Issue: 17, 10/31/23

Year: 2023

Research Article

Erzurum Technical University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (ETUSBED) aims to host scientific publications containing researches related to social sciences, and to bring together national and international literature with theoretical and methodological research that will contribute to social and human sciences. Thus, it is to contribute to the development of social sciences in the face of world problems with new perspectives and approaches.

Erzurum Technical University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (ETUSBED) is academic, scientific and research-based; It is a journal where original and qualified articles, book reviews and reviews are published. The studies submitted for publication in the journal must be "Research Papers", "Translation", "Book Evaluation", "Discussion", "Conversation" and "Conference/Seminar Texts" that concern social and human sciences. The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Studies written in English are also accepted for publication.

Writing Rules
The Copyright Agreement Form signed by all authors should be attached to the works to be sent to our journal via the Submit Article link.
Researchers who will send their studies to our journal should prepare their studies in accordance with internationally valid ethical principles. At this point, all scientific ethical and legal responsibility of the studies submitted to the journal belong to the researchers, but the editorial board may request an ethics committee document when necessary. Studies that the editorial board does not find appropriate for research and publication ethics are not evaluated.
• Author's name and address: Since the studies are directed to the referees directly through the system (without making any changes in the file uploaded by the author), there should not be any information identifying the owner of the article in order to ensure author-referee confidentiality. For this reason, the author's name(s) should not be included in the work or in the file name.
• Article Text: Studies should not exceed 10,000 words, should be prepared as an MS Word file, Book Antiqua font should be used as font, except for special cases of some work areas. If there is a special font used in the study, it must be sent with the text. The study should start with the Introduction section, this section should focus on the hypothesis, scope and purpose of the article. The Development section, which can be divided into sub-headings and sub-headings, should be supported by data, observations, opinions, comments and discussions. In the conclusion part, the results of the study should be explained with the support of the recommendations. Except for obligatory cases, the current Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as a basis in the study.
• Title: Studies should be titled in Turkish and English. Titles should consist of no more than 12 (twelve) words and should be written in all capital letters. All headings in the text should be written in bold with the first letter capitalized.
• Headings within the Article: Main and sub-headings should be created in the article based on the number system according to the subject's treatment.
• Abstract: There should be an abstract in Turkish and English, in the range of 150 - 180 words, expressing the subject discussed in the study in the shortest and concise way. At least 3 (three) and at most 5 (five) key words and their English translations should be included under both abstracts. Abstract and Abstract sections should be written in 9 font size and single line spacing.
• Photographs, Maps and Tables: Care should be taken not to go beyond the page structure of the photographs, plans and tables used in the text. Such documents should be in a resolution suitable for the printing technique and if there is more than one, they should be numbered. Table, Photo and Map numbers should be centered and bold on the relevant figure. (See article template for sample display)
• Quotations and Footnotes: Short quotations directly from five lines: either in quotation marks: "Quote" or in italics: Citation. Quotations longer than five lines should be written 1 cm from the right and left of the line, in 10 font size and italic. Footnotes should be written in 9 font size, 3 pt before and after the paragraph, single line spacing and justified (For example, you can see the article template).

Text Size: 10.5

Footnote Size: 8,5

Paragraph Range: Single

Paragraph Indent: 1 cm

Margins: 2 cm

Line Spacing: Single

Page Size: 17x24 cm

Cıtıng System
• APA Citation System is applied in our journal.
• In the APA Citation System, reference is given as the surname of the author, the printing date of the work and the page number in parentheses at the relevant place in the paragraph: (Bilgegil, 1989: 34).
• In works with multiple volumes, the volume number is given in Roman numerals before the page number: (Pakalın, 1993: II/706).
• If the source has two authors, the surnames of both authors are indicated: (Çavuşoğlu and Tanyeri, 1984: 45).
• If the source has three or five authors, all authors' names are written in the first citation: (Topaloğlu, Yavuz and Çelebi, 1998: 35), in subsequent citations the name of the first author is written, followed by “et al.” abbreviation is put: (Topaloğlu et al., 1998: 35).
• If the reference has six or more authors, only the name of the first author is used. “et al.” means “et al.” abbreviation is put: (Harris et al., 2001: 42).
• If there is more than one reference in the text, they should be shown in the same parenthesis and semicolons should be placed between them: (Çavuşoğlu & Tanyeri, 1984: 45; Akyüz et al., 1958: 50).
• In case of applying to more than one work of the same author in the same year, lowercase letters such as a, b, c... can be placed at the end of the year of publication: (Çelebioğlu, 1975a: 33) and (Çelebioğlu, 1975b: 46).
• All reference sources shown in the paragraph in the text should be given in the bibliography.
• References should be given in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author.
• Studies that do not comply with the rules specified in the preliminary controls will be included in the evaluation process after the necessary corrections are made by the author.

Apa Cıtıng System Examples

• Works with one author
In the Text: (İnalcık, 2017: 41).
In the Bibliography: İnalcık, H. (2017). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Klasik Çağ (1300-1600) (24th Edition). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları. 

• Works with 2 Authors
In the Text: (Tekeli and İlkin, 2009: 45).
In the bibliography: Tekeli, İ. ve İlkin, S. (2009). Savaş Sonrası Ortamında 1947 Türkiye İktisadi Kalkınma Planı. İstanbul: Bilge Kültür Sanat. 

• Works with 3 - 5 Authors
In the Text: All author names are written in the first reference: (Topaloğlu, Yavuz and Çelebi, 1998: 35). In subsequent citations, the name of the first author is written and “et al.” expression is used: (Topaloğlu et al., 1998: 35).
In the bibliography: Topaloğlu, B., Yavuz, Y. Ş. ve Çelebi, İ. (1998). İslam’da İnanç Esasları. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Vakfı Yayınları. 

• Works with 6 or More Authors
In-Text: Only the first author's name is used and “et al.” expression is used: (Harris et al., 2001: 42).
In the Bibliography: Harris, P., Said, M., Kellner, P., Kennedy, M., Taylor, A., Becker, Z. (2011). Cultural Diplomacy In Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Book Section
In the Text: (Arens, 2000: 160).
In the bibliography: Arens, A. (2000). “The Audit Process”. Randal Elder (Ed), Auditing-An Integrated Approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 141- 217.

• Translated Publications
In Text: (Pacitti, 1969: 34).
In the bibliography: Pacitti, P. (1969). Örgütsel Şebekeler (Trans.: Ahmet Solaklı). New York: Prentice Hall.

• Academic Journal
In the Text: (Oral, 2017: 21).
In the bibliography: Oral, Ö. (2017). "Osmanlı-Venedik Diplomatik İlişkileri Tarihine Bir Katkı: 1763 Tarihli Cezayir-Venedik Antlaşması". Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2 (6), 103-130.

• Printed Corporate Publications
In the Text: (Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı [DPT], 1984: 35).
In the bibliography: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. (1984). Türkiye’de Sanayileşme Sorunları. Ankara: DPT Yayınları.

• Articles with Doi Extension
In Text: (Brownlie, 2007: 1260).
Brownlie, D. (2007). "Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography". European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/0309056071082161

• Online Periodicals
In the Text: (Kenneth, 2000: 8).
In the bibliography: Kenneth, I. A. (2000). "A Buddhist Response To The Nature Of Human Rights". Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 1-9. (15 January 2012).

• Person or Organization Websites
In Text: (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası [TCMB], 2019).
In the bibliography: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası (2019). Enflasyon Verileri: Tüketici Fiyatları. Verileri/ (12 January 2020).

• Published Newspaper Article with a Certain Author
In the Text: (Kahraman, 2018: 4).
In the Bibliography: Kahraman, H. B. (2018, 9 November). "Büyük Tıkınma ya da Edebiyatı Edebiyatımsılarla Öldürüş". Sabah Gazetesi, 4.

• An Online Newspaper Article with a Certain Author
In Text: (Kahraman, 2018).
In the Bibliography: Kahraman, H. B. (2018, 9 November). Büyük Tıkınma ya da Edebiyatı Edebiyatımsılarla Öldürüş. Sabah Gazetesi. (29 January 2020).

• Printed Newspaper Article/News with Unidentified Author
In the Text: (Dünya Gazetesi, 2020: 7).
In the bibliography: Dünya Gazetesi. (2020, 29 January). "Honda ve Toyota, Çin'deki Üretimlerini Durdurdu". 7.

• Unknown Online Newspaper Article/News
In Text: (Dünya Gazetesi, 2020).
In the bibliography: Dünya Gazetesi. (2020, 29 January). "Beyaz Eşya Sektörü Ötv Muafiyeti İstiyor". (30 January 2020).

• Unknown or anonymous works
In Text (If the web address is not too long): (
In the bibliography: (25.06.2021).
In Text (If the web address is too long): (Url-1). For ongoing uses, it is displayed as (Url-2), (Url-3).
In the bibliography: Url-1: web address (access date).

• YouTube
In Text: (Harvard University, 2019).
In the bibliography: Harvard University. (2019, 28 August). Soft Robotic Gripper For Jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.
• Twitter
In Text: T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı, 2020).
In the bibliography: T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı [@TC_icisleri]. (2020, 15 January). Yabancı Terörist Savaşçıların (YTS) ülkelerine iadelerine devam edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda bugün Almanya vatandaşı 3 yabancı Terörist Savaşçı, ülkesine sınır dışı edildi. Kamuoyuna saygıyla duyurulur [Tweet]. Twitter.  

Equivalents of Abbreviations in Academic Studies in Other Languages
Turkish     English

ss.              p.
vd.             et al.
Çev.          Trans.
baskı         edition

The ethical principles and rules in ETUSBE Journal have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the 'Committe on Publication Ethics - COPE (


* The author(s) should not send a work published in any journal or sent for publication to ETUSBE Journal.
* Although the author(s) are expected to submit works of original value to ETUSBE Journal, they should cite all sources used in their studies in line with ethical principles.
* The author(s) should indicate the people who contributed to the study. It should not be recommended to add authors to people who did not contribute to the study (especially for the study that is about to be published).
* If there is a conflict of interest or a union of interests regarding the author(s), the editor(s) must be notified.
* The author(s) should make the mistakes they noticed in their published, preview or evaluation stages in cooperation with the editor (such as informing, retracting or correcting the work).
* The author(s) must upload the ethics committee approval they have received for research that requires an ethics committee decision to the system during the article application. However, the author(s) should cite on the first and last page of the study and in the method section. You can also access the Tr Index Ethical Principles Flow Chart by clicking.
* In case raw data is requested from the author(s) regarding their research, they are obliged to send the necessary data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.


All studies submitted to ETUSBE Journal are evaluated by double-blind peer-review. While aiming an impartial, objective and independent evaluation process in this applied refereeing, the information of the author(s) and referee(s) will be kept confidential.
* The referee(s) should only accept studies related to their field of expertise.
* The referee(s) should evaluate the work in line with purely scientific principles, impartiality and confidentiality.
* The referee(s) are required to state their evaluations about the study in detail by filling out the Referee Evaluation Form and stating their opinions about the study in detail in the Comments About the Article section below this form.
* The reviewer(s) should reject the evaluation by informing the editor when they realize that there is a conflict of interest or interest.
* The referee(s) should make their evaluations within the framework of an academic language. Personal comments with hostility and insults should be avoided. The referee(s) who make non-scientific comments may be requested to review and correct their comments. However, referee evaluations that do not meet the required standards will not be taken into account.
* The referee(s) are required to complete the work they evaluate within the specified timeframe and comply with the ethical responsibilities stated above.

General Duties and Responsibilities

* The editor(s) should strive to meet the reviewers', authors' and readers' knowledge needs about the process.
* The editor(s) should strive to ensure that the publication quality and process of ETUSBE Journal is carried out and developed in accordance with the determined rules.
* Editor(s), within the framework of publication policies, should activate the processes to improve the quality of the studies, respect the freedom of thought, and make an effort to ensure academic integrity.
* The editor(s) must ensure the protection of the personal data of the author, referee and reader within the framework of the publication policy of ETUSBE Journal.
* Editor(s) must protect the intellectual property rights of all works submitted to ETUSBE Journal. In case of infringement, it should defend the rights of the work and the author(s).
* The editor(s) constantly updates the referee pool and sends the studies to the referees according to their fields of expertise.
* Editor(s) should communicate effectively with everyone involved in the review of all studies submitted to ETUSBE Journal and take precautions against misconduct.

Relations with the Reader(s)

* The editor(s) should pay attention to the contribution of the studies published in the ETUSBE Journal to the scientific literature and to their originality.
* Editor(s) are obliged to give explanatory and informative answers, taking into account the feedback.

Relations with the Author(s)

* Editor(s) should arrange the publication policy and writing rules on sample templates in line with the expectations of the authors.
* Editor(s) should convey the necessary information in a way that does not affect the refereeing process, if the authors request it.
* The editor(s) should advance the process by taking into account the referee's suggestions, unless there are serious problems with the studies.

Relations with the Referee(s)

* The editor(s) should ask the referees to evaluate the articles according to their knowledge and expertise.
* The editor(s) is responsible for providing auxiliary resources such as information, guides, and forms that the referee(s) may need.
* The editor(s) should create a database of referees and update this database according to the performances of the referees.
* The editor(s) should remove the referees from the database who behave in an unfamiliar language and do not comply with the specified deadlines.
* The editor(s) should encourage the referee(s) to evaluate the work in an impartial and scientific language.


All studies submitted to ETUSBE Journal are scanned with the iThenticate ( software program at the preflight stage. Studies with a similarity rate of less than 25%, complying with the spelling rules and receiving the approval of the language editor are included in the evaluation process. In addition, if the following unethical behaviors are detected, the study is rejected.
* Among the authors of the study, there are people who did not contribute intellectually.
* If the study is produced from any of the studies such as master's / doctorate / project / academic presentation, it is not stated.
* Transforming the work into more than one work by dividing it into parts.
* Failure to report conflict of interest or association of interests of the study.
* Interfering with the refereeing process of the study.

ETUSBE Journal does not charge any fee for the submission, evaluation and publication of the articles. Authors do not pay article processing fees or submission fees for the studies they submit to the journal. All expenses of the journal are covered by Erzurum Technical University.