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İnşaat Mühendisliği Deneysel ve Analitik Tasarımlarında Taguchi Yönteminin Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması

Year 2023, , 429 - 445, 14.07.2023


Küresel ısınma, dünya üzerindeki tüm canlıları etkileyen en önemli çevre sorunlarından biridir. Karbondioksit (CO2) gibi sera gazlarının atmosfere salınması küresel ısınmada önemli rol oynamaktadır. Dünya çapında yapıların inşası için her yıl büyük miktarda çimento üretilmektedir. Çimento üretiminden kaynaklı olarak atmosferde önemli ölçüde (%15-24) CO2 gazı oluşmaktadır. Bu nedenle çimento yerine daha çevreci, sürdürülebilir malzemelerin belirli oranlarda kullanılması çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından önemlidir. İnşaat mühendisliği alanında özellikle beton üretimi ve zemin iyileştirmede yoğun bir şekilde kullanılan çimento yerine bu malzemelerin ikame edilmesi durumunda, sürdürülebilir malzemeler de dayanım ve durabilite özelliklerini olumlu yönde etkilemelidir. İnşaat mühendisliğinde, deneysel ve analitik çalışmalarda birçok parametre etkili olabilmektedir. Uçucu kül, silis dumanı ve öğütülmüş yüksek fırın cürufu gibi malzemeler kullanarak sürdürülebilir geopolimer betonların üretiminde optimum mineral katkı miktarını belirlemek veya bu parametrelerin istenilen beton özelliklerine etkisini araştırmak için birçok deney yapılması gerekmektedir. Diğer yandan birçok parametrenin etkili olduğu analitik çalışmalarda ise çok sayıda analize ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Japon bilim insanı Dr. Genichi Taguchi tarafından geliştirilen ve kalite iyileştirmede kullanılan yöntem sayesinde birçok parametrenin ve bu parametre seviyelerinin hedeflenen tasarım üzerindeki etkisi güvenilir bir şekilde belirlenebilmekte ve parametre optimizasyonu sağlam bir şekilde yapılabilmektedir. Yöntem sayesinde zamandan, iş gücünden, maliyetten ve enerjiden tasarruf sağlanarak güvenilir sonuçlar elde edilmektedir.


  • Adisa Olonade, K., Fitriani, H., & Toluwalase Kola, O. (2017). Regression models for compressive strength of concrete under different curing conditions. MATEC Web of Conferences, 101, 05013.
  • Aksu, B., 2019, Kalite Geliştirmede Shainin ve Taguchi Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Alighardashi, A., Mehrani, M. J., Fakhravar, N., & Ramezanianpour, A. M. (2019). Material design and characterization of pervious concrete reactive barrier containing nano-silica and fine pumice aggregate. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(1), 49–56.
  • Amer, I., Kohail, M., El-Feky, M. S., Rashad, A., & Khalaf, M. A. (2021). Characterization of alkali-activated hybrid slag/cement concrete. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(1), 135–144.
  • Bowden, G. D., Pichler, B. J., & Maurer, A. (2019). A Design of Experiments (DoE) Approach Accelerates the Optimization of CopperMediated 18F-Fluorination Reactions of Arylstannanes. Scientific Reports 2019 9:1, 9(1), 1–10. 47846-6
  • Chithra, S., Kumar, S. R. R. S., Chinnaraju, K., & Alfin Ashmita, F. (2016). A comparative study on the compressive strength prediction models for High Performance Concrete containing nano silica and copper slag using regression analysis and Artificial Neural Networks. Construction and Building Materials, 114, 528–535.
  • Chong, B. W., Othman, R., Jaya, R. P., Hasan, M. R. M., Sandu, A. V., Nabiałek, M., Jeż, B., Pietrusiewicz, P., Kwiatkowski, D., Postawa, P., & Abdullah, M. M. A. B. (2021). Design of Experiment on Concrete Mechanical Properties Prediction: A Critical Review. Materials 2021, Vol. 14, Page 1866, 14(8), 1866.
  • Cimbala, J. M. (2014). Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays.
  • Dave, S. V., Bhogayata, A., & Arora, N. K. (2021). Mix design optimization for fresh, strength and durability properties of ambient cured alkali activated composite by Taguchi method. Construction and Building Materials, 284, 122822.
  • De Side, G. N., Kencanawati, N. N., & Hariyadi. (2020). An application of Taguchi experiment design methods on optimization of mortar mixture composition with Silica Fume as a partial substitute for cement. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 413(1), 012012.
  • Dejaegher, B., & Vander Heyden, Y. (2011). Experimental designs and their recent advances in set-up, data interpretation, and analytical applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 56(2), 141–158.
  • Erkan, İ. H. (2013). Jet grout kolonların performansını etkileyen faktörlerin deneysel olarak araştırılması. Doktora Tezi. Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • F. M. Zain, M., M. Abd, S., F. M. Zain, M., & M. Abd, S. (2009). Multiple Regression Model for Compressive Strength Prediction of High Performance Concrete. JApSc, 9(1), 155–160.
  • Gao, L., Adesina, A., & Das, S. (2021). Properties of eco-friendly basalt fibre reinforced concrete designed by Taguchi method. Construction and Building Materials, 302, 124161.
  • Hinislioǧlu, S., & Bayrak, O. Ü. (2004). Optimization of early flexural strength of pavement concrete with silica fume and fly ash by the Taguchi method. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 21(2), 79–90.
  • Jafari, K., Tabatabaeian, M., Joshaghani, A., & Ozbakkaloglu, T. (2018). Optimizing the mixture design of polymer concrete: An experimental investigation. Construction and Building Materials, 167, 185–196.
  • Jin, R., Chen, Q., & Soboyejo, A. B. O. (2018). Non-linear and mixed regression models in predicting sustainable concrete strength. Construction and Building Materials, 170, 142–152.
  • Karthik, S., Saravana, K., Mohan, R., & Ledesma, F. (2021). A Taguchi Approach for Optimizing Design Mixture of Geopolymer Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Silica Fume. Crystals 2021, Vol. 11, Page 1279, 11(11), 1279.
  • Kate, G. K., Nayak, C. B., & Thakare, S. B. (2021). Optimization of sustainable high-strength–high-volume fly ash concrete with and without steel fiber using Taguchi method and multi-regression analysis. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6(2), 1–18.
  • Kocáb, D., Misák, P., & Cikrle, P. (2019). Characteristic Curve and Its Use in Determining the Compressive Strength of Concrete by the Rebound Hammer Test. Materials 2019, Vol. 12, Page 2705, 12(17), 2705.
  • Lee, S., & Shin, S. (2019). Prediction on Compressive and Split Tensile Strengths of GGBFS/FA Based GPC. Materials 2019, Vol. 12, Page 4198, 12(24), 4198.
  • Olivia, M., & Nikraz, H. (2012). Properties of fly ash geopolymer concrete designed by Taguchi method. Materials & Design (1980- 2015), 36, 191–198.
  • Raj, S. R., Arulraj, P. G., Anand, N., Balamurali, K., & Gokul, G. (2021). Influence of Various Design Parameters on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete: A Parametric study by Taguchi Method. International Journal of Engineering, 34(10), 2351–2359.
  • Ramana, N. V., Harathi, R., Narasimha Babu, S., & Vinay Babu, S. (2013). Regression Models to Evaluate Compressive Strength of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Fibre Reinforced Recycle Aggregate Concrete. International Journal of Engineering Research, 8(5), 11–16.
  • Ramasamy, N. G., Lakshmipathy, M., & Kannan Rajkumar, P. R. (2020). Optimization and Experimental investigation of HighPerformance concrete. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 912(6), 062051. 899X/912/6/062051
  • Ross, P. J. (1988). Taguchi techniques for quality engineering: loss function, orthogonal experiments, parameter and tolerance design.
  • Roy, R. K. (2010). A Primer on the Taguchi Method.
  • Sabarish, K. V., & Paul, P. (2020). Optimizing the concrete materials by L9 orthogonal array. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 460– 464.
  • Sahoo, S., Das, B. B., & Mustakim, S. (2016). Acid, Alkali, and Chloride Resistance of Concrete Composed of Low Carbonated Fly Ash. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(3), 04016242.
  • Serencam, H., & Uçurum, M. (2019). Taguchi Deney Tasarımı Kullanılarak Uçucu Kül İle Ni (II) Gideriminde Bazı Adsorpsiyon Parametrelerinin Etkinliğinin İrdelenmesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 336–344.
  • Sevinç, A. H., Durgun, M. Y., & Eken, M. (2017). A Taguchi approach for investigating the engineering properties of concretes incorporating barite, colemanite, basaltic pumice and ground blast furnace slag. Construction and Building Materials, 135, 343–351.
  • Sharifi, E., Sadjadi, S. J., Aliha, M. R. M., & Moniri, A. (2020). Optimization of high-strength self-consolidating concrete mix design using an improved Taguchi optimization method. Construction and Building Materials, 236, 117547.
  • Taguchi, G., Elsayed, E. A., & Hsiang, T. C. (1989). Quality engineering in production systems. McGraw-Hill College.
  • Taguchi, G., & Phadke, M. S. (1986). Quantity Engineering Through Design Optimization. Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, 40(pt 1), 32–39.
  • Tan, O. (2006). Investigation of soil parameters affecting the stability of homogeneous slopes using the Taguchi method. Eurasian Soil Science, 39(11), 1248–1254.
  • Tan, O., Gungormus, G., & Zaimoglu, A. S. (2014). Effect of Bentonite, Fly Ash and Silica Fume cement injections on uniaxial compressive strength of granular bases. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(6), 1650–1654. 0227-6/METRICS
  • Tanco, M., Viles, E., Ilzarbe, L., & Alvarez, M. J. (2008). Is design of experiments really used? A survey of Basque industries., 19(5), 447–460.
  • Tang, C. W., Cheng, C. K., & Ean, L. W. (2022). Mix Design and Engineering Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Pervious Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregates. Applied Sciences 2022, Vol. 12, Page 524, 12(1), 524.
  • Tanyildizi, H. (2021). Investigation of mechanical properties of polymer impregnated concrete containing polypropylene fiber by taguchi and anova methods. Revista de la construcción, 20(1), 52–61.
  • Thawing Durability of a Fine-Grained Soil. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 9(8), 1116–1120.
  • Uray, E., Carbas, S., Geem, Z. W., & Kim, S. (2022). Parameters Optimization of Taguchi Method Integrated Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm for Engineering Design Problems. Mathematics 2022, Vol. 10, Page 327, 10(3), 327.
  • Uray, E., Tan, O., Carbas, S., & Erkan, I. H. (2021). Metaheuristics-based Pre-Design Guide for Cantilever Retaining Walls. Teknik Dergi, 32(4).
  • Uysal, M. (2012). Taguchi and Anova approach for optimisation of design parameters on the compressive strength of HSC. Magazine of Concrete Research, 64(8), 727–735.
  • Uysal, M., Akyuncu, V., Tanyildizi, H., Sumer, M., & Yildirim, H. (2019). Optimization of durability properties of concrete containing fly ash using Taguchi’s approach and Anova analysis. Revista de la Construccion, 17(3), 364–382.
  • Warda, M. A., Khalil, H. S., Ahmad, S. S. E., & Mahdi, I. M. (2020). Optimum Sustainable Mix Proportions of High Strength Concrete by Using Taguchi Method. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 14(54), 211–225.
  • WOS-1. (2023). Web of Science. a632-f9fe2b81c565- 571adfc7/relevance/1
  • WOS-2. (2023). Web of Science. 8ace-aa049a92b8c2- 5729300f/relevance/1
  • WOS-3. (2023). Web of Science. 8f26-8ea425b5fe75- 572b595e/relevance/1
  • WOS-4. (2023). Web of Science. ba37-86c9deb3e337- 74dfdf5b/relevance/1(overlay:export/ext)
  • Wu, S. S., Li, B. Z., Yang, J. G., & Shukla, S. K. (2010). Predictive modeling of high-performance concrete with regression analysis. IEEM2010 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1009–1013.
  • Yeh, I. C. (1998). Modeling of strength of high-performance concrete using artificial neural networks. Cement and Concrete Research, 28(12), 1797–1808.
  • Yenginar, Y. (2020). Derin karıştırma kolonlarının performansını etkileyen faktörlerin model deneylerle araştırılması. Doktora Tezi. Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Science and Humanity.
  • Zaimoğlu, A. Ş. (2015). The Effect of Randomly Distributed Polypropylene Fibers Borogypsum Fly Ash and Cement on Freezing- Yenginar, Y., Mobark, A. A. a. m., & Olgun, M. (2021). Investigating the construction parameters of deep mixing columns in silty soils. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 5(3), 464–474. Zahraee, S. M., Memari, A. ;, Rezaei, G. ;, Afshar, J. ;, & Rohani, J. B. M. (2013). Teaching the Design of Experiment and Response Surface Methodology Using Paper Helicopter Experiment. Paper presented at 4th International Graduate conference on Engineering.

Investigation of Usability of Taguchi Method in Civil Engineering Experimental and Analytical Designs

Year 2023, , 429 - 445, 14.07.2023


Global warming is one of the most critical environmental problems affecting all living things. The release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere plays an important role in global warming. A large amount of cement is produced each year to construct structures worldwide. A significant amount (15-24%) of CO2 gas is formed in the atmosphere due to cement production. For this reason, environmental sustainability needs to use more environmentally friendly, sustainable materials in certain proportions instead of cement. These materials, which will be used instead of cement, which are used extensively in the field of civil engineering, especially in concrete production and soil improvement works, should also positively affect the strength and durability properties of these materials. Sustain materials should also positively affect the strength and durability properties in case of substituting these materials instead of cement which is intensively utilized in the field of civil engineering, especially in concrete production and soil improvement. Many parameters can be effective in civil engineering, experimental, and analytical studies. Many experiments are required to determine the optimum amount of mineral additives in the production of sustainable geopolymer concretes employing materials such as fly ash, silica fume, and ground blast furnace slag or to investigate the effect of these parameters on the desired concrete properties. On the other hand, many analyzes are needed in analytical studies where many parameters are effective. Thanks to the method developed by Genichi Taguchi and used in quality improvement, the effect of many parameters and these parameter levels on the targeted design can be determined reliably and parameter optimization can be conducted robustly. Thanks to the method, reliable results are obtained by saving time, labor, cost, and energy.


  • Adisa Olonade, K., Fitriani, H., & Toluwalase Kola, O. (2017). Regression models for compressive strength of concrete under different curing conditions. MATEC Web of Conferences, 101, 05013.
  • Aksu, B., 2019, Kalite Geliştirmede Shainin ve Taguchi Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Alighardashi, A., Mehrani, M. J., Fakhravar, N., & Ramezanianpour, A. M. (2019). Material design and characterization of pervious concrete reactive barrier containing nano-silica and fine pumice aggregate. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(1), 49–56.
  • Amer, I., Kohail, M., El-Feky, M. S., Rashad, A., & Khalaf, M. A. (2021). Characterization of alkali-activated hybrid slag/cement concrete. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(1), 135–144.
  • Bowden, G. D., Pichler, B. J., & Maurer, A. (2019). A Design of Experiments (DoE) Approach Accelerates the Optimization of CopperMediated 18F-Fluorination Reactions of Arylstannanes. Scientific Reports 2019 9:1, 9(1), 1–10. 47846-6
  • Chithra, S., Kumar, S. R. R. S., Chinnaraju, K., & Alfin Ashmita, F. (2016). A comparative study on the compressive strength prediction models for High Performance Concrete containing nano silica and copper slag using regression analysis and Artificial Neural Networks. Construction and Building Materials, 114, 528–535.
  • Chong, B. W., Othman, R., Jaya, R. P., Hasan, M. R. M., Sandu, A. V., Nabiałek, M., Jeż, B., Pietrusiewicz, P., Kwiatkowski, D., Postawa, P., & Abdullah, M. M. A. B. (2021). Design of Experiment on Concrete Mechanical Properties Prediction: A Critical Review. Materials 2021, Vol. 14, Page 1866, 14(8), 1866.
  • Cimbala, J. M. (2014). Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays.
  • Dave, S. V., Bhogayata, A., & Arora, N. K. (2021). Mix design optimization for fresh, strength and durability properties of ambient cured alkali activated composite by Taguchi method. Construction and Building Materials, 284, 122822.
  • De Side, G. N., Kencanawati, N. N., & Hariyadi. (2020). An application of Taguchi experiment design methods on optimization of mortar mixture composition with Silica Fume as a partial substitute for cement. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 413(1), 012012.
  • Dejaegher, B., & Vander Heyden, Y. (2011). Experimental designs and their recent advances in set-up, data interpretation, and analytical applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 56(2), 141–158.
  • Erkan, İ. H. (2013). Jet grout kolonların performansını etkileyen faktörlerin deneysel olarak araştırılması. Doktora Tezi. Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • F. M. Zain, M., M. Abd, S., F. M. Zain, M., & M. Abd, S. (2009). Multiple Regression Model for Compressive Strength Prediction of High Performance Concrete. JApSc, 9(1), 155–160.
  • Gao, L., Adesina, A., & Das, S. (2021). Properties of eco-friendly basalt fibre reinforced concrete designed by Taguchi method. Construction and Building Materials, 302, 124161.
  • Hinislioǧlu, S., & Bayrak, O. Ü. (2004). Optimization of early flexural strength of pavement concrete with silica fume and fly ash by the Taguchi method. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 21(2), 79–90.
  • Jafari, K., Tabatabaeian, M., Joshaghani, A., & Ozbakkaloglu, T. (2018). Optimizing the mixture design of polymer concrete: An experimental investigation. Construction and Building Materials, 167, 185–196.
  • Jin, R., Chen, Q., & Soboyejo, A. B. O. (2018). Non-linear and mixed regression models in predicting sustainable concrete strength. Construction and Building Materials, 170, 142–152.
  • Karthik, S., Saravana, K., Mohan, R., & Ledesma, F. (2021). A Taguchi Approach for Optimizing Design Mixture of Geopolymer Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Silica Fume. Crystals 2021, Vol. 11, Page 1279, 11(11), 1279.
  • Kate, G. K., Nayak, C. B., & Thakare, S. B. (2021). Optimization of sustainable high-strength–high-volume fly ash concrete with and without steel fiber using Taguchi method and multi-regression analysis. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6(2), 1–18.
  • Kocáb, D., Misák, P., & Cikrle, P. (2019). Characteristic Curve and Its Use in Determining the Compressive Strength of Concrete by the Rebound Hammer Test. Materials 2019, Vol. 12, Page 2705, 12(17), 2705.
  • Lee, S., & Shin, S. (2019). Prediction on Compressive and Split Tensile Strengths of GGBFS/FA Based GPC. Materials 2019, Vol. 12, Page 4198, 12(24), 4198.
  • Olivia, M., & Nikraz, H. (2012). Properties of fly ash geopolymer concrete designed by Taguchi method. Materials & Design (1980- 2015), 36, 191–198.
  • Raj, S. R., Arulraj, P. G., Anand, N., Balamurali, K., & Gokul, G. (2021). Influence of Various Design Parameters on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete: A Parametric study by Taguchi Method. International Journal of Engineering, 34(10), 2351–2359.
  • Ramana, N. V., Harathi, R., Narasimha Babu, S., & Vinay Babu, S. (2013). Regression Models to Evaluate Compressive Strength of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Fibre Reinforced Recycle Aggregate Concrete. International Journal of Engineering Research, 8(5), 11–16.
  • Ramasamy, N. G., Lakshmipathy, M., & Kannan Rajkumar, P. R. (2020). Optimization and Experimental investigation of HighPerformance concrete. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 912(6), 062051. 899X/912/6/062051
  • Ross, P. J. (1988). Taguchi techniques for quality engineering: loss function, orthogonal experiments, parameter and tolerance design.
  • Roy, R. K. (2010). A Primer on the Taguchi Method.
  • Sabarish, K. V., & Paul, P. (2020). Optimizing the concrete materials by L9 orthogonal array. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 460– 464.
  • Sahoo, S., Das, B. B., & Mustakim, S. (2016). Acid, Alkali, and Chloride Resistance of Concrete Composed of Low Carbonated Fly Ash. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(3), 04016242.
  • Serencam, H., & Uçurum, M. (2019). Taguchi Deney Tasarımı Kullanılarak Uçucu Kül İle Ni (II) Gideriminde Bazı Adsorpsiyon Parametrelerinin Etkinliğinin İrdelenmesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 336–344.
  • Sevinç, A. H., Durgun, M. Y., & Eken, M. (2017). A Taguchi approach for investigating the engineering properties of concretes incorporating barite, colemanite, basaltic pumice and ground blast furnace slag. Construction and Building Materials, 135, 343–351.
  • Sharifi, E., Sadjadi, S. J., Aliha, M. R. M., & Moniri, A. (2020). Optimization of high-strength self-consolidating concrete mix design using an improved Taguchi optimization method. Construction and Building Materials, 236, 117547.
  • Taguchi, G., Elsayed, E. A., & Hsiang, T. C. (1989). Quality engineering in production systems. McGraw-Hill College.
  • Taguchi, G., & Phadke, M. S. (1986). Quantity Engineering Through Design Optimization. Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, 40(pt 1), 32–39.
  • Tan, O. (2006). Investigation of soil parameters affecting the stability of homogeneous slopes using the Taguchi method. Eurasian Soil Science, 39(11), 1248–1254.
  • Tan, O., Gungormus, G., & Zaimoglu, A. S. (2014). Effect of Bentonite, Fly Ash and Silica Fume cement injections on uniaxial compressive strength of granular bases. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18(6), 1650–1654. 0227-6/METRICS
  • Tanco, M., Viles, E., Ilzarbe, L., & Alvarez, M. J. (2008). Is design of experiments really used? A survey of Basque industries., 19(5), 447–460.
  • Tang, C. W., Cheng, C. K., & Ean, L. W. (2022). Mix Design and Engineering Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Pervious Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregates. Applied Sciences 2022, Vol. 12, Page 524, 12(1), 524.
  • Tanyildizi, H. (2021). Investigation of mechanical properties of polymer impregnated concrete containing polypropylene fiber by taguchi and anova methods. Revista de la construcción, 20(1), 52–61.
  • Thawing Durability of a Fine-Grained Soil. International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 9(8), 1116–1120.
  • Uray, E., Carbas, S., Geem, Z. W., & Kim, S. (2022). Parameters Optimization of Taguchi Method Integrated Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm for Engineering Design Problems. Mathematics 2022, Vol. 10, Page 327, 10(3), 327.
  • Uray, E., Tan, O., Carbas, S., & Erkan, I. H. (2021). Metaheuristics-based Pre-Design Guide for Cantilever Retaining Walls. Teknik Dergi, 32(4).
  • Uysal, M. (2012). Taguchi and Anova approach for optimisation of design parameters on the compressive strength of HSC. Magazine of Concrete Research, 64(8), 727–735.
  • Uysal, M., Akyuncu, V., Tanyildizi, H., Sumer, M., & Yildirim, H. (2019). Optimization of durability properties of concrete containing fly ash using Taguchi’s approach and Anova analysis. Revista de la Construccion, 17(3), 364–382.
  • Warda, M. A., Khalil, H. S., Ahmad, S. S. E., & Mahdi, I. M. (2020). Optimum Sustainable Mix Proportions of High Strength Concrete by Using Taguchi Method. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 14(54), 211–225.
  • WOS-1. (2023). Web of Science. a632-f9fe2b81c565- 571adfc7/relevance/1
  • WOS-2. (2023). Web of Science. 8ace-aa049a92b8c2- 5729300f/relevance/1
  • WOS-3. (2023). Web of Science. 8f26-8ea425b5fe75- 572b595e/relevance/1
  • WOS-4. (2023). Web of Science. ba37-86c9deb3e337- 74dfdf5b/relevance/1(overlay:export/ext)
  • Wu, S. S., Li, B. Z., Yang, J. G., & Shukla, S. K. (2010). Predictive modeling of high-performance concrete with regression analysis. IEEM2010 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1009–1013.
  • Yeh, I. C. (1998). Modeling of strength of high-performance concrete using artificial neural networks. Cement and Concrete Research, 28(12), 1797–1808.
  • Yenginar, Y. (2020). Derin karıştırma kolonlarının performansını etkileyen faktörlerin model deneylerle araştırılması. Doktora Tezi. Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Science and Humanity.
  • Zaimoğlu, A. Ş. (2015). The Effect of Randomly Distributed Polypropylene Fibers Borogypsum Fly Ash and Cement on Freezing- Yenginar, Y., Mobark, A. A. a. m., & Olgun, M. (2021). Investigating the construction parameters of deep mixing columns in silty soils. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 5(3), 464–474. Zahraee, S. M., Memari, A. ;, Rezaei, G. ;, Afshar, J. ;, & Rohani, J. B. M. (2013). Teaching the Design of Experiment and Response Surface Methodology Using Paper Helicopter Experiment. Paper presented at 4th International Graduate conference on Engineering.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kemal Uray 0000-0003-1973-7865

Mustafa Koçer 0000-0002-5505-2065

Esra Uray 0000-0002-1121-2880

Hicran Açıkel 0000-0002-2027-7723

Early Pub Date July 7, 2023
Publication Date July 14, 2023
Submission Date January 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Uray, K., Koçer, M., Uray, E., Açıkel, H. (2023). İnşaat Mühendisliği Deneysel ve Analitik Tasarımlarında Taguchi Yönteminin Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 15(2), 429-445.

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