Research Article
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Optimization of Servo Motor Control in Underwater Vehicles with PSO

Year 2022, , 743 - 751, 31.07.2022


Today, unmanned surface vehicles (USV) are defined as underwater robots designed as autonomous or semi-autonomous robots and equipped with technological elements. These versatile smart vehicles have the ability to detect, make decisions, and set up mobility. USVs strengthened with technological equipment; They are used in sea surface and dredging, mapping, underwater pipeline laying, scientific research and military missions. In addition, they also undertake tasks such as carrying fuel to submarine vehicles known as manned or meeting their battery needs. In this study, the servo motor speed control of the USV structure was carried out with a PID controller in the MATLAB / Simulink environment. PID controller coefficients were calculated primarily with Ziegler-Nichols. Secondarily, it is optimized with Particle swarm optimization (PSO). According to this method in the system, its approach to the reference speed value, its oscillation and control were examined.


  • Alkan, B., (2012). İnsansız deniz araçları için itiş denetleyicisi tasarımı. İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • Altuntaş, F. (2017). Patent analizi ile teknoloji ağlarının oluşturulması: İnsansız deniz aracı teknolojileri üzerine bir uygulama. Bayburt Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı Bayburt.
  • Beşer, F. (2018). Çoklu otonom insansız deniz araçları için rota planlanması ve engelden sakınma. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Elektronik Bilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Campbell, S., Naeem , W. ,& Irwin, G.W.(2012). A review on improving the autonomy of unmanned surface vehicles through intelligent collision avoidance manoeuvres. Annual Reviews in Control, 36(2),267-283.
  • Costanzi, R. Fenucci, D. Manzari, V. Micheli, M. Morlando, L. Terracciano, D. Tesei, A. (2020) Interoperability Between Unmanned Watercraft: Survey and First Field Experiments. Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers Media SA.
  • De-min Xu, Torpedo automatic control system. [M] Xi'an: Northwestern University Press Inc. 2001. [In Chinese]
  • Gang Liu, Zhi-qiang Wang, Jian-cheng Fang, Permanent magnet brushes DC motor control and application [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Inc. 2008. [In Chinese]
  • Grenestedt, J., Keller, J., Larson, S., Patterson, J. , Spletzer, J, Trephan, T., (2015). LORCA: a high performance usv with applications to surveillance and monitoring. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), West Lafayette, IN, USA.
  • Hu, C. Fu, L., & Yang, Y. (2018). Common navigation and control for underwater autonomous vessels. In the 2017 IEEE 2 Conference on Information Technology, Networking, Electronics and Automation Control, ITNEC 2017 Proceedings (Vol.2018-January, pp.589-592). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • Ji-jun Jiang, Torpedo Simulation Technology [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Inc. 2013. [In Chinese]
  • Jun Zhou, Variable structure control theory in the electric steering system design [J] Northwestern Polytechnical University, l 990, 8 (3): 273-280.
  • Kasım, Ö. (2021). Speed Control of DC Motor under Reverse Torque Disturbance with Ant Colony Optimized PID Controller. Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(1), 8-19.
  • Liu, J., Luo, J., Cui, J. & Peng, Y., (2016). Trajectory tracking control of underactuated usv with model perturbation and external ınterference. MATEC Web of Conferences 77, 09009 (2016), Shanghai, China.
  • Long-yan Lin, Qin-nan Zhang, Jian Gao, Variable speed torpedo Adaptive Sliding Mode controlled [C]. Torpedo guidance technology Symposium 2012, 2012, 4-7. [In Chinese]
  • Lı, Qiang., Zhang, Q. N., Wang, L. W., & Wang, L. (2016), Sliding Mode Control Technology Research About Underwater Vehicle Servo, 6 International Conference on Control and Automation, ISBN: 978-1-60595-329-8.
  • Mu, D., Wang , G., Fan, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Modeling and ıdentification of podded propulsion unmanned surface vehicle and ıts course control research. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , School of Information Science and Technology, University of Dalian Maritime, Dalian, Hindawi Published, Liaoning China.
  • Solihin, M. I., Tack, L. F., & Kean, M. L. (2011, January). Tuning of PID controller using particle swarm optimization (PSO). In Proceeding of the international conference on advanced science, engineering and information technology (Vol. 1, pp. 458-461).
  • Xu, B., Xiao, Y. P., Gao, W., Zhang, Y.G., Liu, Y.L., & Liu, Y. (2014). Dual-model reverse ckf algorithm in cooperative navigation for usv. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Harbin Engineering University, Nantong Road, Harbin, China.
  • Yazgan, H., Yener, F., Soysal, S., & Ahmet, G. Ü. R. (2019). Comparison Performances of PSO and GA to Tuning PID Controller for the DC Motor. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(2), 162-174.
  • Zhao, J., Yan, W., Gao, J., & Shi, S., (2010)., Design and implement of the control system for unmanned surface vehicle based on the vxworks. 2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2010), Wuhan China.

Su Altı Araçlarında Servo Motor Kontrolünün PSO ile Optimizasyonu

Year 2022, , 743 - 751, 31.07.2022


İnsansız yüzey araçları (USV) günümüzde, otonom veya yarı otonom robotlar olarak tasarlanmış ve teknolojik unsurlara donatılmış birer su altı robotu şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çok yönlü akıllı araçlarda algılama, karar verme ve hareket kabiliyetini kurma becerisi mevcut haldedir. Teknolojik donatılarla güçlendirilmiş USV’ler; deniz yüzeyi ve dip tarama, haritalama, sualtında boru hattı döşemelerini gerçekleştirme, bilimsel araştırmalar ve askeri görevlerde kullanılmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, insanlı olarak bilinen denizaltı araçlarına yakıt taşıma veya akü ihtiyaçlarını giderme gibi görevleri de üstlenmektedirler. Bu çalışmada USV yapısının servo motor hız kontrolü PID denetleyici ile MATLAB/ Simulink ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. PID denetleyici katsayıları birincil olarak Ziegler-Nichols ile hesaplanmıştır. İkincil olarak Parçacık sürü optimizasyonu (PSO) ile optimize edilmiştir. Sistemde bu yönteme göre referans hız değerine yaklaşımı, salınımı ve kontrolü incelenmiştir.


  • Alkan, B., (2012). İnsansız deniz araçları için itiş denetleyicisi tasarımı. İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • Altuntaş, F. (2017). Patent analizi ile teknoloji ağlarının oluşturulması: İnsansız deniz aracı teknolojileri üzerine bir uygulama. Bayburt Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı Bayburt.
  • Beşer, F. (2018). Çoklu otonom insansız deniz araçları için rota planlanması ve engelden sakınma. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Elektronik Bilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Campbell, S., Naeem , W. ,& Irwin, G.W.(2012). A review on improving the autonomy of unmanned surface vehicles through intelligent collision avoidance manoeuvres. Annual Reviews in Control, 36(2),267-283.
  • Costanzi, R. Fenucci, D. Manzari, V. Micheli, M. Morlando, L. Terracciano, D. Tesei, A. (2020) Interoperability Between Unmanned Watercraft: Survey and First Field Experiments. Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers Media SA.
  • De-min Xu, Torpedo automatic control system. [M] Xi'an: Northwestern University Press Inc. 2001. [In Chinese]
  • Gang Liu, Zhi-qiang Wang, Jian-cheng Fang, Permanent magnet brushes DC motor control and application [M] Beijing: Mechanical Industry Inc. 2008. [In Chinese]
  • Grenestedt, J., Keller, J., Larson, S., Patterson, J. , Spletzer, J, Trephan, T., (2015). LORCA: a high performance usv with applications to surveillance and monitoring. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), West Lafayette, IN, USA.
  • Hu, C. Fu, L., & Yang, Y. (2018). Common navigation and control for underwater autonomous vessels. In the 2017 IEEE 2 Conference on Information Technology, Networking, Electronics and Automation Control, ITNEC 2017 Proceedings (Vol.2018-January, pp.589-592). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • Ji-jun Jiang, Torpedo Simulation Technology [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Inc. 2013. [In Chinese]
  • Jun Zhou, Variable structure control theory in the electric steering system design [J] Northwestern Polytechnical University, l 990, 8 (3): 273-280.
  • Kasım, Ö. (2021). Speed Control of DC Motor under Reverse Torque Disturbance with Ant Colony Optimized PID Controller. Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(1), 8-19.
  • Liu, J., Luo, J., Cui, J. & Peng, Y., (2016). Trajectory tracking control of underactuated usv with model perturbation and external ınterference. MATEC Web of Conferences 77, 09009 (2016), Shanghai, China.
  • Long-yan Lin, Qin-nan Zhang, Jian Gao, Variable speed torpedo Adaptive Sliding Mode controlled [C]. Torpedo guidance technology Symposium 2012, 2012, 4-7. [In Chinese]
  • Lı, Qiang., Zhang, Q. N., Wang, L. W., & Wang, L. (2016), Sliding Mode Control Technology Research About Underwater Vehicle Servo, 6 International Conference on Control and Automation, ISBN: 978-1-60595-329-8.
  • Mu, D., Wang , G., Fan, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Modeling and ıdentification of podded propulsion unmanned surface vehicle and ıts course control research. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , School of Information Science and Technology, University of Dalian Maritime, Dalian, Hindawi Published, Liaoning China.
  • Solihin, M. I., Tack, L. F., & Kean, M. L. (2011, January). Tuning of PID controller using particle swarm optimization (PSO). In Proceeding of the international conference on advanced science, engineering and information technology (Vol. 1, pp. 458-461).
  • Xu, B., Xiao, Y. P., Gao, W., Zhang, Y.G., Liu, Y.L., & Liu, Y. (2014). Dual-model reverse ckf algorithm in cooperative navigation for usv. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Harbin Engineering University, Nantong Road, Harbin, China.
  • Yazgan, H., Yener, F., Soysal, S., & Ahmet, G. Ü. R. (2019). Comparison Performances of PSO and GA to Tuning PID Controller for the DC Motor. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(2), 162-174.
  • Zhao, J., Yan, W., Gao, J., & Shi, S., (2010)., Design and implement of the control system for unmanned surface vehicle based on the vxworks. 2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2010), Wuhan China.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Zahide Nur Yılmaz 0000-0001-7652-217X

Nuri Alper Metin 0000-0002-9962-917X

Murat Lüy 0000-0002-2378-0009

Publication Date July 31, 2022
Submission Date June 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yılmaz, Z. N., Metin, N. A., & Lüy, M. (2022). Su Altı Araçlarında Servo Motor Kontrolünün PSO ile Optimizasyonu. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 14(2), 743-751.

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