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Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 485 - 489, 05.11.2014


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pollen extract injection into the amnion of fertile broilers eggs on hatchability and relative chick weight to egg weight. Eggs were provided from 34 wk old Ross 308 parent stocks. In the trial 180 fertile broiler eggs were used. Three groups (control, negative control and pollen extract injected group) with three replicate were also included. Injections carried out at the 16th day of incubation. At the end of the study, hatchability was founded at control; negative control and pollen extract injected groups 89.1%, 82.3% and 73.1%, respectively. There were no statistically difference between control and pollen extract injected groups in terms of hatchability, but hatchability decreased in negative control group (P<0,05). Chick weight/initial egg weight after hatch were founded 70.1%, 71.1%, 73.5% at control; negative control and pollen extract injected groups, respectively. It was determined that injection of pollen extract to amnion of eggs statistically increased chick weight/initial egg weight according to the control and the negative control groups (P<0,05). At the end of the study, it was concluded that pollen extracts might be used as a feed ingredient to obtain heavier chicks after hatch, but different extraction methods or different pollen extracts need to be researched.



  • Attiaa, Y. A., Abd Al-Hamid, A. E., Ibrahim, M. S., Al-Harthi, M. A., Bovera, F., Elnaggar A.Sh., 2014. Productive performance, biochemical and hematological traits of broiler chickens supplemented with propolis, bee pollen, and mannan oligosaccharides continuously or intermittently. Livestock Science 164 87-95.
  • Aytug, B., Dal, M., Colakoglu, B., Oner, A., Peremeci, E., Temiz, D., Guvener, B., Buyukdevrim, S., Guven K.C., 1991. “Türkiye Alerjik Polenlerinden Polen Ekstresi Hazırlanması ve Deri Testi Uygulamaları”, Acta Pharmaceutica Turtica, 33, 85-95.
  • Bello, A., Zhai ,W., Gerard, P. D., Peebles E.D., 2013. Effects of the commercial in ovo injection of 25- hydroxycholecalciferol on the hatchability and hatching chick quality of broilers. Poultry Science, 92, 2551–2559.
  • Bottje, W., Wolfenden, A., Ding, L., Wolfenden, R., Morgan, M., Pumford, N., Lassiter, K., Duncan, G., Smith, T., Slagle, T., Hargis, B., 2010. Improved hatchability and posthatch performance in turkey poults receiving a dextrin-iodinated casein solution in ovo. Poultry Science, 89, 2646-2650.
  • Chamani, M., Tasharrofi, S., Forudi, F., Sadeghi, A. A., Aminafshar, M., 2012. Evaluation the Effects of In-ovo Injection of Different Nutrients on Hatch Percentage, Performance and Carcass Parameters of Broilers. Annals of Biological Research, 3 (7), 3771-3776.
  • Chen, W., Wang, R., Wan, H. F., Xiong, X. L., Peng, P., Peng, J., 2009. Influence of in ovo injection of glutamine and carbohydrates on digestive organs and pectoralis muscle mass in the duck. British Poultry Science, 50 (4), 436-442.
  • Christensen, V. L., Grimes, J. L., Donaldson, W. E,, Lerner, S., 2000. Correlation of body weight with hatchling blood glucose concentration and its relationship to embryonic survival. Poultry Science, 79, 1817-1822.
  • Coskun, I., Erener, G., Sahin, A., Karadavut, U., Altop, A., Okur, A.A., 2014. Impacts of In Ovo Feeding of DL-Methionine on Hatchability and Chick Weight. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2(1), 47-50.
  • Erdogan, Y., Dodologlu, A., 2005. Importance of Pollen In Life of Honeybee (Apis meelifera L.) Colonies. Uludag Bee Journal, 5(2), 79-84.
  • Ferket, P. R., 2006. Incubation and in ovo nutrition affects neonatal development. 33rd Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference. 18-30. Newyork.
  • Foye, O. T., Ferket, P. R., Uni Z., 2007. The Effects of In Ovo Feeding Arginine, β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl- Butyrate, and Protein on Jejunal Digestive and Absorptive Activity in Embryonic and Neonatal Turkey Poults. Poultry Science, 86, 2343-2349.
  • Hame, M. J. Dickson, A. J., 1989. Influence of developmental stage on glycogenolysis and glycolysis in hepatocytesisolated from chick embryos and neonates. Biochemical Society transactions, 17, 1107-1108.
  • Ipek, A., Sahan, U., Yılmaz B., 2004. The effect of in ovo ascorbic acid and glucose injection in broiler breeder eggs on hatchability and chick weight. Arch Geflugelk, 68 (3), 132-135.
  • Keralapurath, M. M., Corzo, A., Pulikanti, R., Zhai, W., Peebles, E.D., 2010. Effects of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability and subsequent broiler performance and slaughter yield. Poultry Science, 89, 1497-1501.
  • McGruder, B. M., Zhai, W., Keralapurath, M. M., Gerard, P. D., Peebles, E.D., 2011. Effects of in ovo Injection of Theophylline and Electrolyte Solutions on Hatchability and Growth of Broilers from Day 0 to Day 10 Post-Hatch. International Journal of Poultry Science, 10 (12), 927-932.
  • Ohta, Y., Tsushima, N., Koide, K., Kidd, M. T., Ishibashi, T., 1999. Effect of Amino Acid Injection in Broiler Breeder Eggs on Embryonic Growth and Hatchability of Chicks. Poultry Science, 78, 1493-1498,
  • Ohta, Y., Kidd, M. T., 2001. Optimum site for in ovo amino acid injection in broiler breeder eggs. Poultry Science, 80, 1425-1429. Salmanzadeh, M., Ebrahimnezhad, Y. H., Aghdam, S., Beheshti, R., 2012. The effects of in ovo injection of glucose and magnesium in broiler breeder eggs on hatching traits, performance, carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broiler chickens. Arch Geflügelk, 76 (4), 277-284.
  • Salmanzadeh, M., Ebrahimnezhad, Y. H., Aghdam, S., Lotfi, A., 2011. The effects of in ovo injection of L-threonine in broiler breeder eggs on characters of hatching and growth performance broiler chickens. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 1(4), 164-168.
  • Uni, Z., Ferket, P. R., Tako, E., Kedar, O., 2005. In Ovo Feeding Improves Energy Status of Late-Term Chicken Embryos. Poultry Science. 84:764-770.
  • Vieira, S.L., Moran, E. T., 1999. Effects of delayed placement and used litter on broiler yields. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 8, 75-81.
  • Wang, J., Shenghe, L., Qifa, W., Baozhong, X., Heng, W., 2007. Journal of Medicinal Food, 10(2), 276-280.
  • Zhai, W., Gerard, P. D., Pulikanti, R., Peebles, E. D., 2011. Effects of in ovo injection of carbohydrates on embryonic metabolism, hatchability, and subsequent somatic characteristics of broiler hatchlings. Poultry Science, 90, 2134-2143.
  • Zhai, W., Neuman, S., Latour, M. A., Hester, P. Y., 2008. The Effect of In Ovo Injection of L-Carnitine on Hatchability of White Leghorns. Poultry Science, 87, 569-572.

Döllü Etlik Piliç Yumurtalarına Polen Ekstraktı Enjeksiyonunun Kuluçka Randımanı ve Civciv Ağırlığı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 4, 485 - 489, 05.11.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı döllü etlik piliç yumurtalarının amniyotik sıvılarına polen ekstraktı enjeksiyonunun kuluçka randımanı ve yumurta ağırlığına göre oransal civciv ağırlığını belirlemektir. Döllü etlik piliç yumurtaları 34 haftalık yaştaki damızlık Ross 308 sürüsünden elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada 180 adet döllü etlik piliç yumurtası kullanılmıştır. Çalışma 3 muamele grubu (Kontrol, Negatif kontrol ve Polen Ekstraktı) ve her muamele grubuna ait 3 tekerrürden oluşturulmuştur. Enjeksiyonlar kuluçkanın 16. gününde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda kuluçka randımanları kontrol, polen ekstraktı ve negatif kontrol gruplarında sırasıyla %89.1, %82.3, %73.1 olarak bulunmuştur. Kuluçka randımanı bakımından polen ekstraktı enjeksiyonu ile kontrol grubu arasında istatistiki farklılık oluşmazken, negatif kontrol grubunda kuluçka randımanı düşmüştür (P<0,05). Ayrıca başlangıç yumurta ağırlığına göre % civciv ağırlıkları da kontrol, negatif kontrol ve polen ekstraktı enjekte edilen gruplarda sırasıyla %70.1, %71.1, %73.5 olarak bulunmuştur. Polen ekstraktı enjeksiyonunun % civciv ağırlığını kontrol ve negatif kontrol gruplarına göre istatistiki olarak arttırdığı belirlenmiştir (P<0,05). Araştırma sonunda polen ekstraktının kuluçkadan sonra daha ağır civciv elde etmek için in ovo besin maddesi olarak kullanılabileceği, farklı ekstraksiyon metotlarının ya da farklı polen çeşitlerinin de araştırılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Attiaa, Y. A., Abd Al-Hamid, A. E., Ibrahim, M. S., Al-Harthi, M. A., Bovera, F., Elnaggar A.Sh., 2014. Productive performance, biochemical and hematological traits of broiler chickens supplemented with propolis, bee pollen, and mannan oligosaccharides continuously or intermittently. Livestock Science 164 87-95.
  • Aytug, B., Dal, M., Colakoglu, B., Oner, A., Peremeci, E., Temiz, D., Guvener, B., Buyukdevrim, S., Guven K.C., 1991. “Türkiye Alerjik Polenlerinden Polen Ekstresi Hazırlanması ve Deri Testi Uygulamaları”, Acta Pharmaceutica Turtica, 33, 85-95.
  • Bello, A., Zhai ,W., Gerard, P. D., Peebles E.D., 2013. Effects of the commercial in ovo injection of 25- hydroxycholecalciferol on the hatchability and hatching chick quality of broilers. Poultry Science, 92, 2551–2559.
  • Bottje, W., Wolfenden, A., Ding, L., Wolfenden, R., Morgan, M., Pumford, N., Lassiter, K., Duncan, G., Smith, T., Slagle, T., Hargis, B., 2010. Improved hatchability and posthatch performance in turkey poults receiving a dextrin-iodinated casein solution in ovo. Poultry Science, 89, 2646-2650.
  • Chamani, M., Tasharrofi, S., Forudi, F., Sadeghi, A. A., Aminafshar, M., 2012. Evaluation the Effects of In-ovo Injection of Different Nutrients on Hatch Percentage, Performance and Carcass Parameters of Broilers. Annals of Biological Research, 3 (7), 3771-3776.
  • Chen, W., Wang, R., Wan, H. F., Xiong, X. L., Peng, P., Peng, J., 2009. Influence of in ovo injection of glutamine and carbohydrates on digestive organs and pectoralis muscle mass in the duck. British Poultry Science, 50 (4), 436-442.
  • Christensen, V. L., Grimes, J. L., Donaldson, W. E,, Lerner, S., 2000. Correlation of body weight with hatchling blood glucose concentration and its relationship to embryonic survival. Poultry Science, 79, 1817-1822.
  • Coskun, I., Erener, G., Sahin, A., Karadavut, U., Altop, A., Okur, A.A., 2014. Impacts of In Ovo Feeding of DL-Methionine on Hatchability and Chick Weight. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2(1), 47-50.
  • Erdogan, Y., Dodologlu, A., 2005. Importance of Pollen In Life of Honeybee (Apis meelifera L.) Colonies. Uludag Bee Journal, 5(2), 79-84.
  • Ferket, P. R., 2006. Incubation and in ovo nutrition affects neonatal development. 33rd Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference. 18-30. Newyork.
  • Foye, O. T., Ferket, P. R., Uni Z., 2007. The Effects of In Ovo Feeding Arginine, β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl- Butyrate, and Protein on Jejunal Digestive and Absorptive Activity in Embryonic and Neonatal Turkey Poults. Poultry Science, 86, 2343-2349.
  • Hame, M. J. Dickson, A. J., 1989. Influence of developmental stage on glycogenolysis and glycolysis in hepatocytesisolated from chick embryos and neonates. Biochemical Society transactions, 17, 1107-1108.
  • Ipek, A., Sahan, U., Yılmaz B., 2004. The effect of in ovo ascorbic acid and glucose injection in broiler breeder eggs on hatchability and chick weight. Arch Geflugelk, 68 (3), 132-135.
  • Keralapurath, M. M., Corzo, A., Pulikanti, R., Zhai, W., Peebles, E.D., 2010. Effects of in ovo injection of L-carnitine on hatchability and subsequent broiler performance and slaughter yield. Poultry Science, 89, 1497-1501.
  • McGruder, B. M., Zhai, W., Keralapurath, M. M., Gerard, P. D., Peebles, E.D., 2011. Effects of in ovo Injection of Theophylline and Electrolyte Solutions on Hatchability and Growth of Broilers from Day 0 to Day 10 Post-Hatch. International Journal of Poultry Science, 10 (12), 927-932.
  • Ohta, Y., Tsushima, N., Koide, K., Kidd, M. T., Ishibashi, T., 1999. Effect of Amino Acid Injection in Broiler Breeder Eggs on Embryonic Growth and Hatchability of Chicks. Poultry Science, 78, 1493-1498,
  • Ohta, Y., Kidd, M. T., 2001. Optimum site for in ovo amino acid injection in broiler breeder eggs. Poultry Science, 80, 1425-1429. Salmanzadeh, M., Ebrahimnezhad, Y. H., Aghdam, S., Beheshti, R., 2012. The effects of in ovo injection of glucose and magnesium in broiler breeder eggs on hatching traits, performance, carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broiler chickens. Arch Geflügelk, 76 (4), 277-284.
  • Salmanzadeh, M., Ebrahimnezhad, Y. H., Aghdam, S., Lotfi, A., 2011. The effects of in ovo injection of L-threonine in broiler breeder eggs on characters of hatching and growth performance broiler chickens. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 1(4), 164-168.
  • Uni, Z., Ferket, P. R., Tako, E., Kedar, O., 2005. In Ovo Feeding Improves Energy Status of Late-Term Chicken Embryos. Poultry Science. 84:764-770.
  • Vieira, S.L., Moran, E. T., 1999. Effects of delayed placement and used litter on broiler yields. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 8, 75-81.
  • Wang, J., Shenghe, L., Qifa, W., Baozhong, X., Heng, W., 2007. Journal of Medicinal Food, 10(2), 276-280.
  • Zhai, W., Gerard, P. D., Pulikanti, R., Peebles, E. D., 2011. Effects of in ovo injection of carbohydrates on embryonic metabolism, hatchability, and subsequent somatic characteristics of broiler hatchlings. Poultry Science, 90, 2134-2143.
  • Zhai, W., Neuman, S., Latour, M. A., Hester, P. Y., 2008. The Effect of In Ovo Injection of L-Carnitine on Hatchability of White Leghorns. Poultry Science, 87, 569-572.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

İsa Coşkun

Hüseyin Çayan

Ömer Yılmaz

Atilla Taskın

Emre Tahtabiçen This is me

Hasan Samli This is me

Publication Date November 5, 2014
Submission Date November 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 4


APA Coşkun, İ., Çayan, H., Yılmaz, Ö., Taskın, A., et al. (2014). Effects of In Ovo Pollen Extract Injection to Fertile Broiler Eggs on Hatchability and Subsequent Chick Weight. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(4), 485-489.