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Dokuzuncu Sınıf Kimya Dersi Öğretim Programına Yönelik Öğretmen Görüşleri: Aydın İli Örneği

Year 2014, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 231 - 260, 27.11.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yapılandırmacı kuramı temel alarak hazırlanmış 9. sınıf kimya dersi öğretim programının uygulanmasına ilişkin kimya öğretmenlerinin görüşlerini almaktır. Tarama modelinin kullanıldığı çalışmada, 2009-2010 eğitim öğretim yılında Aydın ilinde farklı okul türlerinde görev yapan 131 kimya öğretmenine “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve “Öğretmenlerin Programın Uygulanmasına Yönelik Görüşleri Anketi” uygulanmıştır. Aynı zamanda görev yaptıkları okul türü dikkate alınarak gönüllü 12 öğretmenin öğretim programına ilişkin görüşleri “Görüşme Formu” ile alınmıştır. Hem anketten hem de görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler frekans ve yüzde değerleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları, yenilenen öğretim programıyla beraber öğretmenlerin derslerinde kullanmış oldukları yöntem ve teknikte bir değişim olmadığını, ders kitaplarından yeterince yararlanmadıklarını, laboratuvar uygulamalarına yeterince yer vermediklerini göstermektedir. Öğretmenler bu durumun kalabalık sınıflardan, hazırbulunuşluğu yetersiz öğrencilerden, fiziki şartlardan ve zaman yetersizliğinden kaynaklandığını ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin görüşleri 2013-2014 yılında uygulanması planlanan kimya dersi öğretim programının içeriği ve öğretmen yeterlilikleri de dikkate alınarak tartışılmıştır.


  • AL-AMOUSH, S. A., MARKİC, S. ve EİLKS, I. (2012). Jordanian chemistry teachers` views on teaching practices and educational reform, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13 (3), 314 – 324.
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (A.A.A.S.). (1990). Project 2061-Science for All Americans. Retrieved June 26, 2006 from sfaa/default.htm?nav
  • ANDERSON, L. ve OLSEN, B. (2006). Investigating teachers‘ perspectives on and experiences in early career professional development, Journal of Teacher Education, 57 (4), 359-377.
  • ASH, D., ve KLUGER-BELL. B. (2000). Identifying inquiry in the K-5 classroom. Foundations. Vol. 2, Inquiry: Thoughts, Views, and Strategies for the K-5 Classroom. (pp. 79-86). Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
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  • AYDIN, A. (2010). Cumhuriyet dönemi ortaöğretim kimya öğretim programlarının esnek program ve uygulamaları açısından değerlendirilmesi, BAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12 (2), 61-74.
  • AYDIN, A. (2010). Kimya I ders kitabının öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi, Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11 (1), 207-224.
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  • Teachers‟ Views about Ninth Grade Chemistry Education Program: Sample of Aydin City Burak Feyzioğlu iv
  • Course program was prepared taking constructivist theory as the basis. If the content of this theory is considered, providing a meaningful learning with course curriculum (Ausubel, 1978; Novak, 2002; Rikers, Van Gog and Paas, 2008; Gijbels and Loyens, 2009) and by taking real life situations into classrooms, interaction of learners with real life situations via activities (Hein, 1991; Uçar and Yeşilyaprak, 2006) are expected. In accordance with learners‘ interests, demands and needs it is necessary to organize physical learning environment and with cognitive activities learning process can be achieved more comfortably, cheerfully and easily (Loyens, Rikers and Schmidt, 2008). Successful implementation of the program is possible when learning-teaching process based on deduction is provided (Uçar and Yeşilyaprak, 2006) and unique learning is achieved (Yurdakul, 2005). Moreover, for effective implementation of the program it is expected that the program should have an education process that uses alternative assessment and evaluation tools that evaluates process and performance instead of results (NRC, 2000; Hofstein, Shore and Kipnis, 2004; Yurdakul, 2004; Taitelbaum, Mamlok-Naaman, Carmeli and Hofstein, 2008 ).
  • In this study, with the course program that is prepared based on constructivist theory how much the teachers are aware of the change in their roles and responsibilities, how much they adopt the program and how much the philosophy and characteristics of the program is understood was tried to be identified and some suggestions were made. It is thought that teachers‘ views would be a guide to the studies to identify the missing parts in due diligence of the implementation of the program and to meet the needs. In the meantime, in this study introducing not only 2007 course program but also 2011 and 2013 course programs may provide an idea about how efficient the reform will be in terms of meeting the needs.
  • Research Model: Teachers‘ views about implementation process were examined using survey model and quantitative and qualitative research designs were used to analyze the data. At the first phase of the study 131 chemistry teachers working in different type of schools in Aydın in 2009-2010 academic year were reached and their views were taken. In the second phase, representing each type of school, 12 voluntary teachers were interviewed in details about learning-teaching process. iv Yrd.Doç.Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, OFMAE, Kimya Eğitimi A.B.D, Data Collection Instruments: In this study, in order to identify teachers‘ views about the chemistry course program for 9 th grade in 2007, ―Personal Information Form‖ and ―Teacher‘s Views about Implementation of the Program Questionnaire‖ and in order to obtain detailed ideas about this process ―Interview Form‖ was used as data collection instruments.
  • Data Analyses: In the analysis of data gathered from Teacher‘s Views about Implementation of the Program Questionnaire, demographic features were considered and findings related with items that were thought to have more information was given. Data was analyzed using frequency and percentage values and presented. Data gathered from interview forms was analyzed using descriptive approach. In this purpose, teachers‘ views were categorized under certain categories and summarized. Categorization was made using interview questions and data gathered at the end of interviews. Results, Conclusion and Discussion: It was seen that there was no change in methods, techniques and strategies teachers used, they did not utilize course books and activities in them enough, they did not use these activities relevant to their purpose and they did not give enough place to laboratory practices even when they did experiments, they were demonstration experiments. They give crowded classes, students lacking readiness, lack of time, lack of in service training courses and materials, and university entrance system as justification for this situation. From teachers‘ views, it was identified that in the course books at the end of each subject although there was a section providing alternative assessment and evaluation techniques, teachers did not use them relevant to their purpose and they did not give up using traditional methods in assessment and evaluation. Teachers stated that they partially associate chemistry subjects with daily life. In conclusion it was seen that in learning environments where traditional approaches continued to be used meaningful, and permanent learning cannot be given and learning based on unique research and discovery cannot be achieved. In their planning and implementations the reason why teachers do not accomplish the criteria the program requires can be related to their competencies (NRC, 2000; MEB, 2011) as well as their beliefs about the nature of the science. Teachers who perceive science as an objective knowledge that needs to be transferred to the learner think that science can only be taught by them and this can be achieved by learners accomplishing the instructions (Cheung, 2007).
  • Key Words: Chemistry Education Program, Teachers‘ ideas, implementation of the program
Year 2014, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 231 - 260, 27.11.2014



  • AL-AMOUSH, S. A., MARKİC, S. ve EİLKS, I. (2012). Jordanian chemistry teachers` views on teaching practices and educational reform, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 13 (3), 314 – 324.
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (A.A.A.S.). (1990). Project 2061-Science for All Americans. Retrieved June 26, 2006 from sfaa/default.htm?nav
  • ANDERSON, L. ve OLSEN, B. (2006). Investigating teachers‘ perspectives on and experiences in early career professional development, Journal of Teacher Education, 57 (4), 359-377.
  • ASH, D., ve KLUGER-BELL. B. (2000). Identifying inquiry in the K-5 classroom. Foundations. Vol. 2, Inquiry: Thoughts, Views, and Strategies for the K-5 Classroom. (pp. 79-86). Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
  • AUSUBEL, P. D. (1978). In defence of advance organizers: a reply to the critics, Review of Educational Research, 48 (2), 251-257.
  • AYAS, A., ÇEPNİ, S., JOHNSON D. ve TURGUT, F. (1997). Kimya Eğitimi. Yök/Dünya Bankası Milli Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi, Ankara.
  • AYDIN, A. (2010). Cumhuriyet dönemi ortaöğretim kimya öğretim programlarının esnek program ve uygulamaları açısından değerlendirilmesi, BAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12 (2), 61-74.
  • AYDIN, A. (2010). Kimya I ders kitabının öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi, Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11 (1), 207-224.
  • BACKUS, L. (2005). A year without procedures, The Science Teacher, 72 (7), 54-58.
  • BARIN, T. B. (2009). Orta öğretim kurumlarındaki kimya öğretmenlerinin kimya öğretimindeki sorunlarının öğretmen ve öğrenci görüşlerine göre tespiti (Erzurum ili örneği), Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum.
  • BOOTH, G. (2001). Is inquiry the answer?, Science Teacher, 68 (7), 57-59.
  • BOZKURT, O. ve OLGUN, Ö. S. (2005). Fen ve Teknoloji Eğitiminde Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri. M, Aydoğdu ve T. Kesercioğlu (Editörler), İlköğretimde Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretimi, Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • BROWN, P. L., ABELL, S. K., DEMIR, A. ve SCHMIDT, F. J. (2006). College science teachers‘ views of classroom inquiry, Science Education, 90, 784-802.
  • BRYAN, L., (2003). Nestedness of beliefs: Examining a prospective elementary teacher‘s belief system about science teaching and learning, Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 40, 835–868.
  • BÜMEN, N., ATEġ, A., ÇAKAR, E., URAL, G. ve ACAR, V. (2012). Türkiye bağlamında öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi: Sorunlar ve öneriler, Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 41 (194), 31-50.
  • BYBEE, R.(2000). Teaching science as inquiry, in Minstrel, J. and. Van Zee, E.H, (Eds.), Inquiring into inquiry learning and teaching in science (pp. 20–46), Wasington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
  • CHEUNG, D. (2007, July). Confirmatory factor analysis of the attitude toward chemistry lessons scale. Proceeding of the 2nd NICE Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • CHEUNG, H. Y. (2008). Teacher efficacy: A comparative study of Hong Kong and Shanghai primary in-service teachers, The Australian Educational Researcher, 35 (1), 103-123.
  • CLARK, C. M. ve PETERSON, P. L. (1986). Teachers' thought processes. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd ed., pp. 255-296). New York: Macmillan.
  • COSTENSON, K. ve LAWSON, A. E. (1986). Why isn‘t inquiry used in more classrooms?, American Biology Teacher, 48, 150–158.
  • CZERNIAK, C. ve LUMPE, A. T. (1996). Relationship between teacher beliefs and science education reform, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 7, 247–266.
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  • Teachers‟ Views about Ninth Grade Chemistry Education Program: Sample of Aydin City Burak Feyzioğlu iv
  • Course program was prepared taking constructivist theory as the basis. If the content of this theory is considered, providing a meaningful learning with course curriculum (Ausubel, 1978; Novak, 2002; Rikers, Van Gog and Paas, 2008; Gijbels and Loyens, 2009) and by taking real life situations into classrooms, interaction of learners with real life situations via activities (Hein, 1991; Uçar and Yeşilyaprak, 2006) are expected. In accordance with learners‘ interests, demands and needs it is necessary to organize physical learning environment and with cognitive activities learning process can be achieved more comfortably, cheerfully and easily (Loyens, Rikers and Schmidt, 2008). Successful implementation of the program is possible when learning-teaching process based on deduction is provided (Uçar and Yeşilyaprak, 2006) and unique learning is achieved (Yurdakul, 2005). Moreover, for effective implementation of the program it is expected that the program should have an education process that uses alternative assessment and evaluation tools that evaluates process and performance instead of results (NRC, 2000; Hofstein, Shore and Kipnis, 2004; Yurdakul, 2004; Taitelbaum, Mamlok-Naaman, Carmeli and Hofstein, 2008 ).
  • In this study, with the course program that is prepared based on constructivist theory how much the teachers are aware of the change in their roles and responsibilities, how much they adopt the program and how much the philosophy and characteristics of the program is understood was tried to be identified and some suggestions were made. It is thought that teachers‘ views would be a guide to the studies to identify the missing parts in due diligence of the implementation of the program and to meet the needs. In the meantime, in this study introducing not only 2007 course program but also 2011 and 2013 course programs may provide an idea about how efficient the reform will be in terms of meeting the needs.
  • Research Model: Teachers‘ views about implementation process were examined using survey model and quantitative and qualitative research designs were used to analyze the data. At the first phase of the study 131 chemistry teachers working in different type of schools in Aydın in 2009-2010 academic year were reached and their views were taken. In the second phase, representing each type of school, 12 voluntary teachers were interviewed in details about learning-teaching process. iv Yrd.Doç.Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, OFMAE, Kimya Eğitimi A.B.D, Data Collection Instruments: In this study, in order to identify teachers‘ views about the chemistry course program for 9 th grade in 2007, ―Personal Information Form‖ and ―Teacher‘s Views about Implementation of the Program Questionnaire‖ and in order to obtain detailed ideas about this process ―Interview Form‖ was used as data collection instruments.
  • Data Analyses: In the analysis of data gathered from Teacher‘s Views about Implementation of the Program Questionnaire, demographic features were considered and findings related with items that were thought to have more information was given. Data was analyzed using frequency and percentage values and presented. Data gathered from interview forms was analyzed using descriptive approach. In this purpose, teachers‘ views were categorized under certain categories and summarized. Categorization was made using interview questions and data gathered at the end of interviews. Results, Conclusion and Discussion: It was seen that there was no change in methods, techniques and strategies teachers used, they did not utilize course books and activities in them enough, they did not use these activities relevant to their purpose and they did not give enough place to laboratory practices even when they did experiments, they were demonstration experiments. They give crowded classes, students lacking readiness, lack of time, lack of in service training courses and materials, and university entrance system as justification for this situation. From teachers‘ views, it was identified that in the course books at the end of each subject although there was a section providing alternative assessment and evaluation techniques, teachers did not use them relevant to their purpose and they did not give up using traditional methods in assessment and evaluation. Teachers stated that they partially associate chemistry subjects with daily life. In conclusion it was seen that in learning environments where traditional approaches continued to be used meaningful, and permanent learning cannot be given and learning based on unique research and discovery cannot be achieved. In their planning and implementations the reason why teachers do not accomplish the criteria the program requires can be related to their competencies (NRC, 2000; MEB, 2011) as well as their beliefs about the nature of the science. Teachers who perceive science as an objective knowledge that needs to be transferred to the learner think that science can only be taught by them and this can be achieved by learners accomplishing the instructions (Cheung, 2007).
  • Key Words: Chemistry Education Program, Teachers‘ ideas, implementation of the program
There are 85 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Burak Feyzioğlu

Publication Date November 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 33 Issue: 1


APA Feyzioğlu, B. (2014). Dokuzuncu Sınıf Kimya Dersi Öğretim Programına Yönelik Öğretmen Görüşleri: Aydın İli Örneği. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 33(1), 231-260.