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Internet of Things (IoT)

Year 2020, , 24 - 34, 31.12.2020


The concept of internet has been accepted since the day it is part of a human life, but with the technological developments experienced, it has emerged as the IoT concept. IoT, which has gained popularity in recent years and is preferred by prominent researchers; It has basic functions on objects by connecting to the internet such as managing, controlling, and transferring data. However, the application of IoT to different areas has increased day by day. This scope of work; a detailed literature review has been made in the field of IoT and the final point has been determined, the basic goal and concept of the IoT concept has been evaluated, its development from the past to the present has been examined, the evolution and steps of the Internet to IoT have been examined in detail, the communication and infrastructure technologies used in IoT are detailed and explained, The application areas and uses are investigated in detail, as well as clear issues, challenges and future research directions in IoT are identified.


  • Abou-Zahra, Shadi, Judy Brewer, and Michael Cooper. 2017. “Web Standards to Enable an Accessible and Inclusive Internet of Things (IoT).” Pp. 1–4 in Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference on The Future of Accessible Work - W4A ’17. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
  • Agrawal, Shashank and Dario Vieira. 2013. “A Survey on Internet of Things - DOI 10.5752/P.2316-9451.2013v1n2p78.” Abakós 1(2).
  • Al-Fuqaha, Ala, Mohsen Guizani, Mehdi Mohammadi, Mohammed Aledhari, and Moussa Ayyash. 2015. “Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17(4):2347–76.
  • Al-Sarawi, Shadi, Mohammed Anbar, Kamal Alieyan, and Mahmood Alzubaidi. 2017. “Internet of Things (IoT) Communication Protocols: Review.” Pp. 685–90 in 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). IEEE.
  • Atzori, Luigi, Antonio Iera, and Giacomo Morabito. 2010. “The Internet of Things: A Survey.” Computer Networks 54(15):2787–2805.
  • Bravo, Jose, Ramon Hervas, Salvador W. Nava, Gabriel Chavira, and Carlos Sanchez. n.d. “Towards Natural Interaction by Enabling Technologies: A Near Field Communication Approach.” Pp. 338–51 in Constructing Ambient Intelligence. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Centenaro, Marco, Lorenzo Vangelista, Andrea Zanella, and Michele Zorzi. 2016. “Long-Range Communications in Unlicensed Bands: The Rising Stars in the IoT and Smart City Scenarios.” IEEE Wireless Communications 23(5):60–67.
  • Doppler, Klaus, Mika Rinne, Carl Wijting, Cassio Ribeiro, and Klaus Hugl. 2009. “Device-to-Device Communication as an Underlay to LTE-Advanced Networks.” IEEE Communications Magazine 47(12):42–49.
  • Duan, Kang-Kang and Shuang-Yin Cao. 2020. “Emerging RFID Technology in Structural Engineering – A Review.” Structures 28:2404–14.
  • Geng Wu, S. Talwar, K. Johnsson, N. Himayat, and K. D. Johnson. 2011. “M2M: From Mobile to Embedded Internet.” IEEE Communications Magazine 49(4):36–43.
  • González, Gustavo Ramírez, Mario Muñoz Organero, and Carlos Delgado Kloos. 2008. “Early Infrastructure of an Internet of Things in Spaces for Learning.” Pp. 381–83 in 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE.
  • Gubbi, Jayavardhana, Rajkumar Buyya, Slaven Marusic, and Marimuthu Palaniswami. 2013. “Internet of Things (IoT): A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions.” Future Generation Computer Systems 29(7):1645–60.
  • He, Debiao, Neeraj Kumar, and Jong-Hyouk Lee. 2015. “Secure Pseudonym-Based near Field Communication Protocol for the Consumer Internet of Things.” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 61(1):56–62.
  • Hodges, Steve, Stuart Taylor, Nicolas Villar, James Scott, Dominik Bial, and Patrick Tobias Fischer. 2013. “Prototyping Connected Devices for the Internet of Things.” Computer 46(2):26–34.
  • Jia, Xiaolin, Quanyuan Feng, Taihua Fan, and Quanshui Lei. 2012. “RFID Technology and Its Applications in Internet of Things (IoT).” Pp. 1282–85 in 2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet). IEEE.
  • Juels, Ari, Ronald L. Rivest, and Michael Szydlo. 2003. “The Blocker Tag.” P. 103 in Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Computer and communication security - CCS ’03. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
  • Khan, Rafiullah, Sarmad Ullah Khan, Rifaqat Zaheer, and Shahid Khan. 2012. “Future Internet: The Internet of Things Architecture, Possible Applications and Key Challenges.” Pp. 257–60 in 2012 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology. IEEE.
  • Khanna, Abhishek and Sanmeet Kaur. 2020. “Internet of Things (IoT), Applications and Challenges: A Comprehensive Review.” Wireless Personal Communications 114(2):1687–1762.
  • Lea, Perry. 2018. Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT Solutions by Implementing Sensors, Communication Infrastructure, Edge Computing, Analytics, and Security. Packt Publishing.
  • Ma, Hua-Dong. 2011. “Internet of Things: Objectives and Scientific Challenges.” Journal of Computer Science and Technology 26(6):919–24.
  • Madakam, Somayya, R. Ramaswamy, and Siddharth Tripathi. 2015. “Internet of Things (IoT): A Literature Review.” Journal of Computer and Communications 03(05):164–73.
  • Meddeb, Aref. 2016. “Internet of Things Standards: Who Stands out from the Crowd?” IEEE Communications Magazine 54(7):40–47. Medeiros, Evan S. and M. Taylor Fravel. 2003. “China’s New Diplomacy.” Foreign Affairs 82(6):22.
  • Ogonji, Mark Mbock, George Okeyo, and Joseph Muliaro Wafula. 2020. “A Survey on Privacy and Security of Internet of Things.” Computer Science Review 38:100312.
  • Perera, Charith, Arkady Zaslavsky, Peter Christen, and Dimitrios Georgakopoulos. 2014. “Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16(1):414–54.
  • Rodrigues, André, Tiago Camilo, Jorge Sá Silva, and Fernando Boavida. 2013. “Diagnostic Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comparative Survey.” Journal of Network and Systems Management 21(3):408–52.
  • Said, Omar and Mehedi Masud. 2013. “Towards Internet of Things: Survey and Future Vision.” International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN) 5(1).
  • Santucci, Gérald. 2010. Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things.
  • Scully, Padraig. 2018. “The Top 10 IoT Segments in 2018 – Based on 1,600 Real IoT Projects.” Retrieved November 16, 2020 (
  • Shajahan, Altaf Hamed and A. Anand. 2013. “Data Acquisition and Control Using Arduino-Android Platform: Smart Plug.” Pp. 241–44 in 2013 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability. IEEE.
  • Tso, Fung Po, David R. White, Simon Jouet, Jeremy Singer, and Dimitrios P. Pezaros. 2013. “The Glasgow Raspberry Pi Cloud: A Scale Model for Cloud Computing Infrastructures.” Pp. 108–12 in 2013 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops. IEEE.
  • Villa-Henriksen, Andrés, Gareth T. C. Edwards, Liisa A. Pesonen, Ole Green, and Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen. 2020. “Internet of Things in Arable Farming: Implementation, Applications, Challenges and Potential.” Biosystems Engineering 191:60–84.
  • Vinnter. n.d. “Enterprise IoT: Why Securing IoT Devices Needs To Be the Number One Priority.” Retrieved (
  • Weber, Rolf H. and Romana Weber. 2010. Internet of Things. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Welbourne, Evan, Leilani Battle, Garret Cole, Kayla Gould, Kyle Rector, Samuel Raymer, Magdalena Balazinska, and Gaetano Borriello. 2009. “Building the Internet of Things Using RFID: The RFID Ecosystem Experience.” IEEE Internet Computing 13(3):48–55.
  • Whitmore, Andrew, Anurag Agarwal, and Li Da Xu. 2015. “The Internet of Things—A Survey of Topics and Trends.” Information Systems Frontiers 17(2):261–74.
  • Wilkinson, Glenn. 2014. “Digital Terrestrial Tracking: The Future of Surveillance.” in DefCon22.

Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT)

Year 2020, , 24 - 34, 31.12.2020


İnternet kavramı insan hayatına girdiği günden bu yana kabul görmüştür ancak yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler ile internet IoT kavramı olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır. Özellikle son yıllarda popülerliği artan ve seçkin araştırmacılar tarafından tercih edilen IoT; nesnelerin internete bağlanması ile yönetilmesi, kontrol edilmesi, veri aktarımı yapması gibi temel fonksiyonlara sahiptir. Ancak IoT’nin farklı alanlara uygulanması günden güne beklentiyi artırmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında; IoT alanında detaylı literatür incelemesi yapılmış ve gelinen son nokta belirlenmiştir, IoT kavramının temel hedefi ve kavramı değerlendirilmiştir, geçmişten günümüze gelişimi incelenmiştir, internetin IoT’ye evrimi ve adımları detaylı olarak incelenmiştir, IoT’de kullanılan iletişim ve alt yapı teknolojileri detaylandırılmış ve açıklanmıştır, IoT uygulama alanları ve kullanım amaçları detaylı araştırılmıştır, ayrıca IoT’de açık sorunlar, zorluklar ve gelecekteki araştırma yönergeleri tanımlanmıştır.


  • Abou-Zahra, Shadi, Judy Brewer, and Michael Cooper. 2017. “Web Standards to Enable an Accessible and Inclusive Internet of Things (IoT).” Pp. 1–4 in Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference on The Future of Accessible Work - W4A ’17. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
  • Agrawal, Shashank and Dario Vieira. 2013. “A Survey on Internet of Things - DOI 10.5752/P.2316-9451.2013v1n2p78.” Abakós 1(2).
  • Al-Fuqaha, Ala, Mohsen Guizani, Mehdi Mohammadi, Mohammed Aledhari, and Moussa Ayyash. 2015. “Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17(4):2347–76.
  • Al-Sarawi, Shadi, Mohammed Anbar, Kamal Alieyan, and Mahmood Alzubaidi. 2017. “Internet of Things (IoT) Communication Protocols: Review.” Pp. 685–90 in 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). IEEE.
  • Atzori, Luigi, Antonio Iera, and Giacomo Morabito. 2010. “The Internet of Things: A Survey.” Computer Networks 54(15):2787–2805.
  • Bravo, Jose, Ramon Hervas, Salvador W. Nava, Gabriel Chavira, and Carlos Sanchez. n.d. “Towards Natural Interaction by Enabling Technologies: A Near Field Communication Approach.” Pp. 338–51 in Constructing Ambient Intelligence. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Centenaro, Marco, Lorenzo Vangelista, Andrea Zanella, and Michele Zorzi. 2016. “Long-Range Communications in Unlicensed Bands: The Rising Stars in the IoT and Smart City Scenarios.” IEEE Wireless Communications 23(5):60–67.
  • Doppler, Klaus, Mika Rinne, Carl Wijting, Cassio Ribeiro, and Klaus Hugl. 2009. “Device-to-Device Communication as an Underlay to LTE-Advanced Networks.” IEEE Communications Magazine 47(12):42–49.
  • Duan, Kang-Kang and Shuang-Yin Cao. 2020. “Emerging RFID Technology in Structural Engineering – A Review.” Structures 28:2404–14.
  • Geng Wu, S. Talwar, K. Johnsson, N. Himayat, and K. D. Johnson. 2011. “M2M: From Mobile to Embedded Internet.” IEEE Communications Magazine 49(4):36–43.
  • González, Gustavo Ramírez, Mario Muñoz Organero, and Carlos Delgado Kloos. 2008. “Early Infrastructure of an Internet of Things in Spaces for Learning.” Pp. 381–83 in 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE.
  • Gubbi, Jayavardhana, Rajkumar Buyya, Slaven Marusic, and Marimuthu Palaniswami. 2013. “Internet of Things (IoT): A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions.” Future Generation Computer Systems 29(7):1645–60.
  • He, Debiao, Neeraj Kumar, and Jong-Hyouk Lee. 2015. “Secure Pseudonym-Based near Field Communication Protocol for the Consumer Internet of Things.” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 61(1):56–62.
  • Hodges, Steve, Stuart Taylor, Nicolas Villar, James Scott, Dominik Bial, and Patrick Tobias Fischer. 2013. “Prototyping Connected Devices for the Internet of Things.” Computer 46(2):26–34.
  • Jia, Xiaolin, Quanyuan Feng, Taihua Fan, and Quanshui Lei. 2012. “RFID Technology and Its Applications in Internet of Things (IoT).” Pp. 1282–85 in 2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet). IEEE.
  • Juels, Ari, Ronald L. Rivest, and Michael Szydlo. 2003. “The Blocker Tag.” P. 103 in Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Computer and communication security - CCS ’03. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
  • Khan, Rafiullah, Sarmad Ullah Khan, Rifaqat Zaheer, and Shahid Khan. 2012. “Future Internet: The Internet of Things Architecture, Possible Applications and Key Challenges.” Pp. 257–60 in 2012 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology. IEEE.
  • Khanna, Abhishek and Sanmeet Kaur. 2020. “Internet of Things (IoT), Applications and Challenges: A Comprehensive Review.” Wireless Personal Communications 114(2):1687–1762.
  • Lea, Perry. 2018. Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT Solutions by Implementing Sensors, Communication Infrastructure, Edge Computing, Analytics, and Security. Packt Publishing.
  • Ma, Hua-Dong. 2011. “Internet of Things: Objectives and Scientific Challenges.” Journal of Computer Science and Technology 26(6):919–24.
  • Madakam, Somayya, R. Ramaswamy, and Siddharth Tripathi. 2015. “Internet of Things (IoT): A Literature Review.” Journal of Computer and Communications 03(05):164–73.
  • Meddeb, Aref. 2016. “Internet of Things Standards: Who Stands out from the Crowd?” IEEE Communications Magazine 54(7):40–47. Medeiros, Evan S. and M. Taylor Fravel. 2003. “China’s New Diplomacy.” Foreign Affairs 82(6):22.
  • Ogonji, Mark Mbock, George Okeyo, and Joseph Muliaro Wafula. 2020. “A Survey on Privacy and Security of Internet of Things.” Computer Science Review 38:100312.
  • Perera, Charith, Arkady Zaslavsky, Peter Christen, and Dimitrios Georgakopoulos. 2014. “Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16(1):414–54.
  • Rodrigues, André, Tiago Camilo, Jorge Sá Silva, and Fernando Boavida. 2013. “Diagnostic Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comparative Survey.” Journal of Network and Systems Management 21(3):408–52.
  • Said, Omar and Mehedi Masud. 2013. “Towards Internet of Things: Survey and Future Vision.” International Journal of Computer Networks (IJCN) 5(1).
  • Santucci, Gérald. 2010. Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things.
  • Scully, Padraig. 2018. “The Top 10 IoT Segments in 2018 – Based on 1,600 Real IoT Projects.” Retrieved November 16, 2020 (
  • Shajahan, Altaf Hamed and A. Anand. 2013. “Data Acquisition and Control Using Arduino-Android Platform: Smart Plug.” Pp. 241–44 in 2013 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability. IEEE.
  • Tso, Fung Po, David R. White, Simon Jouet, Jeremy Singer, and Dimitrios P. Pezaros. 2013. “The Glasgow Raspberry Pi Cloud: A Scale Model for Cloud Computing Infrastructures.” Pp. 108–12 in 2013 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops. IEEE.
  • Villa-Henriksen, Andrés, Gareth T. C. Edwards, Liisa A. Pesonen, Ole Green, and Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen. 2020. “Internet of Things in Arable Farming: Implementation, Applications, Challenges and Potential.” Biosystems Engineering 191:60–84.
  • Vinnter. n.d. “Enterprise IoT: Why Securing IoT Devices Needs To Be the Number One Priority.” Retrieved (
  • Weber, Rolf H. and Romana Weber. 2010. Internet of Things. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Welbourne, Evan, Leilani Battle, Garret Cole, Kayla Gould, Kyle Rector, Samuel Raymer, Magdalena Balazinska, and Gaetano Borriello. 2009. “Building the Internet of Things Using RFID: The RFID Ecosystem Experience.” IEEE Internet Computing 13(3):48–55.
  • Whitmore, Andrew, Anurag Agarwal, and Li Da Xu. 2015. “The Internet of Things—A Survey of Topics and Trends.” Information Systems Frontiers 17(2):261–74.
  • Wilkinson, Glenn. 2014. “Digital Terrestrial Tracking: The Future of Surveillance.” in DefCon22.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Erdal Erdal 0000-0003-1174-1974

Atilla Ergüzen 0000-0003-4562-2578

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date October 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erdal, E., & Ergüzen, A. (2020). Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT). International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 12(3), 24-34.

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