Research Article
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Simulation Study for Estimating Istanbul Airport Passenger Capacity

Year 2021, , 278 - 287, 18.01.2021


In this article, a large-scale simulation model of Istanbul Airport has been developed. The aim of the study is to analyze the aircraft arrival and departure operations and to evaluate the efficiency of runway use. Runways often form the bottlenecks of airports and the assessment of their capacity is of great importance for airport management. The study consists of data collection, analysis of data, establishment of the simulation model, verification of the model, design of the model and analysis of the results. Data on arrivals and departures of aircraft at the airport were used as input in ARENATM, a sophisticated discrete event simulation software, to create a runway capacity estimation model by analyzing more than 25 thousand records, including 1 month. The simulation model was created with the arrival, departure and taxi stages of aircraft, which have the most significant impact on capacity, as well as the number of passengers. As a result of the analyzes made, it was estimated whether Istanbul Airport will reach the targeted passenger capacity in 2050. The model appears to be very efficient in evaluating runway capacity.


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  • Barrer, J. N., Kuzminski, P., & Swedish, W. J. (2005). Analyzing the runway capacity of complex airports. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA 5th ATIO and the AIAA 16th Lighter-than-Air Systems Technology Conference and Balloon Systems Conference.
  • Bazargan, M., Fleming, K., & Subramanian, P. (2002). A simulation study to investigate runway capacity using TAAM. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2, 1235–1243.
  • Cetek, F. A., & Cetek, C. (2014). Simulation modelling of runway capacity for flight training airports. Aeronautical Journal.
  • Chao, W., Xinyue, Z., & Xiaohao, X. (2008). Simulation Study on Airfield System Capacity Analysis Using SIMMOD. 2008 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 87–90.
  • De Neufville, R., De Barros, A. G., & Belin, S. C. (2002). Optimal configuration of airport passenger buildings for travelers. Journal of Transportation Engineering.
  • Federal Aviation Administration. (2005). Airport Capacity and Delay. In U.S. Department of Transportation.
  • Guizzi, G., Murino, T., & Romano, E. (2009). A Discrete Event Simulation to model Passenger Flow in the Airport Terminal. Mathematical Methods and Applied Computing.
  • Hansen, M. (2002). Micro-level analysis of airport delay externalities using deterministic queuing models: A case study. Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • Hasan, S., Long, D., Hart, G., Graham, M., Thompson, T., & Murphy, C. (2010). Integrated analysis of airport capacity and environmental constraints. 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference 2010, ATIO 2010.
  • Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F., Sproule, W., & Young, S. (2010). Planning and Design of Airports. In TRB Straight to Recording for All.
  • Kim, C. J., Akinbodunse, D. A., & Nwakamma, C. (2005). Modeling arrival flight traffic using arena®. 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering 2005, CAINE 2005.
  • Law, A. M., & Kelton, W. D. (2001). Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 80(10), 785.
  • Nsakanda, A. L., Turcotte, M., & Diaby, M. (2004). Air Cargo Operations Evaluation and Analysis through Simulation. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 2004., 2, 711–719.
  • Odoni, A. R., Bowman, J., Delahaye, D., Deyst, J. J., Feron, E., Hansman, R. J., Khan, K., Kuchar, J. K., Pujet, N., & Simpson, R. W. (1997). Existing and Required Modeling Capabilities for Evaluating ATM Systems and Concepts. Europe.
  • Pitfield, D. E., & Jerrard, E. A. (1999). Monte Carlo comes to Rome: A note on the estimation of unconstrained runway capacity at Rome Fiumucino International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • Vinet, L., & Zhedanov, A. (2011). A “missing” family of classical orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44(8), 085201.
  • Zografos, K. G., & Madas, M. A. (2006). Development and demonstration of an integrated decision support system for airport performance analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

İstanbul Havalimanı Yolcu Kapasitesinin Tahminine Yönelik Simülasyon Çalışması

Year 2021, , 278 - 287, 18.01.2021


Bu makalede İstanbul Havalimanının büyük ölçekli bir simülasyon modeli geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, uçak geliş ve kalkış operasyonlarının analizi ile pist kullanımının verimliliğinin değerlendirilmesidir. Havalimanlarının darboğazlarını genellikle pistler oluşturmaktadır ve kapasitesinin değerlendirilmesi havalimanı yönetimi için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çalışma veri toplama, verilerin analizi, simülasyon modelinin kurulması, modelin doğrulanması, modelin tasarımı ve sonuçların analizi kısımlarından oluşmaktadır. Uçakların havalimanına gelişlerine ve kalkışlarına ilişkin veriler, 1 ayı içeren ve 25 binden fazla kayıt analiz edilerek, pist kapasite tahmin modeli oluşturmak için karmaşık bir ayrık olay simülasyon yazılımı olan ARENATM programında girdi olarak kullanılmıştır. Simülasyon modeli, kapasite üzerinde en önemli etkiye sahip olan uçakların gelişi, kalkışı ve taksi aşaması aynı zamanda yolcu sayısı bilgileri ile oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan analizler sonucunda İstanbul Havalimanının 2050 yılında hedeflenen yolcu kapasitesine ulaşıp ulaşamayacağı tahmin edilmiştir. Model, pist kapasitesinin değerlendirilmesinde oldukça verimli görünmektedir.


  • Airport engineering. (1992). Choice Reviews Online, 30(02), 30-0944-30–0944.
  • Appelt, S., Batta, R., Lin, L., & Drury, C. (2007). Simulation of passenger check-in at a medium-sized us airport. Proceedings Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Barrer, J. N., Kuzminski, P., & Swedish, W. J. (2005). Analyzing the runway capacity of complex airports. Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA 5th ATIO and the AIAA 16th Lighter-than-Air Systems Technology Conference and Balloon Systems Conference.
  • Bazargan, M., Fleming, K., & Subramanian, P. (2002). A simulation study to investigate runway capacity using TAAM. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2, 1235–1243.
  • Cetek, F. A., & Cetek, C. (2014). Simulation modelling of runway capacity for flight training airports. Aeronautical Journal.
  • Chao, W., Xinyue, Z., & Xiaohao, X. (2008). Simulation Study on Airfield System Capacity Analysis Using SIMMOD. 2008 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 87–90.
  • De Neufville, R., De Barros, A. G., & Belin, S. C. (2002). Optimal configuration of airport passenger buildings for travelers. Journal of Transportation Engineering.
  • Federal Aviation Administration. (2005). Airport Capacity and Delay. In U.S. Department of Transportation.
  • Guizzi, G., Murino, T., & Romano, E. (2009). A Discrete Event Simulation to model Passenger Flow in the Airport Terminal. Mathematical Methods and Applied Computing.
  • Hansen, M. (2002). Micro-level analysis of airport delay externalities using deterministic queuing models: A case study. Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • Hasan, S., Long, D., Hart, G., Graham, M., Thompson, T., & Murphy, C. (2010). Integrated analysis of airport capacity and environmental constraints. 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference 2010, ATIO 2010.
  • Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F., Sproule, W., & Young, S. (2010). Planning and Design of Airports. In TRB Straight to Recording for All.
  • Kim, C. J., Akinbodunse, D. A., & Nwakamma, C. (2005). Modeling arrival flight traffic using arena®. 18th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering 2005, CAINE 2005.
  • Law, A. M., & Kelton, W. D. (2001). Letters to the Editor. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 80(10), 785.
  • Nsakanda, A. L., Turcotte, M., & Diaby, M. (2004). Air Cargo Operations Evaluation and Analysis through Simulation. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 2004., 2, 711–719.
  • Odoni, A. R., Bowman, J., Delahaye, D., Deyst, J. J., Feron, E., Hansman, R. J., Khan, K., Kuchar, J. K., Pujet, N., & Simpson, R. W. (1997). Existing and Required Modeling Capabilities for Evaluating ATM Systems and Concepts. Europe.
  • Pitfield, D. E., & Jerrard, E. A. (1999). Monte Carlo comes to Rome: A note on the estimation of unconstrained runway capacity at Rome Fiumucino International Airport. Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • Vinet, L., & Zhedanov, A. (2011). A “missing” family of classical orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44(8), 085201.
  • Zografos, K. G., & Madas, M. A. (2006). Development and demonstration of an integrated decision support system for airport performance analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Industrial Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Vecihi Yiğit 0000-0003-0625-3140

Serdar Çelik 0000-0002-9615-296X

Publication Date January 18, 2021
Submission Date November 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Yiğit, V., & Çelik, S. (2021). İstanbul Havalimanı Yolcu Kapasitesinin Tahminine Yönelik Simülasyon Çalışması. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 13(1), 278-287.

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