Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: 4, 159 - 178, 30.12.2016
Pelin Önder Erol
Duygu Altınoluk Düztaş
In rapidly changing societies, young people do not only experience a transition from adolescence to adulthood at the micro scale; but they also experience a transition from traditional to modern ways of life at the macro scale. Hence their tendency toward familism or individualism is one of the major indicators of such a dual transition. The aim of this study is to find an answer to the question whether Turkish university students (n=165) display any tendency toward familism or individualism, or they reconcile both as a strategy to emancipate from the enmeshment of family. The findings revealed that there is a coexistence of familistic and individualistic tendencies in terms of intrafamilial relationships. The findings also evidently show that students who are female, relatively younger, from rural origins and children of parents with lower educational level are more subjected to familistic values.
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