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Bakım Planlamasında TOPSIS Yöntemi Uygulaması: Doğalgaz Kombine Çevrim Santrali Örneği

Year 2014, , 26 - 38, 15.06.2014


Ekonomiklik ve verimlilik, sürdürülebilir bir enerji politikasının temel bileşenlerindendir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma kapsamında, bakım planlamasının enerji verimliliği üzerindeki pozitif etkisine ek olarak, etkin bakımlar ile elektrik üretim maliyetlerinin azalması prensibi temel alınmış ve Türkiye’deki enerji arz güvenliğine direkt olarak etki eden bir doğalgaz kombine çevrim santralında bir uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu uygulamada, bakım planlaması probleminin çok amaçlı ve çok kriterli yapısı ile bakım yapılacak ekipmanların sistemler açısından taşıdıkları risklerin dikkate alınması gerekliliğinden hareketle, TOPSIS metodolojisi kullanılarak ekipmanların 9 kriter altında santral açısından kritiklik seviyeleri hesaplanmış ve 9 yıllık bir iş gücü gereksinim ve bakım planı elde edilmiştir.


  • 1. Özcan, E.C., Bulut, M., “Güneş enerjisi teknolojileri ve bu teknolojilerin Türkiye’deki geleceği”, VI. Yeni ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu, Kayseri, 247-262 (2011). 2. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı 2010 - 2014 Stratejik Planı, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, 25- 30 (2009). 3. Özcan, E.C., “Elektrik üretim planlamasında çok amaçlı optimizasyon yaklaşımı: Türkiye örneği”, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 1 (2013). 4. Yıldız, T., “2014 yılı bütçe sunumu”, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, 1 (2014). 5. Rao, B., “Handbook of condition monitoring”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1996). 6. Rausand, M., “Reliability centered maintenance”, Reliability Engineering&System Safety, 60(2):121-132 (1998). 7. Harnly, J.A., “Risk-based prioritization of maintenance repair work”, Process Safety Progress, 17(1):32-38 (1998). 8. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance of ethylene oxide production facilities”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 108(3):147-159 (2004a). 9. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance (RBM): A new approach for process plant inspection and maintenance”, Process Safety Progress, 23(4):252-265 (2004b). 10. Arunraj, N.S., Maiti, J. “Risk-based maintenance policy selection using AHP and goal programming”, Safety Science, 48(2):238-247 (2010). 11. Apeland, S., Aven, T., “Risk based maintenance optimization: Foundational issues”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 67(3):285-292 (2000). 12. Bertolini, M., Bevilacqua, M., Ciarapica, F.E., Giacchetta, G., “Development of risk-based inspection and maintenance procedures for an oil refinery”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22(2):244-253 (2009). 13. Keshavarz, G., Thodi, P., Khan, F., “Risk-based shutdown management of LNG units”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25(1):159-165 (2012). 14. Kumar, U., “Maintenance strategies for mechanized and automated mining system: A reliability and risk analysis based approach”, Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels, 46(11):343-347 (1998). 15. Farquharson, J.A., Choquette, F., “Using QRA to make maintenance trade-off decisions”, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2002). 16. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance (RBM): A quantitative approach for maintenance/inspection scheduling and planning”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 16(6):561-573 (2003). 17. Backlund, F., Hannu, J., “Can we make maintenance decisions on risk analysis?”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 8(1):77-91 (2002). 18. Jovanovic, A., “Risk-based inspection and maintenance in power and process plants in Europe”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 226(2):165-182 (2003). 19. Krishnasamy, L., Khan, F., Haddara, M.M., “Development of a risk-based maintenance (RBM) strategy for a power-generating plant”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 18(1):69-81 (2005). 20. Carlos, S.,Sanchez, A., Martorell, S., Villanueva, J.F., “Particle Swarm Optimization of safety components and systems of nuclear power plants under uncertain maintenance planning”, Advances in Engineering Software, 50, 12-18 (2012). 21. Busacca, P.G., Marseguerra, M., Zio, E., “Multiobjective optimization by genetic algorithms: Application to safety systems”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 72(1):59–74 (2001). 22. Lapa, C, Pereira, C, Melo, P., “Surveillance test policy optimization through genetic algorithms using nonperiodic intervention frequencies and considering seasonal constraints”, Reliability Engineering System Safety,81(1):103–9 (2003). 23. Marseguerra, M., Zio, M., Podofillini, L., “Condition-based maintenance optimization by means of genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo simulation”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 77(2):151–65 (2002). 24. Levitin, G., Lisnianski, A., “Joint redundancy and maintenance optimization for multistate series-parallel systems”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 64(1):33–42 (1999). 25. Borgonovo, E., Marseguerra, M., Zio, E., “A Monte Carlo methodological approach to plant availability modelling with maintenance, aging and obsolescence”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 67(1):61–73 (2000). 26. 2013 Yıllık Faaliyet Raporu, Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Genel Müdürlüğü, Basım aşamasında, (2014). 27. İnternet: Buhar enjeksiyonlu gaz türbinleri, (2014). 28. Lootsma, F.A., “Multi-criteria decision analysis via ratio and difference judgement”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999). 29. Chen, S.J., Hwang, C.L., “Fuzzy multiple attribute decision making: Methods and applications”, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, (1992). 30. Tabucanon, M.T., “Multiple criteria decision making in industry”, Elseiver, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York- Tokyo, (1988). 31. Behzadian, M., Otaghsara, S.K., Yazdani, M., Ignatius, J., “A state-of the-art survey of TOPSIS applications”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 13051-13069 (2012).

Application of TOPSIS Method for Maintenance Planning: Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Case Study

Year 2014, , 26 - 38, 15.06.2014


Economy and efficieny are one of the basic components of a sustainable energy policy. In this context in the scope of this study, the principle of reducing the electricity generation costs through effective maintenances in addition to the positive effect of maintenance planning on energy efficiency are based and an application has been performed in a natural gas combined cycle power plant effects the Turkey’s security of energy supply directly. In this application, criticality levels of the equipments in terms of power plant have been calculated under 9 criteria by using TOPSIS methodology, considering the multi objective and multi criteria nature of the maintenance planning problem and the necessity of taking into account the risks of the equipments in terms of the systems, and 9-years maintenance and a labor requirement plans are obtained.


  • 1. Özcan, E.C., Bulut, M., “Güneş enerjisi teknolojileri ve bu teknolojilerin Türkiye’deki geleceği”, VI. Yeni ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu, Kayseri, 247-262 (2011). 2. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı 2010 - 2014 Stratejik Planı, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, 25- 30 (2009). 3. Özcan, E.C., “Elektrik üretim planlamasında çok amaçlı optimizasyon yaklaşımı: Türkiye örneği”, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 1 (2013). 4. Yıldız, T., “2014 yılı bütçe sunumu”, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, 1 (2014). 5. Rao, B., “Handbook of condition monitoring”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1996). 6. Rausand, M., “Reliability centered maintenance”, Reliability Engineering&System Safety, 60(2):121-132 (1998). 7. Harnly, J.A., “Risk-based prioritization of maintenance repair work”, Process Safety Progress, 17(1):32-38 (1998). 8. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance of ethylene oxide production facilities”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 108(3):147-159 (2004a). 9. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance (RBM): A new approach for process plant inspection and maintenance”, Process Safety Progress, 23(4):252-265 (2004b). 10. Arunraj, N.S., Maiti, J. “Risk-based maintenance policy selection using AHP and goal programming”, Safety Science, 48(2):238-247 (2010). 11. Apeland, S., Aven, T., “Risk based maintenance optimization: Foundational issues”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 67(3):285-292 (2000). 12. Bertolini, M., Bevilacqua, M., Ciarapica, F.E., Giacchetta, G., “Development of risk-based inspection and maintenance procedures for an oil refinery”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22(2):244-253 (2009). 13. Keshavarz, G., Thodi, P., Khan, F., “Risk-based shutdown management of LNG units”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 25(1):159-165 (2012). 14. Kumar, U., “Maintenance strategies for mechanized and automated mining system: A reliability and risk analysis based approach”, Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels, 46(11):343-347 (1998). 15. Farquharson, J.A., Choquette, F., “Using QRA to make maintenance trade-off decisions”, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2002). 16. Khan, F.I., Haddara, M.M., “Risk-based maintenance (RBM): A quantitative approach for maintenance/inspection scheduling and planning”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 16(6):561-573 (2003). 17. Backlund, F., Hannu, J., “Can we make maintenance decisions on risk analysis?”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 8(1):77-91 (2002). 18. Jovanovic, A., “Risk-based inspection and maintenance in power and process plants in Europe”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 226(2):165-182 (2003). 19. Krishnasamy, L., Khan, F., Haddara, M.M., “Development of a risk-based maintenance (RBM) strategy for a power-generating plant”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 18(1):69-81 (2005). 20. Carlos, S.,Sanchez, A., Martorell, S., Villanueva, J.F., “Particle Swarm Optimization of safety components and systems of nuclear power plants under uncertain maintenance planning”, Advances in Engineering Software, 50, 12-18 (2012). 21. Busacca, P.G., Marseguerra, M., Zio, E., “Multiobjective optimization by genetic algorithms: Application to safety systems”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 72(1):59–74 (2001). 22. Lapa, C, Pereira, C, Melo, P., “Surveillance test policy optimization through genetic algorithms using nonperiodic intervention frequencies and considering seasonal constraints”, Reliability Engineering System Safety,81(1):103–9 (2003). 23. Marseguerra, M., Zio, M., Podofillini, L., “Condition-based maintenance optimization by means of genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo simulation”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 77(2):151–65 (2002). 24. Levitin, G., Lisnianski, A., “Joint redundancy and maintenance optimization for multistate series-parallel systems”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 64(1):33–42 (1999). 25. Borgonovo, E., Marseguerra, M., Zio, E., “A Monte Carlo methodological approach to plant availability modelling with maintenance, aging and obsolescence”, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 67(1):61–73 (2000). 26. 2013 Yıllık Faaliyet Raporu, Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Genel Müdürlüğü, Basım aşamasında, (2014). 27. İnternet: Buhar enjeksiyonlu gaz türbinleri, (2014). 28. Lootsma, F.A., “Multi-criteria decision analysis via ratio and difference judgement”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999). 29. Chen, S.J., Hwang, C.L., “Fuzzy multiple attribute decision making: Methods and applications”, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, (1992). 30. Tabucanon, M.T., “Multiple criteria decision making in industry”, Elseiver, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York- Tokyo, (1988). 31. Behzadian, M., Otaghsara, S.K., Yazdani, M., Ignatius, J., “A state-of the-art survey of TOPSIS applications”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 13051-13069 (2012).
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Evren Can Özcan

Tamer Eren

Publication Date June 15, 2014
Submission Date October 23, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Özcan, E. C., & Eren, T. (2014). Application of TOPSIS Method for Maintenance Planning: Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Case Study. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 6(2), 26-38.

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