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Termal Stres Altında Yetiştirilen Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Kısıtlı Su Uygulamasının Etkileri

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 190 - 199, 30.06.2020


Su, en küçük
canlıdan en büyüğüne kadar tüm canlıların biyolojik yaşamları ve faaliyetleri
için gerekli olan en temel besin maddesidir. Fakat, canlılar için hayati öneme
sahip olan ve dünya yüzeyinin dörtte üçünü kaplayan su varlığının sadece %1’den
daha az miktarı, ekosistem ve insan kullanımına elverişli tatlı su kaynaklarını
oluşturmaktadır. Bu durum, yakın gelecekte artan insan nufusunun beslenmesi ve
suya erişimi konusunda endişelere sebep olmaktadır. Ayrıca, özellikle insan ve
hayvanların beslenmesinde ortak kullanılan yem hammaddeleri ve suyun tüketimi
üzerine bir rekabet olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu durumda, hayvancılıkta
sürdürülebilir yapıyı sağlama noktasında dünya üzerinde kısıtlı olarak bulunan
ekosistem ve insan kullanımına elverişli tatlı su kaynaklarının miktar ve
kalitesinin yetersiz kalması beklentisine karşı su kullanım etkinliğinin
arttırılması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle hayvansal üretimde zor koşullara
dayanıklı olmaları ve bu koşullarda verimliliklerini devam ettirebildikleri
için özellikle küçükbaş hayvanların gelecekte önem kazanacağı düşünülmektedir.
Mevcut çalışmanın amacı, nufusun artması ile birlikte yakın
gelecekte gerçekleşmesi beklenen kısıtlı su olanaklarının sıcak koşullar
altında yetiştirilen küçükbaş hayvanlar üzerindeki
ortaya konulmasıdır.


  • Kaynaklar
  • Abıoja MO, Osınowo OA, Adebambo OA, Bello, NJ and Abıona JA (2010). Water restriction in goats during hot-dry season in the humid tropics: feed intake and weight gain. Archivos de Zootecnia, 59: 195-203.
  • Aganga AA, Umunna NN, Oyedıpe EO, Okoh PN and Aduku AO (1990). Response to water deprivation by Yankasa ewes under different physiological states. Small Ruminant Research, 3(2): 109-115.
  • Aganga AA (1992). Water utilization by sheep and goats in northern Nigeria. World Animal Review, 73: 9–14.
  • Alamer M and Al-Hozab A. (2004). Effect ofwater deprivation and season on feed intake, body weight and thermoregulation in Awassi and Najdi sheep breeds in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 59: 71–84.
  • Alamer M (2006). Physiological responses of Saudi Arabia indigenous goats to water deprivation. Small Ruminant Research, 63(1–2): 100-109.
  • Alçiçek A (2013). Hayvan Besleme (Et sığırlarının beslenmesi). Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Altınçekiç ŞÖ ve Sözcü A 2013. Çiftlik hayvanlarında suyun önemi ve kalite özellikleri. 8. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, pp. 321-329. 5-7 Eylül 2013. Çanakkale-Türkiye.
  • Anonim 2020. Erişim tarihi ve saati (18.04.2020; 20:50).
  • Cankurt M, Miran B ve Şahin A (2010). Sığır Eti Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: İzmir İli Örneği. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi, 51(2): 16-22.
  • Casamassıma D, Pızzo R, Palazzo M, D’alessandro G and Martemuccı G (2008). Effect of water restriction on productive performance and blood parameters in comisana sheep reared under intensive condition. Small Ruminant Research, 78: 169–175.
  • Casamassima D, Vizzarri F, Nardoia M and Palazzo M (2016). The effect of water-restriction on various physiological variables in intensively reared Lacaune ewes. Veterinarian Medicina, 61(11): 623–634.
  • FAO (2009). The resource outlook to 2050: by how much do land, water and crop yields need to inceareby 2050?. Expert meeting on how to feed the world in 2050, 24-26 June 2009.
  • Ghassemi Nejad J, Lohakeare JD, West JW and Sung KI (2014). Effects of water restriction after feeding during heat stress on nutrient digestibility, nitrojen balance, blood profile and characteristics in Corriedale ewes. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 193: 1-8.
  • Gürlük S ve Turan Ö (2008). Dünya Gıda Krizi: Nedenleri ve Etkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1): 63-74.
  • Hamadeh SK, Rawda N, Jaber LS, Habre A, Abı Saıd M and Barbour EK (2006). Physiological responses to water restriction in dry and lactating Awassi ewes. Livestock Science, 101(1–3): 101-109.
  • Herrero M and Thornton PK (2013). Livestock and global change: Emerging issues for sustainable food systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(52): 20878-20881.
  • Hossaını-Hılalı J, Benlamlıh S and Dahlborn K (1994). Effects of dehydration, rehydration, and hyperhydration in the lactating and nonlactating black Moroccan goat. Comp Biochem Physiology A Physiology, 109(4): 1017-1026.
  • Igbokwe IO (1993). Hemoconcentration in Yankase sheep exposed to prolonged water deprivation. Small Rumiant Research, 12: 99–105.
  • IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (2007). Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Summary for policy makers. Online at
  • Jaber LS, Habre A, Rawda N, Abi Said M, Barbour EK and Hamadeh S (2004). The effect of water restriction on certain physiological parameters in Awassi sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 54: 115–120.
  • Kaliber M, Koluman N and Silanikove N (2015). Physiological and behavioral basis for the successful adaptation of goats to severe water restriction under hot environmental conditions. Animal, 10(1): 82-88.
  • Koluman Darcan N, Karakök Göncü S ve Daşkiran İ (2009). Türkiye hayvancılığının küresel ısınmaya adaptasyonuna yönelik stratejik planlamalar. 1. Ulusal Kuraklık ve Çölleşme Sempozyumu, 16-18 Haziran 2009. Konya-Türkiye.
  • Koyuncu A ve Akgün M 2018. Çiftlik Hayvanları ve Küresel İklim Değişikliği Arasındaki Etkileşim. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1): 151-164.
  • Kutlu HR, Görgülü M ve Çelik LB (2005). Genel hayvan besleme ders notu. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü Yemler ve Hayvan Besleme Anabilim Dalı, Adana.
  • Lynch JJ, Brown GD, May PF and Donnelly JB (1972). The effect of withholding drinking water on wool growth and lamb production of grazing Merino sheep in a temperate climate. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 23: 659–668.
  • Maltz E, Olsson K, Glıck SM, Fyhrquıst F, Sılanıkove N, Choshnıak I and Shkolnık A (1984). Homeostatic responses to water deprivation or hemorrhage in lactating and non-lactating Bedouin goats. Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol, 77(1): 79-84.
  • McMichael AJ, Powles JW, Butler CD and Uauy R (2007). Food, livestock production, energy, climate change, and health. The Lancet, 370(9594): 1253-1263.
  • Mısra AK and Sıngh K (2002). Effect of water deprivation on dry matter intake, nutrient utilization and metabolic water production in goats under semi-arid zone of India. Small Ruminant Research, 46(2): 159-165.
  • Moss AR, Jounany JP and Neevbold J (2000). Methane production by ruminants: Its Contribution to global warming. Ann. Zootech., 49: 231-253.
  • Mousa HM, Alı KE and Hume ID (1983). Effect of water deprivation on urea metabolism in camels, desert sheep and desert goats fed dry desert grass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 74: 715–720.
  • Olsson K, Benlamlıh S, Dahlborn K and Fyhrquıst F (1982). Effects of water deprivation and hyperhydration in pregnant and lactating goats. Acta Physiol Scand, 115(3): 361-367.
  • Özçatalbaş O (2014). Küresel İklim Değişikliğinin Tarım Yayımı ve Politikaları Üzerine Olası Etkileri. Ulusal Aile Çiftçiliği Sempozyumu, pp. 80-85. 30-31 Ekim 2014. Ankara-Tütkiye.
  • Sejian V, Maurya VP, Kumar K and Naqvi SMK (2013). Effect of multiple stresses (thermal, nutritional and walking stress) on growth, physiological response, blood biochemical and endocrine responses in Malpura ewes un-der semi-arid tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45: 107-116.
  • Sejian V, Bhatta R, Soren NM, Malik PK, Ravindra JP, Prasad CS and Lal R (2015). Introduction to concepts of climate change impact on livestock and its adaptation and mitigation. In: Climate change Impact on livestock: adapta-tion and mitigation. Springer-Verlag GMbH Publisher, New Delhi, India.
  • Shkolnık A and Sılanıkove N (1981). Water economy, energy metabolism and productivity in desert ruminants. Nutrition and Systems of Goat Feeding, France.
  • Sucu E, Akbay KC ve Filya İ (2015). Ruminantlarda sıcaklık stresinin metabolizma üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2): 130-138.
  • Teıxeıra IAMA, Pereıra Fılho JM, Murray PJ, Resende KT, Ferreıra ACD and Fregadollı FL (2006). Water balance in goats subjected to feed restriction. Small Ruminant Research, 63(1–2): 20-27.
  • Thorne PS (2007). Environmental Health İmpacts of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Anticipating Hazards-Searching For Solutions. Environ Health Perspect, 115: 296-297.
  • Vosooghi‐Postindoz V, Tahmasbi A, Naserian AA, Valizade R and Ebrahimi H (2017). Effect of Water Deprivation and Drinking Saline Water on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Nutrient Digestibility and Rumen Parameters in Baluchi Lambs. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 8(3): 445-456.
  • Yavuz HM ve Biricik H (2009). Süt sığırlarının sıcak stresinde beslenmesi. Uludağ Üniversty Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine, 28(1): 1-7.

The Effects of Limited Water Application in Small Ruminants Breeding Under Thermal Stress

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 190 - 199, 30.06.2020


Water is the
most basic nutrient required for the biological life and activities of all
livings things from the smallest to the largest. However, only less than 1% of
water existence, which is vital to living things and covers three-quarters of
the Earth's surface constitutes freshwater resources conducive to ecosystem and
human use. This condition is causing concerns about the nutrition and access to
water of the increasing human population in the near future. In addition to, it
is thought that there will be a competition on feed raw materials and water
consumption, which are used jointly in nutrition of human and animals
especially. In this case, in order to provide a sustainable structure in animal
husbandry, efficiency of water use should be increased against expectation that
the amount and quality of freshwater resources suitable for human use and
ecosystem will insufficient. For this reason, it is thought that will gain
importance in the future, especially due to small ruminants are resistant to
difficult conditions and can maintain their productivity in these conditions. The
aim of the present study is to reveal of the effects on small ruminants
breeding under hot conditions of limited water opportunities, which are
expected to occur in the near future with the increase of population.


  • Kaynaklar
  • Abıoja MO, Osınowo OA, Adebambo OA, Bello, NJ and Abıona JA (2010). Water restriction in goats during hot-dry season in the humid tropics: feed intake and weight gain. Archivos de Zootecnia, 59: 195-203.
  • Aganga AA, Umunna NN, Oyedıpe EO, Okoh PN and Aduku AO (1990). Response to water deprivation by Yankasa ewes under different physiological states. Small Ruminant Research, 3(2): 109-115.
  • Aganga AA (1992). Water utilization by sheep and goats in northern Nigeria. World Animal Review, 73: 9–14.
  • Alamer M and Al-Hozab A. (2004). Effect ofwater deprivation and season on feed intake, body weight and thermoregulation in Awassi and Najdi sheep breeds in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 59: 71–84.
  • Alamer M (2006). Physiological responses of Saudi Arabia indigenous goats to water deprivation. Small Ruminant Research, 63(1–2): 100-109.
  • Alçiçek A (2013). Hayvan Besleme (Et sığırlarının beslenmesi). Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Altınçekiç ŞÖ ve Sözcü A 2013. Çiftlik hayvanlarında suyun önemi ve kalite özellikleri. 8. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, pp. 321-329. 5-7 Eylül 2013. Çanakkale-Türkiye.
  • Anonim 2020. Erişim tarihi ve saati (18.04.2020; 20:50).
  • Cankurt M, Miran B ve Şahin A (2010). Sığır Eti Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: İzmir İli Örneği. Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi, 51(2): 16-22.
  • Casamassıma D, Pızzo R, Palazzo M, D’alessandro G and Martemuccı G (2008). Effect of water restriction on productive performance and blood parameters in comisana sheep reared under intensive condition. Small Ruminant Research, 78: 169–175.
  • Casamassima D, Vizzarri F, Nardoia M and Palazzo M (2016). The effect of water-restriction on various physiological variables in intensively reared Lacaune ewes. Veterinarian Medicina, 61(11): 623–634.
  • FAO (2009). The resource outlook to 2050: by how much do land, water and crop yields need to inceareby 2050?. Expert meeting on how to feed the world in 2050, 24-26 June 2009.
  • Ghassemi Nejad J, Lohakeare JD, West JW and Sung KI (2014). Effects of water restriction after feeding during heat stress on nutrient digestibility, nitrojen balance, blood profile and characteristics in Corriedale ewes. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 193: 1-8.
  • Gürlük S ve Turan Ö (2008). Dünya Gıda Krizi: Nedenleri ve Etkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1): 63-74.
  • Hamadeh SK, Rawda N, Jaber LS, Habre A, Abı Saıd M and Barbour EK (2006). Physiological responses to water restriction in dry and lactating Awassi ewes. Livestock Science, 101(1–3): 101-109.
  • Herrero M and Thornton PK (2013). Livestock and global change: Emerging issues for sustainable food systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(52): 20878-20881.
  • Hossaını-Hılalı J, Benlamlıh S and Dahlborn K (1994). Effects of dehydration, rehydration, and hyperhydration in the lactating and nonlactating black Moroccan goat. Comp Biochem Physiology A Physiology, 109(4): 1017-1026.
  • Igbokwe IO (1993). Hemoconcentration in Yankase sheep exposed to prolonged water deprivation. Small Rumiant Research, 12: 99–105.
  • IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (2007). Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Summary for policy makers. Online at
  • Jaber LS, Habre A, Rawda N, Abi Said M, Barbour EK and Hamadeh S (2004). The effect of water restriction on certain physiological parameters in Awassi sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 54: 115–120.
  • Kaliber M, Koluman N and Silanikove N (2015). Physiological and behavioral basis for the successful adaptation of goats to severe water restriction under hot environmental conditions. Animal, 10(1): 82-88.
  • Koluman Darcan N, Karakök Göncü S ve Daşkiran İ (2009). Türkiye hayvancılığının küresel ısınmaya adaptasyonuna yönelik stratejik planlamalar. 1. Ulusal Kuraklık ve Çölleşme Sempozyumu, 16-18 Haziran 2009. Konya-Türkiye.
  • Koyuncu A ve Akgün M 2018. Çiftlik Hayvanları ve Küresel İklim Değişikliği Arasındaki Etkileşim. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1): 151-164.
  • Kutlu HR, Görgülü M ve Çelik LB (2005). Genel hayvan besleme ders notu. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü Yemler ve Hayvan Besleme Anabilim Dalı, Adana.
  • Lynch JJ, Brown GD, May PF and Donnelly JB (1972). The effect of withholding drinking water on wool growth and lamb production of grazing Merino sheep in a temperate climate. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 23: 659–668.
  • Maltz E, Olsson K, Glıck SM, Fyhrquıst F, Sılanıkove N, Choshnıak I and Shkolnık A (1984). Homeostatic responses to water deprivation or hemorrhage in lactating and non-lactating Bedouin goats. Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol, 77(1): 79-84.
  • McMichael AJ, Powles JW, Butler CD and Uauy R (2007). Food, livestock production, energy, climate change, and health. The Lancet, 370(9594): 1253-1263.
  • Mısra AK and Sıngh K (2002). Effect of water deprivation on dry matter intake, nutrient utilization and metabolic water production in goats under semi-arid zone of India. Small Ruminant Research, 46(2): 159-165.
  • Moss AR, Jounany JP and Neevbold J (2000). Methane production by ruminants: Its Contribution to global warming. Ann. Zootech., 49: 231-253.
  • Mousa HM, Alı KE and Hume ID (1983). Effect of water deprivation on urea metabolism in camels, desert sheep and desert goats fed dry desert grass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 74: 715–720.
  • Olsson K, Benlamlıh S, Dahlborn K and Fyhrquıst F (1982). Effects of water deprivation and hyperhydration in pregnant and lactating goats. Acta Physiol Scand, 115(3): 361-367.
  • Özçatalbaş O (2014). Küresel İklim Değişikliğinin Tarım Yayımı ve Politikaları Üzerine Olası Etkileri. Ulusal Aile Çiftçiliği Sempozyumu, pp. 80-85. 30-31 Ekim 2014. Ankara-Tütkiye.
  • Sejian V, Maurya VP, Kumar K and Naqvi SMK (2013). Effect of multiple stresses (thermal, nutritional and walking stress) on growth, physiological response, blood biochemical and endocrine responses in Malpura ewes un-der semi-arid tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45: 107-116.
  • Sejian V, Bhatta R, Soren NM, Malik PK, Ravindra JP, Prasad CS and Lal R (2015). Introduction to concepts of climate change impact on livestock and its adaptation and mitigation. In: Climate change Impact on livestock: adapta-tion and mitigation. Springer-Verlag GMbH Publisher, New Delhi, India.
  • Shkolnık A and Sılanıkove N (1981). Water economy, energy metabolism and productivity in desert ruminants. Nutrition and Systems of Goat Feeding, France.
  • Sucu E, Akbay KC ve Filya İ (2015). Ruminantlarda sıcaklık stresinin metabolizma üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2): 130-138.
  • Teıxeıra IAMA, Pereıra Fılho JM, Murray PJ, Resende KT, Ferreıra ACD and Fregadollı FL (2006). Water balance in goats subjected to feed restriction. Small Ruminant Research, 63(1–2): 20-27.
  • Thorne PS (2007). Environmental Health İmpacts of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Anticipating Hazards-Searching For Solutions. Environ Health Perspect, 115: 296-297.
  • Vosooghi‐Postindoz V, Tahmasbi A, Naserian AA, Valizade R and Ebrahimi H (2017). Effect of Water Deprivation and Drinking Saline Water on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Nutrient Digestibility and Rumen Parameters in Baluchi Lambs. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 8(3): 445-456.
  • Yavuz HM ve Biricik H (2009). Süt sığırlarının sıcak stresinde beslenmesi. Uludağ Üniversty Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine, 28(1): 1-7.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme

Murat Durmuş 0000-0002-4221-7449

Nazan Koluman 0000-0001-9888-1755

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 9 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş, M., & Koluman, N. (2020). Termal Stres Altında Yetiştirilen Küçükbaş Hayvanlarda Kısıtlı Su Uygulamasının Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 1(1), 190-199.


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