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Thermal Coefficients and Thermal Conductivities of Solid and Liquid Phases for Pure Ag, Pure Sn and Their Binary Alloys

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 81 - 91, 15.01.2010


The variations of thermal conductivities of solid phases versus temperature for pure Sn and eutectic Sn-3.5 wt. % Ag, Sn- 1.5 wt. % Ag binary alloys were measured with a radial heat flow apparatus. The thermal conductivities of the solid phases at their melting temperature were also found to be 0.606 ± 0.06, 0.84 ± 0.09, 0.69 ± 0.07 W/ From the graphs of the solid phases thermal conductivity variations versus temperature, temperature coefficients for pure Sn, pure Ag and eutectic Sn- 3.5 wt. % Ag, Sn- 1.5 wt. % Ag binary alloys were found to be 0.00098, 0.00024, 0.00087, 0.0014 K-1, respectively. The thermal conductivity ratios of liquid phase to solid phase for the pure Sn and eutectic Sn-3.5 wt. % Ag binary alloy at their melting temperature were found to be 1.11 and 1.09 with a Bridgman type directional solidification apparatus. Thus the thermal conductivities of liquid phases for pure Sn and eutectic Sn-3.5 wt. % Ag binary alloy at their melting temperature were evaluated to be 0.67 and 0.92 W/, respectively by using the values of solid phase thermal conductivities, S and the thermal conductivity ratios of liquid phase to solid phase, R.


  • [1] Chiapyng Lee, Chung-Yung Lin, Yee-Wen Yen, The 260 ◦C phase equilibria of the Sn-Sb-Ag ternary system and interfacial reactions at the Sn-Sb/Ag joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,458, 436-445, (2008). [2] A. Rae, A. Handwerker, NEMI’s Lead-Free Alloy, Circuits Assembly, 2004, pp. 20-25. [3] K.J. Puttlitz, K.A. Stalter, Handbook of Lead-Free Solder Technology for Microelectronic Assemblies, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2004, pp. 239-300. [4] C.-H.Wang, S.-W. Chen, Acta Mater., 54, (1), (2006), 247-253. [5] S. Hassama, Z. Baharib, B. Legendre, Phase diagram of the Ag-Bi-Sb ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 315, (2001), 211-217, [6] Suganuma K, Niihara K. J Mater Res, 1998;13:2859. [7] Ohtani H, Miyashita M, Ishida K. J Jpn Inst Met, 1999;63:685. [8] Suganuma K, Murata T, Noguchi H, Toyoda Y. J Mater Res, 2000;15:884. [9] Vassilev GP, Tedenac JC, Dobrev ES, Evtimova SK. Arch Metal, 2001;46:249. [10] Vassilev GP, Evtimova SK, Tedenac JC, Dobrev ES. J Alloys Compd, 2002;334:182. [11] Date M, Shoji T, Fujiyoshi M, Sato K, Tu KN. Scripta Mater, 2004;51:641. [12] Kim KS, Yang JM, Yu CH, Jung IO, Kim HH. J Alloys Compd, 2004;379:314. [13] Song JM, Liu PC, Shih CL, Lin KL. J Electron Mater, 2005;34:1249. [14] Yu DQ, Xie HP, Wang L. J Alloys Compd, 2004;385:119. [15] Lin KL, Liu PC, Song JM. In: Proceedings of the 2004 electronic components and technology conference IEEE; 2004. p. 1310. [16] Chou CY, Chen SW. Acta Mater, 2006;54:2393. [17] Dragan Manasijevi´c , Jan Vˇreˇst’´al , Duˇsko Mini´c , Aleˇs Kroupa , Dragana ˇ Zivkovi´c, ˇZivan ˇ Zivkovi´c, Phase equilibria and thermodynamics of the Bi-Sb-Sn ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 438, (2007), 150-157. [18] J. Sigelko, S. Choi, K.N. Subramanian, J.P. Lucas, T.R. Bieler, J. Electron. Mater., 28, (1999), 1184. [19] Ab Tew M, Selvaduray G. lead-free solders in microelectronics [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2000, R27: 95-141. [20] Zeng K, K.N. Tu. Six cases of reliability study of Pb-free solder joints in electronic packaging technology [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2002, R38: 55 - 105. [21] C. M. L. Wu, Yu DQ, Law CMT, et al. Properties of lead-free solder alloys with rare earth element additions [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2004, R44: 1- 44. [22] Kim KS, Imanishi T, Suganuma K, Kumamoto S, Aihara M. Effects of composition on microstructure and on thermal stability of Sn-Ag- In lead-free soldered joints. Trans MRS-J, 2004; 29 (5): 2005 - 8. [23] Vianco PT, Rejent JA. Properties of ternary Sn-Ag-Bi solder alloys: Part II-Wettability and mechanical properties analyses. J Electron Mater 1999; 28(10):1138-43. [24] Artaki I, Jackson AM, Vianco PT. Evaluation of lead-free solder joints in electronic assemblies. J Electron Mater 1994; 23(8):757-64. [25] Y. Chonan, T. Komiyama, J. Onuki, R. Urao, T. Kimura, T. Nagano, Mater. Trans., 43, (2002), 1887-1890. [26] C.M. Chuang, P.C. Shih, K.L. Lin, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1-6. [27] S.L. Allen, M.R. Notis, R.R. Chromik, R.P. Vinci, J. Mater. Res., 19, (2004), 1425-1431. [28] J.Y. Tsai, Y.C. Hu, C.M. Tsai, C.R. Kao, J. Electron. Mater., 32, (2003), 1203-1208. [29] J. Wang, L.G. Zhang, H.S. Liu, L.B. Liu, Z.P. Jin, Interfacial reaction between Sn-Ag alloys and Ni substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 455, (2008), 159-163. [30] J. Liang, N. Gollhardt, P.S. Lee, S.A. Schroeder,W.L. Morris, Fatigue Fract. Eng. M, 19, (1996), 1401. [31] P.T. Vianco, J.A. Rejent, A.C. Kilgo, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1373-1380. [32] M. Kerr, N. Chawla, Acta Mater., 52, (2004), 4527. [33] J. Liang, S. Downes, N. Dariavach,D. Shangguan, S.M. Heinrich, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1507. [34] J. Liang, N. Dariavach, G. Barr, Z. Fang, J. Electron. Mater., 35, (2006), [35] M.L. Huang, L.Wang, C.M.L.Wu, J. Mater. Res., 17, (2002), 2897. [36] M. Amagai, M. Watanabe, M. Omiya, K. Kishimoto, T. Shibuya, Microelectron. Reliab., 42, (2002), 951. [37] Sun-Kyoung Seo a, Sung K. Kang b, Da-Yuan Shih b, Hyuck Mo Lee, The evolution of microstructure and microhardness of Sn-Ag and Sn-Cu solders during high temperature aging, Microelectronics Reliability, 49, (2009), 288-295. [38] Y.S.Touloukian, R.W.Powell, C.Y.Ho and P.G.Klemens, Thermal Conductivity, Metallic Elements and Alloys, Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Vol. 1, (New York: Plenum) pp. 3a-25a, 1970. [39] H.L.Callender and J.T.Nicolson, Brt. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rept. Ann. Meeting, 418, (1897)22. [40] C.Niven, Proc. Roy.Soc.A 76, (1905) 34. [41] R.W.Powell, Proc. Phys. Soc. 51, (1939) 407. [42] D.L.McElroy and J.P. Moore, In Thermal Conductivity, Vol. 1, Chapter 4, Academic Press, London, pp.185, 1969. [43] M.Gündüz and J. D. Hunt, Acta Mat, 33, (1985) 1651. [44] M.Gündüz and J.D. Hunt, Acta Mat, 37, (1989)1839. [45] N.Maraşlı and J.D. Hunt, Acta Mat., 44, (1996) 1085. [46] B.Saatçi and H. Pamuk, J. of Physics: Condens. Mater, 18, (2006) 10143. [47] B. Saatçi, M. Arı, M. Gündüz, F. Meydaneri, M. Bozoklu and S. Durmuş, J. of Physics: Condens Mater, 18, (2006) 10643. [48] Saatçi B, Maraşlı N and Gündüz M, 2007 Thermochimica Acta 454 128-34. [49] Erol M, Keşlioğlu K, Şahingöz R, Maraşlı N. Experimental determination of thermal conductivity of solid and liquid phases in Bi–Sn and Zn–Mg binary eutectic alloys. Metals Miner Int 2005;11:421. [50] Saatçi, B., Çimen, S., Pamuk, H. and Gündüz, M., The interfacial free energy of solid Sn on the boundary interface with liquid Cd–Sn eutectic solution, 19, 326219 (11pp), 2007. [51] Meydaneri F, Saatçi B, Gündüz M, Özdemir M. Measurement of solid–liquid interfacial energy for solid Zn in the Zn–Cd eutectic system. Surf Sci 2007;601:2171. [52] Kaygısız, Y, Ocak, Y., Akbulut, S., Keşlioğlu, K., Maraşlı, N., Çadırlı, E., Kaya, H., Thermal conductivity and interfacial energies of solid Sn in the Sn-Cu Alloy s Journal of Material Science 2009. [53] Akbulut, S., Ocak, Y., Maraşlı, N., Keşlioğlu, K., Kaya, H.,Çadırlı, E., Determination of solid–liquid interfacial energies in the In–Bi–Sn ternary alloy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41, (2008), 175302, (10pp). [54] Hansen M and Anderko K 1985 Constitutions of Binary Alloys 2nd edition (New York: McGraw-Hill) p. 919. [55] [55] Touloukian YS, Powell RW, Ho CY, Klemens PG. Thermal conductivity metallic elements and alloys, vol. 1. Washington: New York; 1970. p. 404. [56] Touloukian YS, Powell RW, Ho CY, Klemens PG. Thermal conductivity metallic elements and alloys, vol. 1. Washington: New York; 1970. p. 346. [57] S. Akbulut, Y. Ocak, K.
Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 81 - 91, 15.01.2010



  • [1] Chiapyng Lee, Chung-Yung Lin, Yee-Wen Yen, The 260 ◦C phase equilibria of the Sn-Sb-Ag ternary system and interfacial reactions at the Sn-Sb/Ag joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,458, 436-445, (2008). [2] A. Rae, A. Handwerker, NEMI’s Lead-Free Alloy, Circuits Assembly, 2004, pp. 20-25. [3] K.J. Puttlitz, K.A. Stalter, Handbook of Lead-Free Solder Technology for Microelectronic Assemblies, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2004, pp. 239-300. [4] C.-H.Wang, S.-W. Chen, Acta Mater., 54, (1), (2006), 247-253. [5] S. Hassama, Z. Baharib, B. Legendre, Phase diagram of the Ag-Bi-Sb ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 315, (2001), 211-217, [6] Suganuma K, Niihara K. J Mater Res, 1998;13:2859. [7] Ohtani H, Miyashita M, Ishida K. J Jpn Inst Met, 1999;63:685. [8] Suganuma K, Murata T, Noguchi H, Toyoda Y. J Mater Res, 2000;15:884. [9] Vassilev GP, Tedenac JC, Dobrev ES, Evtimova SK. Arch Metal, 2001;46:249. [10] Vassilev GP, Evtimova SK, Tedenac JC, Dobrev ES. J Alloys Compd, 2002;334:182. [11] Date M, Shoji T, Fujiyoshi M, Sato K, Tu KN. Scripta Mater, 2004;51:641. [12] Kim KS, Yang JM, Yu CH, Jung IO, Kim HH. J Alloys Compd, 2004;379:314. [13] Song JM, Liu PC, Shih CL, Lin KL. J Electron Mater, 2005;34:1249. [14] Yu DQ, Xie HP, Wang L. J Alloys Compd, 2004;385:119. [15] Lin KL, Liu PC, Song JM. In: Proceedings of the 2004 electronic components and technology conference IEEE; 2004. p. 1310. [16] Chou CY, Chen SW. Acta Mater, 2006;54:2393. [17] Dragan Manasijevi´c , Jan Vˇreˇst’´al , Duˇsko Mini´c , Aleˇs Kroupa , Dragana ˇ Zivkovi´c, ˇZivan ˇ Zivkovi´c, Phase equilibria and thermodynamics of the Bi-Sb-Sn ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 438, (2007), 150-157. [18] J. Sigelko, S. Choi, K.N. Subramanian, J.P. Lucas, T.R. Bieler, J. Electron. Mater., 28, (1999), 1184. [19] Ab Tew M, Selvaduray G. lead-free solders in microelectronics [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2000, R27: 95-141. [20] Zeng K, K.N. Tu. Six cases of reliability study of Pb-free solder joints in electronic packaging technology [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2002, R38: 55 - 105. [21] C. M. L. Wu, Yu DQ, Law CMT, et al. Properties of lead-free solder alloys with rare earth element additions [J]. Mater Sci Eng R, 2004, R44: 1- 44. [22] Kim KS, Imanishi T, Suganuma K, Kumamoto S, Aihara M. Effects of composition on microstructure and on thermal stability of Sn-Ag- In lead-free soldered joints. Trans MRS-J, 2004; 29 (5): 2005 - 8. [23] Vianco PT, Rejent JA. Properties of ternary Sn-Ag-Bi solder alloys: Part II-Wettability and mechanical properties analyses. J Electron Mater 1999; 28(10):1138-43. [24] Artaki I, Jackson AM, Vianco PT. Evaluation of lead-free solder joints in electronic assemblies. J Electron Mater 1994; 23(8):757-64. [25] Y. Chonan, T. Komiyama, J. Onuki, R. Urao, T. Kimura, T. Nagano, Mater. Trans., 43, (2002), 1887-1890. [26] C.M. Chuang, P.C. Shih, K.L. Lin, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1-6. [27] S.L. Allen, M.R. Notis, R.R. Chromik, R.P. Vinci, J. Mater. Res., 19, (2004), 1425-1431. [28] J.Y. Tsai, Y.C. Hu, C.M. Tsai, C.R. Kao, J. Electron. Mater., 32, (2003), 1203-1208. [29] J. Wang, L.G. Zhang, H.S. Liu, L.B. Liu, Z.P. Jin, Interfacial reaction between Sn-Ag alloys and Ni substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 455, (2008), 159-163. [30] J. Liang, N. Gollhardt, P.S. Lee, S.A. Schroeder,W.L. Morris, Fatigue Fract. Eng. M, 19, (1996), 1401. [31] P.T. Vianco, J.A. Rejent, A.C. Kilgo, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1373-1380. [32] M. Kerr, N. Chawla, Acta Mater., 52, (2004), 4527. [33] J. Liang, S. Downes, N. Dariavach,D. Shangguan, S.M. Heinrich, J. Electron. Mater., 33, (2004), 1507. [34] J. Liang, N. Dariavach, G. Barr, Z. Fang, J. Electron. Mater., 35, (2006), [35] M.L. Huang, L.Wang, C.M.L.Wu, J. Mater. Res., 17, (2002), 2897. [36] M. Amagai, M. Watanabe, M. Omiya, K. Kishimoto, T. Shibuya, Microelectron. Reliab., 42, (2002), 951. [37] Sun-Kyoung Seo a, Sung K. Kang b, Da-Yuan Shih b, Hyuck Mo Lee, The evolution of microstructure and microhardness of Sn-Ag and Sn-Cu solders during high temperature aging, Microelectronics Reliability, 49, (2009), 288-295. [38] Y.S.Touloukian, R.W.Powell, C.Y.Ho and P.G.Klemens, Thermal Conductivity, Metallic Elements and Alloys, Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Vol. 1, (New York: Plenum) pp. 3a-25a, 1970. [39] H.L.Callender and J.T.Nicolson, Brt. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rept. Ann. Meeting, 418, (1897)22. [40] C.Niven, Proc. Roy.Soc.A 76, (1905) 34. [41] R.W.Powell, Proc. Phys. Soc. 51, (1939) 407. [42] D.L.McElroy and J.P. Moore, In Thermal Conductivity, Vol. 1, Chapter 4, Academic Press, London, pp.185, 1969. [43] M.Gündüz and J. D. Hunt, Acta Mat, 33, (1985) 1651. [44] M.Gündüz and J.D. Hunt, Acta Mat, 37, (1989)1839. [45] N.Maraşlı and J.D. Hunt, Acta Mat., 44, (1996) 1085. [46] B.Saatçi and H. Pamuk, J. of Physics: Condens. Mater, 18, (2006) 10143. [47] B. Saatçi, M. Arı, M. Gündüz, F. Meydaneri, M. Bozoklu and S. Durmuş, J. of Physics: Condens Mater, 18, (2006) 10643. [48] Saatçi B, Maraşlı N and Gündüz M, 2007 Thermochimica Acta 454 128-34. [49] Erol M, Keşlioğlu K, Şahingöz R, Maraşlı N. Experimental determination of thermal conductivity of solid and liquid phases in Bi–Sn and Zn–Mg binary eutectic alloys. Metals Miner Int 2005;11:421. [50] Saatçi, B., Çimen, S., Pamuk, H. and Gündüz, M., The interfacial free energy of solid Sn on the boundary interface with liquid Cd–Sn eutectic solution, 19, 326219 (11pp), 2007. [51] Meydaneri F, Saatçi B, Gündüz M, Özdemir M. Measurement of solid–liquid interfacial energy for solid Zn in the Zn–Cd eutectic system. Surf Sci 2007;601:2171. [52] Kaygısız, Y, Ocak, Y., Akbulut, S., Keşlioğlu, K., Maraşlı, N., Çadırlı, E., Kaya, H., Thermal conductivity and interfacial energies of solid Sn in the Sn-Cu Alloy s Journal of Material Science 2009. [53] Akbulut, S., Ocak, Y., Maraşlı, N., Keşlioğlu, K., Kaya, H.,Çadırlı, E., Determination of solid–liquid interfacial energies in the In–Bi–Sn ternary alloy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41, (2008), 175302, (10pp). [54] Hansen M and Anderko K 1985 Constitutions of Binary Alloys 2nd edition (New York: McGraw-Hill) p. 919. [55] [55] Touloukian YS, Powell RW, Ho CY, Klemens PG. Thermal conductivity metallic elements and alloys, vol. 1. Washington: New York; 1970. p. 404. [56] Touloukian YS, Powell RW, Ho CY, Klemens PG. Thermal conductivity metallic elements and alloys, vol. 1. Washington: New York; 1970. p. 346. [57] S. Akbulut, Y. Ocak, K.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Meydaneri Bu kişi benim

Buket Saatçi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Meydaneri, F., & Saatçi, B. (2010). Thermal Coefficients and Thermal Conductivities of Solid and Liquid Phases for Pure Ag, Pure Sn and Their Binary Alloys. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 2(1), 81-91.
Tüm hakları saklıdır. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi.