Investigation of Machinability of Aluminum (Al1070) Matrix, Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Boron Carbide (B4C) Reinforced Hybrid Composite Materials
Year 2024,
, 47 - 55, 31.01.2024
Yunus Kartal
Ali Osman Er
In this study, the machinability of hybrid metal matrix composite (MMC) materials were investigated. Experiments were carried out on a CNC lathe using aluminium 1070 matrix SiC and B4C reinforced MMC materials without cooling fluid. The effect of cutting parameters and MMC reinforcement ratios on working has been examined. It has been tried to determine the optimum reinforcement ratio and cutting parameters in the machining process of hybrid reinforced MMC materials. As a result of this study, it was tried to contribute to the industrial area by determining the most suitable cutting parameters for Al1070 matrix SiC and B4C hybrid reinforced MMC materials.
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- Channabasavaraja H.K., Nagaraj P.M., Srinivasan D. (2016). Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for Surface Roughness in Turning Al- B4C Composites, 149 (1):012029.
- Davim J. P. (2003). Design of Optimisation of Cutting Parameters for Turning Metal Matrix Composites Based on the Orthogonal Arrays, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132: 340-344.
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- Hiremath V., Auradi V., Dundur S. T. (2016). Experimental Investigations on Effect of Ceramic B4C Particulate Addition on Cutting Forces and Surface Roughness during Turning of 6061Al Alloy, Journal Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 75 (2): 126-132.
- Jinfeng L.., Longtao J., Gaohui W., Shoufu T., Guoqin C. (2009). Effect of Graphite Particle Reinforcement on Dry Sliding Wear of SiC/Gr/Al Composites, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 38: 1894–1898.
- Kılıçkap E. et al., (2005). Study of Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Machining Of Homogenised SiC-p Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164-165: 862-867.
- Muguthu J. N., Dong G., Ikua B.. (2013). Optimization of Machining Parameters İnfluencing Machinability of Al2124/SiCp (45%wt) Metal Matrix Composite, Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (2): 217-229.
- Nas E., (2015). Karma Takviyeli (Al/ B4C -Ni(K)GR) Alüminyum Matrisli Kompozitlerin Sıcak Presleme Yöntemi ile Üretimi Mekanik Özellikleri ve İşlenebilirliği, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Karabuk University. Phd. Thesis.
- Ozben T., et al., (2008). Investigation of Mechanical and Machinability Properties of SiC Particle Reinforced Al-MMC, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 198 (1-3): 220-225.
- Pramanik A., et al., (2008). Machining of Metal Matrix Composites: Effect of Ceramic Particles on Residual Stress, Surface Roughness and Chip Formation, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 48(15): 1613-1625.
- Palanikumar K. and R. Karthikeyan, (2007). Assessment of Factors Influencing Surface Roughness on the Machining Of Al/SiC Particulate Composites, Materials & Design 28(5): 1584-1591
- Rui-song J., et al.,( 2016).Experimental İnvestigation on Machinability of in Situ Formed TiB2 Particles Reinforced Al MMCs, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 23: 249-257.
- Sur G., (2008). Karma Takviyeli Alüminyum Matrisli Kompozitlerin Üretimi, Mekanik Özellikler ve İşlenebilirliklerinin İncelenmesi, Mechanical Education. Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Gazi University Phd. Thesis.
- Sahoo A. K. and S. Pradhan, (2013). Modeling and Optimization of Al/SiCp MMC Machining Using Taguchi Approach, Measurement 46(9): 3064-3072
- Suresh P., et al., (2014). Optimization of Machining Parameters In Turning of Al-SiC-Gr Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Using Grey-Fuzzy Algorithm, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 24(9): 2805-2814
- Srivastava A. K, Naga A., Dixita A. R., Tiwaric S., Scuckad J., Michel Zelenakd M., Sergej Hlochd S., Peter Hlavacek P., (2017). Surface İntegrity İn Tangential Turning Of Hybrid MMC A359/ B4C /Al2O3 by Abrasive Waterjet, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 28 : 11–20.
- Siddesh Kumar, N.G.Shiva Shankar G.S., Basavarajappa S., R.Suresh R., (2017). Some Studies on Mechanical and Machining Characteristics of Al2219/n- B4C /MoS2 Nano-Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites, Measurement, 107: 1-11.
- Urgen M., (1997). Modern Yüzey İşlem Teknolojileri ve Türkiye’deki Gelişmeler, 9. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, s. 340-341.
Alüminyum (Al1070) Matris Silisyum Karbür (SiC) ve Bor Karbür (B4C) Takviyeli Hibrit Kompozit Malzemelerin İşlenebilirliğinin İncelenmesi
Year 2024,
, 47 - 55, 31.01.2024
Yunus Kartal
Ali Osman Er
Bu çalışmada hibrit metal matrisli kompozit (MMK) malzemelerin işlenebilirliği incelenmiştir. Çalışma kesme sıvısının kullanılmadığı atmosferde gerçekleştirilmiş ve alüminyum 1070 matris SiC ve B4C takviyeli MMC malzemeleri kullanılarak, CNC tornalama tezgahında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada hibrit takviyeli MMK malzemelerin talaşlı imalat sürecinde optimum takviye oranı ve kesme parametreleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Buna ek olarak kesme parametrelerinin ve MMK malzemesi takviye oranlarının işlenebilirliğe etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda Al1070 matrisli SiC ve B4C hybrid takviyeli MMK malzemeleri için en uygun kesme parametreleri belirlenerek endüstriyel alana katkı sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Supporting Institution
- Bahçeci E. (2006). Al Matrisli α-Si3N4 Takviyeli Kompozit Malzeme Üretimi ve İşlenebilirliğiinin Karakterizasyonu, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Gazi University, Gazi University Master’s Thesis.
- Channabasavaraja H.K., Nagaraj P.M., Srinivasan D. (2016). Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for Surface Roughness in Turning Al- B4C Composites, 149 (1):012029.
- Davim J. P. (2003). Design of Optimisation of Cutting Parameters for Turning Metal Matrix Composites Based on the Orthogonal Arrays, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 132: 340-344.
- Günay M. (2009). Toz Metalurjisi Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş Al-Si/SiCp Kompozitlerin Mekanik ve İşlenebilirlik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması, Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Gazi University Phd. Thesis.
- Hiremath V., Auradi V., Dundur S. T. (2016). Experimental Investigations on Effect of Ceramic B4C Particulate Addition on Cutting Forces and Surface Roughness during Turning of 6061Al Alloy, Journal Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 75 (2): 126-132.
- Jinfeng L.., Longtao J., Gaohui W., Shoufu T., Guoqin C. (2009). Effect of Graphite Particle Reinforcement on Dry Sliding Wear of SiC/Gr/Al Composites, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 38: 1894–1898.
- Kılıçkap E. et al., (2005). Study of Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Machining Of Homogenised SiC-p Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164-165: 862-867.
- Muguthu J. N., Dong G., Ikua B.. (2013). Optimization of Machining Parameters İnfluencing Machinability of Al2124/SiCp (45%wt) Metal Matrix Composite, Journal of Composite Materials, 49 (2): 217-229.
- Nas E., (2015). Karma Takviyeli (Al/ B4C -Ni(K)GR) Alüminyum Matrisli Kompozitlerin Sıcak Presleme Yöntemi ile Üretimi Mekanik Özellikleri ve İşlenebilirliği, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Karabuk University. Phd. Thesis.
- Ozben T., et al., (2008). Investigation of Mechanical and Machinability Properties of SiC Particle Reinforced Al-MMC, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 198 (1-3): 220-225.
- Pramanik A., et al., (2008). Machining of Metal Matrix Composites: Effect of Ceramic Particles on Residual Stress, Surface Roughness and Chip Formation, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 48(15): 1613-1625.
- Palanikumar K. and R. Karthikeyan, (2007). Assessment of Factors Influencing Surface Roughness on the Machining Of Al/SiC Particulate Composites, Materials & Design 28(5): 1584-1591
- Rui-song J., et al.,( 2016).Experimental İnvestigation on Machinability of in Situ Formed TiB2 Particles Reinforced Al MMCs, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 23: 249-257.
- Sur G., (2008). Karma Takviyeli Alüminyum Matrisli Kompozitlerin Üretimi, Mekanik Özellikler ve İşlenebilirliklerinin İncelenmesi, Mechanical Education. Graduate School of Natural and Applied, Gazi University Phd. Thesis.
- Sahoo A. K. and S. Pradhan, (2013). Modeling and Optimization of Al/SiCp MMC Machining Using Taguchi Approach, Measurement 46(9): 3064-3072
- Suresh P., et al., (2014). Optimization of Machining Parameters In Turning of Al-SiC-Gr Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Using Grey-Fuzzy Algorithm, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 24(9): 2805-2814
- Srivastava A. K, Naga A., Dixita A. R., Tiwaric S., Scuckad J., Michel Zelenakd M., Sergej Hlochd S., Peter Hlavacek P., (2017). Surface İntegrity İn Tangential Turning Of Hybrid MMC A359/ B4C /Al2O3 by Abrasive Waterjet, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 28 : 11–20.
- Siddesh Kumar, N.G.Shiva Shankar G.S., Basavarajappa S., R.Suresh R., (2017). Some Studies on Mechanical and Machining Characteristics of Al2219/n- B4C /MoS2 Nano-Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites, Measurement, 107: 1-11.
- Urgen M., (1997). Modern Yüzey İşlem Teknolojileri ve Türkiye’deki Gelişmeler, 9. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, s. 340-341.