e-ISSN: 2687-2846
Founded: 1991
Publisher: Hacettepe University
Cover Image

Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Translation Studies), an open access, double-blind peer review journal, functions as the publishing organ of Hacettepe University, Department of Translation and Interpreting. Publishing international scientific research articles in the field of Translation Studies, the journal is indexed in ULAKBİM TR index and MLA. The journal accepts articles in Turkish, English, French and German. Journal does not charge any fee from authors. Also, the journal does not pay any fee to authors or referees. Authors are obliged to sign and submit the Copyright Transfer Declaration form  in the process of submitting their articles. Submitted articles are controlled via plagiarism softwares (iThenticate & Turnitin). Articles shall be rejected upon plagiarism and nonconformity to the similarity index at the pre-review stage. 

Publishing Schedule
The Journal of Translation Studies is published biannually, with online releases in July and December.