Research Article
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Effects of Priming with Copper, Zinc and Phosphorus on Seed and Seedling Composition in Wheat and Barley

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 104 - 111, 25.01.2020


Priming the seeds with plant nutrients containing solutions is economically feasible and easy way of preventing plants from future nutrient deficiency problems by enriching seed nutrition content; therefore, it has been commonly used in the last decades. Seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L., Tokak 157/57) and common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Esperia) were kept in priming solutions containing phosphorus (P), copper sulphate (Cu) and zinc sulphate (Zn) in different concentrations for 10 h and washed in pure water then dried back to the initial moisture content. The chemical compositions of seeds were analysed and then the efficiency tests of priming practices were conducted in completely randomised design pot experiment with three replications. There were priming-induced increases in seeds up to 10.5, 13.4 and 1.61 fold for Cu, Zn and P respectively. The treatments resulted in an increase in the 50% emergence time. Phosphorus treatment (3%) reduced the germination rate by 33% comparing with the control. Seedling nutrient concentrations on the subject were positively responded to nutri-priming treatments. Therefore, these priming techniques could be used to improve seedling’s nutrient contents to better perform in the preceding growth stages.


  • Abdulrahmani, B., Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Valizadeh, M., Asl, V.F. 2007. Seed priming and seedling establishment of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). J. Food Agric. Environ., 5(3/4): 179.
  • Ajouri, A., Asgedom, H., Becker, M. 2004. Seed priming enhances germination and seedling growth of barley under conditions of P and Zn deficiency. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 167: 630–636.
  • Ali, S., Khan, A.R., Mairaj, G., Arif, M., Fida, M., Bibi, S. 2008. Assessment of different crop nutrient management practices for yield improvement. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 2(3): 150-157.
  • Antosovsky, A., Ryant, P. 2015. The yield and quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain after application of micronutrients on seed. Mendelnet, 17-22. AOSA. 1990. Rules for testing seeds. J. Seed Technol., 12, 1–112.
  • Arif, M., Waqas, M., Nawab, K., Shahid, M. 2007. Effect of seed priming in zn solution on chickpea an wheat. Afr. Crop Sci. Conf. Proc., 8: 237-240.
  • Bai, Z. H., Ma, L., Ma, W.Q., Qin, W., Velthof, G., Oenema, O., Zhang, F.S. 2016. Changes in phosphorus use and losses in the food chain of China during 1950-2010 and forecasts for 2030. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst., 104(3): 361-372.
  • Brennan, R.F., Bolland, M.D.A. 2008. Long-term residual value of zinc fertilizer for pasture legumes using yield of dried herbage and critical concentration of zinc in young tissue. J. Plant Nutr., 31(4): 613-637.
  • Cakmak, I., Pfeiffer, W.H., McClafferty, B. 2010. Biofortification of durum wheat with zinc and iron. Cereal Chem., 87: 10–20.
  • Chang, S.S. 1999. Micronutrients in crop production of Taiwan. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Micronutrient in Crop Production, held in Nov, pp. 8-13.
  • Chen, K., Fessehaie, A., Arora, R. 2012. Selection of reference genes for normalizing gene expression during seed priming and germination using qPCR in Zea mays and Spinacia oleracea. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 30(2): 478-487.
  • Chittamart, N., Inkam, J., Ketrot, D., Darunsontayaç, T. 2016. Geochemical fractionation and adsorption characteristics of zinc in thai major calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 47(20): 2348-2363.
  • Coolbear, P., Francis, A., Grierson, D. 1984. The effect of low temperature pre-sowing treatment under the germination performance and membrane integrity of artificially aged tomato seeds. J. Exp. Botan., 35: 1609-1617.
  • Dogan, Y. 2015. Investigation of micro and macro element content of wheat varieties grown commonly in Turkey. Oxid. Commun., 38: 1265-1274.
  • Epstein, E., Bloom, A.J. 2005. Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and Perspectives. (2nd ed) Sinauer Assoc. Inc., Sunderland, U.S.A.
  • Eyupoglu, F., Kurucu, N., Talaz, S. 1998. Plant available trace element (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) status of Turkish soils. Soil and Fertilizer Res. Inst. Publ, 128, 72.
  • Fageria, N.K. 2009. The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants. CRC Press, New York
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar, V.C., He, Z. 2017. Phosphorus management in crop production. CRC Press.
  • Farooq M., Basra, S.M.A., Hafeez, K., Ahmad, N. 2005. Thermal hardening: a new seed vigor enhancement tool in rice. Acta Bot. Sin., 47: 187- 193.
  • Farooq, M., Wahid, A., Siddique, K.H.M. 2012. Micronutrient application through seed treatments - a review. J. Soil Sci. Plant. Nutr., 12: 125-142.
  • Flaten, P.L., Karamanos, R.E., Walley, F.L. 2004. Mobility of copper from sulphate and chelate fertilizers in soils. Can. J. Soil Sci., 84(3): 283-290.
  • Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Abdurrahmani, B. 2012. Seed priming, a way for improving grain yield and nutritional value of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under dry land condition. Res. Crop., 13: 62-66.
  • Gomez-Coronado, F., Poblaciones, M.J., Almeida A.S., Cakmak. I. 2017. Combined zinc and nitrogen fertilization in different bread wheat genotypes grown under Mediterranean conditions, Cereal. Res. Commun., 45: 154-165.
  • Graham, R.D., Rengel, Z. 1993. Genotypic variation in zinc uptake and utilization by plants. In: Robson, A.D. (Ed), Zinc in Soils and Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 107-118.
  • Guo, X., Feng, X.M., Hu, X.Y., Tian, G.L., Ling, N., Wang, J.H., Shen, Q.R., Guo, S.W. 2016. Effects of soil zinc availability, nitrogen fertilizer rate and zinc fertilizer application method on zinc biofortification of rice. J. Agr. Sci-Cambridge, 154: 584-597.
  • Harris, D., Raghuwanshi, B.S., Gangwar, J.S., Sing, S.C., Joshi, K.D., Rashid, A., Hollington. P.A. 2001. Participatory evaluation by farmers of on-farm seed priming in wheat in India, Nepal and Pakistan. Exp. Agric., 37: 403-415.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Arif, M., Yunas, M. 2004. Alleviating micronutrient deficiencies in alkaline soils of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan: on-farm seed priming with zinc in wheat and chickpea. In: Micronutrients in South and South East Asia, Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, pp 143-151.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Miraj, G., Arif, M., Shah, H. 2007. ‘On-farm’seed priming with zinc sulphate solution—A cost-effective way to increase the maize yields of resource-poor farmers. Field Crops Res., 102(2): 119-127.
  • Hettiarachchi, G.M., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M.J., Chittleborough D.J., Johnston, C. 2010. Chemical behaviour of fluid and granular Mn and Zn fertilisers in alkaline soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 48(3): 238-247.
  • Johnson, S.E., Lauren, J.G., Welch R.M., Duxbury, J.M. 2005. A comparison of the effects of micronutrient seed priming and soil fertilization on the mineral nutrition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), lentil (Lens culinaris), rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Nepal. Exp. Agric., 41(04): 427-448.
  • Jones, J.B. 2012. Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Manual. CRC Pres, Taylor & Francis Group, US.
  • Joy, E.J.M., Ahmad, W., Zia, M.H., Kumssa, D.B., Young, S.D., Ander, E.L., Watts, M.J., Stein, A.J., Broadle, M.R. 2017. Valuing increased zinc (Zn) fertiliser-use in Pakistan. Plant Soil, 411: 139-150.
  • Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V. 2009. Fertilizers and Fertilization Technics. Nobel Press, No: 1119, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Kakhki, H.R.T., Kazemi, M., Tavakoli, H. 2008. Analysis of seed size effect on seedling characteristics of different types of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Asian J. Plant Sci., 7(7): 666.
  • Khalil, S.K., Khan, S., Rahman, A., Khan, A.Z., Khalil, I.H., Amanullah, W.S., Khan, A. 2010. Seed priming and phosphorus application enhance phenology and dry matter production of wheat. Pak. J. Bot., 42(3): 1849-1856.
  • Khan, A.R., Ullah, I., Khan, A.L., Hong, S.J., Waqas, M., Park, G.S., Lee, I.J. 2014. Phytostabilization and physicochemical responses of Korean ecotype Solanum nigrum L. to cadmium contamination. Water Air Soil Poll., 225(10): 2147.
  • Kumar, P., Sharma, M.K. 2014. Nutrient Deficiencies of Field Crops: Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Cabi, Oxfordshire.
  • Liu, D.Y., Zhang, W., Yan, P., Chen, X.P., Zhang, F.S., Zou, C.Q. 2017. Soil application of zinc fertilizer could achieve high yield and high grain zinc concentration in maize. Plant Soil, 411(1-2): 47-55.
  • Mahmood, A., Turgay, O.C., Farooq, M., Hayat, R. 2016. Seed biopriming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: a review. Fems Microbiol. Ecol., 92.
  • Malhi, S.S. 2009. Effectiveness of seed-soaked Cu, autumn-versus spring-applied Cu, and Cu-treated P fertilizer on seed yield of wheat and residual nitrate-N for a Cu-deficient soil. Can. J. Plant Sci., 89(6): 1017-1030.
  • Malhi, S.S., Cowell, L., Kutcher, H.R. 2005. Relative effectiveness of various sources, methods, times and rates of copper fertilizers in improving grain yield of wheat on a Cu-efficient soil. Can. J. Plant Sci., 85: 59–65.
  • Marschner, H. 2012. Marschner’s mineral nutrition of higher plants. Third edition. Academic press. San Diego, USA.
  • Miraj, G., Shah, H. U., Arif, M. 2013. Priming maize (Zea mays) seed with phosphate solutions improves seedling growth and yield. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 23: 893-899.
  • Moussavi-Nik, M., Rengel, Z., Hollamby, G.J., Ascher, J.S. 1997. Seed manganese (Mn) content is more important than Mn fertilisation for wheat growth under Mn deficient conditions. In: Ando et al. (Eds) Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and Environment. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 267-268.
  • Muhammad, I., Kolla, M., Volker, R., Gunter, N. 2015. Impact of nutrient seed priming on germination, seedling development, nutritional status and grain yield of maize. J. Plant Nutr., 38: 1803-1821.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P. 1962. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal. Chim. Acta., 27: 31-36.
  • Nadeem, M., Mollier, A., Morel, C., Vives, A., Prud'homme, L., Pellerin, S. 2011. Relative contribution of seed phosphorus reserves and exogenous phosphorus uptake to maize (Zea mays L.) nutrition during early growth stages. Plant Soil, 346: 231-244.
  • Ozturk, L., Yazici, M.A., Yucel, C., Torun, A., Cekic, C., Bagci, A., Cakmak, I. 2006. Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum, 128(1): 144-152.
  • Pantano, G., Grosseli, G.M., Mozeto, A.A., Fadini, P.S. 2016. Sustainability in phosphorus use: a question of water and food security. Química Nova, 39(6): 732-740. Pfeiffer, W.H., McClafferty, B. 2007. HarvestPlus: breeding crops for better nutrition. Crop Sci., 47(3): 88.
  • Prom-u-thai, C., Rerkasem, B., Yazici A., Cakmak, I. 2012. Zinc priming promotes seed germination and seedling vigor of rice. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 175: 482-488.
  • Rashid, A., Hollington, P.A., Harris, D., Khan, P. 2006. On-farm seed priming for barley on normal, saline and saline-sodic soils in North West Frontier Province. Pak. Eur. J. Agron., 24: 276-281.
  • Rich, S.M., Watt, M. 2013. Soil conditions and cereal root system architecture: review and considerations for linking Darwin and Weaver. J. Exp. Bot., 64: 1193-1208.
  • Roberts, W.O. 1948. Prevention of mineral deficiency by soaking seed in nutrient solution. J. Agric. Sci., 38(04): 458-468.
  • Seddigh, M., Khoshgoftarmanesh, A. H., Ghasemi, S. 2016. The effectiveness of seed priming with synthetic zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with soil-applied ZnSO4 in improving yield and zinc availability of wheat grain. J. Plant Nutr., 39(3): 417-427.
  • Sekiya, N., Yano, K. 2010. Seed P-enrichment as an effective P supply to wheat. Plant Soil, 327: 347-354.
  • Teama, E.A. 2001. Improving yield of maize and nitrogen use efficiency by soaking grains in some micronutrient solutions. Assiut J. Agric. Sci., 32: 49-62.
  • Udeigwe, T.K., Eichmann, M., Eze, P.N., Ogendi, G.M., Morris, M.N., Riley, M.R. 2016. Copper micronutrient fixation kinetics and interactions with soil constituents in semi-arid alkaline soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 62(3): 289-296.
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Bakır, Çinko ve Fosfor İçerikli Priming Uygulamalarının Buğday ve Arpada Tohum ve Fide İçeriği Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 104 - 111, 25.01.2020


Bitki besin içerikli priming uygulamaları ile tohumun zenginleştirilmesi bitkilerin yetişme döneminde karşılaşılacak mineral madde eksikliğinin giderilmesi için ekonomik ve uygulaması kolay bir yöntemdir ve son yıllarda yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Arpa (Hordeum vulgare L., Tokak 157/57) ve ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L., Esperia) tohumları farklı konsantrasyonlardaki fosfor (P), bakır (Cu) ve çinko (Zn) içerikli priming çözeltilerinde 10 saat boyunca bekletilmiş ve saf suda yıkanarak önceki nem içeriğine kadar geri kurutulmuştur. Kurutulan tohumlar analiz edilmiş ve üç tekerrürlü olarak saksılara ekim yapılmıştır. Priming işlemi tohumdaki Cu, Zn ve P içeriklerini sırasıyla 10.5, 13.4 ve 1.61 kat artırmıştır. Uygulamalar % 50 çıkış süresini artırmıştır. Fosfor uygulaması (% 3), çimlenme oranını kontrole kıyasla % 33 oranında azaltmıştır. Ön uygulama fide besin içeriklerini olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Yöntem ilk büyüme dönemlerinde fide besin içeriklerini artırdığı için fide performansını geliştirmek için kullanılabilir.


  • Abdulrahmani, B., Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Valizadeh, M., Asl, V.F. 2007. Seed priming and seedling establishment of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). J. Food Agric. Environ., 5(3/4): 179.
  • Ajouri, A., Asgedom, H., Becker, M. 2004. Seed priming enhances germination and seedling growth of barley under conditions of P and Zn deficiency. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 167: 630–636.
  • Ali, S., Khan, A.R., Mairaj, G., Arif, M., Fida, M., Bibi, S. 2008. Assessment of different crop nutrient management practices for yield improvement. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 2(3): 150-157.
  • Antosovsky, A., Ryant, P. 2015. The yield and quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain after application of micronutrients on seed. Mendelnet, 17-22. AOSA. 1990. Rules for testing seeds. J. Seed Technol., 12, 1–112.
  • Arif, M., Waqas, M., Nawab, K., Shahid, M. 2007. Effect of seed priming in zn solution on chickpea an wheat. Afr. Crop Sci. Conf. Proc., 8: 237-240.
  • Bai, Z. H., Ma, L., Ma, W.Q., Qin, W., Velthof, G., Oenema, O., Zhang, F.S. 2016. Changes in phosphorus use and losses in the food chain of China during 1950-2010 and forecasts for 2030. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst., 104(3): 361-372.
  • Brennan, R.F., Bolland, M.D.A. 2008. Long-term residual value of zinc fertilizer for pasture legumes using yield of dried herbage and critical concentration of zinc in young tissue. J. Plant Nutr., 31(4): 613-637.
  • Cakmak, I., Pfeiffer, W.H., McClafferty, B. 2010. Biofortification of durum wheat with zinc and iron. Cereal Chem., 87: 10–20.
  • Chang, S.S. 1999. Micronutrients in crop production of Taiwan. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Micronutrient in Crop Production, held in Nov, pp. 8-13.
  • Chen, K., Fessehaie, A., Arora, R. 2012. Selection of reference genes for normalizing gene expression during seed priming and germination using qPCR in Zea mays and Spinacia oleracea. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 30(2): 478-487.
  • Chittamart, N., Inkam, J., Ketrot, D., Darunsontayaç, T. 2016. Geochemical fractionation and adsorption characteristics of zinc in thai major calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 47(20): 2348-2363.
  • Coolbear, P., Francis, A., Grierson, D. 1984. The effect of low temperature pre-sowing treatment under the germination performance and membrane integrity of artificially aged tomato seeds. J. Exp. Botan., 35: 1609-1617.
  • Dogan, Y. 2015. Investigation of micro and macro element content of wheat varieties grown commonly in Turkey. Oxid. Commun., 38: 1265-1274.
  • Epstein, E., Bloom, A.J. 2005. Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and Perspectives. (2nd ed) Sinauer Assoc. Inc., Sunderland, U.S.A.
  • Eyupoglu, F., Kurucu, N., Talaz, S. 1998. Plant available trace element (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) status of Turkish soils. Soil and Fertilizer Res. Inst. Publ, 128, 72.
  • Fageria, N.K. 2009. The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants. CRC Press, New York
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar, V.C., He, Z. 2017. Phosphorus management in crop production. CRC Press.
  • Farooq M., Basra, S.M.A., Hafeez, K., Ahmad, N. 2005. Thermal hardening: a new seed vigor enhancement tool in rice. Acta Bot. Sin., 47: 187- 193.
  • Farooq, M., Wahid, A., Siddique, K.H.M. 2012. Micronutrient application through seed treatments - a review. J. Soil Sci. Plant. Nutr., 12: 125-142.
  • Flaten, P.L., Karamanos, R.E., Walley, F.L. 2004. Mobility of copper from sulphate and chelate fertilizers in soils. Can. J. Soil Sci., 84(3): 283-290.
  • Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Abdurrahmani, B. 2012. Seed priming, a way for improving grain yield and nutritional value of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under dry land condition. Res. Crop., 13: 62-66.
  • Gomez-Coronado, F., Poblaciones, M.J., Almeida A.S., Cakmak. I. 2017. Combined zinc and nitrogen fertilization in different bread wheat genotypes grown under Mediterranean conditions, Cereal. Res. Commun., 45: 154-165.
  • Graham, R.D., Rengel, Z. 1993. Genotypic variation in zinc uptake and utilization by plants. In: Robson, A.D. (Ed), Zinc in Soils and Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 107-118.
  • Guo, X., Feng, X.M., Hu, X.Y., Tian, G.L., Ling, N., Wang, J.H., Shen, Q.R., Guo, S.W. 2016. Effects of soil zinc availability, nitrogen fertilizer rate and zinc fertilizer application method on zinc biofortification of rice. J. Agr. Sci-Cambridge, 154: 584-597.
  • Harris, D., Raghuwanshi, B.S., Gangwar, J.S., Sing, S.C., Joshi, K.D., Rashid, A., Hollington. P.A. 2001. Participatory evaluation by farmers of on-farm seed priming in wheat in India, Nepal and Pakistan. Exp. Agric., 37: 403-415.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Arif, M., Yunas, M. 2004. Alleviating micronutrient deficiencies in alkaline soils of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan: on-farm seed priming with zinc in wheat and chickpea. In: Micronutrients in South and South East Asia, Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, pp 143-151.
  • Harris, D., Rashid, A., Miraj, G., Arif, M., Shah, H. 2007. ‘On-farm’seed priming with zinc sulphate solution—A cost-effective way to increase the maize yields of resource-poor farmers. Field Crops Res., 102(2): 119-127.
  • Hettiarachchi, G.M., Lombi, E., McLaughlin, M.J., Chittleborough D.J., Johnston, C. 2010. Chemical behaviour of fluid and granular Mn and Zn fertilisers in alkaline soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 48(3): 238-247.
  • Johnson, S.E., Lauren, J.G., Welch R.M., Duxbury, J.M. 2005. A comparison of the effects of micronutrient seed priming and soil fertilization on the mineral nutrition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), lentil (Lens culinaris), rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Nepal. Exp. Agric., 41(04): 427-448.
  • Jones, J.B. 2012. Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Manual. CRC Pres, Taylor & Francis Group, US.
  • Joy, E.J.M., Ahmad, W., Zia, M.H., Kumssa, D.B., Young, S.D., Ander, E.L., Watts, M.J., Stein, A.J., Broadle, M.R. 2017. Valuing increased zinc (Zn) fertiliser-use in Pakistan. Plant Soil, 411: 139-150.
  • Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V. 2009. Fertilizers and Fertilization Technics. Nobel Press, No: 1119, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Kakhki, H.R.T., Kazemi, M., Tavakoli, H. 2008. Analysis of seed size effect on seedling characteristics of different types of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Asian J. Plant Sci., 7(7): 666.
  • Khalil, S.K., Khan, S., Rahman, A., Khan, A.Z., Khalil, I.H., Amanullah, W.S., Khan, A. 2010. Seed priming and phosphorus application enhance phenology and dry matter production of wheat. Pak. J. Bot., 42(3): 1849-1856.
  • Khan, A.R., Ullah, I., Khan, A.L., Hong, S.J., Waqas, M., Park, G.S., Lee, I.J. 2014. Phytostabilization and physicochemical responses of Korean ecotype Solanum nigrum L. to cadmium contamination. Water Air Soil Poll., 225(10): 2147.
  • Kumar, P., Sharma, M.K. 2014. Nutrient Deficiencies of Field Crops: Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Cabi, Oxfordshire.
  • Liu, D.Y., Zhang, W., Yan, P., Chen, X.P., Zhang, F.S., Zou, C.Q. 2017. Soil application of zinc fertilizer could achieve high yield and high grain zinc concentration in maize. Plant Soil, 411(1-2): 47-55.
  • Mahmood, A., Turgay, O.C., Farooq, M., Hayat, R. 2016. Seed biopriming with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: a review. Fems Microbiol. Ecol., 92.
  • Malhi, S.S. 2009. Effectiveness of seed-soaked Cu, autumn-versus spring-applied Cu, and Cu-treated P fertilizer on seed yield of wheat and residual nitrate-N for a Cu-deficient soil. Can. J. Plant Sci., 89(6): 1017-1030.
  • Malhi, S.S., Cowell, L., Kutcher, H.R. 2005. Relative effectiveness of various sources, methods, times and rates of copper fertilizers in improving grain yield of wheat on a Cu-efficient soil. Can. J. Plant Sci., 85: 59–65.
  • Marschner, H. 2012. Marschner’s mineral nutrition of higher plants. Third edition. Academic press. San Diego, USA.
  • Miraj, G., Shah, H. U., Arif, M. 2013. Priming maize (Zea mays) seed with phosphate solutions improves seedling growth and yield. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 23: 893-899.
  • Moussavi-Nik, M., Rengel, Z., Hollamby, G.J., Ascher, J.S. 1997. Seed manganese (Mn) content is more important than Mn fertilisation for wheat growth under Mn deficient conditions. In: Ando et al. (Eds) Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and Environment. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 267-268.
  • Muhammad, I., Kolla, M., Volker, R., Gunter, N. 2015. Impact of nutrient seed priming on germination, seedling development, nutritional status and grain yield of maize. J. Plant Nutr., 38: 1803-1821.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P. 1962. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal. Chim. Acta., 27: 31-36.
  • Nadeem, M., Mollier, A., Morel, C., Vives, A., Prud'homme, L., Pellerin, S. 2011. Relative contribution of seed phosphorus reserves and exogenous phosphorus uptake to maize (Zea mays L.) nutrition during early growth stages. Plant Soil, 346: 231-244.
  • Ozturk, L., Yazici, M.A., Yucel, C., Torun, A., Cekic, C., Bagci, A., Cakmak, I. 2006. Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum, 128(1): 144-152.
  • Pantano, G., Grosseli, G.M., Mozeto, A.A., Fadini, P.S. 2016. Sustainability in phosphorus use: a question of water and food security. Química Nova, 39(6): 732-740. Pfeiffer, W.H., McClafferty, B. 2007. HarvestPlus: breeding crops for better nutrition. Crop Sci., 47(3): 88.
  • Prom-u-thai, C., Rerkasem, B., Yazici A., Cakmak, I. 2012. Zinc priming promotes seed germination and seedling vigor of rice. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 175: 482-488.
  • Rashid, A., Hollington, P.A., Harris, D., Khan, P. 2006. On-farm seed priming for barley on normal, saline and saline-sodic soils in North West Frontier Province. Pak. Eur. J. Agron., 24: 276-281.
  • Rich, S.M., Watt, M. 2013. Soil conditions and cereal root system architecture: review and considerations for linking Darwin and Weaver. J. Exp. Bot., 64: 1193-1208.
  • Roberts, W.O. 1948. Prevention of mineral deficiency by soaking seed in nutrient solution. J. Agric. Sci., 38(04): 458-468.
  • Seddigh, M., Khoshgoftarmanesh, A. H., Ghasemi, S. 2016. The effectiveness of seed priming with synthetic zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with soil-applied ZnSO4 in improving yield and zinc availability of wheat grain. J. Plant Nutr., 39(3): 417-427.
  • Sekiya, N., Yano, K. 2010. Seed P-enrichment as an effective P supply to wheat. Plant Soil, 327: 347-354.
  • Teama, E.A. 2001. Improving yield of maize and nitrogen use efficiency by soaking grains in some micronutrient solutions. Assiut J. Agric. Sci., 32: 49-62.
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  • Uygur, V., Rimmer, D.L. 2000. Reactions of zinc with iron‐oxide coated calcite surfaces at alkaline pH. Eur. J. Soil Sci., 51(3): 511-516.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Bekir Atar

Veli Uygur This is me

Enise Sukuşu This is me

Publication Date January 25, 2020
Submission Date April 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Atar, B., Uygur, V., & Sukuşu, E. (2020). Effects of Priming with Copper, Zinc and Phosphorus on Seed and Seedling Composition in Wheat and Barley. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(1), 104-111.