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The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, - , 01.12.2013




  • Bagheri, M.S. (2011). The impact of practicing autonomy on the writing proficiency of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 15: 1-13.
  • Burgess, J. & Etherington, S. (2002). Focus on grammatical form: Explicit or Implicit. System, 30: 1-26.
  • Carroll, S., & Swain, M. (1993). Explicit and implicit negative feedback. An empirical study of the learning of linguistic generalizations. Studies in Second language Acquisition, 15: 357-386.
  • Celce Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as second or foreign language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cross, J. (2002). Noticing in SLA: Is it a valid concept? TESL-EJ 6/3.
  • Dabaghi, A. &Basturkmen, H. (2009).The effectiveness of implicit and explicit error correction on learners’ performance. System, 37: 82-98.
  • Dam, L. (1995). Learner autonomy 3: From theory to practice. Dublin: Authentik.
  • Doughty, C. & J. Williams. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ellis, R. et al, (2009), Implicit and explicit knowledge in second language learning, testing and teaching. The UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Hadidi, N. & Birjandi, P. (2011). Fostering learner autonomy through self-and peer assessment. International journal of academic research, 3: 245-252.
  • Izumi, S. (2002). Output, input enhancement, and the noticing hypothesis.Studies in second language acquisition, 24 (4): 541-577.
  • Kavaliauskiene, G. (2003). Correction and self-correction of written assignments at tertiary level. Journal of Language and Learning.1/2.
  • Leeman, J. (2003). Recasts and second language development: Beyond negative evidence. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 25(1): 37–63.
  • Little, D. (1991). Learner autonomy. 1: definitions, issues and problems. Dublin: Authentic.
  • Mackey, A., & Philp, J. (1998). Conversational interaction and second language development: Recasts, responses, and red herrings? Modern language journal, 82: 3383
  • Muranoi, H. (2007). Output practice in the L2 classroom. In R. Dekeyser, Practice in a second language: Perspectives from applied linguistics and cognitive psychology (5184). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nassaji, H. & Fotos, S. (2004). Current Developments in research on the teaching of grammar. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 24: 126-145.
  • Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for a communicative classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Noonan, F. J. (2004). Teaching ESL students to "notice" grammar. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(7).
  • VanPatten, B. (2004). Processing instruction: Theory, research, and commentary. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Schmidt, R. (1990). The role of consciousness in second language learning. Applied linguistic,s 11: 129-158.
  • Stapa, S.H. (2003). ESP Students' Learning Preferences: Are the Teachers Aware? The English for Specific Purposes World, 4(2): 1-11.
  • Thornbury, S. (2002). How to teach grammar. Essex: Longman.
  • Vickers, C. &Ene, E. (2006). Grammatical Accuracy and Learner Autonomy in Advanced Writing. ELT Journal, 60(2): 109-115. Turkish Abstract
  • Özerklik ve Dil Bilgisel Doğruluk Açısından Öğrencilerin Yazılarını Geliştirmede Dolaylı Aktivitelerin Etkisi Bu çalışma İranlı İngilizce (yabancı dil olarak) öğretmenlerinin kendi yazılarındaki dil bilgisi hatalarını fark edip düzelterek dil bilgisel doğruluk elde etme becerilerini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dil edinimindeki güncel literatür öğrencileri özerk dil öğrenme alışkanlıkları geliştirmeye teşvik etmek için dolaylı aktivitelerin rolünü vurgulamaktadır, bu yüzden aktiviteleri, özellikle dolaylı olanlarını dil öğretmede önemli bir parça olarak düşünmek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada iki temel İngilizce sınıfından 60 öğrenci seçilmiştir. Sınıfın birindeki öğrenciler kendi yazılarındaki dil bilgisi kullanımlarıyla, İngilizce ana dili olan birisinin yazısındaki dil bilgisi kullanımını karşılaştırdığı dolaylı bir aktiviteyle görevlendirilmişken, diğer sınıf böyle bir çalışma yapmamıştır. Sonuçlar yukarıda bahsedilen aktiviteyle görevlendirilenlerin son-testte daha iyi olduklarını göstermiştir. Geciktirilmiş son-testin sonuçları da deney grubundaki öğrencilerin daha iyi performans gösterdiklerini doğrulamış ve bu öğrencilerin hedef yapıyı içselleştirdiklerini göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak bu tür aktiviteler öğrencilerin yazılarında dil bilgisel doğruluk açısından özerk olarak geliştirme yapmaya fırsat tanımada yararlıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dolaylı Aktiviteler, Yazma, Öğrenci Özerkliği, Dil Bilgisel Doğruluk, Öğrenci French Abstract L'Impact de Tâches Implicites sur l’Amélioration de l'Écriture des Apprenants en Termes d'Autonomie et Exactitude Grammaticale Cet article a pour but d'explorer la capacité des apprenants EFL (l'anglais langue étrangère) iraniens de gagner l'exactitude grammaticale dans leur écriture par remarquer et corriger leurs propres erreurs grammaticales. La littérature récente dans l'acquisitions de langue a sougligné le rôle de tâches implicites pour encourager des apprenants à développer des habitudes d'apprentissage des langues autonomes, donc il est important de considérer des tâches, des tâches particulièrement implicites, comme une partie important d'enseignement des langues. Dans cette étude 60 étudiants d'EFL de deux classes anglaises élémentaires ont été chosis. Les étudiants d'une classe ont été engagés dans une tâche implicite dans la quelle ils ont comparé l'utilisation de grammaire dans leur propre écriture à l'utilisation de cette grammaire dans un texte écrit par un locuteur natif et l'autre classe n'a pas reçu un tel traitement. Les résultats ont indiqué les apprenants qui avaient reçu le traitement ont montré une performance beaucoup mieux sur le post-test. Le résultat du post-test retardé a aussi confirmé la performance supérieure des apprenants dans le groupe expérimental par montrer qu'ils avaient intériorisé la structure ciblée. Ainsi de telles tâches sont avantageuses en terms de permettre aux apprenants d'autonomement faire des améliorations en terms d'exactitude grammaticale dans leurs écritures. Mots clés: Tâches Implicites; Ecriture; Autonomie D'apprenant; Exactitude Grammaticale; Apprenant Arabic Abstract وحنلا ةملاسو تاذلا للاخ نم نيسرادلا ةباتك ريوطت ىلع ةينمضلا ماهملا ريثأت يرازن نارتسن يرازن نارتسن ةيكيرملأا ودحتملا تايلاولا هذه نم فدهلا ىدل ةيناكمإ دوجو ديكأت : وه ةساردلا ةباتكلا ةسراممل ءلاؤه ىدل ةيناكمإ دوجو كلذك ، ةيبنجأ ةفلك ةيزيلجنلإا ةغللا ملعت يف نييناريلإا نيسرادلا . مهلبق نم ةيوحنلا مهئاطخأ حيحصت نم ةدافتسلإا ببسي كلذو ، ةيوحنلا ءاطخلأا نم اهولخ عم هيزيلجنلإا بدلأ اشأ دق ثيدحلا عيجشت يف هينمضلا ماهملا هبعلت نأ نكمي يذلا رودلا للاخ نم ةغللا باستكإ ةيناكمإ ىلإ ر . ةيتاذ هيميلعت ةيوغل تاداع ريوطت وحن ىعسلل نيسرادلا يف هينمضلا ماهملا عضوي نأ ًاماه ًارما تاب ،اذه يسيردت بولسأك لب ، ماه ءزجكو ساسلأ ، نابسحلا – هساردلا هذه يف – س كلانه ( ًابلاط نوت 06 نوسردي ) ، ءلاؤه تنمضو ، ةيئادتبلإا ةلحرملاب ةددعتم هيسارد تاعاق نم مهرايتخأ مت دق ، ةيبنجأ ةغلك ةيزيلجنلأا ةغللا وحنلا للاخ نم مهتاباتك تنروق ثيح هينمضلا ماهملاب ىمسي ام يف اوطرخنأ نيذلا مه طقف دحاو لصف بلاط كلانه غللا هذهب نيثدحتملا تاباتكب اهتاذ ة – يف اوطرخنأ نيذلا ءلاؤه جئاتن نأ تدكأت دقف ، ةساردلا هذه ةجيتن امأ اوعربف ) ةصاخ وحنلاو ( ةغللا اوفذح دق نيطرخنملا نلأ كلذ ، ةغللا هذهب نيثدحتملا جئاتن نم لضفأ يه ماهملا . ةباتكلا يف ةينمض ماهم : هيساسأ تاملك – ةباتكلا – يتاذ ىقتلم – وحنلا ةملاس

The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, - , 01.12.2013


This paper aims to explore the Iranian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' ability to gain grammatical accuracy in their writing by noticing and correcting their own grammatical errors. Recent literature in language acquisition has emphasized the role of implicit tasks in encouraging learners to develop autonomous language learning habits, so it is important to consider tasks, particularly implicit tasks, as an important part of language teaching. In this study 60 EFL students from two elementary English classes were chosen. The students of one class were engaged in an implicit task in which they compared the use of grammar in their own writing to the use of that grammar in a written text by a native speaker, and the other class received no such treatment. The results indicated that the subjects who had received the treatment performed much better on the post-test. The outcome of the delayed post-test also confirmed the superior performance of the learners in the experimental group showing that they had internalized the targeted structure. Thus such tasks are beneficial in terms of allowing learners to autonomously make improvements in terms of grammatical accuracy in their writings


  • Bagheri, M.S. (2011). The impact of practicing autonomy on the writing proficiency of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 15: 1-13.
  • Burgess, J. & Etherington, S. (2002). Focus on grammatical form: Explicit or Implicit. System, 30: 1-26.
  • Carroll, S., & Swain, M. (1993). Explicit and implicit negative feedback. An empirical study of the learning of linguistic generalizations. Studies in Second language Acquisition, 15: 357-386.
  • Celce Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as second or foreign language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cross, J. (2002). Noticing in SLA: Is it a valid concept? TESL-EJ 6/3.
  • Dabaghi, A. &Basturkmen, H. (2009).The effectiveness of implicit and explicit error correction on learners’ performance. System, 37: 82-98.
  • Dam, L. (1995). Learner autonomy 3: From theory to practice. Dublin: Authentik.
  • Doughty, C. & J. Williams. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ellis, R. et al, (2009), Implicit and explicit knowledge in second language learning, testing and teaching. The UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Hadidi, N. & Birjandi, P. (2011). Fostering learner autonomy through self-and peer assessment. International journal of academic research, 3: 245-252.
  • Izumi, S. (2002). Output, input enhancement, and the noticing hypothesis.Studies in second language acquisition, 24 (4): 541-577.
  • Kavaliauskiene, G. (2003). Correction and self-correction of written assignments at tertiary level. Journal of Language and Learning.1/2.
  • Leeman, J. (2003). Recasts and second language development: Beyond negative evidence. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 25(1): 37–63.
  • Little, D. (1991). Learner autonomy. 1: definitions, issues and problems. Dublin: Authentic.
  • Mackey, A., & Philp, J. (1998). Conversational interaction and second language development: Recasts, responses, and red herrings? Modern language journal, 82: 3383
  • Muranoi, H. (2007). Output practice in the L2 classroom. In R. Dekeyser, Practice in a second language: Perspectives from applied linguistics and cognitive psychology (5184). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nassaji, H. & Fotos, S. (2004). Current Developments in research on the teaching of grammar. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 24: 126-145.
  • Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for a communicative classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Noonan, F. J. (2004). Teaching ESL students to "notice" grammar. The Internet TESL Journal, 10(7).
  • VanPatten, B. (2004). Processing instruction: Theory, research, and commentary. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Schmidt, R. (1990). The role of consciousness in second language learning. Applied linguistic,s 11: 129-158.
  • Stapa, S.H. (2003). ESP Students' Learning Preferences: Are the Teachers Aware? The English for Specific Purposes World, 4(2): 1-11.
  • Thornbury, S. (2002). How to teach grammar. Essex: Longman.
  • Vickers, C. &Ene, E. (2006). Grammatical Accuracy and Learner Autonomy in Advanced Writing. ELT Journal, 60(2): 109-115. Turkish Abstract
  • Özerklik ve Dil Bilgisel Doğruluk Açısından Öğrencilerin Yazılarını Geliştirmede Dolaylı Aktivitelerin Etkisi Bu çalışma İranlı İngilizce (yabancı dil olarak) öğretmenlerinin kendi yazılarındaki dil bilgisi hatalarını fark edip düzelterek dil bilgisel doğruluk elde etme becerilerini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dil edinimindeki güncel literatür öğrencileri özerk dil öğrenme alışkanlıkları geliştirmeye teşvik etmek için dolaylı aktivitelerin rolünü vurgulamaktadır, bu yüzden aktiviteleri, özellikle dolaylı olanlarını dil öğretmede önemli bir parça olarak düşünmek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada iki temel İngilizce sınıfından 60 öğrenci seçilmiştir. Sınıfın birindeki öğrenciler kendi yazılarındaki dil bilgisi kullanımlarıyla, İngilizce ana dili olan birisinin yazısındaki dil bilgisi kullanımını karşılaştırdığı dolaylı bir aktiviteyle görevlendirilmişken, diğer sınıf böyle bir çalışma yapmamıştır. Sonuçlar yukarıda bahsedilen aktiviteyle görevlendirilenlerin son-testte daha iyi olduklarını göstermiştir. Geciktirilmiş son-testin sonuçları da deney grubundaki öğrencilerin daha iyi performans gösterdiklerini doğrulamış ve bu öğrencilerin hedef yapıyı içselleştirdiklerini göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak bu tür aktiviteler öğrencilerin yazılarında dil bilgisel doğruluk açısından özerk olarak geliştirme yapmaya fırsat tanımada yararlıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dolaylı Aktiviteler, Yazma, Öğrenci Özerkliği, Dil Bilgisel Doğruluk, Öğrenci French Abstract L'Impact de Tâches Implicites sur l’Amélioration de l'Écriture des Apprenants en Termes d'Autonomie et Exactitude Grammaticale Cet article a pour but d'explorer la capacité des apprenants EFL (l'anglais langue étrangère) iraniens de gagner l'exactitude grammaticale dans leur écriture par remarquer et corriger leurs propres erreurs grammaticales. La littérature récente dans l'acquisitions de langue a sougligné le rôle de tâches implicites pour encourager des apprenants à développer des habitudes d'apprentissage des langues autonomes, donc il est important de considérer des tâches, des tâches particulièrement implicites, comme une partie important d'enseignement des langues. Dans cette étude 60 étudiants d'EFL de deux classes anglaises élémentaires ont été chosis. Les étudiants d'une classe ont été engagés dans une tâche implicite dans la quelle ils ont comparé l'utilisation de grammaire dans leur propre écriture à l'utilisation de cette grammaire dans un texte écrit par un locuteur natif et l'autre classe n'a pas reçu un tel traitement. Les résultats ont indiqué les apprenants qui avaient reçu le traitement ont montré une performance beaucoup mieux sur le post-test. Le résultat du post-test retardé a aussi confirmé la performance supérieure des apprenants dans le groupe expérimental par montrer qu'ils avaient intériorisé la structure ciblée. Ainsi de telles tâches sont avantageuses en terms de permettre aux apprenants d'autonomement faire des améliorations en terms d'exactitude grammaticale dans leurs écritures. Mots clés: Tâches Implicites; Ecriture; Autonomie D'apprenant; Exactitude Grammaticale; Apprenant Arabic Abstract وحنلا ةملاسو تاذلا للاخ نم نيسرادلا ةباتك ريوطت ىلع ةينمضلا ماهملا ريثأت يرازن نارتسن يرازن نارتسن ةيكيرملأا ودحتملا تايلاولا هذه نم فدهلا ىدل ةيناكمإ دوجو ديكأت : وه ةساردلا ةباتكلا ةسراممل ءلاؤه ىدل ةيناكمإ دوجو كلذك ، ةيبنجأ ةفلك ةيزيلجنلإا ةغللا ملعت يف نييناريلإا نيسرادلا . مهلبق نم ةيوحنلا مهئاطخأ حيحصت نم ةدافتسلإا ببسي كلذو ، ةيوحنلا ءاطخلأا نم اهولخ عم هيزيلجنلإا بدلأ اشأ دق ثيدحلا عيجشت يف هينمضلا ماهملا هبعلت نأ نكمي يذلا رودلا للاخ نم ةغللا باستكإ ةيناكمإ ىلإ ر . ةيتاذ هيميلعت ةيوغل تاداع ريوطت وحن ىعسلل نيسرادلا يف هينمضلا ماهملا عضوي نأ ًاماه ًارما تاب ،اذه يسيردت بولسأك لب ، ماه ءزجكو ساسلأ ، نابسحلا – هساردلا هذه يف – س كلانه ( ًابلاط نوت 06 نوسردي ) ، ءلاؤه تنمضو ، ةيئادتبلإا ةلحرملاب ةددعتم هيسارد تاعاق نم مهرايتخأ مت دق ، ةيبنجأ ةغلك ةيزيلجنلأا ةغللا وحنلا للاخ نم مهتاباتك تنروق ثيح هينمضلا ماهملاب ىمسي ام يف اوطرخنأ نيذلا مه طقف دحاو لصف بلاط كلانه غللا هذهب نيثدحتملا تاباتكب اهتاذ ة – يف اوطرخنأ نيذلا ءلاؤه جئاتن نأ تدكأت دقف ، ةساردلا هذه ةجيتن امأ اوعربف ) ةصاخ وحنلاو ( ةغللا اوفذح دق نيطرخنملا نلأ كلذ ، ةغللا هذهب نيثدحتملا جئاتن نم لضفأ يه ماهملا . ةباتكلا يف ةينمض ماهم : هيساسأ تاملك – ةباتكلا – يتاذ ىقتلم – وحنلا ةملاس
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nastaran Nazari This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Nazari, N. (2013). The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy. International Journal of Instruction, 7(1).
AMA Nazari N. The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy. International Journal of Instruction. December 2013;7(1).
Chicago Nazari, Nastaran. “The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy”. International Journal of Instruction 7, no. 1 (December 2013).
EndNote Nazari N (December 1, 2013) The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy. International Journal of Instruction 7 1
IEEE N. Nazari, “The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy”, International Journal of Instruction, vol. 7, no. 1, 2013.
ISNAD Nazari, Nastaran. “The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy”. International Journal of Instruction 7/1 (December 2013).
JAMA Nazari N. The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy. International Journal of Instruction. 2013;7.
MLA Nazari, Nastaran. “The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy”. International Journal of Instruction, vol. 7, no. 1, 2013.
Vancouver Nazari N. The Impact of Implicit Tasks on Improving the Learners’ Writing in Terms of Autonomy and Grammatical Accuracy. International Journal of Instruction. 2013;7(1).