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Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Turkish Local Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Populations

Yıl 2023, , 167 - 179, 28.01.2023


This study was conducted for molecular and morphological characterization of 28 local eggplant genotypes (so-called “Yamula” eggplant) collected from Kayseri province, 3 Kemer eggplant, and 1 Manisa eggplant genotype, commonly cultivated in Turkey. Molecular analyses were carried out with the use of 10 ISSR and SRAP primers and 30 morphological characteristics. Morphological analyses revealed the nearest genotypes as ERU 3006 - ERU 3007. The polymorphism ratio was identified as 77.36% and 73.72% with ISSR and SRAP markers, respectively. The 25 differenet characters selected from the UPOV description list were used for the morphological characterization of the accessions. While no variation was observed in “intensity of anthocyanin coloration in calyx”, the highest variation coefficient was calculated for “leaf color” and “leaf blade margin shape” (89.60% and 86.15%, respectively). When all plant parts were divided into groups, the highest variation belonged to leaf characteristics (Variation coefficient: 59.39%), followed by the plant stem and fruit characteristics (48.14% and 43.20%, respectively). Results showed that variations exist within Yamula and between Yamula and control genotypes. Present variations could be used in eggplant breeding programs. It was also concluded that regional genetic populations inhabit a wide eggplant genetic diversity which can be a good source for further breeding programs.

Destekleyen Kurum

This work was supported by the Erciyes University Scientific Research Unit (Grant No. FCD-2016-6379).

Proje Numarası

Grant No. FCD-2016-6379


  • Ali, Z, Xu ZL, Zhang DY, He XL, Bahadur S, Yi JX (2011) Molecular Diversity Analysis of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Genetic Resources, Genetics and Molecular Research, 10:1141-1155
  • Boyaci, HF, Topcu, V, Tepe A, Yildirim IK, OTEN M, Aktas A (2015) Morphological and molecular characterization and relationships of Turkish local eggplant heirlooms. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43: 100-107
  • Cericola F, Portis E, Toppino L, Barchi L, Acciarri N, Ciriaci T, Sala T, Rotino GL, Lanteri S (2013) The population structure and diversity of eggplant from Asia and the Mediterranean basin. PloS ONE 8:e73702
  • Daunay, MC, Janick, J (2007) History and Iconography of Eggplant, Chronica Horticulturae, 47:16-22
  • Daunay, MC, Lester, NR, Gebhardt, C, Hennart, W, Jahn, M (2001) Genetic Resources of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Allied Species: A New Challenge for Molecular Genetics and Eggplant Breeders, 251-274 in Solanaceae V, edited by R.G. Van Den Berg, G. W. Barendse and C. Mariani. Nijmegen University, Press Nijgemen, The Netherlands
  • Demir K, Bakır M, Sarıkamış G, Acunalp S (2010) Genetic Diversity of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Germplasm from Turkey Assessed by SSR and RAPD Markers, Genetics and Molecular Research, 9:1568-1576 Dice LR (1945) “Measures of the amount of ecologic association between species”. Ecology. 26, 297–302
  • Doyle JJ & Doyle J.L (1990) Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus. 12: 13–15
  • Frary A, Doganlar S, Daunay MC (2007) Eggplant, p. 287-314. In: Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants. Kole C (Ed). Springer, Acad Press
  • Janick J (2001) Asian Crops in North America, HortTechnology, 11, 510-513
  • Laumonnier (1952) Cultures Maraicheres Librairie. 3. B. Bailliere et. Fils. Paris. 625 pp
  • Li H, Chen H, Zhuang T, Chen J (2010) Analysis of genetic variation in eggplant and related Solanum species using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers, Scientia Horticulturae, 125:19-24
  • Mahmoud MI, & El-Mansy AB (2012) Molecular identification of eggplant cultivars (Solanum melongena L.) using ISSR markers. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, (January), 69-77
  • Muñoz-Falcón JE, Prohens J, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2008) Characterization, diversity, and relationships of the Spanish striped (Listada) eggplants: a model for the enhancement and protection of local heirlooms. Euphytica 164, 405-419
  • Muñoz-Falcón JE, Prohens J, Vilanova S, Ribas F, Castro A, Nuez F (2009) Distinguishing a protected geographical indication vegetable (Almagro eggplant) from closely related varieties with selected morphological traits and molecular markers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89:320-328
  • Prohens J, Muñoz-Falcón JE, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2008) Use of molecular markers for the enhancement of local varieties of vegetables for Protected Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 65:16-20
  • Prohens J, Muñoz-Falcón JE, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2011) Comparison of Morphological, AFLP and SSR Markers for the Protection of Eggplant Germplasm. Acta Hort 898:123-131
  • Prohens J, Valcarcel JV, Fernandez de Cordova P, Nuez F (2003) Characterization and typification on Spanish eggplant landraces. Capsicum Eggplant News 22: 135-138
  • Rohlf FJ (2000) NTSYS 2.1: numerical taxonomic and multivariate analysis system. New York, Exeter Software
  • Tiwari SK, Karihaloo JL, Nowsheen, H, Gaikwad, AB (2009) Molecular Characterization of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Cultivars Using RAPD and ISSR Markers, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 18: 189-195
  • Topcu, V (2014) Kendileme Yoluyla Saflaştırılmış Bazı Patlıcan Hatlarının Morfolojik ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi(In Turkish)
  • Tumbilen Y, Frary A, Daunay MC, Doganlar S (2011a) Application of EST-SSRs to examine genetic diversity in eggplant and its close relatives. Turkish Journal of Biology 35: 125-136
  • Tumbilen Y, Frary A, Mutlu S, Doganlar S (2011b). Genetic diversity in Turkish eggplant (Solanum melongena) varieties as determined by morphological and molecular analyses. International Research Journal of Biotechnology 2: 16-25 Zhukowsky PM (1958) Cultivated Flora of the USSR. XX. Vegetable Plants Fam. Solanaceae. P.B.A. 642

Türkiye Yerli Patlıcan (Solanum melongena L.) Populasyonlarının Moleküler ve Morfolojik Karakterizasyonu

Yıl 2023, , 167 - 179, 28.01.2023


Bu çalışma, Kayseri ilinden toplanan, “Yamula Patlıcanı” olarak adlandırılan 28 yerel patlıcan genotipi ile Türkiye'de yaygın olarak yetiştirilen 3 Kemer patlıcanı ve 1 Manisa patlıcanı genotipinin moleküler ve morfolojik karakterizasyonu için yapılmıştır. 10 ISSR ve SRAP primeri ile 30 morfolojik karakter kullanılarak analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Morfolojik olarak birbirine en çok benzeyen genotipler ERU 3006 ve ERU 3007'dir. Moleküler çalışmalarda polimorfizm oranı ISSR tekniğinde %77,36, SRAP tekniğinde ise %73,72 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Genotiplerin morfolojik karakterizasyonu için UPOV kriterleri listesinden seçilen toplam 25 karakter kullanılmıştır. “Kaliksteki antosiyanin renklenme yoğunluğu” karakterinde herhangi bir varyasyon görülmezken, en yüksek varyasyon katsayısı “yaprak rengi” ve “yaprak kenarı şekli” karakterleri için sırasıyla %89.60 ve %86.15 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Tüm bitki kısımları gruplara ayrıldığında en yüksek varyasyonun yaprak özelliklerinde meydana geldiği anlaşılmıştır (Varyasyon katsayısı: %59.39). Bunu bitki gövde ve meyve özellikleri sırasıyla %48,14 ve %43,20 olarak izlemiştir. Mevcut bulgular, Yamula patlıcan genotipleri ile kontrol genotipleri arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğunu ve Yamula patlıcan genotiplerinde büyük bir varyasyon olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Mevcut varyasyonlar patlıcan yetiştirme programlarında kullanılabilir. Ayrıca bölgesel genetik popülasyonların geniş bir patlıcan genetik çeşitliliğini içerdiği ve ileriki ıslah programları için iyi bir kaynak olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Proje Numarası

Grant No. FCD-2016-6379


  • Ali, Z, Xu ZL, Zhang DY, He XL, Bahadur S, Yi JX (2011) Molecular Diversity Analysis of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Genetic Resources, Genetics and Molecular Research, 10:1141-1155
  • Boyaci, HF, Topcu, V, Tepe A, Yildirim IK, OTEN M, Aktas A (2015) Morphological and molecular characterization and relationships of Turkish local eggplant heirlooms. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43: 100-107
  • Cericola F, Portis E, Toppino L, Barchi L, Acciarri N, Ciriaci T, Sala T, Rotino GL, Lanteri S (2013) The population structure and diversity of eggplant from Asia and the Mediterranean basin. PloS ONE 8:e73702
  • Daunay, MC, Janick, J (2007) History and Iconography of Eggplant, Chronica Horticulturae, 47:16-22
  • Daunay, MC, Lester, NR, Gebhardt, C, Hennart, W, Jahn, M (2001) Genetic Resources of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Allied Species: A New Challenge for Molecular Genetics and Eggplant Breeders, 251-274 in Solanaceae V, edited by R.G. Van Den Berg, G. W. Barendse and C. Mariani. Nijmegen University, Press Nijgemen, The Netherlands
  • Demir K, Bakır M, Sarıkamış G, Acunalp S (2010) Genetic Diversity of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Germplasm from Turkey Assessed by SSR and RAPD Markers, Genetics and Molecular Research, 9:1568-1576 Dice LR (1945) “Measures of the amount of ecologic association between species”. Ecology. 26, 297–302
  • Doyle JJ & Doyle J.L (1990) Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus. 12: 13–15
  • Frary A, Doganlar S, Daunay MC (2007) Eggplant, p. 287-314. In: Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants. Kole C (Ed). Springer, Acad Press
  • Janick J (2001) Asian Crops in North America, HortTechnology, 11, 510-513
  • Laumonnier (1952) Cultures Maraicheres Librairie. 3. B. Bailliere et. Fils. Paris. 625 pp
  • Li H, Chen H, Zhuang T, Chen J (2010) Analysis of genetic variation in eggplant and related Solanum species using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers, Scientia Horticulturae, 125:19-24
  • Mahmoud MI, & El-Mansy AB (2012) Molecular identification of eggplant cultivars (Solanum melongena L.) using ISSR markers. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, (January), 69-77
  • Muñoz-Falcón JE, Prohens J, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2008) Characterization, diversity, and relationships of the Spanish striped (Listada) eggplants: a model for the enhancement and protection of local heirlooms. Euphytica 164, 405-419
  • Muñoz-Falcón JE, Prohens J, Vilanova S, Ribas F, Castro A, Nuez F (2009) Distinguishing a protected geographical indication vegetable (Almagro eggplant) from closely related varieties with selected morphological traits and molecular markers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89:320-328
  • Prohens J, Muñoz-Falcón JE, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2008) Use of molecular markers for the enhancement of local varieties of vegetables for Protected Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 65:16-20
  • Prohens J, Muñoz-Falcón JE, Vilanova S, Nuez F (2011) Comparison of Morphological, AFLP and SSR Markers for the Protection of Eggplant Germplasm. Acta Hort 898:123-131
  • Prohens J, Valcarcel JV, Fernandez de Cordova P, Nuez F (2003) Characterization and typification on Spanish eggplant landraces. Capsicum Eggplant News 22: 135-138
  • Rohlf FJ (2000) NTSYS 2.1: numerical taxonomic and multivariate analysis system. New York, Exeter Software
  • Tiwari SK, Karihaloo JL, Nowsheen, H, Gaikwad, AB (2009) Molecular Characterization of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Cultivars Using RAPD and ISSR Markers, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 18: 189-195
  • Topcu, V (2014) Kendileme Yoluyla Saflaştırılmış Bazı Patlıcan Hatlarının Morfolojik ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi(In Turkish)
  • Tumbilen Y, Frary A, Daunay MC, Doganlar S (2011a) Application of EST-SSRs to examine genetic diversity in eggplant and its close relatives. Turkish Journal of Biology 35: 125-136
  • Tumbilen Y, Frary A, Mutlu S, Doganlar S (2011b). Genetic diversity in Turkish eggplant (Solanum melongena) varieties as determined by morphological and molecular analyses. International Research Journal of Biotechnology 2: 16-25 Zhukowsky PM (1958) Cultivated Flora of the USSR. XX. Vegetable Plants Fam. Solanaceae. P.B.A. 642
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emrah Uysal 0000-0003-0047-7194

Merve Yigit 0000-0002-6631-1747

Vese Pakashtica 0000-0001-5943-5269

Hasan Pinar 0000-0002-0811-8228

Proje Numarası Grant No. FCD-2016-6379
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Uysal, E., Yigit, M., Pakashtica, V., Pinar, H. (2023). Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Turkish Local Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Populations. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 167-179.