Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 122 - 137, 31.03.2018


Dünya’da bilgi çağına girilmesi ile birlikte bilişim, iletişim sektörleri ön plana çıkmış, bireysel ve toplumsal ihtiyaçlar farklılaşmış, yeni teknolojik ürünlere olan talep artmıştır. Küreselleşme ile birlikte artan yurtiçi ve yurt dışı rekabet firmaların yenilikçi ürünler üretmelerini bir zorunluluk haline getirmiştir. Aksi halde diğer rakiplerle rekabet edilemeyecek bunun sonucunda da firma başarısızlıkları söz konusu olacaktır. Ar-Ge fonksiyonunun temel amacı sürekli değişen bir çevrede faaliyette bulunan işletmelerin, bu değişimlere ayak uydurmalarını sağlamak, gelişme ve büyümelerine yardım etmek ve bunun sonucunda faaliyetlerinin sürekliliğini sağlamaktır. Gerek stratejik bir sektör olması gerekse de katma değeri en yüksek ürünlerin üretildiği iş kolu olması nedeniyle dünya da Ar-Ge harcamalarının en çok olduğu sektör İlaç sektörüdür. Çalışmada ilaç sektöründeki Ar-Ge harcamalarının firma karlılığı üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmış ve bu doğrultuda Türkiye’nin en büyük ilaç firmasının birisinin 1994-2016 dönemi yıllık verileri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada Brüt kar marjı bağımlı değişken, Ar-Ge harcamaları yoğunluğu ise bağımsız değişken olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ekonometrik metodoloji aşamasında ise gecikmesi dağıtılmış modellerden birisi olan Almon Modeli kullanılmış ve yapılan analizler sonucunda brüt kar marjının geçmiş 6 yıldaki Ar-Ge harcamaları yoğunluğundan pozitif olarak etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca Ar-Ge harcamalarının brüt kar üzerindeki etkisinin cari yılda geçmiş yıllara göre daha büyük olduğu görülmüştür.


  • ACAR, M.(2003). Tarımsal İşletmelerde Finansal Performans Analizi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 20, 21-37.
  • AMBRAMMAL, S.K. ve R. Sharma (2016). Impact of patenting on firms’ performance: an empirical investigation based on manufacturing firms in India. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 25 (1): 14-32.
  • APERGIS, N. ve Sorros, J. (2014). The role of r&d expenses for profitability: evidence from u.s. fossil and renewable energy firms. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 6 83): 8-15.
  • ARCHARUNGROJ, P. ve Hoshino, Y. (1999). Firm size and r&d on profitability: an empirical analysis on Japanese chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Japanese Journal of Administrative Science. 13 (2): 71-86.
  • AYAYDIN, H. ve Karaaslan İ. (2014). The effect of research and development investment on firms’ financial performance: evidence from manufacturing firms in Turkey. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi. 9 (1): 23-39.
  • CARNEIRO, J. M. T., Silva, J. F., Rocha, A., & Dib, L. A. R. (2007). Building a better measure of business performance. RAC-Eletrônica, 1(2), 114-135. Retrieved from
  • CHEN, P.C., W.C. Chan, S.W. Hung, H.J. Hsiang ve L.C. Wu. (2016). Do r&d expenditures matter more than those of marketing to company performance? the moderating role of industry characteristics and investment density. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 28 (2): 205-216.
  • CHUMAIDIYAH, E. (2012). The technology, technical skill, and r&d capability in increasing profitability on Indonesia telecommunication services companies. Procedia Economics and Finance. 4 :110-119.
  • COMBS, J. G., Crook, T. R., & Shook, C. L. (2005). The dimension of organizational performance and its implications for strategic management research. In D. J. Ketchen & D. D. Bergh (Eds.), Research methodology in strategy and management (pp. 259-286). San Diego: Elsevier.
  • COOMBS, E. J. ve Bierly P.E. (2006). Measuring technological capability and performance. R&D Management. 36 (4): 421-438.
  • DOĞAN, H.G., Gürler, A.Z., Ayyıldız, B. ve Şimşek, E. (2014). “Patates Üretiminde Üretim-Fiyat İlişkisinin Koyck Yaklaşımı ile Analitik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi (TR 71 Bölgesi Örneği)”. Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2 (1),42-46.
  • DİKMEN, N. (2006). “Koyck-Almon Yaklaşımı ile Tütün Üretimi ve Fiyat İlişkisi”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15 (2), 153-168.
  • Evaluate Pharma, “World Preview 2016 Outlook to 2022”, 2016
  • FENG-JUI H,, Mu-Yen C., Yu-Cheng C. and Wei-Chieh W. (2013). An empirical study on the relationship between r&d and financial performance. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking. 3 (5): 107-119.
  • GERGERLİ, A. (2015). Türkiye ve AB ülkelerindeki ar-ge ve yenilikçilik verilerinin kıyaslaması ve analizi. Anahtar. TC. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Yayını. 27 (319): 11
  • GHAFFAR, A. ve Khan W.A. (2014). Impact of research and development on firm performance. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. 4 (1): 357-367.
  • GUJARATİ, D. N. (2005). “Temel Ekonometri”, Çev: Ümit Şenesen ve Gülay G. Şenesen. Literatür Yayıncılık. İstanbul.
  • GÜRİŞ, S. ve Çağlayan, E. (2005). “Ekonometri Temel Kavramlar”, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HAJIHEYDARI, A., Dastgir M. ve Soltani A. (2011). The effect of research and development costs on the profitability of pharmaceutical companies. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 3 (8):914-918.
  • HARDMAN & CO Life Sciences Research, 2017.
  • IMS, ‘Global Outlook for Medicines Through 2018’, 2014.
  • JIAN X. ve Zhenji J. (2016). Research on the impact of r&d investment on firm performance in China's internet of things industry. Journal of Advanced Management Science. 4 (2): 112-116.
  • KABAKÇI, Y. (2008). Sermaye Yapısı ile İşletme Performansı Arasındaki İlişki: Gıda Sektöründe Bir Uygulama. Ege Üniversitesi Ekonomi, İşletme, Uluslar arası İlişkiler ve Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi Ege Akademik Bakış, 8 (1), 167-182.
  • KAYA, D. S., (2016), İlaç Sektörü, İktisadi Araştırmalar Bölümü, Ocak 2016.
  • NUNES, P. M. ve Serrasqueiro Z. (2015). Profitability determinants of portuguese knowledge-intensive business services: empirical evidence using panel data models. Applied Economics Letters. 22 (1): 51-56.
  • ÖZTÜRK, E. ve Zeren F. (2015). The impact of r&d expenditure on firm performance in manufacturing industry: further evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Research. 6 (2):32-36.
  • RABIEI, M. ve DADKHAH, H. (2014). Effects of r&d expenditure on the profitability of Iran industrial firms. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 7 (14): 2846-2850 . RAO, J., YU Y., ve CAO Y. (2013). The effect that r&d has on company performance: comparative analysis based on listed companies of technique intensive industry in China and Japan. International Journal of Education and Research. 1 (4): 1-8.
  • SAHAR, M. H. ve YALALI, M. R. (2014). Effect of r&d spending on firm profitability and stock market value. Management and Administrative Sciences Review. 3 (4): 657-664.
  • SHIN, N., KRAEMER K. L., ve DEDRICK J. (2009). R&d, value chain location and firm performance in the global electronics industry. Industry and Innovation. 16 (3): 315-330.
  • TARI, R. (2010). “Ekonometri”, Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli.
  • Tepav (2015), İlaç Ar-Ge Ekosistemi Raporu, 2015 Nisan.
  • VANDERPAL, G. A. (2015). Impact of r&d expenses and corporate financial performance. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 15 (7): 135-149.
  • VITHESSONTHI, C. ve Racela, O. C. (2015). Short-and long-run effects of internationalization and r&d intensity on firm performance. Journal of Multinational Financial Management. 34(2016):28-45
  • VOGELVANG, B. (2005). “Econometrics, Theory and Applications with EViews”, Pearson Education, England.
  • VOULGARIS, F. ve Lemonakis, C. (2014). Competitiveness and profitability:the case of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 11: 46-57.
  • WARUSAWITHARANA, M. (2015). Research and development, profits, and firm value: a structural estimation. Quantitative Economics.6: 531-565.
  • WEN-SHWO F. ve Hsiu-Kan L. (2010). Do r&d expenditure, royalty and technology licensing expenses increase operational performance of the biotech industry in Taiwan?. Problems and Perspectives in Management. 8 (3): 80-91.
  • WINGARD, H. C. ve Vorster, Q. (2001). Financial Performance of Environmentally Responsible South African Listed Companies. Meditari Accountancy Research. 9, 313-332.
  • XIN J., Guangyong L. ve Junli Y. (2016). Goverment governance, executive networks and enterprise r&d expenditure. China Journal of Accounting Research. 9: 59-81.
  • ZHAOHUI Z. ve Feng H. (2012). The effect of r&d investment on firms’ financial performance: evidence from the Chinese listed it firms. Modern Economy. 3: 915-919.
  • (Erişim: 12.3.2016)
  • (Erişim: 14.1.2018)
Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 122 - 137, 31.03.2018



  • ACAR, M.(2003). Tarımsal İşletmelerde Finansal Performans Analizi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 20, 21-37.
  • AMBRAMMAL, S.K. ve R. Sharma (2016). Impact of patenting on firms’ performance: an empirical investigation based on manufacturing firms in India. Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 25 (1): 14-32.
  • APERGIS, N. ve Sorros, J. (2014). The role of r&d expenses for profitability: evidence from u.s. fossil and renewable energy firms. International Journal of Economics and Finance. 6 83): 8-15.
  • ARCHARUNGROJ, P. ve Hoshino, Y. (1999). Firm size and r&d on profitability: an empirical analysis on Japanese chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Japanese Journal of Administrative Science. 13 (2): 71-86.
  • AYAYDIN, H. ve Karaaslan İ. (2014). The effect of research and development investment on firms’ financial performance: evidence from manufacturing firms in Turkey. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi. 9 (1): 23-39.
  • CARNEIRO, J. M. T., Silva, J. F., Rocha, A., & Dib, L. A. R. (2007). Building a better measure of business performance. RAC-Eletrônica, 1(2), 114-135. Retrieved from
  • CHEN, P.C., W.C. Chan, S.W. Hung, H.J. Hsiang ve L.C. Wu. (2016). Do r&d expenditures matter more than those of marketing to company performance? the moderating role of industry characteristics and investment density. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 28 (2): 205-216.
  • CHUMAIDIYAH, E. (2012). The technology, technical skill, and r&d capability in increasing profitability on Indonesia telecommunication services companies. Procedia Economics and Finance. 4 :110-119.
  • COMBS, J. G., Crook, T. R., & Shook, C. L. (2005). The dimension of organizational performance and its implications for strategic management research. In D. J. Ketchen & D. D. Bergh (Eds.), Research methodology in strategy and management (pp. 259-286). San Diego: Elsevier.
  • COOMBS, E. J. ve Bierly P.E. (2006). Measuring technological capability and performance. R&D Management. 36 (4): 421-438.
  • DOĞAN, H.G., Gürler, A.Z., Ayyıldız, B. ve Şimşek, E. (2014). “Patates Üretiminde Üretim-Fiyat İlişkisinin Koyck Yaklaşımı ile Analitik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi (TR 71 Bölgesi Örneği)”. Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2 (1),42-46.
  • DİKMEN, N. (2006). “Koyck-Almon Yaklaşımı ile Tütün Üretimi ve Fiyat İlişkisi”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15 (2), 153-168.
  • Evaluate Pharma, “World Preview 2016 Outlook to 2022”, 2016
  • FENG-JUI H,, Mu-Yen C., Yu-Cheng C. and Wei-Chieh W. (2013). An empirical study on the relationship between r&d and financial performance. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking. 3 (5): 107-119.
  • GERGERLİ, A. (2015). Türkiye ve AB ülkelerindeki ar-ge ve yenilikçilik verilerinin kıyaslaması ve analizi. Anahtar. TC. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Yayını. 27 (319): 11
  • GHAFFAR, A. ve Khan W.A. (2014). Impact of research and development on firm performance. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. 4 (1): 357-367.
  • GUJARATİ, D. N. (2005). “Temel Ekonometri”, Çev: Ümit Şenesen ve Gülay G. Şenesen. Literatür Yayıncılık. İstanbul.
  • GÜRİŞ, S. ve Çağlayan, E. (2005). “Ekonometri Temel Kavramlar”, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HAJIHEYDARI, A., Dastgir M. ve Soltani A. (2011). The effect of research and development costs on the profitability of pharmaceutical companies. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 3 (8):914-918.
  • HARDMAN & CO Life Sciences Research, 2017.
  • IMS, ‘Global Outlook for Medicines Through 2018’, 2014.
  • JIAN X. ve Zhenji J. (2016). Research on the impact of r&d investment on firm performance in China's internet of things industry. Journal of Advanced Management Science. 4 (2): 112-116.
  • KABAKÇI, Y. (2008). Sermaye Yapısı ile İşletme Performansı Arasındaki İlişki: Gıda Sektöründe Bir Uygulama. Ege Üniversitesi Ekonomi, İşletme, Uluslar arası İlişkiler ve Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi Ege Akademik Bakış, 8 (1), 167-182.
  • KAYA, D. S., (2016), İlaç Sektörü, İktisadi Araştırmalar Bölümü, Ocak 2016.
  • NUNES, P. M. ve Serrasqueiro Z. (2015). Profitability determinants of portuguese knowledge-intensive business services: empirical evidence using panel data models. Applied Economics Letters. 22 (1): 51-56.
  • ÖZTÜRK, E. ve Zeren F. (2015). The impact of r&d expenditure on firm performance in manufacturing industry: further evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Research. 6 (2):32-36.
  • RABIEI, M. ve DADKHAH, H. (2014). Effects of r&d expenditure on the profitability of Iran industrial firms. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 7 (14): 2846-2850 . RAO, J., YU Y., ve CAO Y. (2013). The effect that r&d has on company performance: comparative analysis based on listed companies of technique intensive industry in China and Japan. International Journal of Education and Research. 1 (4): 1-8.
  • SAHAR, M. H. ve YALALI, M. R. (2014). Effect of r&d spending on firm profitability and stock market value. Management and Administrative Sciences Review. 3 (4): 657-664.
  • SHIN, N., KRAEMER K. L., ve DEDRICK J. (2009). R&d, value chain location and firm performance in the global electronics industry. Industry and Innovation. 16 (3): 315-330.
  • TARI, R. (2010). “Ekonometri”, Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli.
  • Tepav (2015), İlaç Ar-Ge Ekosistemi Raporu, 2015 Nisan.
  • VANDERPAL, G. A. (2015). Impact of r&d expenses and corporate financial performance. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 15 (7): 135-149.
  • VITHESSONTHI, C. ve Racela, O. C. (2015). Short-and long-run effects of internationalization and r&d intensity on firm performance. Journal of Multinational Financial Management. 34(2016):28-45
  • VOGELVANG, B. (2005). “Econometrics, Theory and Applications with EViews”, Pearson Education, England.
  • VOULGARIS, F. ve Lemonakis, C. (2014). Competitiveness and profitability:the case of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 11: 46-57.
  • WARUSAWITHARANA, M. (2015). Research and development, profits, and firm value: a structural estimation. Quantitative Economics.6: 531-565.
  • WEN-SHWO F. ve Hsiu-Kan L. (2010). Do r&d expenditure, royalty and technology licensing expenses increase operational performance of the biotech industry in Taiwan?. Problems and Perspectives in Management. 8 (3): 80-91.
  • WINGARD, H. C. ve Vorster, Q. (2001). Financial Performance of Environmentally Responsible South African Listed Companies. Meditari Accountancy Research. 9, 313-332.
  • XIN J., Guangyong L. ve Junli Y. (2016). Goverment governance, executive networks and enterprise r&d expenditure. China Journal of Accounting Research. 9: 59-81.
  • ZHAOHUI Z. ve Feng H. (2012). The effect of r&d investment on firms’ financial performance: evidence from the Chinese listed it firms. Modern Economy. 3: 915-919.
  • (Erişim: 12.3.2016)
  • (Erişim: 14.1.2018)
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Kenan İlarslan

Fatih Bıyıklı This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 3
