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Genetik Algoritmayla Bindirmeli Tip Kaynaklı Bağlantılarda Optimum Kaynak Kalınlığı Seçimi

Year 2016, , 1 - 10, 15.06.2016


Bu çalışmada, genetik algoritma yoluyla bindirmeli tip kaynaklı bağlantıların, normal kesme ve momentli kesme gerilimleri için en uygun kaynak kalınlığı seçimi yapılmıştır. Belirlenen sınır aralıklarındaki değişkenlerin amaç fonksiyonunu minimum yapmak hedeflenmiştir. Kaynaklı bağlantının yükleme şekline göre, mukavemet hesapları dâhilinde en uygun değerler elde edilmiştir. Makine elemanları mukavemet hesapları bu tür algoritmalar kullanılarak boyutlandırma optimizasyonuna gidilmektedir. Bu şekilde geliştirilmiş olan algoritma, bir genetik süreç gibi en iyiyi bulma ilkesine dayanmaktadır. Değişkenlerin aldıkları değerler bağlantının boyutlarını sınır aralıklarında olmasını sağlamıştır. Genetik algoritmalar, amaç fonksiyonu değişkenlerini en aza indirmede kullanılmıştır


  • Mendi, F., Külekçi, M.K., Başkal, T., & Bircan, D.A., "Genetik Algoritma (G.A.) Yardımıyla Helis Dişli Çarklarda Optimum Modül Seçimi", Ç.Ü. Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, 23(1), 205-216, 2008.
  • Akkurt, M., Makine Elemanları Cilt 1-2, Birsen yayınevi, İstanbul, 2000.
  • Goldberg, D., Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison Wesley, New York, 1989.
  • Chambers, L. D. (Ed.), Practical handbook of genetic algorithms: complex coding systems 3, CRC press., 1998.
  • Zeyveli, M., "Genetik Algoritmalar ve Mekanik Tasarım Problemleri Uygulamaları", Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 2, 1-13. 2007.
  • Bonori, G., Barbieri, M., & Pellicano, F., "Optimum profile modifications of spur gears by means of genetic algorithms", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 313, 603–616, 2008.
  • Mendi, F., Başkal, T., Boran, K., & Boran, F. E., "Optimization of module, shaft diameter and rolling bearing for spur gear through genetic algorithm", Expert Systems with Applications. 37(12), 8058-8064, 2010.
  • Dhafer, G., Jérôme, B., Philippe, V., Michel, O., & Haddar, M., Robust optimization of gear tooth modifications using a genetic algorithm. In Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 589-597, 2012.
  • Mendi, F., Başkal, T., & Külekci, M.K., "Application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) for Optimum Design of Module. Shaft Diameter and Bearing for Bevel Gearbox", Materials Testing. 54(6), 431-436, 2012.
  • Başkal, T., Nursoy, M., Esme, U., & Kulekci, M. K., "Application of Genetic Algorithms (GA) for the Optimization of Riveted Joints", Materials Testing, 55(9), 701-705, 2013.
  • Başkal, T., "Optimization of Screw Elements by Genetic Algorithm", Materials Testing, 56(11-12), 1049-1053, 2014.
  • Zacharia, P. T., Tsirkas, S. A., Kabouridis, G., & Giannopoulos, G. I., "Planning the construction process of a robotic arm using a genetic algorithm", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79(5-8), 1293-1302, 2015.
  • Pomrehn, L. P., & Papalamb ros, P. Y., "Discrete Optimal Formulation with Application to Gear Train Design", ASME J. of Mech. Design, 117(3), 419-424,1995.
  • Ognjanovic, M., "Decisions in gear train transmission design", Research in Engineering Design, 8(3), 178-187, 1996.
  • Chen, M., "Expert system of designing cylindric gear transmission", Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 22(5), 402-406, 1998.
  • Deb, K., & Goyal, M., "A flexible optimization procedure for mechanical component design based on genetic adaptive search", Journal of Mechanical Design Transactions of the ASME, 120, 162-164,1998.
  • Duan, G., Zha, J., Lin, J., & Weng, Q., "Use of genetic algorithms in designing movements of clocks and watches", Journal of Software, 9(7), 515-519, 1998.
  • Yokota, T., Taguchi, T. & Gen, M., "A solution method for optimal weight design problem of the gear using genetic algorithms”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 35(3-4), 523-526, 1998.
  • Fan, X., Ma, D., Yan, J., & Chen, M., "Hierarchical optimization for geometrical dimension tolerances", Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 33(7), 829-832, 1999.
  • Myint, S., "Concurrent engineering (CE) in product design: a multicriteria decision-making approach", Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 7(1), 2-9, 1999.
  • Flodin, A., "Wear investigation of spur gear teeth", TriboTest, 7 (1), 45-60, 2000.
  • Marcelin, J. L., "Genetic optimization of gear", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 17, 910-915,2001.
  • Dolen, M., Kaplan, H., & Seireg, A., "Discrete parameter-nonlinear constrained optimisation of a gear train using genetic algorithms", International journal of computer applications in technology, 24(2), 110-121, 2005.
  • Ping, L., Yongtong, H., Yuhong, Y., Danian, Z., & Shiyuan, Y., "Using counter-proposal to optimize genetic algorithm based cooperative negotiation", In Intelligent Processing Systems, 1997 IEEE International Conference on, 1, 891-895, 1997.
  • Qiang, L., & Ji, Z., "Complex Genetic Algorithm for Mechanical Dynamic Optimization Design", Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 35(5), 27-30, 1999.
  • Saruhan, H., & Uygur, I., "Design Optimisation of Mechanical Systems Using Genetic Algorithms", SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7 (2), 2003.
  • Kumar, V., Nair, S., Tiwari, R., & Chakraborty, I., "Rolling element bearing design through genetic algorithms", Engineering Optimization, 35(6), 649-659, 2003.
  • Gupta, S., Tiwari, R., & Nair, S. B., "Multi-objective design optimisation of rolling bearings using genetic algorithms", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(10), 1418-1443, 2007, doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory. 2006.10.002.
  • Rao, B. R., & Tiwari, R., "Optimum design of rolling element bearings using genetic algorithms", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(2), 233-250, 2007.
  • Mundo, D., & Yan, H. S., "Kinematic optimization of ball-screw transmission mechanisms", Mechanism and machine theory, 42(1), 34-47, 2007.
  • Aberšek, B., & Popov, V., "Intelligent tutoring system for training in design and manufacturing", Advances in Engineering Software, 35(7), 461-471, 2004.
  • Samanta, B., "Gear fault detection using artificial neural networks and support vector machines with genetic algorithms", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 18(3), 625-644, 2004.
  • Myint, S., & Tabucanon, M. T., "The framework for an expert system to generate alternative products in concurrent engineering design", Computers in Industry, 37(2), 125-134, 1998.
  • Su, D., Wakelam, M.,& Jambunathan, K., "Integration of a knowledge-based system, artificial neural networks and multimedia for gear design", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1), 53-59, 2000.
  • Tuomaala, E., "Independent research projects in applied mathematics Applying a Genetic Algorithm in Cellular", Radio Network Optimization, 2002.
  • Bircan, D.A., Automated Process Planning System for Rotational Parts. Ms Thesis, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2000.
  • Halowenken, A., Makine Dizaynı. McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  • Heinzler, M., Tabellenbuch Metal. Verlag Europa Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten, 87-89, 1994.
  • Goldberg, D. E., "Computer-aided pipeline operation using genetic algorithms and rule learning. Part I: Genetic algorithms in pipeline optimization", Engineering with Computers, 3(1), 35-45, 1987.

The Selection of Optimum Weld Thickness in Overlapped Types Of Welded Joints Using Genetic Algorithms

Year 2016, , 1 - 10, 15.06.2016


In this study, using genetic
algorithm the selection of optimum welded joints for normal cutting and
momentum shear strength was used. In order to find the minimization of the
objective functions with respect to variables in a specified range, the optimization
within the strength calculations of the overlapped types of welded joints for
normal cutting and momentum shear strength was obtained. The algorithm
developed in this way, as it is based on finding the best principle of
obtaining the values with respect to variables in a specified range, would
optimize the thickness
of the
overlapped types of welded joints.


  • Mendi, F., Külekçi, M.K., Başkal, T., & Bircan, D.A., "Genetik Algoritma (G.A.) Yardımıyla Helis Dişli Çarklarda Optimum Modül Seçimi", Ç.Ü. Müh. Mim. Fak. Dergisi, 23(1), 205-216, 2008.
  • Akkurt, M., Makine Elemanları Cilt 1-2, Birsen yayınevi, İstanbul, 2000.
  • Goldberg, D., Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison Wesley, New York, 1989.
  • Chambers, L. D. (Ed.), Practical handbook of genetic algorithms: complex coding systems 3, CRC press., 1998.
  • Zeyveli, M., "Genetik Algoritmalar ve Mekanik Tasarım Problemleri Uygulamaları", Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 2, 1-13. 2007.
  • Bonori, G., Barbieri, M., & Pellicano, F., "Optimum profile modifications of spur gears by means of genetic algorithms", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 313, 603–616, 2008.
  • Mendi, F., Başkal, T., Boran, K., & Boran, F. E., "Optimization of module, shaft diameter and rolling bearing for spur gear through genetic algorithm", Expert Systems with Applications. 37(12), 8058-8064, 2010.
  • Dhafer, G., Jérôme, B., Philippe, V., Michel, O., & Haddar, M., Robust optimization of gear tooth modifications using a genetic algorithm. In Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 589-597, 2012.
  • Mendi, F., Başkal, T., & Külekci, M.K., "Application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) for Optimum Design of Module. Shaft Diameter and Bearing for Bevel Gearbox", Materials Testing. 54(6), 431-436, 2012.
  • Başkal, T., Nursoy, M., Esme, U., & Kulekci, M. K., "Application of Genetic Algorithms (GA) for the Optimization of Riveted Joints", Materials Testing, 55(9), 701-705, 2013.
  • Başkal, T., "Optimization of Screw Elements by Genetic Algorithm", Materials Testing, 56(11-12), 1049-1053, 2014.
  • Zacharia, P. T., Tsirkas, S. A., Kabouridis, G., & Giannopoulos, G. I., "Planning the construction process of a robotic arm using a genetic algorithm", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79(5-8), 1293-1302, 2015.
  • Pomrehn, L. P., & Papalamb ros, P. Y., "Discrete Optimal Formulation with Application to Gear Train Design", ASME J. of Mech. Design, 117(3), 419-424,1995.
  • Ognjanovic, M., "Decisions in gear train transmission design", Research in Engineering Design, 8(3), 178-187, 1996.
  • Chen, M., "Expert system of designing cylindric gear transmission", Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 22(5), 402-406, 1998.
  • Deb, K., & Goyal, M., "A flexible optimization procedure for mechanical component design based on genetic adaptive search", Journal of Mechanical Design Transactions of the ASME, 120, 162-164,1998.
  • Duan, G., Zha, J., Lin, J., & Weng, Q., "Use of genetic algorithms in designing movements of clocks and watches", Journal of Software, 9(7), 515-519, 1998.
  • Yokota, T., Taguchi, T. & Gen, M., "A solution method for optimal weight design problem of the gear using genetic algorithms”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 35(3-4), 523-526, 1998.
  • Fan, X., Ma, D., Yan, J., & Chen, M., "Hierarchical optimization for geometrical dimension tolerances", Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 33(7), 829-832, 1999.
  • Myint, S., "Concurrent engineering (CE) in product design: a multicriteria decision-making approach", Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 7(1), 2-9, 1999.
  • Flodin, A., "Wear investigation of spur gear teeth", TriboTest, 7 (1), 45-60, 2000.
  • Marcelin, J. L., "Genetic optimization of gear", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 17, 910-915,2001.
  • Dolen, M., Kaplan, H., & Seireg, A., "Discrete parameter-nonlinear constrained optimisation of a gear train using genetic algorithms", International journal of computer applications in technology, 24(2), 110-121, 2005.
  • Ping, L., Yongtong, H., Yuhong, Y., Danian, Z., & Shiyuan, Y., "Using counter-proposal to optimize genetic algorithm based cooperative negotiation", In Intelligent Processing Systems, 1997 IEEE International Conference on, 1, 891-895, 1997.
  • Qiang, L., & Ji, Z., "Complex Genetic Algorithm for Mechanical Dynamic Optimization Design", Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 35(5), 27-30, 1999.
  • Saruhan, H., & Uygur, I., "Design Optimisation of Mechanical Systems Using Genetic Algorithms", SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7 (2), 2003.
  • Kumar, V., Nair, S., Tiwari, R., & Chakraborty, I., "Rolling element bearing design through genetic algorithms", Engineering Optimization, 35(6), 649-659, 2003.
  • Gupta, S., Tiwari, R., & Nair, S. B., "Multi-objective design optimisation of rolling bearings using genetic algorithms", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(10), 1418-1443, 2007, doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory. 2006.10.002.
  • Rao, B. R., & Tiwari, R., "Optimum design of rolling element bearings using genetic algorithms", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(2), 233-250, 2007.
  • Mundo, D., & Yan, H. S., "Kinematic optimization of ball-screw transmission mechanisms", Mechanism and machine theory, 42(1), 34-47, 2007.
  • Aberšek, B., & Popov, V., "Intelligent tutoring system for training in design and manufacturing", Advances in Engineering Software, 35(7), 461-471, 2004.
  • Samanta, B., "Gear fault detection using artificial neural networks and support vector machines with genetic algorithms", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 18(3), 625-644, 2004.
  • Myint, S., & Tabucanon, M. T., "The framework for an expert system to generate alternative products in concurrent engineering design", Computers in Industry, 37(2), 125-134, 1998.
  • Su, D., Wakelam, M.,& Jambunathan, K., "Integration of a knowledge-based system, artificial neural networks and multimedia for gear design", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1), 53-59, 2000.
  • Tuomaala, E., "Independent research projects in applied mathematics Applying a Genetic Algorithm in Cellular", Radio Network Optimization, 2002.
  • Bircan, D.A., Automated Process Planning System for Rotational Parts. Ms Thesis, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2000.
  • Halowenken, A., Makine Dizaynı. McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  • Heinzler, M., Tabellenbuch Metal. Verlag Europa Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten, 87-89, 1994.
  • Goldberg, D. E., "Computer-aided pipeline operation using genetic algorithms and rule learning. Part I: Genetic algorithms in pipeline optimization", Engineering with Computers, 3(1), 35-45, 1987.
There are 39 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Tamer Başkal This is me

Aşır Özbek This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2016
Submission Date October 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Başkal, T., & Özbek, A. (2016). The Selection of Optimum Weld Thickness in Overlapped Types Of Welded Joints Using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 8(2), 1-10.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.