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Effects of Cold Stress on Enzyme Activities in Peas

Yıl 2020, , 170 - 177, 25.01.2020


This research was conducted in three replications according to the ''Two Factor Factorial Experiment in Random Plots'' design and Selcuk Unıversıty, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, in a fully controlled research greenhouse and laboratories in 2015. Pea genotypes resistant to cold stress were determined, and biochemical, physical properties or physical defense mechanisms created by plants against cold stress were sought. According to the results of the research, if cold harm was examined, Melrose, Sahın, Granger, 4053 x Melrose, 4053 x Hadım, Sahın x Hadım and 3057 x Melrose; if peroxidase content was examined 3057 x Melrose, 4053 x Melrose, 3029 x Melrose, 3029 x Granger and 4053 x Hadım, when superoxıdase content was examined, 3053 x Melrose, Sahın x Hadım, 4053 x Melrose, Sahın x Melrose and 3029 x Melrose and when proline content examined 3031 x Granger, 3055 x Melrose, Ultrıllo, 3057 x Hadım and Sahın x Hadım the genotypes were first. As a result, when the effects of cold stress on the enzyme activities in the leaves of pea genotypes are considered, the most durable genotypes are 3031 x Granger and 3055 x Melrose. These come forward as genotypes that can be used in subsequent studies to breed for cold resistance.


§: This study is summarized from Nur Banu TEKİN's Master Thesis and supported by TAGEM/15/AR-GE/60.


  • Auld, D.L., Adams, K.J., Swensen, J.B., Murray, G.A. 1983a. Diallel Analyses of Winter Hardiness in Peas, Crop Science, 23, 763-766.
  • Auld, D.L., Dittterline, R.L., Murray, G.A., Swensen, J.B. 1983b. Screening Peas for Winterhardiness under Field and Laboratory Conditions, Crop Science, 23, 85-88.
  • Asada, K. 1992. Ascorbate Peroxidase-a Hydrogen Peroxides Cavenging Enzyme in Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 85, 235-241.
  • Atıcı, O., Nalbantoğlu, B. 1999. Effect of Apoplastic Proteins on freezing Tolerance in Leaves, Phytochemistry, 50, 755-761.
  • Bancı, L. 1997. Structural Properties of Peroxıdase, Journal of Biotechnology, 53, 253-263.
  • Bates, L.S., Waldren, R.P., Teare, I.D. 1973. Rapid Determination of Free Prolıne for Water Stress Studies, Plant Soil, 39, 205-207.
  • Beauchamp, C., Frıdovıch, I. 1971. Superoxıde Dısmutase: Improved Assays and Applicable to Acrylamide Gels, Analytical Biochemistry, 44, 276-287.
  • Bergmeyer, J., Grabl, M. 1983. Methods of Enzymatik Analysis, Germany, p.
  • Bruggemann, W., Dauborn, B., Klaucke, S. 1995. Chilling Sensitivity of Photosynthesis: Ecophysiological Studies in two Lycopersicon Species of Different Chilling Tolerance, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 17, 2.
  • Bourıon, V., Lejeune-Henaut, I., Munier-Jolain, N., Salon, C. 2003. Cold Acclimation of Winter and Sring Peas: Carbon Partitioning as Affected by Light Intensty, European Journal of Agronomy, 23, 1-14.
  • Ceyhan, E. 2003. Determination of Some Agricultural Characteristics and Inheritance of Pea Parents and Hybrids by Multiple Sequence Analysis Method, Ph.D. Thesis, Selçuk University, Konya, 103.
  • Duman, Y., Acemı, A., Toygar, H., Yuzugullu, Y., Ozen, F. 2016. Investigation of Antioxidant Enzymes of Amsonia Orientalis in the Presence of Salt Stress and BAP, CBU Journal of Science, 12 (3), 543-551.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesıcı, T., Kavuncu, O., Gurbuz, F. 1987. Research and Trial Methods (Statistical Methods-II), Ankara, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, p.
  • Eteve, G. 1985. Breeding for Tolerance and Winter Hardiness in Pea, In: The pea Crop: A Basis for Improvement, Eds: Hebblethwaite, P. D., Heath, M. C. ve T.C.K., D., London. UK: Butterworths., p.
  • Fıebelkorn, D.M. 2013. Characterization of Selected Winter Hardiness Traits in Pea (Pisum sativum L.), North Dakota State University,, North Dakota, USA, 76.
  • Genısel, M., Turk, H., Erdal, S. 2013. Exogenous Progesterone Application Protects Chickpea Seedlings Against Chilling-Induced Oxidative Stres, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 35, 241-251.
  • Gokmen, E., Ceyhan, E. 2015. Effects of Drought Stress on Growth Parameters, Enzyme Activates and Prolıne Content in Chickpea Genotypes, Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 44 (2), 177-183.
  • Kım, K. Y., Kwon, S. Y., Lee, H. S., Hur, Y., Bang, C. W., Choi, K. S., Kwak, S. S. 2000. Differantial Expression of Four Sweet Potato Peroxidase Genes in Respons to Abscisic Acid and Ethaphon, Phytochemistry, 54, 19-22.
  • Kumar, K.B., Khan, P.A. 1982. Peroxıdase and Polyphenol Oxıdase in Excised Ragi (Eleusine coracana cv. PR 202) Leaves during Senescence, Indian Journal of Experimental Botany, 20, 412-416.
  • Lee, D.H., Lee, C.B. 2000. Chilling Stress Induced Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Leaves of Cucumber: in Gel Enzyme Activity Assays. Plant Science, 159, 75-85.
  • Lıchtenhaler, H.K. 1996. Vegetation Stress: An Introduction to the Stress Concept in Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 148, 4-14.
  • Møller, I.M. 2001. Plant Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress: Electron Transport, NADPH Turnover and Metabolism of Reactive Oxygen Species, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 52, 561-591.
  • Mutlu, S., Atıcı, Ö., Nalbantoglu, B. 2009. Effects of Salicylic Acid and Salinity on Apoplastic Antioxidant Enzymes in two Wheat Cultivars Differing in Salt Tolerance, Biologia Plantarum, 53 (2), 334-338.
  • Nayyar, H., Bains, T.S. and Kumar, S. 2005. Chilling Stressed Chickpea: Effect of Cold Acclimation, Calcium and Abscisic Acid on Cryoprotective Solutes and Oxidative Damage, Journal Environmental and Experimental Botany, 54, 275-285.
  • Nılsen, E.T., Orcutt, D.M., 1996. Physiology of Plants Under Stress, New York, Toronto, USA, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p.
  • Ozturk, L., Demir, Y., 2002. In Vivo and in Vitro Protective Role of Proline, Plant Growth Regulation, 38, 259-264.
  • Posmyk, M.M., Baılly, C., Szafranska, K., Janas, K.M., Corbineau, F. 2005. Antioxidant Enzymes and Isoflavonoids in Chilled Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Seedlings, Journal of Plant Physiology, 162, 403-412.
  • Sakaı, A. and Larcher, W. 1987. Frost Survivai in Plants: Responses and Adaptations to Freezing Stress, New York, USA, Springer-Verilag, p.
  • Saltweıt, M.E. 2001. Chilling Injury is Reduced in Cucumber and Rice Seedlings and in Tomato Pericarp Discs by Heat-Shocks Applied after Chilling, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 21, 169-177.
  • Scebba, F., Sebustiani, L., Vitagliano, C. 1999. Protective enzymes against activated oxygen species in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings: Responses to cold acclimation. , Journal of Plant Physiology, 155, 762-768.
  • Tasgın, E., Atıcı, O., Nalbantoğlu, B. 2003. Effects of Salicylic Acid and Cold on Freezing Tolerance in Winter Wheat Leaves, Plant Growth Regulation, 41, 231-236.
  • Turan, O., Ekmekci, Y. 2011. Activities of Photosystem II and Antioxidant Enzymes in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Exposed to Chilling Temperatures, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33, 67-78.
  • Wang, C. Y. 1990. Chilling Injury of Horticultural Crops, Boca Raton, FL: CRC, p.
  • Yang, S. J., Hosokawa, M., Mizuta, Y., Yun, J. G., Mano, J., Yazawa, S. 2001. Antioxidant Capacity is Correlated with Susceptibility to Leaf Spot Caused by a Rapid Temperature Drop in Saintpaulia (African violet), Scientia Horticulturae, 88, 59-69.

Bezelyede Enzim Aktiviteleri Üzerine Soğuk Stresinin Etkileri

Yıl 2020, , 170 - 177, 25.01.2020


Araştırma “Tesadüf Parsellerinde iki Faktörlü Faktöriyel Deneme” desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur ve Selçuk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü tam kontrollü araştırma serası ve laboratuvarlarında 2015 yılında yürütülmüştür. Bu araştırma ile soğuk stresine dayanıklı uygun bezelye genotipleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca soğuk stresine karşı bitkiler tarafından oluşturulan biyokimyasal, fiziksel özellikler veya fiziksel savunma mekanizmaları ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; soğuk zararı bakımından Melrose, Şahin, Granger, 4053 x Melrose, 4053 x Hadim, Şahin x Hadim ve 3057 x Melrose, peroksidaz içeriği incelendiğinde 3057 x Melrose, 4053 x Melrose, 3029 x Melrose, 3029 x Granger ve 4053 x Hadim, süperoksit dismutaz içeriği incelendiğinde 3053 x Melrose, Şahin x Hadim, 4053 x Melrose, Şahin x Melrose ve 3029 x Melrose ve prolin içeriği incelendiğinde 3031 x Granger, 3055 x Melrose, Ultrillo, 3057 x Hadim ve Şahin x Hadim genotipleri ilk sıralarda yer almıştır. Sonuç olarak, soğuk stresinin bezelye genotiplerinin yapraklarındaki enzim aktiviteleri üzerine etkileri ele alındığında; genotipler içerisinde en dayanıklı olarak 3031 x Granger ve 3055 x Melrose genotipleri ön plana çıkan bu genotipler daha sonra yapılacak olan soğuğa dayanıklılık ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılabilir.


  • Auld, D.L., Adams, K.J., Swensen, J.B., Murray, G.A. 1983a. Diallel Analyses of Winter Hardiness in Peas, Crop Science, 23, 763-766.
  • Auld, D.L., Dittterline, R.L., Murray, G.A., Swensen, J.B. 1983b. Screening Peas for Winterhardiness under Field and Laboratory Conditions, Crop Science, 23, 85-88.
  • Asada, K. 1992. Ascorbate Peroxidase-a Hydrogen Peroxides Cavenging Enzyme in Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 85, 235-241.
  • Atıcı, O., Nalbantoğlu, B. 1999. Effect of Apoplastic Proteins on freezing Tolerance in Leaves, Phytochemistry, 50, 755-761.
  • Bancı, L. 1997. Structural Properties of Peroxıdase, Journal of Biotechnology, 53, 253-263.
  • Bates, L.S., Waldren, R.P., Teare, I.D. 1973. Rapid Determination of Free Prolıne for Water Stress Studies, Plant Soil, 39, 205-207.
  • Beauchamp, C., Frıdovıch, I. 1971. Superoxıde Dısmutase: Improved Assays and Applicable to Acrylamide Gels, Analytical Biochemistry, 44, 276-287.
  • Bergmeyer, J., Grabl, M. 1983. Methods of Enzymatik Analysis, Germany, p.
  • Bruggemann, W., Dauborn, B., Klaucke, S. 1995. Chilling Sensitivity of Photosynthesis: Ecophysiological Studies in two Lycopersicon Species of Different Chilling Tolerance, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 17, 2.
  • Bourıon, V., Lejeune-Henaut, I., Munier-Jolain, N., Salon, C. 2003. Cold Acclimation of Winter and Sring Peas: Carbon Partitioning as Affected by Light Intensty, European Journal of Agronomy, 23, 1-14.
  • Ceyhan, E. 2003. Determination of Some Agricultural Characteristics and Inheritance of Pea Parents and Hybrids by Multiple Sequence Analysis Method, Ph.D. Thesis, Selçuk University, Konya, 103.
  • Duman, Y., Acemı, A., Toygar, H., Yuzugullu, Y., Ozen, F. 2016. Investigation of Antioxidant Enzymes of Amsonia Orientalis in the Presence of Salt Stress and BAP, CBU Journal of Science, 12 (3), 543-551.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesıcı, T., Kavuncu, O., Gurbuz, F. 1987. Research and Trial Methods (Statistical Methods-II), Ankara, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, p.
  • Eteve, G. 1985. Breeding for Tolerance and Winter Hardiness in Pea, In: The pea Crop: A Basis for Improvement, Eds: Hebblethwaite, P. D., Heath, M. C. ve T.C.K., D., London. UK: Butterworths., p.
  • Fıebelkorn, D.M. 2013. Characterization of Selected Winter Hardiness Traits in Pea (Pisum sativum L.), North Dakota State University,, North Dakota, USA, 76.
  • Genısel, M., Turk, H., Erdal, S. 2013. Exogenous Progesterone Application Protects Chickpea Seedlings Against Chilling-Induced Oxidative Stres, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 35, 241-251.
  • Gokmen, E., Ceyhan, E. 2015. Effects of Drought Stress on Growth Parameters, Enzyme Activates and Prolıne Content in Chickpea Genotypes, Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 44 (2), 177-183.
  • Kım, K. Y., Kwon, S. Y., Lee, H. S., Hur, Y., Bang, C. W., Choi, K. S., Kwak, S. S. 2000. Differantial Expression of Four Sweet Potato Peroxidase Genes in Respons to Abscisic Acid and Ethaphon, Phytochemistry, 54, 19-22.
  • Kumar, K.B., Khan, P.A. 1982. Peroxıdase and Polyphenol Oxıdase in Excised Ragi (Eleusine coracana cv. PR 202) Leaves during Senescence, Indian Journal of Experimental Botany, 20, 412-416.
  • Lee, D.H., Lee, C.B. 2000. Chilling Stress Induced Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Leaves of Cucumber: in Gel Enzyme Activity Assays. Plant Science, 159, 75-85.
  • Lıchtenhaler, H.K. 1996. Vegetation Stress: An Introduction to the Stress Concept in Plants, Journal of Plant Physiology, 148, 4-14.
  • Møller, I.M. 2001. Plant Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress: Electron Transport, NADPH Turnover and Metabolism of Reactive Oxygen Species, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 52, 561-591.
  • Mutlu, S., Atıcı, Ö., Nalbantoglu, B. 2009. Effects of Salicylic Acid and Salinity on Apoplastic Antioxidant Enzymes in two Wheat Cultivars Differing in Salt Tolerance, Biologia Plantarum, 53 (2), 334-338.
  • Nayyar, H., Bains, T.S. and Kumar, S. 2005. Chilling Stressed Chickpea: Effect of Cold Acclimation, Calcium and Abscisic Acid on Cryoprotective Solutes and Oxidative Damage, Journal Environmental and Experimental Botany, 54, 275-285.
  • Nılsen, E.T., Orcutt, D.M., 1996. Physiology of Plants Under Stress, New York, Toronto, USA, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p.
  • Ozturk, L., Demir, Y., 2002. In Vivo and in Vitro Protective Role of Proline, Plant Growth Regulation, 38, 259-264.
  • Posmyk, M.M., Baılly, C., Szafranska, K., Janas, K.M., Corbineau, F. 2005. Antioxidant Enzymes and Isoflavonoids in Chilled Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Seedlings, Journal of Plant Physiology, 162, 403-412.
  • Sakaı, A. and Larcher, W. 1987. Frost Survivai in Plants: Responses and Adaptations to Freezing Stress, New York, USA, Springer-Verilag, p.
  • Saltweıt, M.E. 2001. Chilling Injury is Reduced in Cucumber and Rice Seedlings and in Tomato Pericarp Discs by Heat-Shocks Applied after Chilling, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 21, 169-177.
  • Scebba, F., Sebustiani, L., Vitagliano, C. 1999. Protective enzymes against activated oxygen species in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings: Responses to cold acclimation. , Journal of Plant Physiology, 155, 762-768.
  • Tasgın, E., Atıcı, O., Nalbantoğlu, B. 2003. Effects of Salicylic Acid and Cold on Freezing Tolerance in Winter Wheat Leaves, Plant Growth Regulation, 41, 231-236.
  • Turan, O., Ekmekci, Y. 2011. Activities of Photosystem II and Antioxidant Enzymes in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Exposed to Chilling Temperatures, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33, 67-78.
  • Wang, C. Y. 1990. Chilling Injury of Horticultural Crops, Boca Raton, FL: CRC, p.
  • Yang, S. J., Hosokawa, M., Mizuta, Y., Yun, J. G., Mano, J., Yazawa, S. 2001. Antioxidant Capacity is Correlated with Susceptibility to Leaf Spot Caused by a Rapid Temperature Drop in Saintpaulia (African violet), Scientia Horticulturae, 88, 59-69.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nur Banu Tekin

Ercan Ceyhan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ocak 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Tekin, N. B., & Ceyhan, E. (2020). Effects of Cold Stress on Enzyme Activities in Peas. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 170-177.