Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 271 - 285, 30.06.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Anonymous, (2021a). Species of Anisoplia spp found in Türkiye. https://acikders.Ankara Ankara Üniversitesi. Access date:29.08.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021b). Information about Anisoplia lata. Wikipedia. lata. Access date: 29.09.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021c). Information about Brancoplia leucaspis. Wikipedia. Access date: 08.10.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021d). Chaetopteroplia segetum. Wikipedia. Access date: 09.08.2021
  • Baraud, J. (1991). Révision des espèces du genre Anisoplia Fischer, 1824 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Rutelidae). Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 60(8), 309-344.
  • Baraud, J. (1992). Coléoptères Scarabaeoidea d’Europe. Faune de France et Régions Limitrophes Paper presented at the Fédération française des Sociétés de Sciences naturelles et Société linnéenne de Lyon, 850.
  • Bedel, L. (1911). Faune des Coléoptères du bassin de la Seine. IV (1me) Scarabaeidae.
  • Bekircan, Ç. & Tosun, O. (2021). First record and distribution of Adelina sp.(Coccidia: Adeleidae) in populations of the Anisoplia segetum Herbst (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turkey. Microbial Pathogenesis, 154, 104848.
  • Bogachev, A. (1946). The grain beetles and their importance for agriculture of Azerbaidzhan. Trudy Instituta Zoologii Akademija Nauk Azerbaidzhan SSR, 11, 74-91.
  • Ferreira, S., de Figueroa, J. M. T., Martins, F. M., Verissimo, J., Quaglietta, L., Grosso-Silva, J. M., . . . Fonseca, N. A. (2020). The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8, e55137. doi:10.3897/BDJ.8.e55137
  • Filippini, V., Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2016). Checklist and identification key of Anomalini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) of Costa Rica. ZooKeys(621), 63.
  • Harold, E. (1869). Scarabaeidae. In: Catalogus Coleopterorum Hucusque Descriptorum Synonymicus et Systematicus (M. Gemminger & E. Harold Eds. Vol. 4). Munich, 979–1346.
  • Hurpin, B. (1962). Super-Famille des Scarabaeoidea. Entomologie Appliquée a l’Agriculture, Tome 1, Coléoptères (ed. by AS Balachowsky), Vol. 1. In (Vol. 1, pp. 24–204): Masson et Cie Editeurs, Paris.
  • Jameson, M. L., Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2007). Evolution and phylogeny of the scarab subtribe Anisopliina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini). Systematic Entomology, 32(3), 429-449.
  • Jameson, M. L., Paucar-Cabrera, A. & Solís, A. (2003). Synopsis of the New World genera of Anomalini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) and description of a new genus from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 96(4), 415-432.
  • Jinbo, U., Kato, T. & Ito, M. (2011). Current progress in DNA barcoding and future implications for entomology. Entomological Science, 14(2), 107-124.
  • Laporte, h. d. C. (1840). Histoire naturelle des insectes coléoptères. Tome deuxième. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés, Annelides, Arachnides, Myriapodes et Insectes. Paris: P. Duménil, 564.
  • Lewinsohn, T. M., Novotny, V. & Basset, Y. (2005). Insects on plants: diversity of herbivore assemblages revisited. The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 36, 597-620.
  • Li, H., Xiao, W., Tong, T., Li, Y., Zhang, M., Lin, X., . . . Guo, X. (2021). The specific DNA barcodes based on chloroplast genes for species identification of Orchidaceae plants. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1424.
  • Li, Z., Tiley, G. P., Galuska, S. R., Reardon, C. R., Kidder, T. I., Rundell, R. J. & Barker, M. S. (2018). Multiple large-scale gene and genome duplications during the evolution of hexapods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(18), 4713-4718. doi:10.1073/pnas.1710791115.
  • Lodos, N. (1989). Türkiye Entomolojisi (Genel, Uygulamalı ve Faunistik) (Vol. 4): Ege Üniversitesi Ofset Basımevi Bornova-İzmir.
  • Lodos, N., Önder, F., Pehlivan, E., Atalay, R., Erkin, E., Karsavuran, Y., . . . Aksoy, S. (1999). Faunistic Studies on Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Western Black Sea, Central Anatolia and Mediterranean Regions of Turkey. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Ofset Basımevi Bornova-İzmir.
  • Löbl, I. & Löbl, D. (2016). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Series. Volume 3: Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea and Byrrhoidea. Stenstrup: Apollo Books.
  • Machatschke, J. W. (1961). Revision des Genus Anisoplia Serville (1825)(Coleoptera: Lamellicornia, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). I. Teil. Beiträge zur Entomologie= Contributions to Entomology, 11(5-6), 613-655.
  • Marseul, S. A. (1878). Nouvelles et faits diversde l’Abeille. Deuxième série Nos 16 et 17. Mélanges (suite). L’Abeille, Journal d’Entomologie, 16, 63–68.
  • Medvedev, S. I. (1949). Fauna SSSR. Žestkokrylye, Tom 10, vyp. 3. Plastinčatousye (Scarabaeidae) podsem. Rutelinae (chlebnye žuki i blizkie gruppy). 372 S. Izd. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva,Leningrad.
  • Meyer, C. P. & Paulay, G. (2005). DNA barcoding: error rates based on comprehensive sampling. PLoS biology, 3(12), e422. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030422
  • Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2002). Atlas fotográfico de los escarabeidos florícolas ibero-baleares. (No Title).
  • Micó, E., Morón, M. & Galante, E. (2003). New larval descriptions and biology of some New World Anomalini beetles (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 96(5), 597-614.
  • Mico, E., Verdu, J. R. & Galante, E. (2001). Larval morphology of some Anisopliini grain beetles with a key to their larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Rutelidae: Anomalinae). European Journal of Entomology, 98(3), 311-320.
  • Moriyama, M., Nikoh, N., Hosokawa, T. & Fukatsu, T. (2015). Riboflavin provisioning underlies Wolbachia's fitness contribution to its insect host. MBio, 6(6), 10.1128/mbio. 01732-01715. doi:10.1128/mbio.01732-15
  • Morón, M. A., Hernández-Rodríguez, S. & Entomologia, G. I. (1996). Observaciones sobre la variación cromática y los hábitos de Callirhinus metallescens Blanchard (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Giornale Italiano Entomologia, 8, 105-110.
  • Morón, M. A. & Ramírez-Ponce, A. (2012). Mesoamerican genera of Anomalini (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae): a brief review. Trends in Entomology, 8(1), 97-114.
  • Mulsant, M. É. (1871). Histoire naturelle des coléoptères de France: Lamellicornes-Pectinicornes (Vol. 2): Magnin, Blanchard ét Cie.
  • Pawłowski, J., Kubisz, D. & Mazur, M. (2002). Coleoptera chrząszcze. Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków, 88-110.
  • Petrovitz, R. (1971). Ergebnisse zoologischer Sammelreisen in der Türkei: Lamellicornia, Coleoptera. Vierte Folge. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 75, 565–589.
  • Pilleri, G. (1951). Studi morfologici e sistematici sul genere Anisoplia Serv.(Col. Scarabaeidae). V. contributo. Eos, Revista Española de Entomología, 27(2), 235-336.
  • Pilleri, G. (1954). Studien über die Gattung Aniso plia Serv.(Scarabaeidae, Rutelini). Eine neue Rasse aus Thessalien und Beiträge zur geographischen Verbreitung einiger bekannter Aniso plia-Arten. Eos, Revista Española de Entomología, 30(1/2), 47-57.
  • Polat, A., Yildirim, E. & Uliana, M. (2018). A contribution to the knowledge of the Dynastinae, Rutelinae and Melolonthinae fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Entomofauna, 39(2), 567-614.
  • Procheş, Ş., Forest, F., Veldtman, R., Chown, S. L., Cowling, R. M., Johnson, S. D., . . . Savolainen, V. (2009). Dissecting the plant–insect diversity relationship in the Cape. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 51(1), 94-99. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.05.040
  • Rezaei, S. (2015). Ankara ili Melolonthinae ve Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) altfamilyaları üzerinde sistematik çalışmalar. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Ankara.
  • Rozner, I. & Rozner, G. (2009). Additional data to the Lamellicornia fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia). Natura Somogyiensis, 15, 69-100.
  • Rössner, E. (2016). Brancoplia Baraud, 1986–Taxonomie und Verbreitung der Arten der leucaspis-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Anomalini). Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera, 112(1), 287-300.
  • Rössner, E. (2017). Eine neue Art der Gattung Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 aus Jordanien (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Anomalini). Vernate, 36, 305–312.
  • Rössner, E. & Sabatinelli, G. (2020). Morphologie und Verbreitung ausgewählter Anomalini Streubel, 1839 aus Israel und benachbarten Ländern–Teil 1: Arten von Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Rutelinae). Entomologische Zeitschrift Schwanfeld 130(1), 43-50.
  • Schoonhoven, L., Jermy, T. & Van Loon, J. (1998). Insect-plant biology: From physiology to evolution. Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham, UK.
  • Schoonhoven, L. M., Van Loon, J. J. & Dicke, M. (2005). Insect-plant biology: Oxford university press. Şenyüz, Y. & Şahin, Y. (2009). Faunistic studies on Cetoniinae, Dynastinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Geotrupinae (Geotrupidae) of Kütahya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4(2), 536-541.
  • TAGEM. (2008). Zirai Mücadele Teknik Talimatları. In (pp. 278). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Ankara. Tamura, K. & Nei, M. (1993). Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10(3), 512-526.
  • Tamura, K., Stecher, G. & Kumar, S. (2021). MEGA11: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 11. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(7), 3022-3027.
  • Trautwein, M. D., Wiegmann, B. M., Beutel, R., Kjer, K. M. & Yeates, D. K. (2012). Advances in insect phylogeny at the dawn of the postgenomic era. Annual review of entomology, 57, 449-468.
  • Venieraki, A., Dimou, M. & Katinakis, P. (2017). Endophytic fungi residing in medicinal plants have the ability to produce the same or similar pharmacologically active secondary metabolites as their hosts. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal, 10(2), 51-66.
  • Vittum, P. J. (2020). Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada (3 ed.): Cornell University Press. Wilson, J. J., Sing, K. W., Floyd, R. M. & Hebert, P. D. (2017). DNA barcodes and insect biodiversity. Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society, 575-592.
  • Yıldırım, E., Polat, A. & Uliana, M. (2018). Türkiye Dynastinae, Rutelinae ve Melolonthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Faunasının Bilgisine Katkı. Researchgate Entomofauna, 08, 597-614
  • Yu, Q.-Y., Lu, C., Li, W.-L., Xiang, Z.-H. & Zhang, Z. (2009). Annotation and expression of carboxylesterases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. BMC Genomics, 10(1), 1-14. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-553 Zaitzev, F. (1917). Materialia ad Cognitionem Faunae Coleopterorum Caucasiae. VI. Rutelina. Izv. Kavk. Muz, 11, 89-123.
  • Zazharska, N., I, R., Martynov, V., M, K., Brygadyrenko, V., Baranovsky, B., . . . Ivanko, I. (2019). Current Problems of Agrarian Industry in Ukraine. Vancouver, Canada: Accent Graphics Communications & Publishing.

Diversity, Distribution and DNA Barcoding Tribe of Anomalini beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) in Wheat Fields of Van, Türkiye

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 271 - 285, 30.06.2024


Anomalini beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) constitute a significant pest group responsible for substantial crop losses in wheat cultivation areas worldwide, including Turkey. This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the phylogeny, diversity, abundance, and distribution of Anomalini beetles in wheat fields of Van province, Turkey. Surveys were conducted between April and August 2021, involving monthly sample collection at predetermined locations within six districts: Başkale, Çaldıran, Erciş, Gevaş, İpekyolu, and Tuşba. Standard traps and hand collection methods were employed to gather samples. In molecular studies, the mitochondrial COI gene region has been amplified and sequenced using universal primers. Anomalini beetles were detected in all sampling areas except Çatak district. Seven species were identified: Anisoplia austriaca, A. signata, A. lata, Brancoplia leucaspis, Blitopertha nigripennis, Chaetopteroplia segetum, and an unidentified Anisoplia sp. Chaetopteroplia segetum emerged as the most prevalent and abundant species across all districts. Notably, all identified Anomalini species represent the first records for Van province and its environs. While Anomalini beetles were present in the region, their population densities were not considered high enough to cause economic damage.

Destekleyen Kurum

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Proje Numarası



Projenin gerçekleştirilmesinde katkılarından dolayı Van YYÜ BAP Birimine teşekkür ederiz. Ayrıca çalışma da yer alan teşhislerin gerçekleştirilmesindeki katkılarından dolayı Dr. Denis Keith'e teşekkür ederiz.


  • Anonymous, (2021a). Species of Anisoplia spp found in Türkiye. https://acikders.Ankara Ankara Üniversitesi. Access date:29.08.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021b). Information about Anisoplia lata. Wikipedia. lata. Access date: 29.09.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021c). Information about Brancoplia leucaspis. Wikipedia. Access date: 08.10.2021.
  • Anonymous, (2021d). Chaetopteroplia segetum. Wikipedia. Access date: 09.08.2021
  • Baraud, J. (1991). Révision des espèces du genre Anisoplia Fischer, 1824 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Rutelidae). Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 60(8), 309-344.
  • Baraud, J. (1992). Coléoptères Scarabaeoidea d’Europe. Faune de France et Régions Limitrophes Paper presented at the Fédération française des Sociétés de Sciences naturelles et Société linnéenne de Lyon, 850.
  • Bedel, L. (1911). Faune des Coléoptères du bassin de la Seine. IV (1me) Scarabaeidae.
  • Bekircan, Ç. & Tosun, O. (2021). First record and distribution of Adelina sp.(Coccidia: Adeleidae) in populations of the Anisoplia segetum Herbst (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turkey. Microbial Pathogenesis, 154, 104848.
  • Bogachev, A. (1946). The grain beetles and their importance for agriculture of Azerbaidzhan. Trudy Instituta Zoologii Akademija Nauk Azerbaidzhan SSR, 11, 74-91.
  • Ferreira, S., de Figueroa, J. M. T., Martins, F. M., Verissimo, J., Quaglietta, L., Grosso-Silva, J. M., . . . Fonseca, N. A. (2020). The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: contribution to the knowledge on DNA barcodes of Iberian Plecoptera. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8, e55137. doi:10.3897/BDJ.8.e55137
  • Filippini, V., Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2016). Checklist and identification key of Anomalini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) of Costa Rica. ZooKeys(621), 63.
  • Harold, E. (1869). Scarabaeidae. In: Catalogus Coleopterorum Hucusque Descriptorum Synonymicus et Systematicus (M. Gemminger & E. Harold Eds. Vol. 4). Munich, 979–1346.
  • Hurpin, B. (1962). Super-Famille des Scarabaeoidea. Entomologie Appliquée a l’Agriculture, Tome 1, Coléoptères (ed. by AS Balachowsky), Vol. 1. In (Vol. 1, pp. 24–204): Masson et Cie Editeurs, Paris.
  • Jameson, M. L., Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2007). Evolution and phylogeny of the scarab subtribe Anisopliina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anomalini). Systematic Entomology, 32(3), 429-449.
  • Jameson, M. L., Paucar-Cabrera, A. & Solís, A. (2003). Synopsis of the New World genera of Anomalini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) and description of a new genus from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 96(4), 415-432.
  • Jinbo, U., Kato, T. & Ito, M. (2011). Current progress in DNA barcoding and future implications for entomology. Entomological Science, 14(2), 107-124.
  • Laporte, h. d. C. (1840). Histoire naturelle des insectes coléoptères. Tome deuxième. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés, Annelides, Arachnides, Myriapodes et Insectes. Paris: P. Duménil, 564.
  • Lewinsohn, T. M., Novotny, V. & Basset, Y. (2005). Insects on plants: diversity of herbivore assemblages revisited. The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 36, 597-620.
  • Li, H., Xiao, W., Tong, T., Li, Y., Zhang, M., Lin, X., . . . Guo, X. (2021). The specific DNA barcodes based on chloroplast genes for species identification of Orchidaceae plants. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1424.
  • Li, Z., Tiley, G. P., Galuska, S. R., Reardon, C. R., Kidder, T. I., Rundell, R. J. & Barker, M. S. (2018). Multiple large-scale gene and genome duplications during the evolution of hexapods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(18), 4713-4718. doi:10.1073/pnas.1710791115.
  • Lodos, N. (1989). Türkiye Entomolojisi (Genel, Uygulamalı ve Faunistik) (Vol. 4): Ege Üniversitesi Ofset Basımevi Bornova-İzmir.
  • Lodos, N., Önder, F., Pehlivan, E., Atalay, R., Erkin, E., Karsavuran, Y., . . . Aksoy, S. (1999). Faunistic Studies on Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Western Black Sea, Central Anatolia and Mediterranean Regions of Turkey. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Ofset Basımevi Bornova-İzmir.
  • Löbl, I. & Löbl, D. (2016). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Series. Volume 3: Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea and Byrrhoidea. Stenstrup: Apollo Books.
  • Machatschke, J. W. (1961). Revision des Genus Anisoplia Serville (1825)(Coleoptera: Lamellicornia, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). I. Teil. Beiträge zur Entomologie= Contributions to Entomology, 11(5-6), 613-655.
  • Marseul, S. A. (1878). Nouvelles et faits diversde l’Abeille. Deuxième série Nos 16 et 17. Mélanges (suite). L’Abeille, Journal d’Entomologie, 16, 63–68.
  • Medvedev, S. I. (1949). Fauna SSSR. Žestkokrylye, Tom 10, vyp. 3. Plastinčatousye (Scarabaeidae) podsem. Rutelinae (chlebnye žuki i blizkie gruppy). 372 S. Izd. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva,Leningrad.
  • Meyer, C. P. & Paulay, G. (2005). DNA barcoding: error rates based on comprehensive sampling. PLoS biology, 3(12), e422. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0030422
  • Micó, E. & Galante, E. (2002). Atlas fotográfico de los escarabeidos florícolas ibero-baleares. (No Title).
  • Micó, E., Morón, M. & Galante, E. (2003). New larval descriptions and biology of some New World Anomalini beetles (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 96(5), 597-614.
  • Mico, E., Verdu, J. R. & Galante, E. (2001). Larval morphology of some Anisopliini grain beetles with a key to their larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Rutelidae: Anomalinae). European Journal of Entomology, 98(3), 311-320.
  • Moriyama, M., Nikoh, N., Hosokawa, T. & Fukatsu, T. (2015). Riboflavin provisioning underlies Wolbachia's fitness contribution to its insect host. MBio, 6(6), 10.1128/mbio. 01732-01715. doi:10.1128/mbio.01732-15
  • Morón, M. A., Hernández-Rodríguez, S. & Entomologia, G. I. (1996). Observaciones sobre la variación cromática y los hábitos de Callirhinus metallescens Blanchard (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Giornale Italiano Entomologia, 8, 105-110.
  • Morón, M. A. & Ramírez-Ponce, A. (2012). Mesoamerican genera of Anomalini (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae): a brief review. Trends in Entomology, 8(1), 97-114.
  • Mulsant, M. É. (1871). Histoire naturelle des coléoptères de France: Lamellicornes-Pectinicornes (Vol. 2): Magnin, Blanchard ét Cie.
  • Pawłowski, J., Kubisz, D. & Mazur, M. (2002). Coleoptera chrząszcze. Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków, 88-110.
  • Petrovitz, R. (1971). Ergebnisse zoologischer Sammelreisen in der Türkei: Lamellicornia, Coleoptera. Vierte Folge. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 75, 565–589.
  • Pilleri, G. (1951). Studi morfologici e sistematici sul genere Anisoplia Serv.(Col. Scarabaeidae). V. contributo. Eos, Revista Española de Entomología, 27(2), 235-336.
  • Pilleri, G. (1954). Studien über die Gattung Aniso plia Serv.(Scarabaeidae, Rutelini). Eine neue Rasse aus Thessalien und Beiträge zur geographischen Verbreitung einiger bekannter Aniso plia-Arten. Eos, Revista Española de Entomología, 30(1/2), 47-57.
  • Polat, A., Yildirim, E. & Uliana, M. (2018). A contribution to the knowledge of the Dynastinae, Rutelinae and Melolonthinae fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Entomofauna, 39(2), 567-614.
  • Procheş, Ş., Forest, F., Veldtman, R., Chown, S. L., Cowling, R. M., Johnson, S. D., . . . Savolainen, V. (2009). Dissecting the plant–insect diversity relationship in the Cape. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 51(1), 94-99. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.05.040
  • Rezaei, S. (2015). Ankara ili Melolonthinae ve Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) altfamilyaları üzerinde sistematik çalışmalar. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Ankara.
  • Rozner, I. & Rozner, G. (2009). Additional data to the Lamellicornia fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia). Natura Somogyiensis, 15, 69-100.
  • Rössner, E. (2016). Brancoplia Baraud, 1986–Taxonomie und Verbreitung der Arten der leucaspis-Gruppe (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Anomalini). Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera, 112(1), 287-300.
  • Rössner, E. (2017). Eine neue Art der Gattung Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 aus Jordanien (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Anomalini). Vernate, 36, 305–312.
  • Rössner, E. & Sabatinelli, G. (2020). Morphologie und Verbreitung ausgewählter Anomalini Streubel, 1839 aus Israel und benachbarten Ländern–Teil 1: Arten von Brancoplia Baraud, 1986 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Rutelinae). Entomologische Zeitschrift Schwanfeld 130(1), 43-50.
  • Schoonhoven, L., Jermy, T. & Van Loon, J. (1998). Insect-plant biology: From physiology to evolution. Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham, UK.
  • Schoonhoven, L. M., Van Loon, J. J. & Dicke, M. (2005). Insect-plant biology: Oxford university press. Şenyüz, Y. & Şahin, Y. (2009). Faunistic studies on Cetoniinae, Dynastinae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Geotrupinae (Geotrupidae) of Kütahya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4(2), 536-541.
  • TAGEM. (2008). Zirai Mücadele Teknik Talimatları. In (pp. 278). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Ankara. Tamura, K. & Nei, M. (1993). Estimation of the number of nucleotide substitutions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10(3), 512-526.
  • Tamura, K., Stecher, G. & Kumar, S. (2021). MEGA11: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 11. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(7), 3022-3027.
  • Trautwein, M. D., Wiegmann, B. M., Beutel, R., Kjer, K. M. & Yeates, D. K. (2012). Advances in insect phylogeny at the dawn of the postgenomic era. Annual review of entomology, 57, 449-468.
  • Venieraki, A., Dimou, M. & Katinakis, P. (2017). Endophytic fungi residing in medicinal plants have the ability to produce the same or similar pharmacologically active secondary metabolites as their hosts. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal, 10(2), 51-66.
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Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarımda Entomoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Salih Özgökçe 0000-0002-6777-9149

Gamze Göksugüzel 0000-0002-1795-5052

Hilmi Kara 0000-0003-0580-0464

Mehmet Ramazan Rişvanlı 0000-0002-5882-0533

Merve Doğaç 0009-0008-4316-1951

Proje Numarası FYL-2021-9437
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özgökçe, M. S., Göksugüzel, G., Kara, H., Rişvanlı, M. R., vd. (2024). Diversity, Distribution and DNA Barcoding Tribe of Anomalini beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) in Wheat Fields of Van, Türkiye. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2), 271-285.

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