orantılı olarak yükseldiğini bilinmektedir. Balık etinde bulunan bağ doku oranı diğer kasaplık hayvan etlerindeki bağ doku oranına göre oldukça azdır. Bu açıdan ele alındığında balık eti kullanılarak üretilen emülsifiye ürünlerde viskozite diğer et ürünleri kullanılarak hazırlanan ürünlere göre oldukça düşüktür. Balık eti kullanarak üretilen surimi bazlı emülsifiye ürünler, balık sosisi, balık salamı ve balık pate çeşitleri emülsiyon tipte ürünler sınıfına girmektedir. Bu derlemede farklı türde su ürünleri kullanarak hazırlanan emülsifiye ürünler ve fonksiyonel özellikleri incelenecektir


  • Cevger, Y., Aral, Y., Demir, P., Sarıözkan, S., (2008). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Intern
  • Tüketim Durumu Ve Tüketici Tercihleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 55(3): 189-194. Hayvansal
  • Ürünlerin Gökalp, H.Y., Kaya, M., Zorba, Ö. (1999). Et Ürünleri İşleme Mühendisliği. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayın No: 786, Erzurum, 3. Baskı.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2000). Turkiye Fisheries Report. Country Report, Handling and Primary Processing of Marine Products Jica Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Center May 29th.
  • Arslan. A. (2002). Salam ve sucuk üretimi. Et Muayenesi ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya, Türkiye, 344-353 s.
  • Gökalp, H.Y., Yetim. H., Selçuk. N., Zorba, Ö., (1990). Et emülsiyonları ve bu emülsiyonların model sistemlerde çalışması. Gıda 15(1): 21-27
  • Gökalp, H.Y., Kaya., M., Zorba., O. (2004). Engineering of meat products processing (5th ed.). (in Turkish). Atatürk Univ. Publ. No: 786, Erzurum, Turkey, Faculty of Agriculture, No: 320. Haque, Z., Kinsella, J.E., (1988). Emulsifying Properties of Food Proteins: Bovine Serum Albumin. J. Food Sci. 53 (2): 416 – 420.
  • Nieuwenhuyzen, W.V., Szuhaj, B.F., (1998). Effects of Lecithins and Proteins on the Stability of Emulsions. Fett / Lipid (7): 282 - 291.
  • Knipe, C.L. (2004). Meat Emulsions. http// meatemulsions.htm. adresinden alınmıştır.
  • Haq, A., Webb, N.B., Whitfield, J.K., Howell, A.J., Barbour, B.C., (1973). Measurement of Sausage Emulsion Stability by Electrical Resistance. J. Food Sci. 38: 1124- 1127.
  • Webb, N.B., Ivey, J., Craig, H.B., Jones, V.A., Monroe, R.J., (1970). The Measurement of Emulsifying Capacity by Electrical Resistance. J. Food Sci. 35: 501 – 1366.
  • Haque, Z., Kinsella, J.E., (1989). Emulsifying Properties of Food Proteins: Development of a Standardized Emulsification Method. J. Food Sci. 54: 39 – 44.
  • Karakaya M. (1990). Assessment of the attributes of meat emulsion of various species with oil and fat in a model system. (in Turkish), PhD. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 60 p., Erzurum.
  • Zorba Ö. (1990). Assessing the effect of oil temperature, phosphate, and salt levels on various emulsion properties of fresh and frozen beef in a model system (in Turkish), MSc. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 74 p., Erzurum.
  • Stone, N.J., (1996) Fish consumption, fish oil, lipids, and coronary heart disease. Circulation 94:2337–2340
  • Turhan, S., Evren, M., Yazıcı, F., (2001). Shelf life of encrasicholus) Patties. E.Ü. J.of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 18 (3–4): 391–398. (Engraulis
  • Al-Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., Al-Oufı, H., Al- Mamarı, S., (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of fish burgers during frozen storage. Fisheries Science 71: 648–654
  • Aquerrata, Y., Astiasaran, I., Mohino, A., Bello, J., (2002). Composition of pâtés elaborated with mackerel flesh (Scomber scombrus) and tuna liver (Thunnus thynuss): comparison with commercial fish pâtés. Food Chemistry 77: 147–153.
  • Kayaardı, S., Gürbüz, Ü., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Doğruer Y., (1998). Konsantre ve tekstüre soya proteini katımının tavuk sosisi üretiminde kullanılabilme olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 14: 47-55.
  • Rahman, M.S., Al Waılı, H., Guizani, N., Kasapis, S., (2007). Instrumental sensory evaluation of texture for fish sausage and its storage stability. Fisheries Science 73: 1166-1176.
  • Raju, C.V., Shamasundar, B.A., K. Udupa, S., (2003) The use of nisin as a preservative in fish sausage stored at ambient (28 ± 2 °C) and refrigerated (6 ± 2 °C) temperatures. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 38(2): 171–185.
  • Tanikawa, E., (1985). Marine Products in Japan, revised edition. Koseisha Koseikaku, Tokyo.
  • Ertaş, A.H., Karabaş, G., (1998) Ayçiçek Yagı ile Frankfurter Arastırma. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 235-240. Üretimi Üzerinde
  • Dincer, T., Caklı, S., (2010). Textural and sensory properties of fish sausage from rainbow trout. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 19: 238-248
  • Dallabona, B.R., Karam, L.B., Wagner, R., Bartolomeu, D.A.F.S., Mikos, J.D., Francisco, J.G.P., Kirschnik, P.G., (2013). Effect of heat treatment and packaging systems on the stability of fish sausage. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 42(12): 835-843
  • Rahmanifarah, K., Shabanpour, B., Shabani, A., (2015). Effect of Thermal Microbial Inactivation and Washing on Quality Properties of Fish Sausage During Cold Storage (4° C). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 24(4): 386-396. Yetim, H., Müller, W.D., Eber, M., (2001).Using fluid whey in communited meat products: effects on technological, chemical and sensory properties of frankfurtertype sausages. Food Research International 25(2): 97-101.
  • Garcia, M.L., Caceres, E., Selgas, M.D., (2006). Effect of inulin on the textural and sensory properties of mortadella a spanish cooked meat product. Internationnal J.of Food Sci. 41: 1207- 1215.
  • Hammer, G.F., (1992). Processing vegetable-oils into frankfurter typa sausage. Fleischwirtschaft 72(9): 1258-1265.
  • Pappa, I.C., Bloukas, J.G., Arvanitoyannis, I.S., (2000). Optimization of salt, olive oil and pectin level for low-fat frankfurters produced by replacing pork backfat with olive oil. Meat Science 56: 81-88.
  • Bloukas, J.G., Paneras, E.D., Fournitzis, G.C., (1996).Sodium lactat and protective culture effects on quality characteristics and shelf life of low-fat frankfurters produced with olive oil. Meat Science 45(2): 223-238.
  • Vural, H., Javidipour, I., Ozbas, O.O., (2004). Effects of interesterified vegetable oils and sugarbeet fiber on the quality of frankfurters. Meat Science 67: 65-72.
  • Nowak, B., Von Mueffling, T., Grotheer, J., Klein, G., Watkinson, B.M., (2007). Energy content, sensory properties and microbiological shelf life of german Bologna type sausages produced with citrate or phosphate and inulin as fat replacer. Journal of Food Science 72(9): 629-638.
  • Özvural, E.B., Vural, H., (2008). Utilization of interesterified oil blends in the production of frankfurters. Meat Science 78: 211-216.
  • Keeton, J.T., (1994). Low-fat meat products. Technologicel problems with processing. Meat Science 36: 261-276.
  • Cengiz, E., Gokoglu, N., (2005). Changes in energy and cholesterol contents of frankfurtertype sausages with fat reduction and fat replacer addition. Food chemistry 91: 443-447.
  • Aksu, M.İ., (2003). Türk sucuğu üretiminde Urtica dioica L. (Isırgan Otu) kullanımının sucuğun kalitesi üzerine etkisi, Turk J Vet Animal Science 27 (2003): 685-693.
  • Hugas, M., Monfort, J.M., (1997). Bacterial starter cultures for meat fermentation, Food Chemistry 59 (4): 547-554.
  • Varnam, A.H., Sutherland, J.P. (1995). Fermented sausages, in Meat and Meat Products: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology, pp. 314-344, Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Öztan, A. (2003). Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, pp. 229- 230, Gıda Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Anonim, (2011). İnal, T. (1992). Besin Hijyeni. Final Ofset, İstanbul, s.72
  • Uğur, M.B., Bostan, K., Aksu H. (1998). Et ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını, İstanbul.
  • Yıldırım, Y., (1996). Et Endüstrisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, Kazan ofset Mat. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.. Ankara.
  • Berik, N., Kahraman, D., (2010). Kefal balığı sucuklarında duyusal ve besin kompozisyonun belirlenmesi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 16 (Suppl-A): 59-63.
  • Arslan, A., Dinçoğlu, H.A., Gönülalan, Z., (2001). Gümüş balığından fermente sucuk üretimi üzerine deneysel çallşmalar. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 7(1): 47-54.
There are 44 citations in total.


Other ID JA75TM42BH
Journal Section Research Article

Elif Tuğçe Aksun This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Aksun, E. T. (2016). Emulsified Water Products. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 2(2), 94-103.

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