Almusallam, A.A. (2001). Effect of environmental conditions on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 23(4-5), 353-361.
Andreotti, G., Graziotti, F., & Magenes, G. (2018). Detailed micro-modelling of the direct shear tests of brick masonry specimens: the role of dilatancy. Engineering Structures, 168, 929-949.
ASTM C 1531-03 (2003). Standard Test Method for In Situ Measurement of Masonry Joint Shear Strength Index. West Conshohocken, United States.
Bayülke, N. (2003). Yığma yapılar Taş ve Tuğla. IMO Yayınları. Ankara.
Berhane, Z. (1984). Evaporation of water from fresh mortar and concrete at different environmental conditions. In Journal proceedings, 81(6), 560-565.
Bonura, V., Jafari, S., Zapico Blanco, B., & Graziotti, F. (2018). Interpretation of in situ shear test for brick masonry: a benchmark study. In Proceedings of the 16th European conference on earthquake engineering, 16ECEE. 18-21.
Cultrone, G., Sebastián, E., Elert, K., De la Torre, M. J., Cazalla, O., & Rodriguez–Navarro, C. (2004). Influence of mineralogy and firing temperature on the porosity of bricks. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 24(3), 547-564.
Dalkilic, N., & Nabikoglu A. (2017). Traditional manufacturing of clay brick used in the historical buildings of Diyarbakir (Turkey). Frontiers of Architectural Research. 6(3). 346-359
EN 1996-1-1 (2006) Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures-General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures. CEN, EU.
Ferretti, F., Ferracuti, B., Mazzotti, C., & Savoia, M. (2019). Destructive and minor destructive tests on masonry buildings: Experimental results and comparison between shear failure criteria. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 12-29.
Haach, V. G., Vasconcelos, G., & Lourenço, P. B. (2011). Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 25(6), 2980-2987.
Ispir, M., Demir, C., Ilki, A., & Kumbasar, N. (2009). Material characterization of the historical unreinforced masonry Akaretler row houses in Istanbul. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(7), 702-713.
Lourenço, P. B., Fernandes, F. M., & Castro, F. (2010). Handmade clay bricks: Chemical, physical and mechanical properties. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 4(1), 38-58.
Rahman, A., & Ueda, T. (2013). Experimental investigation and numerical modeling of peak shear stress of brick masonry mortar joint under compression. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(9), 1-12.
Szilágyi, K., & Borosnyói, A. (2009). 50 years of experience with the Schmidt rebound hammer. Concrete Structures, vol 10, 46-56.
TS EN 12504-2 (2004) Testing concrete in structures, part-2 non-destructive testing, determination rebound number, Standard. Ankara, Turkey.
TS EN 771-1 (2005) Specification for Masonry Units—Part 1: Clay Masonry Units. Ankara, Turkey.
TSC (2007). Specification for buildings to be built in earthquake zones. Ministry of Public Work and Settlement, Ankara, Turkey
TSC (2018) Turkish Earthquake Code: Specifications for Building Design Under Earthquake Effects. Ministry of Public Work and Settlement, Ankara, Turkey
Van der Pluijm, R. (1992). Material properties of masonry and its components under tension and shear. In Proceedings 6th Canadian Masonry Symposium, 15-17 June 1992, Saskatoon, Canada. 675-686. University of Saskatchewan
An Experimental Study To Determine Sliding Shear Strength And Internal Frictional Coefficient Of Clay Brick Wall In A Masonry Building
96% of the available buildings in use in Turkey are taking place in the
earthquake zone and approximately 50% of them an masonry structures built using
bricks. Sliding shear strength and internal friction coefficient were taken as
a constant value in Turkish Earthquake Code (TSC 2007) depending on the type
and hole rate of the brick section regardless of available compressive strength
of the brick, mortar and plaster of a wall. But nowadays these values are
recommended to be taken according to the compressive strength of mortar in TSC-2018.
In addition, with this study it is recommended that, to evaluate the
performance of a building against earthquake, the mechanical properties of the
materials used for a building must be determined on site with series of tests. It
is well-known that for each building mechanical properties of mortar and plaster
are variable because of site work conditions.
In this study, a couple of
tests were conducted in different
storeys of a five-storey-masonry building representing the clay brick masonry
buildings in the country built in the 1950s, to determine the sliding shear strength
and internal frictional coefficient, using a similar method to shove test. With
the increment of axially vertical load from upper storey to lower storey, the
shear capacity occurs in lower storey more than upper storey. In order to
determine a characteristic shear force for the building, it has been revised
considering the lowest compressive strength of mortar in the storeys. Related
with the internal friction coefficient obtained, a quite good correlation was
found between the results and the standards. However, the sliding shear
strength was found to be approximately three times higher than TSC 2007 and
about two times higher than TSC 2018. This means that, the limits recommended
in the standards are much safer than results obtained from the tests.
Almusallam, A.A. (2001). Effect of environmental conditions on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 23(4-5), 353-361.
Andreotti, G., Graziotti, F., & Magenes, G. (2018). Detailed micro-modelling of the direct shear tests of brick masonry specimens: the role of dilatancy. Engineering Structures, 168, 929-949.
ASTM C 1531-03 (2003). Standard Test Method for In Situ Measurement of Masonry Joint Shear Strength Index. West Conshohocken, United States.
Bayülke, N. (2003). Yığma yapılar Taş ve Tuğla. IMO Yayınları. Ankara.
Berhane, Z. (1984). Evaporation of water from fresh mortar and concrete at different environmental conditions. In Journal proceedings, 81(6), 560-565.
Bonura, V., Jafari, S., Zapico Blanco, B., & Graziotti, F. (2018). Interpretation of in situ shear test for brick masonry: a benchmark study. In Proceedings of the 16th European conference on earthquake engineering, 16ECEE. 18-21.
Cultrone, G., Sebastián, E., Elert, K., De la Torre, M. J., Cazalla, O., & Rodriguez–Navarro, C. (2004). Influence of mineralogy and firing temperature on the porosity of bricks. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 24(3), 547-564.
Dalkilic, N., & Nabikoglu A. (2017). Traditional manufacturing of clay brick used in the historical buildings of Diyarbakir (Turkey). Frontiers of Architectural Research. 6(3). 346-359
EN 1996-1-1 (2006) Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures-General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures. CEN, EU.
Ferretti, F., Ferracuti, B., Mazzotti, C., & Savoia, M. (2019). Destructive and minor destructive tests on masonry buildings: Experimental results and comparison between shear failure criteria. Construction and Building Materials, 199, 12-29.
Haach, V. G., Vasconcelos, G., & Lourenço, P. B. (2011). Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 25(6), 2980-2987.
Ispir, M., Demir, C., Ilki, A., & Kumbasar, N. (2009). Material characterization of the historical unreinforced masonry Akaretler row houses in Istanbul. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(7), 702-713.
Lourenço, P. B., Fernandes, F. M., & Castro, F. (2010). Handmade clay bricks: Chemical, physical and mechanical properties. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 4(1), 38-58.
Rahman, A., & Ueda, T. (2013). Experimental investigation and numerical modeling of peak shear stress of brick masonry mortar joint under compression. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(9), 1-12.
Szilágyi, K., & Borosnyói, A. (2009). 50 years of experience with the Schmidt rebound hammer. Concrete Structures, vol 10, 46-56.
TS EN 12504-2 (2004) Testing concrete in structures, part-2 non-destructive testing, determination rebound number, Standard. Ankara, Turkey.
TS EN 771-1 (2005) Specification for Masonry Units—Part 1: Clay Masonry Units. Ankara, Turkey.
TSC (2007). Specification for buildings to be built in earthquake zones. Ministry of Public Work and Settlement, Ankara, Turkey
TSC (2018) Turkish Earthquake Code: Specifications for Building Design Under Earthquake Effects. Ministry of Public Work and Settlement, Ankara, Turkey
Van der Pluijm, R. (1992). Material properties of masonry and its components under tension and shear. In Proceedings 6th Canadian Masonry Symposium, 15-17 June 1992, Saskatoon, Canada. 675-686. University of Saskatchewan
Odacıoğlu, O. G., & Doğan, O. (2019). An Experimental Study To Determine Sliding Shear Strength And Internal Frictional Coefficient Of Clay Brick Wall In A Masonry Building. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 11(2), 670-676.