Ballistic Performance of Kevlar49/ UHMW-PEHB26 Hybrid Layered-Composite
Year 2015,
, 21 - 27, 15.12.2015
Mert Onur Yavaş
Ahmet Avcı
Mehmet Şımşır
Ahmet Akdemır
This experimental study investigates the effects
of plies number on ballistic performance of Kevlar49/ UHMW-PEHB26 (ultra
high molecular weight polyethylene) layered-hybrid composite. Ballistic
performance of the composite samples is explained in terms of trauma depth, energy
absorption capacity and the mechanisms
that lead to perforation in varied
composite samples. Ballistic tests are performed according to NIJ 0101.04 Level-III standards. The results is showed that the produced composite samples excluding Type
V-composite provide Level IIIA protection according to NIJ 0101.04 standard.
The critical number of ply for Kevlar49/
UHMW-PEHB26 layered-hybrid composite is obtained as 16 plies consisting of 8 plies for each fabrics. Trauma depth increases with decreasing total number of plies in the
composite samples. The energy absorption capability of the layered-composite
decreases with decreasing total number of plies. Energy absorption mechanisms
are explained by strain energy of the plies due to straining and fracture of
yarns, delamination of plies and layers, and friction energy between plies, and
the mobility of yarns.
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- [22] M. Grujicic, G. Arakere, T. He, W.C. Bell, B. A. Cheeseman, C.-F. Yen, and B. Scott, A Ballistic Material Model for Cross-Plied Unidirectional Ultra-High Molecular- Weight Polyethylene Fiber-reinforced Armor-Grade Composites, Mater. Sci. Eng, A, 2008, 498(1-2), p 231–241
- [23] N. Critescu, L.E. Malvern, and R.L. Sierakowski, Failure Mechanisms in Composite Plates Impacted by Blunt-Ended Penetrators, Foreign Object Impact Damage to Composites, ASTM STP #568, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1975, p 159–172
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- [25] NIJ 0101.04 Level-III standards
Year 2015,
, 21 - 27, 15.12.2015
Mert Onur Yavaş
Ahmet Avcı
Mehmet Şımşır
Ahmet Akdemır
- [1] O. Soykasap and M. Colakoglu, Ballistic performance of a Kevlar-29 woven fiber composite under varied temperatures, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2010
- [2] Chitrangad, Hybrid ballistic fabric. United States patent no. 5,187,003, 16 February 1993.
- [3] Cunniff P.M., An analysis of the system effects of woven fabrics under ballistic impact. Textile Res J 1992;62(9):495–509.
- [4] Cheeseman B.A, Bogetti TA. Ballistic impact into fabric and compliant composite laminates. Compost Struct 2003;61:161–73.)
- [5] Briscoe BJ, Motamedi F. The ballistic impact characteristics of aramid fabrics: the influence of interface friction. Wear, 1992;158:229–47.
- [6] Bazhenov S. Dissipation of energy by bulletproof aramid fabric. J Mater Sci 1997;32(15):4167–73.
- [7] Tan VBC, Tay TE, Teo WK. Strengthening fabric armour with silica colloidal suspensions. Int J Solids Struct 2005;42:1561–76
- [8] V.B.C. Tan, C.T. Lim, C.H. Cheong. Perforation of high-strength fabric by projectiles of different geometry, International Journal of Impact Engineering 28 (2003) 207–222
- [9] Lee BL, Walsh TF, Won ST, Patts HM, Song JW, Mayer AH. Penetration failure mechanisms of armor-grade fiber composites under impact. J Compos Mater 2001; 35 (18) :1605–33.
- [10] B.L. Lee, J.W. Song, and J.E. Ward, Failure of Spectra_ Polyethylene Fiber-Reinforced Composites Under Ballistic Impact Loading, J. Compos. Mater., 1994, 28(13), p 1202–1226
- [11] Smith JC, McCrackin FL, Schiefer HF. Stress–strain relationships in yarns subjected to rapid impact loading. Part V: wave propagation in long textile yarns impacted transversely. Text Res J 1958;28:288–302.
- [12] Lyons WJ. Impact phenomena in textiles. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press; 1963.
- [13] Shim VPW, Tan VBC, Tay TE. Modelling deformation and damage characteristics of woven fabric under small projectile impact. Int J Impact Eng 1995;16(4):585–605.
- [14] M. J. N. Jacobs, J. L. J. Van Dingenen, Ballistic protection mechanismsin personal armour. J Mater Sci 36 (2001) 3137 – 3142
- [15] Mehmet Karahan, Abdil Kus, and Recep Eren, An investigation into ballistic performance and energy absorption capabilities of woven aramid fabrics, International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (2008) 499–510
- [16] M. Grujicic, P.S. Glomski, T. He, G. Arakere, W.C. Bell, and B.A. Cheeseman, Material Modeling and Ballistic-Resistance Analysis of Armor-Grade Composites Reinforced with High-Performance Fibers, JMEPEG (2009) 18:1169–1182
- [17] Roylance D and Wang SS. Penetration mechanics of textile structures. In: Laible RC, editor. Ballistic Materials and Penetration Mechanics. NewYork: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co; 1980.
- [18] Field JE and Sun Q. A high speed photographic study of impact on fibres and woven fabrics. In: The Proceeding of the 19th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics Part 2, 16–21 September 1990. p. 703–12.
- [19] Prosser RA, Cohen SH, Segars RA. Heat as a factor in the penetration of cloth ballistic panels by 0.22 caliber projectiles. Text Res J 2000;70(8):709–22.
- [20] Iremonger MJ. Polyethylene composites for protection against high velocity small arms bullets. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Ballistics, San Antonio, Texas, 15–19 November 1999. p. 946–53.
- [21] Prevorsek DC, Kwon YD, Chin HB. Analysis of the temperature rise in the projectile and extended chain polyethylene fiber composite armor during ballistic impact and penetration. Polym Eng Sci 1994;34(2):141–52.
- [22] M. Grujicic, G. Arakere, T. He, W.C. Bell, B. A. Cheeseman, C.-F. Yen, and B. Scott, A Ballistic Material Model for Cross-Plied Unidirectional Ultra-High Molecular- Weight Polyethylene Fiber-reinforced Armor-Grade Composites, Mater. Sci. Eng, A, 2008, 498(1-2), p 231–241
- [23] N. Critescu, L.E. Malvern, and R.L. Sierakowski, Failure Mechanisms in Composite Plates Impacted by Blunt-Ended Penetrators, Foreign Object Impact Damage to Composites, ASTM STP #568, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1975, p 159–172
- [24] Y. Duan, M. Keefe, T. A. Bogetti, and B. Powers, “Finite element modeling of transverse impact on a ballistic fabric,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., 48, 33-43 (2006).
- [25] NIJ 0101.04 Level-III standards