Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 1018 - 1025, 20.10.2020


In this study, it was aimed to investigate the storage possibilities of Peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) semen with different diluents at +5 ° C. Semen samples were collected from five male ducks, twice a week for five weeks, using the abdominal massage method. In the research, 50 semen samples were used. Semen from ducks were combined (mixed) after being evaluated individually. Mix volume (ml), density (× 109/mL), pH, motility (%) and vitality (%) values were determined as 1.78 ± 0.19, 1.65 ± 0.24, 6.95 ± 0.28, 70.80 ± 2.57, 76.60 ± 2.93 respectively. Glucose (G), Lactated Ringer's (L), Tris (T), Fructose (F), and Dextrose (D) were used as diluents. The reconstituted mixed semen were equilibrated at 37 ° C for 30 minutes and 32-34 ° C for 30 minutes successively and then stored at +5 °C. Average motility (%) values of sperms stored at +5 °C with G, L, T, F and D diluents after 72 hours were found as 41.05 ± 1.79, 9.95 ± 6.50, 2.20 ± 1.13, 28.00 ± 4.15, 24.05±5.85 respectively. Vitality (%) values in the same diluents and under the same conditions were seen as 44.82 ± 1.73, 19.60 ± 9.08, 10.60 ± 4.50, 35.90 ± 4.83 and 33.90 ± 2.68 respectively.
In this study, it was determined that the glucose diluent gives positive results compared to other diluents for the storage of peking duck semen at +5 ° C for 72 hours and it can be used for short term storage as a semen diluent in ducks.


  • Akpınar, G.Ç., Alaşahan, S.S. and Canoğulları, D. 2017. Halk elinde yetiştirilen Pekin ördeklerinde matematiksel formüller ile yumurta kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
  • Alkan, S., Baran A., Özdaş, B. and Evecen, M. 2002. Morphological defects in turkey semen. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 26, 1087-1092.
  • Ashizawa, K. and Okauchi, K. 1984. Stimulation of sperm motility and oxygen consuption f fowl spermatozoa by a low molecular weight fraction of seminal plasma. J. Reprod. Fertil. 71(2), 593-598.
  • Bandyopadhyaya, S.K., Bhatacharya, Choudhury RR, Basu S. 2007. Text book of gynaecology, artificial insemination, obstetrics and assisted reproduction. 2nd ed. India: Kalyani Publishers/Lyall Bk Depot.
  • Blesbois, E. 2003. Semen storage in turkeys: current status and future practice. In Fifth international symposium on turkey reproduction. Raleigh, USA. pp. 96–100.
  • Blesbois, E. and Caffin, J.P. 1992. “Serum Like” Albumin of fowl seminal plasma and effects of albumin on fowl spermatozoa stored at 4°C. Br. Poult. Sci. 33(3), 663-670.
  • Blesbois, E., Dubos, F., Grasseau, I., Richard, M.M., Roman, Y., Saint, J.M. and Seigneurin, F. 2006. Cryopreservation of avian spermatozoa and predictors of ability to freezing. Les Actes du BRG 6, 415–431.
  • Clarke, R.N., Sexton, T.J. and Ottinger, M.A. 1982. Effects of holding temperature on storage time, on respiratory rate, motility and fertility of chicken and turkey semen. Poult. Sci. 61, 1912-1917.
  • Cyriac, S., Joseph, L., Peethambaran, P.A., Narayanankutty, K. and Karthıayını, K. 2013. Semen quality characteristics of White Pekin, Kuttanad (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) and Muscovy (Cairina moschata momelanotus) drakes. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 83(6), 595-599.
  • Etches, R. J. 1996. Artificial insemination. In: Reprod poult. Cambridge. Wallingford: CAB International, 234-262. Fujihara, N. and Nishiyama, H. 1976. Studies on the accessory reproductive organs in the drake. 5. Effects of the fluid from the ejaculatory groove on the spermatozoa of the drake. Poult Sci. 55, 2415-2417
  • Ghonim, A.I.A., Awad, A.L., El-Sawy, M.A., Fatouh, M.H. and Zenat, A.I. 2009. Effect of frequency of semen collection, dilution rate and insemination dose on semen characteristics and fertility of Domyati ducks. Egypt. Poult. Sci. J. 29, 1023-1045.
  • Giesen, A.F. and Sexton, T.J. 1983. Beltsville poultry semen extender. 9. Effect of storage temperature on turkey semen held eighteen hours. Poult Sci. 62(7), 1305-1311.
  • İnci, H., Karakaya, E., Şengül, T., Söğüt, B., 2014. Bingöl ilinde kanatlı eti tüketiminin yapısı. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 1(1): 17- 24.
  • Karakaya, E., İnci, H., 2014. Bingöl ili merkez ilçesi hane halkının kanatlı eti tüketim tercihleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (1), 53-64.
  • Karakaya, E., İnci, H., Söğüt, B., Şengül, T. 2014. Bingöl İl Merkezinde Yaşayan Hane Halklarının Yumurta Tüketim Durumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 239-247.
  • Kasai, K. and Izumo, A. 2001. Efficiency of artificial vagina method in semen collection from Osaka Drakes. J. App. Poult. Res. 10, 206-210.
  • Kontecka, H. 1992. Sperm quality changes in drakes during the reproductive season. Rocz. Nauk. Zoot. 1 (19), 9-18.
  • Lake, P.E. 1983. The male in reproduction. In: Physiology and Biochemistry of the domestic fowl. Ed: B. K. Freeman. 5, 1-61.
  • Lake, P.E. and Ravie, O. 1987. Effect on fertility of low numbers of fowl spermatozoa İnseminated in aqueous dilucnt or scmcn components of the fowl and turkey. Br. Poult. Sci., 28, 75-80.
  • Lemoine, M., Mignon, S., Grasseau, I., Magistrini, M. and Bleisbois, E. 2011. Ability of chicken spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reaction after liquid storage or cryopreservation. Theriogenology 75, 122-130.
  • Lemoine, M., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Grasseau, I., Magistrini, M., Blesbois, E. 2011. Ability of chicken spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reaction after liquid storage or cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 751: 122-130.
  • Łukaszewicz, E., A, Kowalczyk., Zońca, Z.R., 2011: Characteristics of fresh semen of captive-bred Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L. Zoo Biol. 30, 672-680.
  • Nahak, A.K., Giri, S.C., Mohanty, D.N., Mishra, P.C. and Dash, S.K. 2015. Effect of frequency of collection on seminal characteristics of White Pekin duck. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction; 4(1), 70-73.
  • Oguntunji, A. O., Oladejo, A. O., Ayoola, M. O., Oriye, L. O. and Egunjobi, I. M. (2019). Semen Quality Parameters of Three Duck Genotypes in the Humid Tropics Zhivotnovadni Nauki, 56(4), 50-58.
  • Safaa, A.M., Elsyed I.E., Hassan, A. and Hassan, A.M. (2019). Effect of vitamin e-selenium supplementation on some semen quality traits of muscovy drake. Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 27(2),1627-1636.
  • Seigneurin, F. and Blesbois, E. 1995. Effects of the freezing rate on viability and fertility of frozen-thawed fowl spermatozoa. Theriogenology 43, 1351-1358.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1977. A new poultry semen extender. 1. Effect of extension on the fertility of chicken semen. Poult. Sci. 56, 1443-1446.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1978. A new poultry extender. 3. Effect of storage conditions on the fertility capacity of chicken semen stored at 5°C. Poult. Sci. 57, 285-289.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1982. Beltsville poultry semen extender. 6. Holding turkey semen for six hours at 15°C. Poult. Sci. 61, 1202-1208.
  • Stein, B. 2012. Introduction to commercial duck farming. NSW Government, Department of primary industries, Goulburn. data/ assets/ pdf file/ 0009/442854/ introduction-tocommercial-duck-farming.pdf (Date of Access: 24.02.2020).
  • Suraı, P.F., Wıshart, G.J. 1996. Poultry artificial insemination technology in the countries of the former USSR. World Poult. Sci. J., 52(1). 27-43
  • Tan, N.S. 1980. The frequency of collection and semen production in Muscovy drakes. Br. Poult. Sci. 21, 265-272.
  • Taskin, A., Ergün, F., Karadavut, U., Ergün, D. 2020. Effects of extenders and cryoprotectants on cryopreservation of duck semen. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8(9): 1965-1970.
  • Wagner, A. and Pıngel H. 1995. Characteristics of semen of Muscovy and Pekin drakes. Proc. 10th Eur. Symp. Waterfowl, Halle, Germany, 286-290.
  • Wishart, G. 1984. Metabolism of fowl and turkey spermatozoa at low temperatures. J. Reprod. Fertil. 70, 145-149.
  • Zawadzka, J., Łukaszewicz, E. and Kowalczyk, A. 2015. Comparative semen analysis of two Polish duck strains from a conservation programme. Europ. Poult. Sci., 79, 1-9.

Pekin Ördeği Semeninin Farklı Sulandırıcılarda +5 ° C' de in vitro Saklanması

Yıl 2020, , 1018 - 1025, 20.10.2020


Bu çalışmada; Pekin ördeği (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) semeninin farklı sulandırıcılarla +5 °C'de muhafaza edilebilme olanaklarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Semen örnekleri, beş adet erkek ördekten beş hafta süresince haftada iki kez olmak üzere, abdominal masaj yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada 50 semen örneği kullanılmıştır. Ördeklerden alınan semenler bireysel olarak değerlendirildikten sonra birleştirildi (miks yapıldı). Miks semenin volüm (ml), yoğunluk (×109 /mL), pH, motilite (%) ve vitalite (%) değerleri sırasıyla 1,782±0,195, 1,654±0,247, 6,95±0,283, 70,80±2,57, 76,60±2,93 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sulandırıcı olarak; Glikoz (G), Laktatlı Ringer (L), Tris (T), Fruktoz (F), Dekstroz (D) sulandırıcıları kullanılmıştır. Sulandırılan miks semenler sırasıyla 37 °C'de 30 dakika ve 32-34 °C'de 30 dakika ekilibrasyona tabi tutulduktan sonra, +5 °C'de saklanmıştır. G, L, T, F ve D sulandırıcıları ile +5 °C'de saklanan spermaların 72 saat sonra ortalama motilite (%) değerleri sırasıyla 41,05±1,79, 9,95±6,50, 2,20±1,13, 28,00±4,15, 24,05±5,85 olarak bulundu. Aynı sulandırıcılardave aynı şartlarda vitalite (%) değerleri ise; sırasıyla 44,82±1,73, 19,60±9,08, 10,60±4,50, 35,90±4,83 ve 33,90±2,68 olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Bu çalışmada pekin ördeği semeninin +5 °C'de 72 saat süreli saklanmasında Glikoz sulandırıcısının diğer sulandırıcılara göre iyi sonuç verdiği (P<0,01) ve ördeklerde semen sulandırıcı olarak kısa süreli saklamalarda kullanılabilir olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Akpınar, G.Ç., Alaşahan, S.S. and Canoğulları, D. 2017. Halk elinde yetiştirilen Pekin ördeklerinde matematiksel formüller ile yumurta kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
  • Alkan, S., Baran A., Özdaş, B. and Evecen, M. 2002. Morphological defects in turkey semen. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 26, 1087-1092.
  • Ashizawa, K. and Okauchi, K. 1984. Stimulation of sperm motility and oxygen consuption f fowl spermatozoa by a low molecular weight fraction of seminal plasma. J. Reprod. Fertil. 71(2), 593-598.
  • Bandyopadhyaya, S.K., Bhatacharya, Choudhury RR, Basu S. 2007. Text book of gynaecology, artificial insemination, obstetrics and assisted reproduction. 2nd ed. India: Kalyani Publishers/Lyall Bk Depot.
  • Blesbois, E. 2003. Semen storage in turkeys: current status and future practice. In Fifth international symposium on turkey reproduction. Raleigh, USA. pp. 96–100.
  • Blesbois, E. and Caffin, J.P. 1992. “Serum Like” Albumin of fowl seminal plasma and effects of albumin on fowl spermatozoa stored at 4°C. Br. Poult. Sci. 33(3), 663-670.
  • Blesbois, E., Dubos, F., Grasseau, I., Richard, M.M., Roman, Y., Saint, J.M. and Seigneurin, F. 2006. Cryopreservation of avian spermatozoa and predictors of ability to freezing. Les Actes du BRG 6, 415–431.
  • Clarke, R.N., Sexton, T.J. and Ottinger, M.A. 1982. Effects of holding temperature on storage time, on respiratory rate, motility and fertility of chicken and turkey semen. Poult. Sci. 61, 1912-1917.
  • Cyriac, S., Joseph, L., Peethambaran, P.A., Narayanankutty, K. and Karthıayını, K. 2013. Semen quality characteristics of White Pekin, Kuttanad (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) and Muscovy (Cairina moschata momelanotus) drakes. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 83(6), 595-599.
  • Etches, R. J. 1996. Artificial insemination. In: Reprod poult. Cambridge. Wallingford: CAB International, 234-262. Fujihara, N. and Nishiyama, H. 1976. Studies on the accessory reproductive organs in the drake. 5. Effects of the fluid from the ejaculatory groove on the spermatozoa of the drake. Poult Sci. 55, 2415-2417
  • Ghonim, A.I.A., Awad, A.L., El-Sawy, M.A., Fatouh, M.H. and Zenat, A.I. 2009. Effect of frequency of semen collection, dilution rate and insemination dose on semen characteristics and fertility of Domyati ducks. Egypt. Poult. Sci. J. 29, 1023-1045.
  • Giesen, A.F. and Sexton, T.J. 1983. Beltsville poultry semen extender. 9. Effect of storage temperature on turkey semen held eighteen hours. Poult Sci. 62(7), 1305-1311.
  • İnci, H., Karakaya, E., Şengül, T., Söğüt, B., 2014. Bingöl ilinde kanatlı eti tüketiminin yapısı. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 1(1): 17- 24.
  • Karakaya, E., İnci, H., 2014. Bingöl ili merkez ilçesi hane halkının kanatlı eti tüketim tercihleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (1), 53-64.
  • Karakaya, E., İnci, H., Söğüt, B., Şengül, T. 2014. Bingöl İl Merkezinde Yaşayan Hane Halklarının Yumurta Tüketim Durumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 239-247.
  • Kasai, K. and Izumo, A. 2001. Efficiency of artificial vagina method in semen collection from Osaka Drakes. J. App. Poult. Res. 10, 206-210.
  • Kontecka, H. 1992. Sperm quality changes in drakes during the reproductive season. Rocz. Nauk. Zoot. 1 (19), 9-18.
  • Lake, P.E. 1983. The male in reproduction. In: Physiology and Biochemistry of the domestic fowl. Ed: B. K. Freeman. 5, 1-61.
  • Lake, P.E. and Ravie, O. 1987. Effect on fertility of low numbers of fowl spermatozoa İnseminated in aqueous dilucnt or scmcn components of the fowl and turkey. Br. Poult. Sci., 28, 75-80.
  • Lemoine, M., Mignon, S., Grasseau, I., Magistrini, M. and Bleisbois, E. 2011. Ability of chicken spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reaction after liquid storage or cryopreservation. Theriogenology 75, 122-130.
  • Lemoine, M., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Grasseau, I., Magistrini, M., Blesbois, E. 2011. Ability of chicken spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reaction after liquid storage or cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 751: 122-130.
  • Łukaszewicz, E., A, Kowalczyk., Zońca, Z.R., 2011: Characteristics of fresh semen of captive-bred Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus L. Zoo Biol. 30, 672-680.
  • Nahak, A.K., Giri, S.C., Mohanty, D.N., Mishra, P.C. and Dash, S.K. 2015. Effect of frequency of collection on seminal characteristics of White Pekin duck. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction; 4(1), 70-73.
  • Oguntunji, A. O., Oladejo, A. O., Ayoola, M. O., Oriye, L. O. and Egunjobi, I. M. (2019). Semen Quality Parameters of Three Duck Genotypes in the Humid Tropics Zhivotnovadni Nauki, 56(4), 50-58.
  • Safaa, A.M., Elsyed I.E., Hassan, A. and Hassan, A.M. (2019). Effect of vitamin e-selenium supplementation on some semen quality traits of muscovy drake. Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 27(2),1627-1636.
  • Seigneurin, F. and Blesbois, E. 1995. Effects of the freezing rate on viability and fertility of frozen-thawed fowl spermatozoa. Theriogenology 43, 1351-1358.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1977. A new poultry semen extender. 1. Effect of extension on the fertility of chicken semen. Poult. Sci. 56, 1443-1446.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1978. A new poultry extender. 3. Effect of storage conditions on the fertility capacity of chicken semen stored at 5°C. Poult. Sci. 57, 285-289.
  • Sexton, T.J. 1982. Beltsville poultry semen extender. 6. Holding turkey semen for six hours at 15°C. Poult. Sci. 61, 1202-1208.
  • Stein, B. 2012. Introduction to commercial duck farming. NSW Government, Department of primary industries, Goulburn. data/ assets/ pdf file/ 0009/442854/ introduction-tocommercial-duck-farming.pdf (Date of Access: 24.02.2020).
  • Suraı, P.F., Wıshart, G.J. 1996. Poultry artificial insemination technology in the countries of the former USSR. World Poult. Sci. J., 52(1). 27-43
  • Tan, N.S. 1980. The frequency of collection and semen production in Muscovy drakes. Br. Poult. Sci. 21, 265-272.
  • Taskin, A., Ergün, F., Karadavut, U., Ergün, D. 2020. Effects of extenders and cryoprotectants on cryopreservation of duck semen. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8(9): 1965-1970.
  • Wagner, A. and Pıngel H. 1995. Characteristics of semen of Muscovy and Pekin drakes. Proc. 10th Eur. Symp. Waterfowl, Halle, Germany, 286-290.
  • Wishart, G. 1984. Metabolism of fowl and turkey spermatozoa at low temperatures. J. Reprod. Fertil. 70, 145-149.
  • Zawadzka, J., Łukaszewicz, E. and Kowalczyk, A. 2015. Comparative semen analysis of two Polish duck strains from a conservation programme. Europ. Poult. Sci., 79, 1-9.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Atilla Taskin 0000-0001-5897-2062

Fatma Ergün

Ufuk Karadavut

Demirel Ergün

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Taskin, A., Ergün, F., Karadavut, U., Ergün, D. (2020). Pekin Ördeği Semeninin Farklı Sulandırıcılarda +5 ° C’ de in vitro Saklanması. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 1018-1025.