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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 51 - 67, 01.02.2015


This study aimed at examining computer programming students’ attitudes towards programming and their programming self-efficacy as well as the relationship between them. The study was conducted in a university located in the north of Turkey in the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year. The research sample consisted of 325 students studying in three different Computer Programming programs of the Department of Computer Technologies affiliated to a vocational school of the above-mentioned university. The Attitude Scale toward Computer Programming (AStCP) and the Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Inventory (CPSEI) were used for data collection. The descriptive survey model was employed in the study. The data obtained in the study were analyzed via the Mann Whitney U-test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Spearman Brown rho correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the students generally had positive attitudes towards computer programming, and they had a medium-level programming self-efficacy. The attitudes of the students towards programming varied statistically significantly by gender, grade, and education type. Similarly, programming self-efficacy varied statistically by the aforementioned three variables. Finally, a positive medium relationship was found between the students’ attitudes towards programming and their self-efficacy


  • Akkoyunlu, B. & Kurbanoglu, S. (2004). A study on teachers’ information literacy self-efficacy beliefs. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 11- 20.
  • Altun, A. & Mazman, S.G. (2012). Programlamaya ilişkin öz yeterlilik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçe formumun geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 3(2), 297- 308.
  • Anastasiadou, S. D. & Karakos, A.S. (2011). The beliefs of electrical and computer engineering students’ regarding computer programming. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7(1), 37-51.
  • Aşkar, P. & Davenport, D. (2009). An investigation of factors related to self- efficacy for java programming among engineering students. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(1).
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Başer, M. (2013). Developing attitude scale toward computer programming. International Journal of Social Science, 6(6), 199-215.
  • Başer, M. & Geban, Ö. (2007). Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Research in science & technological education, 25(1), 115–133.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Chang, S. L., Shieh, R. S., Liu, E. Z. F. ve Yu, P. T. (2012). Factors influencing women’s attitudes towards computers in a computer literacy training program. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 177-187.
  • Compeau, D. R. & Higgins, C. A. (1995). Computer self-efficacy: Development of a measure and initial test. MIS quarterly, 19(2), 189-211.
  • Çakıroğlu, E. & Işıksal, M. (2009). Preservice elementary teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs toward mathematics. Education and Science, 34(151), 132-139.
  • Demirtaş, H., Cömert, M., & Özer, N. (2011). Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes towards profession. Education and Science, 36(159), 96- 111.
  • Ekici, G. (2008). The effects of the classroom management lesson on preservice teachers’ teacher sense of self-efficacy. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 98-110.
  • Hançer, A. H., Uludağ, N., & Yılmaz, A. (2007). The evaluation of the attitudes of science teacher candidates towards chemistry lesson. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 100-109.
  • Hawi, N. (2010). Causal attributions of success and failure made by undergraduate studentsin an introductory-level computer programming course. Computers & Education, 54(2010), 1127-1136.
  • Hongwarittorrn, N. & Krairit, D. (2010). Effects of program visualization (jeliot3) on students' performance and attitudes towards java programming. In The spring 8th International conference on Computing, Communication and Control Technologies, 6-9 April, Orlando, Florida USA.
  • Horzum, M. B. & Çakır, Ö. (2009). The validity and reliability studyof the turkish version of the online technologies self-efficacy scale. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 9(3), 1343-1356.
  • Hwang, G., Wu, P. & Chen, C. (2012). An online game approach for improving students’ learning performance in web-based problem-solving activities. Computers & Education, 59, 1246-1256.
  • Jegede, P. O. (2009). Predictors of java programming self efficacy among engineeringstudents in a Nigerian university. International Journal of Computer Science andInformation Security, 4(1&2).
  • Karsten, R. & Roth, M. R. (1998). The relationship of computer experience and computer self-efficacy to performance in introductorycomputer literacy courses. Journal of Research on Technology Education, 31(1), 14-24.
  • Korkmaz, Ö. (2012). The impact of critical thinking and logical-mathematical intelligence on algorithmic design skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(2), 173-193.
  • Korkmaz, Ö. & Altun, H. (2013). Engineering and ceit student’s attitude towards learning computer programming. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science, 6(2), 1169-1185.
  • Kutluca, T. & Ekici, G. (2010). Examining teacher candidates’ attitudes and self- efficacy perceptions towards the computer assisted education. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 177-188.
  • Lau, W. W. F. & Yuen, A. H. K. (2009). Exploring the effects of gender and learning styles on computer programming performance: implications for programming pedagogy. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 696-712.
  • Milne, I. ve Rowe, G. (2002). Difficulties in learning and teaching programming- views of students and tutors. Education and Information Technologies, 7(1), 55-66.
  • Pehlivan, Z. (2010). Analysis of physical self-perceptions of physical education teacher candidates and their attitudes toward teaching profession. Education and Science, 35(156), 126-141.
  • Pereira, H. B. D. B., Zebende, G. F. & Moret, M. A. (2010). Learning computer programming: Implementing a fractal in a Turing Machine. Computers & Education, 55(2), 767-776.
  • Pillay, N. & Jugoo, V. R. (2005). An investigation into student characteristics affecting novice programming performance. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4), 107- 110.
  • Ramalingam, V. & Wiedenbeck, S. (1998). Development and validation of scores on a computer programming self-efficacy scale and group analysis of novice programmer self-efficacy. Journal of Educational ComputingResearch, 19(4), 367-381.
  • Robins, A., Rountree, J., & Rountree, N.(2003). Learning and teaching programming: A review and discussion. Computer Science Education, 13(2), 137-172.
  • Stoilescu, D. & Egodawatte, G. (2010). Gender differences in the use of computers, programming, and peer interactions in computer science classrooms. Computer Science Education, 20(4), 283-300.
  • Van De Gaer, E., Grisay, A., Schulz, W. & Gebhardt, E. (2012). The reference group effect an explanation of the paradoxical relationship between academic achievement and self-confidence across countries. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(8), 1205-1228.
  • Yenilmez, K. (2008). Open primary education school students’ opinions about mathematics television programmes. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 9(4), 176-189.

A study for determining computer programming students’ attitudes towards programming and their programming self-efficacy / Bilgisayar programcılığı öğrencilerinin programlamaya karşı tutum ve programlama öz-yeterliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalı

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 51 - 67, 01.02.2015


This study aimed at examining computer programming students’ attitudes towards programming and their programming self-efficacy as well as the relationship between them. The study was conducted in a university located in the north of Turkey in the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year. The research sample consisted of 325 students studying in three different Computer Programming programs of the Department of Computer Technologies affiliated to a vocational school of the above-mentioned university. The Attitude Scale toward Computer Programming (AStCP) and the Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Inventory (CPSEI) were used for data collection. The descriptive survey model was employed in the study. The data obtained in the study were analyzed via the Mann Whitney U-test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the  Spearman Brown rho correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the students generally had positive attitudes towards computer programming, and they had a medium-level programming self-efficacy. The attitudes of the students towards programming varied statistically significantly by gender, grade, and education type. Similarly, programming self-efficacy varied statistically by the aforementioned three variables. Finally, a positive medium relationship was found between the students’ attitudes towards programming and their self-efficacy.


  • Akkoyunlu, B. & Kurbanoglu, S. (2004). A study on teachers’ information literacy self-efficacy beliefs. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 11- 20.
  • Altun, A. & Mazman, S.G. (2012). Programlamaya ilişkin öz yeterlilik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçe formumun geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 3(2), 297- 308.
  • Anastasiadou, S. D. & Karakos, A.S. (2011). The beliefs of electrical and computer engineering students’ regarding computer programming. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7(1), 37-51.
  • Aşkar, P. & Davenport, D. (2009). An investigation of factors related to self- efficacy for java programming among engineering students. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(1).
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Başer, M. (2013). Developing attitude scale toward computer programming. International Journal of Social Science, 6(6), 199-215.
  • Başer, M. & Geban, Ö. (2007). Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Research in science & technological education, 25(1), 115–133.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Chang, S. L., Shieh, R. S., Liu, E. Z. F. ve Yu, P. T. (2012). Factors influencing women’s attitudes towards computers in a computer literacy training program. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 177-187.
  • Compeau, D. R. & Higgins, C. A. (1995). Computer self-efficacy: Development of a measure and initial test. MIS quarterly, 19(2), 189-211.
  • Çakıroğlu, E. & Işıksal, M. (2009). Preservice elementary teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs toward mathematics. Education and Science, 34(151), 132-139.
  • Demirtaş, H., Cömert, M., & Özer, N. (2011). Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes towards profession. Education and Science, 36(159), 96- 111.
  • Ekici, G. (2008). The effects of the classroom management lesson on preservice teachers’ teacher sense of self-efficacy. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 98-110.
  • Hançer, A. H., Uludağ, N., & Yılmaz, A. (2007). The evaluation of the attitudes of science teacher candidates towards chemistry lesson. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 100-109.
  • Hawi, N. (2010). Causal attributions of success and failure made by undergraduate studentsin an introductory-level computer programming course. Computers & Education, 54(2010), 1127-1136.
  • Hongwarittorrn, N. & Krairit, D. (2010). Effects of program visualization (jeliot3) on students' performance and attitudes towards java programming. In The spring 8th International conference on Computing, Communication and Control Technologies, 6-9 April, Orlando, Florida USA.
  • Horzum, M. B. & Çakır, Ö. (2009). The validity and reliability studyof the turkish version of the online technologies self-efficacy scale. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 9(3), 1343-1356.
  • Hwang, G., Wu, P. & Chen, C. (2012). An online game approach for improving students’ learning performance in web-based problem-solving activities. Computers & Education, 59, 1246-1256.
  • Jegede, P. O. (2009). Predictors of java programming self efficacy among engineeringstudents in a Nigerian university. International Journal of Computer Science andInformation Security, 4(1&2).
  • Karsten, R. & Roth, M. R. (1998). The relationship of computer experience and computer self-efficacy to performance in introductorycomputer literacy courses. Journal of Research on Technology Education, 31(1), 14-24.
  • Korkmaz, Ö. (2012). The impact of critical thinking and logical-mathematical intelligence on algorithmic design skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(2), 173-193.
  • Korkmaz, Ö. & Altun, H. (2013). Engineering and ceit student’s attitude towards learning computer programming. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science, 6(2), 1169-1185.
  • Kutluca, T. & Ekici, G. (2010). Examining teacher candidates’ attitudes and self- efficacy perceptions towards the computer assisted education. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 177-188.
  • Lau, W. W. F. & Yuen, A. H. K. (2009). Exploring the effects of gender and learning styles on computer programming performance: implications for programming pedagogy. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(4), 696-712.
  • Milne, I. ve Rowe, G. (2002). Difficulties in learning and teaching programming- views of students and tutors. Education and Information Technologies, 7(1), 55-66.
  • Pehlivan, Z. (2010). Analysis of physical self-perceptions of physical education teacher candidates and their attitudes toward teaching profession. Education and Science, 35(156), 126-141.
  • Pereira, H. B. D. B., Zebende, G. F. & Moret, M. A. (2010). Learning computer programming: Implementing a fractal in a Turing Machine. Computers & Education, 55(2), 767-776.
  • Pillay, N. & Jugoo, V. R. (2005). An investigation into student characteristics affecting novice programming performance. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4), 107- 110.
  • Ramalingam, V. & Wiedenbeck, S. (1998). Development and validation of scores on a computer programming self-efficacy scale and group analysis of novice programmer self-efficacy. Journal of Educational ComputingResearch, 19(4), 367-381.
  • Robins, A., Rountree, J., & Rountree, N.(2003). Learning and teaching programming: A review and discussion. Computer Science Education, 13(2), 137-172.
  • Stoilescu, D. & Egodawatte, G. (2010). Gender differences in the use of computers, programming, and peer interactions in computer science classrooms. Computer Science Education, 20(4), 283-300.
  • Van De Gaer, E., Grisay, A., Schulz, W. & Gebhardt, E. (2012). The reference group effect an explanation of the paradoxical relationship between academic achievement and self-confidence across countries. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(8), 1205-1228.
  • Yenilmez, K. (2008). Open primary education school students’ opinions about mathematics television programmes. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 9(4), 176-189.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Özcan Özyurt

Hacer Özyurt

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyurt, Ö., & Özyurt, H. (2015). A study for determining computer programming students’ attitudes towards programming and their programming self-efficacy / Bilgisayar programcılığı öğrencilerinin programlamaya karşı tutum ve programlama öz-yeterliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir çalı. Eğitimde Kuram Ve Uygulama, 11(1), 51-67.