Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 12/30/22

Year: 2022

Journal of Business Innovation and Governance – JoBIG – (e-ISSN: 2717-9559), published as an international and peer-reviewed journal by İzmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (İKÇÜ İİBF), has been continuing its publication life uninterruptedly since 2018.

Within the scope of JoBIG, which aims to develop an academic perspective in the fields of business, innovation, and governance, publications in the basic fields of management, organization, finance, accounting, production management, marketing, international trade, economics, fiscal policies, public administration and political science, international relations and health institutions management are being evaluated.

Published online twice a year, in June and December, JoBIG accepts publications in Turkish and English for evaluation.

JoBIG publishes original research articles, reviews, book reviews/critiques, research and technical notes, scientific letters to the editor, panels, symposiums, and meeting reports. Publications produced from theses, projects, and reports are accepted for evaluation by specifying the necessary annotation note in the study.

Considerations Before JoBIG Publication Application

1. Author(s) should carefully review the journal's purpose and scope before submitting their publications to JoBIG.
2. The publications applying to JoBIG must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the order specified in the journal writing style. Otherwise, the evaluation process for the publication will not be started.
3. Except for the rules specified in the JoBIG writing style, all sections requested in the JoBIG DergiPark system (title of the publication, Turkish-English abstract, Turkish-English keywords, title, name, the institution of employment, ORCID ID, etc.) are required for application.
4. Publications applying to JoBIG must have an Extended Abstract of at least 1500 words in English.
5. JoBIG has adopted the JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification code application, and at least 2 and a maximum 4 JEL classification codes must be specified in the publications to be sent.
6. The publications should not contain any information regarding the identity or institutional information of the author(s).
7. Publications are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate software. Publications with a similarity rate (including references and citations) exceeding 25% are not taken into consideration.
8. The author(s) is responsible for the academic honesty and publication ethics principles specified in the JoBIG “Ethical Principles and Publication Policy”.
9. JoBIG requests an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate for the publications (publications containing surveys, etc.) that apply. The author(s) must specify this document in the "Additional Documents" section of the DergiPark system at the time of application.

JoBIG Publication Application Documents
- Publication Full Text (must not contain any information about the author(s))
- Copyright Transfer Form (available in the system at the time of submission)
- Ethics Committee Approval Document / Author(s) Consent Form (must be uploaded to the additional documents section at the time of submission)

JoBIG Writing Style
1. Page Format:
a. Size: A4
b. Top, Bottom, Right Margins: 2.5 cm
c. Left Margin: 4 cm
d. Paragraphs: Justified
e. Spacing Between Paragraphs: 6 pt
f. Paragraph Indent: 1 cm
g. Page Limit: Publications should not exceed 20 pages.
2. Text Format:
a. Font: Times New Roman
b. Font Size: Main Text: 11 Points; Titles: 12 Points
c. Line and Paragraph Spacing: Single
d. Alignment: Justified
e. Headings: Bold; Level Numbers Format: First Level Headings: Uppercase, Other Level Headings: First Letter Capitalized; Paragraph Spacing: Before and After, 12 pt
3. Keywords:
a. Keyword Limit: 3-5 Keywords
b. Font Format: 8 Points; Italic; Thick
4. Summary:
a. Content: Purpose, Research Management, and Findings.
b. Word Limit: Maximum 200 words
c. Font Format: 9 Points; Italic
d. Title: Bold, Uppercase
5. Figure, Table Format:
a. Color: It is recommended to use Black, White, and Grayscale.
b. Font: Up to 10 Points; Times New Roman
6. Equations: They should be placed in the middle of the page and each equation should be given a Sequence Number (The Sequence Numbers of the Equations should be Justified to the Right of the Page and in Parenthesis).
7. Citation and Bibliography:
a. Source:
i. Font:
10 Points
ii. Bibliography Style: JoBIG applies APA (American Psychological Association) Bibliography Style. Publications should be prepared in accordance with the Writing Principles specified in the APA Publication Handbook (6th Edition). Some Bibliography Examples Are Given Below:
Book with one author: Sayılgan, G. (2017). Business Finance, Political Bookstore, Ankara.
Multi-authored book: Akkuş, Ö. and Ozkan, H. (2016). Qualitative Data Analysis with Stata Applications, Seçkin Publishing House, Ankara.
Single-author article: Zeren, F. (2017) Investigation of the Dividend Riddle: An Application on the BIST Dividend-25 Index, Kırklareli University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1-15.
Multi-author article: Saraç, M. and Zeren, F. (2015) The Dependency of Islamic Bank Rates to Conventional Bank Interest Rates: Further Evidence from Turkey, Applied Economics, February, 212-235.
Thesis: Kökdemir, C. (2004) Organizational Culture and Employee-Employer Relationship. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Internet resources: Müderrisoğlu, O. (2006, 21 August). The Anatolian approach will give life to 70 thousand SMEs. Morning Newspaper. (Access Date, 20 October 2007).
b. Citation: JoBIG adopts In-Text Citation Method. Publications should be prepared in accordance with the In-Text Citation Method. References presented in the text should be included in the bibliography. Some Citation Examples Are Below:
Citation in single-authored publications: (Zeren, 2013: 102).
Citation in publications with two authors: (Demirci and Zeren, 2016: 34).
Citation in publications with three or more authors: (Zeren et al., 2007: 77).

Note on the JoBIG Publication Evaluation Process
The JoBIG Editorial Board reviews the referenced publications in terms of scope, originality, and contribution to the literature. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject publications that are not original, fall outside the scope of JoBIG, or are not prepared and presented in accordance with the spelling rules. Applications found suitable for evaluation are sent to at least two referees based on the blind refereeing system. The Editorial Board may forward the publications to the author(s) with a revision request or may make adjustments to the spelling rules when necessary.

Publication Policy

Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process Policy
JoBIG uses a blind peer-review system to evaluate studies that have submitted applications for publication in the journal. Blind peer review is the most ideal method used to evaluate scientific publications objectively and effectively and to prepare them for publication. This method serves the principle of "objectivity", which is the basis of the scientific method and means being impartial by avoiding prejudices. JoBIG uses the double-blind peer-review method in evaluating studies. Author and referee names are kept confidential in the double-blind refereeing method.

Initial Evaluation Process:
Studies that apply to JoBIG for publication enter the initial evaluation process. In this process, studies are evaluated in the context of compliance with the JoBIG spelling rules. Studies that do not comply with the spelling rules are returned to the author(s).
Studies that comply with the spelling rules are checked for the similarity rate through the iThenticate software. Publication ethics in the studies applying to JoBIG is the responsibility of the author(s), but studies with a similarity rate (including references and citations) exceeding 25% are not evaluated and are returned to the author(s).
For studies that require an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate (studies that require a survey or scale application, that include interviews and observations, that are developed by others such as documents, pictures, questionnaires, and that require permission to use), the necessary permissions have been obtained from the ethics committees or commissions before the research is conducted, must be submitted as an annex to the application. For publications that do not have an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate, written and signed consent is requested from the author(s) that the study was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. The author(s) must specify any of these documents in the "Additional Documents" section of the DergiPark system at the time of application. In the absence of these documents, the work is returned to the author(s) during the initial evaluation process.

Preliminary Evaluation Process:
Studies that pass the initial evaluation are sent to the editor(s) for preliminary evaluation. The editor(s) evaluates the study in terms of its suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal. Studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of JoBIG are returned to their author(s). Studies in accordance with the purpose and scope of JoBIG are forwarded to the field editor in accordance with the field of study.

Referee Evaluation Process:
Studies that pass the preliminary evaluation are taken into the referee evaluation process by the field editors. In this process, studies are forwarded to expert referees for academic evaluation. At least 2 referees are appointed for each study. If both referees give a positive opinion, the referee process is completed. If necessary, the field editor may go for an additional referee evaluation.
The maximum time given for the evaluation of the work sent to the referees is 4 weeks. A new referee is appointed for the studies for which the referee report is not made within the specified time.
Corrections and improvement suggestions by the referees or field editors must be completed by the author(s) within 2 months. Reviewers may request corrections and improvements from the author(s) more than once if necessary. Works that do not fulfill the required regulation requests within the specified time will be rejected by JoBIG.

Correction Directive and Upload Guide Fact Sheet
One or more corrections and improvements may be requested by the editors, field editors and/or referees for the work in the evaluation process. The author(s) is responsible for completing the corrections and improvements in a complete, explanatory, and timely manner, being aware that the requested correction and improvement suggestions are for the purpose and increase the originality of the work. The author(s) is responsible for uploading the requested corrections and improvements to the system according to the conditions specified in the Correction Directive and Upload Guide.

Publication Withdrawal Procedure
In accordance with the JoBIG publication policies, the author(s) and the journal management have duties and responsibilities during the removal of a study.

Author(s) Responsibilities:
If the author(s) detect an error or inaccuracy during the publication, early appearance, or evaluation phase of their work, they are obliged to cooperate with the JoBIG editors to withdraw the work. The author(s) who wish to withdraw their work during the evaluation phase are obliged to forward their request to the e-mail address. JoBIG reviews the notice of withdrawal and returns it to the author(s) within one week at the latest. The author(s) may not submit the study(s) for consideration to another journal unless the withdrawal request for the study has been approved by JoBIG.

Editors Responsibilities:
Editors are obliged to initiate an investigation about a work that has been published, released, or is under evaluation if there is a suspicion of copyright, conflict of interest, and/or plagiarism. If the editors determine that there is copyright, conflict of interest, and/or plagiarism in the work as a result of the examination, they withdraw the work from the evaluation and return the work to its author(s), explaining the detected situations in detail. In the event that copyright infringement, conflict of interest, and/or plagiarism is detected in a published or early-view work, the editors take the following withdrawal and notification processes within one week at the latest:

For work involving ethical violations;
1. The phrase “withdrawn” is added to the beginning of the publication title.
2. Instead of the "Abstract" and "Full Text" contents, the reasons for the withdrawal of the study (with detailed evidence, if any) are published together with the notifications of the institutions and organizations to which the author(s) are affiliated.
3. Notice of withdrawal of the study is posted on the JoBIG homepage.
4. “Withdrawn: Study Title”, “Reasons for Withdrawal” and “Original Citations” are added to the table of contents of the first JoBIG issue after the publication date of the study and shared with the public and researchers.
5. Withdrawal/withdrawal notifications regarding the study are sent to the institution(s) to which the author(s) are affiliated.
6. Withdrawal/withdrawal notifications regarding the study are sent to the National Library Directorate to be registered in the institutions and organizations, index systems, and catalogs where JoBIG is indexed.
7. In addition, JoBIG may recommend that the publishing houses and/or editorial boards, where the author(s) of the work whose ethics are violated, are located, ensure the validity and reliability of the published studies or withdraw them.

Policy for Objection to Evaluation Results
The author(s) may object to the evaluation result. Author(s) should send their objection justifications regarding the evaluation results of their work to in a scientific language and with reference to the justifications. Objections made are reviewed by JoBIG within 1 month at the latest (opinions can be asked to the field editor and the referees of the study) and a positive or negative response is given to the author(s). In case the objections of the author(s) to the evaluation result are found positive, JoBIG restarts the evaluation process by appointing new field editors and/or referees in accordance with the subject area of the study.

Ethical Principles
JoBIG adopts the principle of dissemination and development of information impartially and in accordance with ethical rules in publication processes, and in this context, it is based on the guidelines and policies developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the practice guide on abuse and violation of publication ethics. In addition, JoBIG is committed to the rules specified in the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.

Ethical Principles and Responsibilities for Authors
From the moment they apply to JoBIG, the author(s) assure that their work is original, scientific, and in compliance with ethical rules.
The responsibility of preparing the copyrighted materials of the work (tables, figures, quotations, etc.) in accordance with legal and ethical regulations belongs to the author(s) of the work.
The sources used in the study should be arranged in accordance with the guidelines specified and taken as a basis in the JoBIG writing rules.
Each author whose name is included in the study is responsible for the content of the study.
Conflict of interest regarding the study is the responsibility of the author(s) of the supporting institution and financial resource statement.
The responsibility of the declaration regarding the acquisition, use, and analysis of the data used in the study belongs to the author(s) of the study. The publisher, editor(s), field editor, and/or referee(s) may request the raw data that forms the basis of the study from the author(s).

Ethical Principles and Responsibilities for Editors and Field Editors
Editors are responsible for ensuring that published works comply with the JoBIG publication policy, purpose, and scope.
Editors are responsible for carrying out the necessary work to improve the quality of JoBIG standards and publications.
Editors and field editors evaluate the submitted works impartially and independently, with the principle of academic diversity of opinion and scientific freedom of thought, and without exposing the author(s) to discrimination, and ensure that the studies undergo a fair double-blind peer-review.
Editors and field editors guarantee that all information regarding the author(s) of the study will remain confidential until publication.
Editors do not allow a conflict of interest between authors, field editors, and referees.
Field editors and, where necessary, editors have full authority to appoint referees to the study.
The editors are responsible for the final decision regarding the publication processes of the studies whose results are reported by the field editors.
Editors and field editors should prioritize the principle of transparency in all publication processes as per the JoBIG publication policy.

Ethical Principles and Responsibilities for Referees
The referees are obliged to know that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties. The confidentiality rule also covers those who refuse to arbitrate.
The referees are responsible for submitting an objective, impartial, scientific, understandable, and constructive evaluation report regarding the study within the specified time. Responsibility for non-academic or legal evaluations belongs to the referees.
Reviewers should only accept the evaluation of studies directly related to their area of expertise. In the referee requests sent for the evaluation of the studies that do not match their field of expertise, they should reject the evaluation and report this situation to the JoBIG editors/field editors with their justifications.
The referees are responsible for informing the editors/field editors in cases where they cannot evaluate the work submitted to them for evaluation by the field editors or editors within the specified time.
Reviewers should forward the issue to the JoBIG editors/field editors in cases of uncited published publication detection, copyright infringement, and/or plagiarism by the author(s).

No fee is charged from the authors for publications published within the scope of JoBIG.

Creative Commons License
Journal of Business Innovation and Governance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.