Research Article
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A Study on Austempering a Hıgh Carbon Powder Metal Steel

Year 2017, , 6 - 11, 26.12.2017


In this study, 1.5% by weight of natural
graphite powders were added to NC 100.24 pure iron powders to obtain plain high
carbon steel powder metallurgy specimens. After respectively uniaxial pressing
at room temperature, 100 °C and 200 °C and under 700 MPa pressing pressure, the
specimens were sintered in an atmospheric controlled furnace at 1150 ° C. The
spec,mens were then austenitized at 950 ° C for half an hour in a salt bath at
300 ° C for austempering heat treatment. The structure transformations after
the heat treatment were examined using optic microscope. Through pressing
processes at different temperatures, the effects of densification rate on the
hardness and bainitic transformation were investigated. It was seen that by
increasing the densitity of high carbon powder metal materials, the bainitic
structure transformation was improved and thus hardness value was effectively


  • Aykin, T., “Optimal Shift Scheduling with Multiple Break Windows”, Management Science, 42 (4) 591-602, 1996.
  • Azaiez, M.N., Al Sharif, S.S., “A 0-1 goal programming model for nurse scheduling”, Computers & Operations Research, 32 (3), 491-507, 2005.
  • Bağ, N., Özdemir N., M., Eren, T., "0-1 Hedef Programlama ve ANP Yöntemi ile Hemşire Çizelgeleme Problemi Çözümü", International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 4, 2-6, 2012.
  • Bard, J., Binici, C., Desilva, A., “Staff Scheduling at the United States Postal Service,” Computers and Operations Research, 30, 745-771, 2003.
  • Bozbura, T.F., Beskese, A., Özgün, Ç., “Modeling the Tour Planning of the Employees on the Critical Tasks by Genetic Algorithm,”12th International Research/Expert Conference, “Trades in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology,” 26-30, 381-384, 2008.
  • Brunner, J., Bard, O.J.F., Kolisch R., “Flexible Shift Scheduling of Physicians,” Health Care Management Science, 12, 285–305, 2009.
  • Brunner, J.O., Edenharter, G.M., “Long term staff scheduling of physicians with different experience levels in hospitals using column generation,” Health Care Management Science, 14, 189-202, 2011.
  • Burke, E., Li, J., Qu, R., "A hybrid model of integer programming and variable neigbourhood search for highly-constraint nurse rostering problems,", Eurpean Journal of Operational Research, 203 (2), 484- 493, 2010.
  • Charnes A., Cooper W.W., “Management models and industrial applications of linear programming”, Wiley, New York, 1965-66, 1, and 1967, 2, 1961.
  • Charnes A., Cooper W.W., Ferguson R., “Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming,” Management Science, 1, 138-151, 1955.
  • Dantzig, B.G., "Letter to the Editor—A Comment on Edie’s ‘Traffic Delays at Toll Booths’", Operations Research, 2, 339–341, 1954.
  • Ernst, A.T., Jiang, H., Krishnamoorthy, M., Owens, B., Sier, D., “An annotated bibliography of personnel scheduling and rostering”, Annals of Operations Research, 127, 21–144. 2004.
  • Ernst, A.T., Jiang, H., Krishnamoorthy, M., Sier, D., “Staff scheduling and rostering: A review of applications, methods, and models”, European Journal of Operations Research, 153, 3–27, 2004.
  • Fırat M., Hurkens, C.A.J., "An improved MIP-based approach for a multi-skill workforce scheduling problem," Journal of Scheduling, 15, 363–380, 2011.
  • Glass, C.A., Knight, R. A., “The nurse rostering problem: A critical appraisal of the problem structure,” European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 379-389, 2010.
  • Günther, M., Nissen, V., “Sub-daily staff scheduling for a logistics service provider,” Künstl Intell, 24, 105-113, 2010. Horn, M., Jiang, H., Kilby, P., "Scheduling patrol boats and crews for the Royal Australian Navy", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58, 1284-1293, 2007.
  • Ignizio, J., “Introduction to Goal Programming” Sage Publications Inc., Beverley Hills, California, 1985.
  • Karaatlı, M., Güngör, İ., “Hemşire çizelgeleme sorununa bir çözüm önerisi ve bir uygulama”, Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (1), 22-52, 2010.
  • Keith E.G., “Operator Scheduling”, AIIE Transactions, 37-41, 1979.
  • Labidi, M., Mrad, M., Gharbi, A., Louly, M., A., "Scheduling IT Staff at a Bank: A Mathematical Programming Approach", The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
  • Li, J., Burke, E.K., Curtois, T., Petrovic, S., Qu, R., "The falling tide algorithm: a new multi-objective approach for complex workforce scheduling", Omega, 40, 283–293, 2012.
  • Moz, M., Pato, M.V., Solving the problem of rerostering nurse schedules with hard constraints: New multicommodity flow models. Annals of Operations Research, 128, 179-197, 2004.
  • Ozkarahan, I., Bailey, J.E., “Goal programming model subsystem of a flexible nurse scheduling support system”, IEEE Transactions, 16, 306–316, 1988.
  • Özcan, E.C Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hedef Programlama Yaklaşımı ile Hidroelektrik Santrallarda Vardiya Personeli Çizelgeleme”, Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 2017. (Basımda).
  • Öztürkoğlu Y., Çalışkan, F., "Hemşire Çizelgelemesinde Esnek Vardiya Planlaması ve Hastane Uygulaması," Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16, 115-133, 2014.
  • Ronnberg, E., Larsson, T., “Automating the self-scheduling process of nurses in Swedish healthcare: a pilot study,” Health Care Management Science, 13, 35-53, 2010.
  • Seçkiner, S., Kurt, M., "Bütünleşik tur-rotasyon çizelgeleme yaklaşımı ile iş yükü minimizasyonu," Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2), 161-169, 2005.
  • Segal, M., “The operator-scheduling problem: A network flow approach,” Operations Research 808–823, 1974. Sowalter, M., J., Mabert, V., A., “An evaluation of a full/part time tour scheduling methodology.,” International Operation and Production Management, 54-71, 1988.
  • Sungur, B., "Bir güzellik salonunun tur çizelgeleme problemi için karma tam sayılı hedef programlama modelinin geliştirilmesi", İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 37, 49-64, 2008.
  • Şahiner, M., Aktürk, M.S., Ünlüsoy, S., Bedir, N., Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hemşire Çizelgeleme İçin Model Önerisi: Örnek Uygulama”, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (Basımda), 2017.
  • Thompson, G.M., “Optimal Scheduling of Shifts and Breaks Using Employees Having Limited Time-Availability”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7, (1), 56-73, 1996.
  • Todovic, D., Makajic-Nikolic, D., Kostic-Stankovic M., Martic, M., "Police officer scheduling using goal programming", Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 38, 295-313, 2015.
  • Topaloğlu, S., Özkarahan, I., “An Implicit Goal Programming Model For the Tour Scheduling Problem Considering the Employee Work Preferences,” Annals of Operations Research, 128: 135-158, 2004.
  • Unal, F.M., Eren, T., Hedef programlama ile nöbet çizelgeleme probleminin çözümü. Akademik Platform Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 1, 28-37, 2016.
  • Varlı, E., Eren T., Gençer M. A., Çetin S., “Ankara Metrosu M1 Hattındaki Vatmanların Vardiya Saatlerinin Çizelgelenmesi”. 3. Uluslararası Raylı Sistemler Mühendisliği Sempozyumu-Karabük, 2016a.
  • Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hemşire Çizelgeleme Problemi ve Bir Hastanede Uygulama.”, Akademik Platform Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5, 1, 34-40, 2017a.
  • Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Vardiya Çizelgeleme Problemi ve Bir Örnek Uygulama, International Journal Of Informatics Technologies”, 10, 2, 185-197, 2017b .
  • Varlı, E., Gençer, M.A., Eren, T., “Ankara: Metro Hatları Vardiya Saatlerinin Çizelgelenmesi”, 9. Uluslararası İstanbul Ulaşım Kongresi ve Fuarı, 2016b.
  • Wright, P.D., Bretthauer, K.M., “Strategies for Addressing the Nursing Shortage: Coordinated Decision Making and Workforce Flexibility,” Decision Sciences, 41, 373-401, 2010.
  • Yağcıoğlu, Ş., Çetin, H., Güngör, İ., “Kredi Ve Yurtlar Kurumu Yöneticileri İçin Vardiya Planlamasında Bir Model Önerisi”, CBÜ Sosyal bilimler dergisi, 13(2), 4-22, 2016.
  • Yüksel, İ., “Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesinin Tipik ve A tipik İstihdam Açısından İncelenmesi,” Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 5 (1), 47-58, 2004.

Bir Yüksek Karbonlu Toz Metal Çeliğin Östemperlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Year 2017, , 6 - 11, 26.12.2017


Bu çalışmada
NC100.24 saf demir tozlarına ağırlıkça %1,5 oranında doğal grafit tozları
ilave edilerek sade yüksek karbonlu çelik toz metalurjisi numuneler elde
edilmiştir. Hazırlanan karışım oda sıcaklığı, 100°C ve 200°C sıcaklıkta ve
700 Mpa presleme basıncında tek eksenli preslendikten sonra 1150°C de
atmosfer kontrollü fırında sinterlenmiştir. Ardından östemperleme ısıl işlemi
için numuneler 950°C de östenitlenip 300 °C sıcaklıktaki tuz banyosunda 30
dakika süre ile östemperleme işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Isıl işlem sonrası
gerçekleşen yapı dönüşümleri optik mikroskop yardımıyla incelenmiştir. Farklı
sıcaklıklarda presleme işlemleriyle yoğunlaşma oranın sertlik ve beynitik
dönüşünlere etkileri çalışılmıştır. Yüksek carbonlu toz metal malzemelerin
yoğunluklarının artırılmasıyla, beynitik yapı dönüşümleri geliştirilmiş ve
sertlik değerleri etkili bir şekilde artırılımıştır.


  • Aykin, T., “Optimal Shift Scheduling with Multiple Break Windows”, Management Science, 42 (4) 591-602, 1996.
  • Azaiez, M.N., Al Sharif, S.S., “A 0-1 goal programming model for nurse scheduling”, Computers & Operations Research, 32 (3), 491-507, 2005.
  • Bağ, N., Özdemir N., M., Eren, T., "0-1 Hedef Programlama ve ANP Yöntemi ile Hemşire Çizelgeleme Problemi Çözümü", International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 4, 2-6, 2012.
  • Bard, J., Binici, C., Desilva, A., “Staff Scheduling at the United States Postal Service,” Computers and Operations Research, 30, 745-771, 2003.
  • Bozbura, T.F., Beskese, A., Özgün, Ç., “Modeling the Tour Planning of the Employees on the Critical Tasks by Genetic Algorithm,”12th International Research/Expert Conference, “Trades in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology,” 26-30, 381-384, 2008.
  • Brunner, J., Bard, O.J.F., Kolisch R., “Flexible Shift Scheduling of Physicians,” Health Care Management Science, 12, 285–305, 2009.
  • Brunner, J.O., Edenharter, G.M., “Long term staff scheduling of physicians with different experience levels in hospitals using column generation,” Health Care Management Science, 14, 189-202, 2011.
  • Burke, E., Li, J., Qu, R., "A hybrid model of integer programming and variable neigbourhood search for highly-constraint nurse rostering problems,", Eurpean Journal of Operational Research, 203 (2), 484- 493, 2010.
  • Charnes A., Cooper W.W., “Management models and industrial applications of linear programming”, Wiley, New York, 1965-66, 1, and 1967, 2, 1961.
  • Charnes A., Cooper W.W., Ferguson R., “Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming,” Management Science, 1, 138-151, 1955.
  • Dantzig, B.G., "Letter to the Editor—A Comment on Edie’s ‘Traffic Delays at Toll Booths’", Operations Research, 2, 339–341, 1954.
  • Ernst, A.T., Jiang, H., Krishnamoorthy, M., Owens, B., Sier, D., “An annotated bibliography of personnel scheduling and rostering”, Annals of Operations Research, 127, 21–144. 2004.
  • Ernst, A.T., Jiang, H., Krishnamoorthy, M., Sier, D., “Staff scheduling and rostering: A review of applications, methods, and models”, European Journal of Operations Research, 153, 3–27, 2004.
  • Fırat M., Hurkens, C.A.J., "An improved MIP-based approach for a multi-skill workforce scheduling problem," Journal of Scheduling, 15, 363–380, 2011.
  • Glass, C.A., Knight, R. A., “The nurse rostering problem: A critical appraisal of the problem structure,” European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 379-389, 2010.
  • Günther, M., Nissen, V., “Sub-daily staff scheduling for a logistics service provider,” Künstl Intell, 24, 105-113, 2010. Horn, M., Jiang, H., Kilby, P., "Scheduling patrol boats and crews for the Royal Australian Navy", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58, 1284-1293, 2007.
  • Ignizio, J., “Introduction to Goal Programming” Sage Publications Inc., Beverley Hills, California, 1985.
  • Karaatlı, M., Güngör, İ., “Hemşire çizelgeleme sorununa bir çözüm önerisi ve bir uygulama”, Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (1), 22-52, 2010.
  • Keith E.G., “Operator Scheduling”, AIIE Transactions, 37-41, 1979.
  • Labidi, M., Mrad, M., Gharbi, A., Louly, M., A., "Scheduling IT Staff at a Bank: A Mathematical Programming Approach", The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
  • Li, J., Burke, E.K., Curtois, T., Petrovic, S., Qu, R., "The falling tide algorithm: a new multi-objective approach for complex workforce scheduling", Omega, 40, 283–293, 2012.
  • Moz, M., Pato, M.V., Solving the problem of rerostering nurse schedules with hard constraints: New multicommodity flow models. Annals of Operations Research, 128, 179-197, 2004.
  • Ozkarahan, I., Bailey, J.E., “Goal programming model subsystem of a flexible nurse scheduling support system”, IEEE Transactions, 16, 306–316, 1988.
  • Özcan, E.C Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hedef Programlama Yaklaşımı ile Hidroelektrik Santrallarda Vardiya Personeli Çizelgeleme”, Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 2017. (Basımda).
  • Öztürkoğlu Y., Çalışkan, F., "Hemşire Çizelgelemesinde Esnek Vardiya Planlaması ve Hastane Uygulaması," Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16, 115-133, 2014.
  • Ronnberg, E., Larsson, T., “Automating the self-scheduling process of nurses in Swedish healthcare: a pilot study,” Health Care Management Science, 13, 35-53, 2010.
  • Seçkiner, S., Kurt, M., "Bütünleşik tur-rotasyon çizelgeleme yaklaşımı ile iş yükü minimizasyonu," Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2), 161-169, 2005.
  • Segal, M., “The operator-scheduling problem: A network flow approach,” Operations Research 808–823, 1974. Sowalter, M., J., Mabert, V., A., “An evaluation of a full/part time tour scheduling methodology.,” International Operation and Production Management, 54-71, 1988.
  • Sungur, B., "Bir güzellik salonunun tur çizelgeleme problemi için karma tam sayılı hedef programlama modelinin geliştirilmesi", İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 37, 49-64, 2008.
  • Şahiner, M., Aktürk, M.S., Ünlüsoy, S., Bedir, N., Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hemşire Çizelgeleme İçin Model Önerisi: Örnek Uygulama”, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (Basımda), 2017.
  • Thompson, G.M., “Optimal Scheduling of Shifts and Breaks Using Employees Having Limited Time-Availability”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7, (1), 56-73, 1996.
  • Todovic, D., Makajic-Nikolic, D., Kostic-Stankovic M., Martic, M., "Police officer scheduling using goal programming", Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 38, 295-313, 2015.
  • Topaloğlu, S., Özkarahan, I., “An Implicit Goal Programming Model For the Tour Scheduling Problem Considering the Employee Work Preferences,” Annals of Operations Research, 128: 135-158, 2004.
  • Unal, F.M., Eren, T., Hedef programlama ile nöbet çizelgeleme probleminin çözümü. Akademik Platform Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 1, 28-37, 2016.
  • Varlı, E., Eren T., Gençer M. A., Çetin S., “Ankara Metrosu M1 Hattındaki Vatmanların Vardiya Saatlerinin Çizelgelenmesi”. 3. Uluslararası Raylı Sistemler Mühendisliği Sempozyumu-Karabük, 2016a.
  • Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Hemşire Çizelgeleme Problemi ve Bir Hastanede Uygulama.”, Akademik Platform Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5, 1, 34-40, 2017a.
  • Varlı, E., Eren, T., “Vardiya Çizelgeleme Problemi ve Bir Örnek Uygulama, International Journal Of Informatics Technologies”, 10, 2, 185-197, 2017b .
  • Varlı, E., Gençer, M.A., Eren, T., “Ankara: Metro Hatları Vardiya Saatlerinin Çizelgelenmesi”, 9. Uluslararası İstanbul Ulaşım Kongresi ve Fuarı, 2016b.
  • Wright, P.D., Bretthauer, K.M., “Strategies for Addressing the Nursing Shortage: Coordinated Decision Making and Workforce Flexibility,” Decision Sciences, 41, 373-401, 2010.
  • Yağcıoğlu, Ş., Çetin, H., Güngör, İ., “Kredi Ve Yurtlar Kurumu Yöneticileri İçin Vardiya Planlamasında Bir Model Önerisi”, CBÜ Sosyal bilimler dergisi, 13(2), 4-22, 2016.
  • Yüksel, İ., “Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesinin Tipik ve A tipik İstihdam Açısından İncelenmesi,” Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 5 (1), 47-58, 2004.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Onur Altuntaş

Ahmet Güral This is me

Publication Date December 26, 2017
Submission Date May 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Altuntaş, O., & Güral, A. (2017). A Study on Austempering a Hıgh Carbon Powder Metal Steel. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 9(3), 6-11.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.