Ömer Bedir profil resmi
Ömer Bedir Dr. BATMANSAM Strategic Research Center
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Uzmanlık Alanları

Uluslararası İlişkiler Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye İlişkileri Türk Dış Politikası Siyasi Tarih


Senior Researcher (Kıdemli Araştırmacı), Academic English Tutor, Araştırmacı-Yazar, Mütercim-Tercüman (Professionnal Interpreter)


Senior Researcher at BATMAN-SAM Strategic Research Center 2022

Academic Language Tutor (Academic English, French and Turkish for foreigners) – Batman Translation and Language Center 

Ph.D. Researcher at Hacettepe University, Ankara 2014-2018


Ph.D. in History of Modern Turkey, Hacettepe University-Ankara, 2014-2018
Master's Degree, Public Administration,  ENA-Strasbourg & Paris, 2001-2003
Master's Degree, Construction of Europe: Institutions, Territories and Public Policies, IEP de Strasbourg, 2000-2001
Bachelor's Degree, Political Science and Public Administration, Marmara University-Istanbul, 1995-2000

T.E.D. College, 1987-1995


Turkish (Native Speaker) 


- “Demarches of the Turkish Diplomats for the Migraton of the Gagauz People to Anatolia (1930-1940)”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (1), March 2023, pp. 378-410. Available at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/deusosbil/issue/76172 and http://dx.doi.org/10.16953/deusosbil.1243738

- "A Critical Essay on the Making of Social Sciences in the Occident and the Illustrative Case of the Migration Studies". International Review of Migration and Refugee Studies, Vol. 3 (1), October 2022, pp. 7-13. Available at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/irmrs/issue/73124/1159160

- "The Phanariote System in Moldavia and Wallachia under the Ottoman Rule". Universitatea Techica a Moldovei, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. V, No: 2, June 2022, pp. 87-98. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52326/jss.utm.2022.5(2).07

- "Les Pratiques de l'Etat d'Urgence et les Droits de l'Homme: Le cas d'Expulsions Massives des Fonctionnaires Publiques en Turquie". Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa-Portugal, Janus Journal of International Relations, Vol. 12, Nº. 1, Mai-Octobre 2021, pp. 218-246. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.12.1.12 (Version française)

- “State of Emergency Practices and Human Rights: The Case of Mass Dismissals of Public Employees in Turkey”. Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa-Portugal, Janus Journal of International Relations, Vol. 12, Nº. 1, May-October 2021, pp. 206-233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.12.1.12 (English version)

- "The Flotilla Incident from the Perspective of International Law and the Judicial Rights of the Victims". Universidad de Jaén-Spain, The Age of Human Rights Journal, Vol. 15, December 2020, pp. 51-72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v15

- "From Voivodeships to Modern Romania with regard to its Relations with the Ottoman Empire: Ottoman-Romanian Diplomatic Relations". Mardin Artuklu University-Turkey, Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal, Vol. 5, December 2020, pp. 56-72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46628/itbhssj.814213
and https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/itbhssj/issue/58763/814213

- "Development of the Turkish Press in Romania and the Türk Birliği Newspaper (1930-1939)". Doğu-Batı Journal, Balkans Special Edition, Issue: 91, November 2019-January 2020, Istanbul, pp. 84-108. Only print edition available. See. https://www.dogubati.com/sayi-91-balkanlar-iii

- "Efforts during the Early Republican Era for the Migration of Gagauzs to Turkey". Iğdır University-Turkey, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 20, October 2019, pp. 239-252. Available at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/igdirsosbilder/issue/66826


Doctoral Dissertation

- "Turkish Press in Romania: Türk Birliği Newspaper (1930-1939)". Hacettepe University, History of Modern Turkey Program, Ph.D Dissertation, Ankara, 2018. Available at http://www.openaccess.hacettepe.edu.tr:8080/xmlui/handle/11655/4423 and https://acikbilim.yok.gov.tr/handle/20.500.12812/436099

Master's Thesis

- "Le Respect des Droits de l’Homme dans le Processus d’Adhésion de la Turquie à l’UE: Un Indice pour l’Evaluation de la Volonté Politique Turque à l’Adhésion". Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg, Université Robert Schuman, Master's Thesis, Strasbourg, 2001. See. http://tuisp.online.fr/2001/i.html


- Modern Turkish History
- Introduction to International Relations
- Turkish Foreign Policy
- Diplomatic Correspondence (in English and French)

- Ottoman Turkish Paleography Readings

- Turkish Language for Foreigners

- Research Methods in Social Sciences


- Romanya’da Türkçe Matbuat ve Türk Birliği Gazetesi (1878-1939), Akademisyen Publishing House, 2022, Ankara.

- An Insight to the Turkish-Romanian Diplomatic Relations: (In)dependence, Nation-State Building and Migration, Akademisyen Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.

- Güzel Sözlerle Aldatan Tilki, Story Book Series for Children,
Akademisyen Çocuk Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- İyi Yürekli Prens, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen Çocuk
Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Demet ve Internet, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen Çocuk
Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Cumhur ve Abur Cubur, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen
Çocuk Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Kararsız Ayşecik, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen Çocuk
Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Hayır Diyebilmek, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen Çocuk
Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Aslı ve Cesur Arkadaşı, Story Book Series for Children, Akademisyen
Çocuk Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.
- Hastalığına Çare Arayan Prenses, Story Book Series for Children,
Akademisyen Çocuk Publishing House, 2023, Ankara.




- Red Cross International Committee, International Humanitarian Law, France-Nice
- United Nations, Department for Disarmament Affairs, Program of Fellowships on Disarmament, Geneva and New York
- Translator Certificate in English
- Translator Certificate in French
- Young Touches to Culture and Art Project, Photography
- Turkish Ministry of Education, Formation of Professional Trainers Program
- United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Volunteering for the Sustainable Development Goals Training
- UNV, Ethics and Integrity as UN Volunteer
- UNV, Information Security Awareness
- UNV, Cultural Awareness and Working in Multi-Cultural Environments
- UNV, Volunteerism and Gender Equality
- UNV, Disability Inclusion: Building an Inclusive and Accessible United Nations
- UNV, Greening the Blue, Environment Awareness Program
- UN Human Rights Responsibilities Training
- ODTÜ-EU-ERASMUS, E-Teach Certificate


Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Canva, SPSS, KoboToolbox, G Forms


BATMANSAM Strategic Research Center

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