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Rusya–Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Enerji Etkeni ve “Kuzey Akımı-2” Boru Hattı Projesinin Jeopolitik İçeriği

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 265 - 286, 26.01.2021


Çalışmada Rusya-AB ilişkileri enerji diplomasisi kavramı ve ‘Kuzey Akımı-2’ boru hattı projesi perspektifinden ele alınmaktadır. Rus enerji şirketi Gazprom’un öncülüğünde gerçekleştirilen doğalgaz boru hattı projeleri Rusya-AB ilişkilerinin dinamiklerine yön vermektedir. Bu husus çalışmanın temel argümanını teşkil etmektedir. Boru hatlarının ekonomik, stratejik ve jeopolitik içeriği söz konusu argüman vasıtasıyla analiz edilmektedir. Enerji diplomasi Rus dış politikası açısından oldukça kullanışlı bir kavramdır. Bu bağlamda Gazprom Rus enerji diplomasisini uygulama sürecinde kilit bir dış politika aktörü olarak öne çıkmaktadır. ‘Kuzey Akımı-2’ doğalgaz boru hattı projesi ekonomi, jeopolitik ve dış politika arasındaki ilişkilerin kapsamını ortaya koyan önemli bir örnektir. Bu nedenle çalışmada ‘Kuzey Akım-2’ projesinin jeopolitik içeriği ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenmektedir. Söz konusu projenin meydana getirdiği stratejik, ekonomik ve jeopolitik çıktılar çalışmanın kurgusal temelini oluşturmaktadır.


  • ADOMEIT, H. (2012). “German-Russian Relations”, Etude Prospective and Strategique, İfri: 4-36.
  • AKPINAR, E. ve BAŞIBÜYÜK, A. (2011), “Jeoekonomik Önemi Giderek Artan bir Enerji Kaynağı: Doğalgaz”, Turkish Studies, 3(6): 119-136.
  • ARAPOV, E. BOLSHAKOV, A. SUSHENTOV, A. (2019). Severniy Potok-2: Stsenariya Razvitiya Situatsyii, Evraziyskiy Strategiya, MGIMO Konsalting, Moskova.
  • AVDEYENKO, E. (2018). “Problemi i Perspektivi Razvitiya Rossiyskogo-Germanskih Otnoshenii 2000-2018”,Elektronniy Jurnal po İstoricheskim Naukam i Arhelogii Magistra Vitae, 2: 146-153.
  • BALABİN, A., (2015), “Zachem ‘Gazpromu’ Rinochnaya Kapitalizatsiya”, Jurnal Eko, 3: 98-115.
  • Blagodarya Mirovoy s Naftogazom. Gazprom Razmestit Evrobondi na 6 milyard evro, 14.01.2020).
  • BROS, A. MITROVA, T. WESTPHAL, K. (2017). “German –Russian Gas Relations”, Berlin, SWP Research Paper: 5-48.
  • BURKOVA, E. (2018). “Severniy Potok-2: Strani Baltii i Ukraina: Ekologo –Politicheskoye İzmereniye Konflikta”, Rossiya i novie Gosudarstvo Evrazii, 3(40): 112-118.
  • Chto Takoe Prirodniy Gaz?, Gazprom, 06.01.2020.
  • ÇERNENKO, E. (2010).“Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya v Orbite Energeticheskoy Bezopasnosti”, Vestnik RUDN, Seriya Mejdunarodnie Otnoshenii, 3: 17-41.
  • ÇERNİTSİNA, S.(2015). Rol Energeticheskiy Diplomatii v Formirovanii Vneshney Politiki Rossii na Sovremennom Etape (2000-2014), Moskova, MGİMO.
  • ÇESNAKAS, G.(2016). “Energy Resources as the Tools of Foreign Policy: the Case of Russia”, Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 35:9-40.
  • DANCHENKO, İ. (2013). “Osebennosti Energeticheskoy Politiki Evropeyskogo Soyuza v Usloviyah Sovremennogo Energeticheskogo Rinka”, Almanah Sovremenniy Nauki i Obrazovaniya, 6(73): 48-51.
  • Daniya Razreshila postroit v Svoih vodah Severniy Potok-2, RBC Agenstvo, 22.01.2020.
  • EU-U.S. LNG Trade”, European Commission, 22.01.2020.
  • FISCHER, S. (2016). “Nord Stream 2: Trust in Europe”, Policy Perspectives, 4(4): 1-4.
  • FORSBERG, T. (2016). “From Ostpolitik to ‘Frostpolitik’, Merkel, Putin and German Foreign Policy towards Russia”, International Affairs , 92(1): 21-42.
  • GOLDTHAU, A. ve Sitter,N. (2015).“Soft Power with a Hard Edge: EU Policy Tools and Energy Security”, 5 (22): 941-965.
  • Goluboy Potok: Postavki Rossiyskogo Prirodnogo Gaza v Turtsii, Gazprom, 06.01.2020.
  • GÖTZ, R. (2007). “Germany and Russia –Strategic Partners?”, Geopolitical Affairs, 4: 1-12.
  • GRANT, C. (2005). “Germany’s Foreign Policy: What Lessons can be learned from the Schröder years”, Centre for European Reform, Essays: 1-5.
  • GRIFFITHS, S. (2019). “Energy Diplomacy in a Time of Energy Transition”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 26: 1-10.
  • GRİGORYEVA, O. (2015). “Rol Diplomatii Gosudarstvo v Mirovom Energeticheskom Prostranstve: Sovremennie Teoriticheskie Podhodi”, Vestnik SPbGU, 2:130-140.
  • HAYTUN, A. (2015). Rossiya-ES: Problemi Vzaimodeystviya v Energeticheskoy Sfere, Moskova, İnstitut Evropa.
  • HENDERSON, J. MITROVA, T. (2016), “Energy Relations between Russia and China: Playing Chess with the Dragon”, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, OIES Paper: 5-20. HILL, F. (2006).“Moskow Discovers Soft Power”, Current History: 341-347.
  • İstoriya Gazovih Konfliktov Rossii i Ukraini, RİA Novosti, 14.01.2020.
  • JUKOVA, İ. (2010).“Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya i Geopolitika kak Sostavnoy Element Mejdunarodnogo Energeticheskogo Prava”, Vestnik OGU, 3: 51-54.
  • KHRUSHCHEVA, O. MALTBY, T. (2016). “The Future of EU-Russia Energy Relations in the Context of Decarbonisation”, Geopolitics, 4 (21):799-830.
  • KONOPLYANİK, A. (2011). “Gazprom, Evropa, Ukraina: o Sudebnih İskah, Usloviya Kontraktov i Formula Tsenoobrazovaniya”, Neft, Gaz i Pravo, 5: 51-57.
  • KOZLOVA, Y. MUHAMETZYANOV, İ. (2014). “İstoricheskiye Aspekti Razvitiya Gazovoy Promishlennosti Rossii”, İstoriya i Pedagokika Estestvoznaniya, 1, s. 12-16.
  • KRAVCHENKO, M. (2015), “Geopolitika Prirodnogo Gaza”, Vestnik MGLU, 2 (713): 69-77.
  • KWIATKOWSKA-DROZDS, A. POPLAWSKI, K. (2014). “The German reaction to the Russian-Ukranian Conflict-Shock and Disbelief”, Centre for Eastern Studies, 132: 1-7.
  • LANG, K..O, WESTPHAL, K. (2017). “Nord Stream 2 – A Political and Economic Contextualisation”, Berlin, SWP Research Paper: 5-39.
  • LEONOV, E. (2018). Vneshnepoliticheskie i Sotsialno –ekonomicheskiy faktori Razvitiya FRG v kontekste Vzaimootnosheniy s SSA, (1990-2018 gg), MGIMO, Moskova.
  • LOSKOT-STRACHOTA, A. BAJCZUK, R. KARDAS, S. (2018). “Nord Stream 2 Divides the West”, Centre for Eastern Studies, 273: 1-10.
  • LOUGH, J. (2011).“Russia’s Energy Diplomacy”, Chatham House, Briefing Paper:1-2.
  • MAKSİMYTSEV, İ. (2014). “Rossiya i Germaniya: Drug Moy, Vrag Moy”, Vzglyad na İstoriyu: 111-122.
  • MALİKOVA, O. PEREHOD, E. (2018), “Strategicheskiy Orientiri Eksportnoy Logistiki Rossiyskoy Federatsyi na Evropeyskom Gazovom Rinke”, Gosudarstvennoe Upravleniya. Elektronnaya Vestnik, 71: 69-95.
  • MAYOROV, V. (2009), “Transkontinentalniy Marshrut”, Belaruskaya Dumka, Lyuti: 30-32.
  • MEISTER, S. (2014). “Reframing Germany’s Russia Policy –an Opportunity for the EU”, ECFR, Policy Brief: 1-12.
  • MICCO, de P. (2014).“The Russian-Ukrainian Gas Deal: Taking the bite out of Winter”, European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies: 4-7.
  • MONAGHAN, A. (2007). “Russia’s Energy Diplomacy: A Political Idea Lacking a Strategy”, Southeast European and Black Studies, 2 (7):275-288.
  • NEWHNAM, R. (2011), “Oil, Carrots and Sticks: Russia’s Energy Resources as a Foreign Policy Tool”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2: 134-143.
  • Nord Stream: Secury Gas Supply for Europe, The Pipeline , Kuzey Akımı resmi web sitesi, 10.01.2020.
  • Otchet v Deyatelnosti v Oblasti Ustoychivogo Razvitiya 2008-2009, Gazprom, ( 10.01.2020.
  • PİRANİ, S. STERN, J. YAFİMAVA, K. (2009). The Russo –Ukrainian Gas Despute of January 2009: a Comprehensive Assessment,Oxford, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
  • RILEY, A. (2018). “Nord Stream 2: Understanding the Potential Consequences”, Atlantic Council, Global Energy Center: 2-14.
  • SALİGİN, V. KOVESHNİKOV, N. (2014). “Gazprom na Rinke Evrosoyuza: Neobhodim Balans Printsipov Konkuretsii i Energeticheskiy Bezopasnosti”, Miep k 70-letuyu MGIMO:45-53.
  • Severniy Potok: Novoe Okno. Kakoy Budet Novaya Logistika Eksporta?, (2010), Erta Analiticheskaya Gruppa: 1-2.
  • Severniy Potok-2: Noviy Eksportniy Gazoprovod iz Rossii v Evropu cherez Baltiyskoe more, Gazprom, 18.01.2020.
  • SİDDİ, M. (2018). “The Role of Power in EU-Russia Energy Relations: The Interplay Between Markets and Geopolitics”, Europe-Asia Studies, 10 (70): 1552-1571.
  • SLOBODIAN, N.(2018). “Political Technologies of Russian Energy Diplomacy”, Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, 1: 49-65.
  • SMİRNOV, A. (2014). “Sravnitelniy Analiz Energeticheskoy Diplomatiyi RF i Evropeyskogo Soyuza”, Comparative Politics, 2 (15):84-91.
  • STARİKOVS, A. (2017). “Severniy Potok-2: Dilemmnosti Evropeyskih Energeticheskiy İnteresov”, İnternet-Jurnal Naukovedeniye, 6(9): 1-11.
  • SZİKLAİ, B. KOCZY, L. CSERCSİK, D. (2018). “The Geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2”, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Discussion Papers: 2-16.
  • TEKEYEV, A. (2013).“Politicheskiye Tehnologii v Energeticheskoy Diplomatii”, Obozrevatel, 10:24-37.
  • The European Union and the Russian Federation”, Delegation of the European Union to Russia, 04.02.2020.
  • Third Energy Package”, European Commission, 22.01.2020.
  • Tretiy Energeticheskiy Paket protiv Vtorogo Severnogo Potoka, Politru, 22.01.2020.
  • TürkAkım Boru Hattı, TürkAkım Boru Hattı resmi web sitesi, 10.01.2020.
  • U.S. LNG exports to Europe increase amid declining demand and spot LNG prices in Asia, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 22.01.2020.
  • Yamal-Europe, Russian Gas Supplies to Western Europe, Gazprom, 10.01.2020.
  • YDREOS, M.(2012). “Geopolitcs and Natural Gas (Full Report)”, 2009-2012 Triennium Work Report: 31-43.
  • ZAGORSKİ, A. (2005). “Russia and Germany: Continuity and Changes”, Russie.Cei. Visions, 6: 2-17.
  • ZHİZNİN, S. (2013). Osnovi Energeticheskoy Diplomatii, Moskova, MGİMO – Universitet.
  • ZHİZNİN, S.(2010). “Russian Energy Diplomacy and International Energy Security (Geopolitcs and Economics)”, Baltic Region, 1, s. 7-17.
Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 265 - 286, 26.01.2021



  • ADOMEIT, H. (2012). “German-Russian Relations”, Etude Prospective and Strategique, İfri: 4-36.
  • AKPINAR, E. ve BAŞIBÜYÜK, A. (2011), “Jeoekonomik Önemi Giderek Artan bir Enerji Kaynağı: Doğalgaz”, Turkish Studies, 3(6): 119-136.
  • ARAPOV, E. BOLSHAKOV, A. SUSHENTOV, A. (2019). Severniy Potok-2: Stsenariya Razvitiya Situatsyii, Evraziyskiy Strategiya, MGIMO Konsalting, Moskova.
  • AVDEYENKO, E. (2018). “Problemi i Perspektivi Razvitiya Rossiyskogo-Germanskih Otnoshenii 2000-2018”,Elektronniy Jurnal po İstoricheskim Naukam i Arhelogii Magistra Vitae, 2: 146-153.
  • BALABİN, A., (2015), “Zachem ‘Gazpromu’ Rinochnaya Kapitalizatsiya”, Jurnal Eko, 3: 98-115.
  • Blagodarya Mirovoy s Naftogazom. Gazprom Razmestit Evrobondi na 6 milyard evro, 14.01.2020).
  • BROS, A. MITROVA, T. WESTPHAL, K. (2017). “German –Russian Gas Relations”, Berlin, SWP Research Paper: 5-48.
  • BURKOVA, E. (2018). “Severniy Potok-2: Strani Baltii i Ukraina: Ekologo –Politicheskoye İzmereniye Konflikta”, Rossiya i novie Gosudarstvo Evrazii, 3(40): 112-118.
  • Chto Takoe Prirodniy Gaz?, Gazprom, 06.01.2020.
  • ÇERNENKO, E. (2010).“Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya v Orbite Energeticheskoy Bezopasnosti”, Vestnik RUDN, Seriya Mejdunarodnie Otnoshenii, 3: 17-41.
  • ÇERNİTSİNA, S.(2015). Rol Energeticheskiy Diplomatii v Formirovanii Vneshney Politiki Rossii na Sovremennom Etape (2000-2014), Moskova, MGİMO.
  • ÇESNAKAS, G.(2016). “Energy Resources as the Tools of Foreign Policy: the Case of Russia”, Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 35:9-40.
  • DANCHENKO, İ. (2013). “Osebennosti Energeticheskoy Politiki Evropeyskogo Soyuza v Usloviyah Sovremennogo Energeticheskogo Rinka”, Almanah Sovremenniy Nauki i Obrazovaniya, 6(73): 48-51.
  • Daniya Razreshila postroit v Svoih vodah Severniy Potok-2, RBC Agenstvo, 22.01.2020.
  • EU-U.S. LNG Trade”, European Commission, 22.01.2020.
  • FISCHER, S. (2016). “Nord Stream 2: Trust in Europe”, Policy Perspectives, 4(4): 1-4.
  • FORSBERG, T. (2016). “From Ostpolitik to ‘Frostpolitik’, Merkel, Putin and German Foreign Policy towards Russia”, International Affairs , 92(1): 21-42.
  • GOLDTHAU, A. ve Sitter,N. (2015).“Soft Power with a Hard Edge: EU Policy Tools and Energy Security”, 5 (22): 941-965.
  • Goluboy Potok: Postavki Rossiyskogo Prirodnogo Gaza v Turtsii, Gazprom, 06.01.2020.
  • GÖTZ, R. (2007). “Germany and Russia –Strategic Partners?”, Geopolitical Affairs, 4: 1-12.
  • GRANT, C. (2005). “Germany’s Foreign Policy: What Lessons can be learned from the Schröder years”, Centre for European Reform, Essays: 1-5.
  • GRIFFITHS, S. (2019). “Energy Diplomacy in a Time of Energy Transition”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 26: 1-10.
  • GRİGORYEVA, O. (2015). “Rol Diplomatii Gosudarstvo v Mirovom Energeticheskom Prostranstve: Sovremennie Teoriticheskie Podhodi”, Vestnik SPbGU, 2:130-140.
  • HAYTUN, A. (2015). Rossiya-ES: Problemi Vzaimodeystviya v Energeticheskoy Sfere, Moskova, İnstitut Evropa.
  • HENDERSON, J. MITROVA, T. (2016), “Energy Relations between Russia and China: Playing Chess with the Dragon”, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, OIES Paper: 5-20. HILL, F. (2006).“Moskow Discovers Soft Power”, Current History: 341-347.
  • İstoriya Gazovih Konfliktov Rossii i Ukraini, RİA Novosti, 14.01.2020.
  • JUKOVA, İ. (2010).“Energeticheskaya Diplomatiya i Geopolitika kak Sostavnoy Element Mejdunarodnogo Energeticheskogo Prava”, Vestnik OGU, 3: 51-54.
  • KHRUSHCHEVA, O. MALTBY, T. (2016). “The Future of EU-Russia Energy Relations in the Context of Decarbonisation”, Geopolitics, 4 (21):799-830.
  • KONOPLYANİK, A. (2011). “Gazprom, Evropa, Ukraina: o Sudebnih İskah, Usloviya Kontraktov i Formula Tsenoobrazovaniya”, Neft, Gaz i Pravo, 5: 51-57.
  • KOZLOVA, Y. MUHAMETZYANOV, İ. (2014). “İstoricheskiye Aspekti Razvitiya Gazovoy Promishlennosti Rossii”, İstoriya i Pedagokika Estestvoznaniya, 1, s. 12-16.
  • KRAVCHENKO, M. (2015), “Geopolitika Prirodnogo Gaza”, Vestnik MGLU, 2 (713): 69-77.
  • KWIATKOWSKA-DROZDS, A. POPLAWSKI, K. (2014). “The German reaction to the Russian-Ukranian Conflict-Shock and Disbelief”, Centre for Eastern Studies, 132: 1-7.
  • LANG, K..O, WESTPHAL, K. (2017). “Nord Stream 2 – A Political and Economic Contextualisation”, Berlin, SWP Research Paper: 5-39.
  • LEONOV, E. (2018). Vneshnepoliticheskie i Sotsialno –ekonomicheskiy faktori Razvitiya FRG v kontekste Vzaimootnosheniy s SSA, (1990-2018 gg), MGIMO, Moskova.
  • LOSKOT-STRACHOTA, A. BAJCZUK, R. KARDAS, S. (2018). “Nord Stream 2 Divides the West”, Centre for Eastern Studies, 273: 1-10.
  • LOUGH, J. (2011).“Russia’s Energy Diplomacy”, Chatham House, Briefing Paper:1-2.
  • MAKSİMYTSEV, İ. (2014). “Rossiya i Germaniya: Drug Moy, Vrag Moy”, Vzglyad na İstoriyu: 111-122.
  • MALİKOVA, O. PEREHOD, E. (2018), “Strategicheskiy Orientiri Eksportnoy Logistiki Rossiyskoy Federatsyi na Evropeyskom Gazovom Rinke”, Gosudarstvennoe Upravleniya. Elektronnaya Vestnik, 71: 69-95.
  • MAYOROV, V. (2009), “Transkontinentalniy Marshrut”, Belaruskaya Dumka, Lyuti: 30-32.
  • MEISTER, S. (2014). “Reframing Germany’s Russia Policy –an Opportunity for the EU”, ECFR, Policy Brief: 1-12.
  • MICCO, de P. (2014).“The Russian-Ukrainian Gas Deal: Taking the bite out of Winter”, European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies: 4-7.
  • MONAGHAN, A. (2007). “Russia’s Energy Diplomacy: A Political Idea Lacking a Strategy”, Southeast European and Black Studies, 2 (7):275-288.
  • NEWHNAM, R. (2011), “Oil, Carrots and Sticks: Russia’s Energy Resources as a Foreign Policy Tool”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2: 134-143.
  • Nord Stream: Secury Gas Supply for Europe, The Pipeline , Kuzey Akımı resmi web sitesi, 10.01.2020.
  • Otchet v Deyatelnosti v Oblasti Ustoychivogo Razvitiya 2008-2009, Gazprom, ( 10.01.2020.
  • PİRANİ, S. STERN, J. YAFİMAVA, K. (2009). The Russo –Ukrainian Gas Despute of January 2009: a Comprehensive Assessment,Oxford, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
  • RILEY, A. (2018). “Nord Stream 2: Understanding the Potential Consequences”, Atlantic Council, Global Energy Center: 2-14.
  • SALİGİN, V. KOVESHNİKOV, N. (2014). “Gazprom na Rinke Evrosoyuza: Neobhodim Balans Printsipov Konkuretsii i Energeticheskiy Bezopasnosti”, Miep k 70-letuyu MGIMO:45-53.
  • Severniy Potok: Novoe Okno. Kakoy Budet Novaya Logistika Eksporta?, (2010), Erta Analiticheskaya Gruppa: 1-2.
  • Severniy Potok-2: Noviy Eksportniy Gazoprovod iz Rossii v Evropu cherez Baltiyskoe more, Gazprom, 18.01.2020.
  • SİDDİ, M. (2018). “The Role of Power in EU-Russia Energy Relations: The Interplay Between Markets and Geopolitics”, Europe-Asia Studies, 10 (70): 1552-1571.
  • SLOBODIAN, N.(2018). “Political Technologies of Russian Energy Diplomacy”, Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, 1: 49-65.
  • SMİRNOV, A. (2014). “Sravnitelniy Analiz Energeticheskoy Diplomatiyi RF i Evropeyskogo Soyuza”, Comparative Politics, 2 (15):84-91.
  • STARİKOVS, A. (2017). “Severniy Potok-2: Dilemmnosti Evropeyskih Energeticheskiy İnteresov”, İnternet-Jurnal Naukovedeniye, 6(9): 1-11.
  • SZİKLAİ, B. KOCZY, L. CSERCSİK, D. (2018). “The Geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2”, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Discussion Papers: 2-16.
  • TEKEYEV, A. (2013).“Politicheskiye Tehnologii v Energeticheskoy Diplomatii”, Obozrevatel, 10:24-37.
  • The European Union and the Russian Federation”, Delegation of the European Union to Russia, 04.02.2020.
  • Third Energy Package”, European Commission, 22.01.2020.
  • Tretiy Energeticheskiy Paket protiv Vtorogo Severnogo Potoka, Politru, 22.01.2020.
  • TürkAkım Boru Hattı, TürkAkım Boru Hattı resmi web sitesi, 10.01.2020.
  • U.S. LNG exports to Europe increase amid declining demand and spot LNG prices in Asia, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 22.01.2020.
  • Yamal-Europe, Russian Gas Supplies to Western Europe, Gazprom, 10.01.2020.
  • YDREOS, M.(2012). “Geopolitcs and Natural Gas (Full Report)”, 2009-2012 Triennium Work Report: 31-43.
  • ZAGORSKİ, A. (2005). “Russia and Germany: Continuity and Changes”, Russie.Cei. Visions, 6: 2-17.
  • ZHİZNİN, S. (2013). Osnovi Energeticheskoy Diplomatii, Moskova, MGİMO – Universitet.
  • ZHİZNİN, S.(2010). “Russian Energy Diplomacy and International Energy Security (Geopolitcs and Economics)”, Baltic Region, 1, s. 7-17.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Halit Hamzaoğlu 0000-0001-5249-1911

Publication Date January 26, 2021
Acceptance Date November 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Hamzaoğlu, H. (2021). Rusya–Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Enerji Etkeni ve “Kuzey Akımı-2” Boru Hattı Projesinin Jeopolitik İçeriği. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 5(1), 265-286.