Yazım Kuralları


IJCE accepts article submissions on topics related to educational technology and technology education.


Articles in English or Turkish can be published in IJCE. 


  • Submitted article to IJCE for publication must not be previously published, or sent to another journal for publication.
  • The articles contain nothing that is abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.
  • Articles considered for submission to IJCE can be a research paper that contribute related fields as well as review articles that present innovative or notable ideas.
  • Articles generated from conference presentations are accepted on condition that it is notified explicitly
  • Author(s) are not charged for a fee for their submission.
  • IJCe is published electronically. Thus, published articles of the journals are not sent to authors in print.


All submitted manuscripts must be prepared in strict accordance with the 7th edition of the Publication Manuel of the American Psychological Association (APA; see http://www.apastyle.org/

Please click on the link to see the manuscript template.


All manuscripts must be submitted online through IJCE online System. All authors must be registered to journal before submitting a manuscript. 

Authors are responsible for the mistakes made in the details, such as the authors’ names, institutional affiliation, title, etc..

Turkish Manuscript Template

English Manuscript Template

Copyright Transfer Agreement Form


All submitted articles are reviewed for compliance with the Journal initially by the Editor.

The submitted articles is sent at least two reviewers. Based on reviewers’ evaluations, the editor and the associate editor will accept, or reject the submitted articles.

The overall review process including review, revision of the article and final decision is completed within two months.